blob: 1efe938b173bcc786c3538b1a5fb1e14a2f606c6 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <private/dvr/pose_predictor.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
// This class makes a linear prediction using the last two samples we received.
class LinearPosePredictor : public PosePredictor {
LinearPosePredictor() = default;
// Add a new sample.
void Add(const Sample& sample, DvrPoseAsync* out_pose) override;
// Predict using the last two samples.
void Predict(int64_t left_time_ns, int64_t right_time_ns,
DvrPoseAsync* out_pose) const override;
// The index of the last sample we received.
size_t current_index_ = 0;
// The previous two samples.
Sample samples_[2];
// Experimental
bool forward_predict_angular_speed_ = false;
// Transient variables updated when a sample is added.
vec3d velocity_ = vec3d::Zero();
vec3d rotational_velocity_ = vec3d::Zero();
vec3d rotational_axis_ = vec3d::Zero();
double last_angular_speed_ = 0;
double angular_speed_ = 0;
double angular_accel_ = 0;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android