blob: 77b5d728783d7631f9727dd9ec724d3f13a5843f [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "CardboardDevice";
option optimize_for = SPEED;
package proto;
* Message describing properties of a VR head mount device (HMD) which uses an
* interchangeable smartphone as a display (e.g. Google Cardboard).
* While some properties are certain (e.g. inter_lens_distance), others
* represent nominal values which may be refined depending on context (e.g.
* viewport_angles).
* Lengths are in meters unless noted otherwise. Fields are _required_
* unless noted otherwise.
* Some context on why this set of parameters are deemed necessary and
* sufficient:
* * FOV scale can be reasonably approximated from lens-to-screen distance
* and display size (i.e. knowing lens focal length isn't crucial).
* * Lenses are assumed to be horizontally centered with respect to
* display.
* * The display is not necessarily vertically centered. For interchangeable
* phones where the device rests against a tray, we can derive
* the vertical offset from tray-to-lens height along with phone-specific
* bezel and screen sizes (supplied separately).
message DeviceParams {
// String identifying the device's vendor (e.g. "Google, Inc.").
// A device's [vendor, model] pair is expected to be globally unique.
optional string vendor = 1;
// String identifying the device's model, including revision info if
// needed (e.g. "Cardboard v1"). A device's [vendor, model] pair is
// expected to be globally unique.
optional string model = 2;
// Distance from the display screen to the optical center of lenses.
// This is a required field for distortion rendering, and must be positive.
optional float screen_to_lens_distance = 3;
// Horizontal distance between optical center of the lenses.
// This is a required field for distortion rendering, and must be positive.
optional float inter_lens_distance = 4;
// Four-element tuple (left, right, bottom, top) of left eye's view extent
// angles relative to center, assuming the following:
// * eye is aligned with optical center of lens
// * display screen is equal or larger than extents viewable through lens
// * nominal eye-to-lens distance
// * mirrored field of view will be applied to the right eye
// These values are essentially used as an optimization to avoid rendering
// pixels which can't be seen.
// This is a required field for distortion rendering, and angles must be
// positive.
repeated float left_eye_field_of_view_angles = 5 [packed = true];
enum VerticalAlignmentType {
BOTTOM = 0; // phone rests against a fixed bottom tray
CENTER = 1; // phone screen assumed to be centered w.r.t. lenses
TOP = 2; // phone rests against a fixed top tray
// Set according to vertical alignment strategy-- see enum comments above.
// NOTE: If you set this to CENTER, see special instructions for the
// tray_to_lens_distance field below.
optional VerticalAlignmentType vertical_alignment = 11 [default = BOTTOM];
// If the phone is aligned vertically within the device by resting against
// a fixed top or bottom tray, this is the distance from the tray to
// optical center of the lenses.
// This is a required field for distortion rendering, and must be positive.
// NOTE: Due to a bug in initial versions of the SDK's, this field
// must be set explicitly to .035 when vertical_alignment = CENTER.
optional float tray_to_lens_distance = 6;
// Coefficients Ki for pincushion distortion function which maps
// from position on real screen to virtual screen (i.e. texture) relative
// to optical center:
// p' = p (1 + K1 r^2 + K2 r^4 + ... + Kn r^(2n))
// where r is the distance in tan-angle units from the optical center,
// p the input point, and p' the output point. Tan-angle units can be
// computed as distance on the screen divided by distance from the
// virtual eye to the screen.
repeated float distortion_coefficients = 7 [packed = true];
// Slots 8, 9 reserved for per-color channel distortion.
// Optionally, whether the head mount uses a magnet in any part of its
// design. Intended as hint as to whether phone's magnetometer is
// available for tasks such as orientation tracking.
optional bool has_magnet = 10;
enum ButtonType {
// No physical button, and touch screen is not easily accessible.
NONE = 0;
// HMD has integrated magnet switch similar to original Cardboard.
// At least a portion of touch screen is easily accessible to user for taps.
TOUCH = 2;
// Touch screen is triggered indirectly via integrated button on the HMD.
// Specify primary input mechanism of the HMD. Intended for advisory
// purposes only, to address simple questions such as "can HMD
// be used with apps requiring a physical button event?" or "what icon
// should be used to represent button action to the user?".
optional ButtonType primary_button = 12 [default = MAGNET];
// Some internal data for Cardboard. This data is not intended to be
// set or used by developers, and any data in this proto is not guaranteed
// to be supported with new SDK updates.
optional CardboardInternalParams internal = 1729;
// Optionally, specifies the additional parameters that are necessary for
// a Daydream-ready headset. This field is non-null if the headset is
// Daydream-ready.
// TODO(b/30112366) The inclusion of this message inside a DeviceParams is a
// somewhat ugly result of some historical choices in the SDK. We should
// consider refactoring our code to allow us to remove this, and the
// CardboardInternalParams messages from this proto.
optional DaydreamInternalParams daydream_internal = 196883;
// TODO(b/27108179): CardboardInternalParams should be migrated into its own
// file, and not live in this file.
