blob: f3e63a67aeee64b98a07f5d74a3bc7e6c95a2059 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <array>
#include <private/dvr/color_channel_distortion.h>
#include <private/dvr/types.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// HeadMountMetrics encapsulates metrics describing a head mount to be used
// with a display to create a head mounted display.
class HeadMountMetrics {
// The vertical point of the HMD where the lens distance is measured from.
enum VerticalAlignment { kBottom = 0, kCenter = 1, kTop = 2 };
enum EyeOrientation {
kCCW0Degrees = 0,
kCCW90Degrees = 1,
kCCW180Degrees = 2,
kCCW270Degrees = 3,
kCCW0DegreesMirrored = 4,
kCCW90DegreesMirrored = 5,
kCCW180DegreesMirrored = 6,
kCCW270DegreesMirrored = 7,
// Rotations that consist of an odd number of 90 degree rotations will swap
// the height and width of any bounding boxes/viewports. This bit informs
// any viewport manipulating code to perform the appropriate transformation.
kRightAngleBit = 0x01,
// Viewports are represented as four floating point values (four half
// angles). Rotating this structure can be done through a shift operation.
// This mask extracts the rotation portion of the orientation.
kRotationMask = 0x03,
// This mask specifies whether the output is mirrored.
kMirroredBit = 0x04
float inter_lens_distance, float tray_to_lens_distance,
float virtual_eye_to_screen_distance,
VerticalAlignment vertical_alignment, const FieldOfView& left_eye_max_fov,
const FieldOfView& right_eye_max_fov,
const std::shared_ptr<ColorChannelDistortion>& red_distortion,
const std::shared_ptr<ColorChannelDistortion>& green_distortion,
const std::shared_ptr<ColorChannelDistortion>& blue_distortion,
EyeOrientation left_eye_orientation, EyeOrientation right_eye_orientation,
float screen_center_to_lens_distance)
: inter_lens_distance_(inter_lens_distance),
eye_max_fov_({{left_eye_max_fov, right_eye_max_fov}}),
{{red_distortion, green_distortion, blue_distortion}}),
eye_orientation_({{left_eye_orientation, right_eye_orientation}}) {
// If we're missing the green or blur distortions, assume that we don't
// correct for chromatic aberration.
if (!green_distortion || !blue_distortion) {
color_channel_distortion_[1] = red_distortion;
color_channel_distortion_[2] = red_distortion;
supports_chromatic_aberration_correction_ = false;
// Returns the distance in meters between the optical centers of the two
// lenses.
float GetInterLensDistance() const { return inter_lens_distance_; }
// Returns the distance in meters from the "tray" upon which the display
// rests to the optical center of a lens.
float GetTrayToLensDistance() const { return tray_to_lens_distance_; }
// Returns the distance in meters from the virtual eye to the screen.
// See http://go/vr-distortion-correction for an explanation of what
// this distance is.
float GetVirtualEyeToScreenDistance() const {
return virtual_eye_to_screen_distance_;
// Returns the horizontal distance from the center of the screen to the center
// of the lens, in meters.
float GetScreenCenterToLensDistance() const {
return screen_center_to_lens_distance_;
// Returns the vertical alignment of the HMD. The tray-to-lens distance
// is relative to this position. Exception: if the alignment is kCenter,
// then the offset has no meaning.
VerticalAlignment GetVerticalAlignment() const { return vertical_alignment_; }
// Returns the given eye's maximum field of view visible through the lens.
// The actual rendered field of view will be limited by this and also by
// the size of the screen.
const FieldOfView& GetEyeMaxFov(EyeType eye) const {
return eye_max_fov_[eye];
// Returns the ColorChannelDistortion object representing the distortion
// caused by the lenses for the given color channel.
const ColorChannelDistortion& GetColorChannelDistortion(
RgbColorChannel channel) const {
return *color_channel_distortion_[channel];
bool supports_chromatic_aberration_correction() const {
return supports_chromatic_aberration_correction_;
EyeOrientation GetEyeOrientation(EyeType eye) const {
return eye_orientation_[eye];
float inter_lens_distance_;
float tray_to_lens_distance_;
float virtual_eye_to_screen_distance_;
float screen_center_to_lens_distance_;
VerticalAlignment vertical_alignment_;
std::array<FieldOfView, 2> eye_max_fov_;
std::array<std::shared_ptr<ColorChannelDistortion>, 3>
bool supports_chromatic_aberration_correction_;
std::array<EyeOrientation, 2> eye_orientation_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android