* Message describing parameters that are used internally by Cardboard
* and VRToolkit. These parameters don't necessarily fit into the DeviceParams
* notion of a VR viewer combined with user's phone (e.g. case of viewer with
* dedicated display, etc.) and are not intended to be used by developers
* and may or may not be supported or changed without notice on new releases
* of the Cardboard SDK or VR Toolkit.
message CardboardInternalParams {
// Used to specify a per-eye post-process transformation -- an optional
// rotation and x-axis reflection -- to be applied after distortion
// correction.
enum OrientationType {
CCW_180_DEGREES = 2;
CCW_270_DEGREES = 3;
// Specify a post-process transformation that is applied after the distortion
// function. This field is optional, if not specified, CCW_0_DEGREES is
// assumed. If repeated, the first orientation is for the left eye, the second
// is for the right eye.
// For example, if [CCW_90_DEGREES, CCW_270_DEGREES_MIRRORED] is specified,
// this input:
// ***************** *****************
// *1 2* *1 2*
// * * * * *** *
// * * * * * * *
// * **** * * * * *
// *4 3* *4 3*
// ***************** *****************
// is rendered on the screen like this:
// ***************** *****************
// *2 * 3* *3 * 2*
// * * * * ** *
// * * * * * *
// * *** * * *** *
// *1 4* *4 1*
// ***************** *****************
repeated OrientationType eye_orientations = 1 [packed = true];
// Specify a horizontal offset from the middle of the screen to the center of
// the lens, in meters. If one is not provided, half of the inter lens
// distance is used.
// This is only necessary if the HMD has some sort of periscope effect, where
// the position of the lenses, relative to the screen, is different than
// their position relative to the user.
// For example, in the HMD below, two mirrors reflect the image from the
// screen to the user, creating a larger inter lens distance than the screen
// can support.
// [In the diagram below, S = screen, L = lens]
// screen_center_to_lens_distance
// |--|
// -------------------------
// | | | | |
// | /----/ | \----\ |
// | | | | |
// | LLL LLL |
// |---------------|
// inter_lens_distance
optional float screen_center_to_lens_distance = 2;
// Optional x-dimension physical pixels per inch of the external display,
// assuming landscape orientation. If set, this will override OS-reported
// values.
optional float x_ppi_override = 3;
// Optional y-dimension physical pixels per inch of the external display,
// assuming landscape orientation. If set, this will override OS-reported
// values.
optional float y_ppi_override = 4;
// Optional string identifying the device's accelerometer and gyroscope.
// If either field is filled out, the corresponding sensor (gyroscope or
// accelerometer) will be used for head tracking.
// Valid strings are usually found in:
// vendor/<vendorname>/<devicename>/xxx/sensors.cpp
// For dynamic sensors, this string will be provided in a separate way.
// NB: Vendors and manufacturers should make the name of the sensor as
// specific as possible, since if multiple sensors with the same name are
// connected, the first will be used.
optional string accelerometer = 5;
optional string gyroscope = 6;
* Message describing the additional properties of a Daydream-ready headset that
* are not used for a normal cardboard viewer. These parameters are not intended
* to be used, or consumed, by developers and may or may not be supported or
* changed without notice on new releases of the Cardboard SDK or VR Toolkit.
message DaydreamInternalParams {
// The version of the Daydream-ready specification to which this device
// conforms.
optional int32 version = 1;
// Optionally, specifies the collection of screen alignment markers in the
// headset.
repeated ScreenAlignmentMarker alignment_markers = 2;
* Message describing a single screen alignment marker.
* A screen alignment marker is a capacitive touch point affixed to the headset
* which is capable of making contact with the screen. The location of the touch
* point is given in meters, measured along a horizontal axis which passes
* through the center of both lenses, and a vertical axis which is equidistant
* from the centers of the lenses. A positive vertical value indicates that the
* point lies above the horizontal axis, and a positive horizontal value
* indicates that the point lies to the right, as seen by a user of the headset,
* of the vertical axis. For example, if the following is a representation of a
* headset, viewed from the point of view of a user, with three points marked by
* the numbers 1, 2, and 3.
* *****************************************************************************
* * ^ *
* * _____ | _____ *
* * / \ 1 / \ *
* * / \ | / \ *
* * / \ | / \ *
* * / \ | / \ *
* * / \ | / \ *
* *---------|-------*-------|----------+------2---|-------*-------|---------->*
* * \ / | \ / *
* * \ / | \ / *
* * \ / 3 | \ / *
* * \ / | \ / *
* * \_____/ | \_____/ *
* * | *
* * | *
* *****************************************************************************
* Then the coordinates of point 1 could be horizontal = 0.0, vertical = 0.035;
* point 2 could be horizontal = 0.02; and point 3 could be horizontal = -0.01
* vertical = -0.012
message ScreenAlignmentMarker {
// The horizontal coordinate of the touch point.
optional float horizontal = 1;
// The vertical coordinate of the touch point.
optional float vertical = 2;