blob: 6c4f58a5046c496ccaad585e37c725d8b82ec17b [file] [log] [blame]
#include <iostream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <private/dvr/linear_pose_predictor.h>
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
namespace {
// For comparing expected and actual.
constexpr double kAbsErrorTolerance = 1e-5;
// The default rotation axis we will be using.
const vec3d kRotationAxis = vec3d(1, 4, 3).normalized();
// Linearly interpolate between a and b.
vec3d lerp(const vec3d& a, const vec3d& b, double t) { return (b - a) * t + a; }
// Linearly interpolate between two angles and return the resulting rotation as
// a quaternion (around the kRotationAxis).
quatd qlerp(double angle1, double angle2, double t) {
return quatd(
Eigen::AngleAxis<double>((angle2 - angle1) * t + angle1, kRotationAxis));
// Compare two positions.
void TestPosition(const vec3d& expected, const float32x4_t& actual) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
EXPECT_NEAR(expected[i], static_cast<double>(actual[i]),
// Compare two orientations.
void TestOrientation(const quatd& expected, const float32x4_t& actual) {
// abs( > 1-eps
EXPECT_GE(std::abs(vec4d(actual[0], actual[1], actual[2], actual[3])
// Test the extrapolation from two samples.
TEST(LinearPosePredictorTest, Extrapolation) {
LinearPosePredictor predictor;
// We wil extrapolate linearly from [position|orientation] 1 -> 2.
const vec3d position1(0, 0, 0);
const vec3d position2(1, 2, 3);
const double angle1 = M_PI * 0.3;
const double angle2 = M_PI * 0.5;
const quatd orientation1(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(angle1, kRotationAxis));
const quatd orientation2(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(angle2, kRotationAxis));
const int64_t t1_ns = 0; //< First sample time stamp
const int64_t t2_ns = 10; //< The second sample time stamp
const int64_t eval_left_ns = 23; //< The eval time for left
const int64_t eval_right_ns = 31; //< The eval time for right
DvrPoseAsync start_pose, end_pose, extrapolated_pose;
.position = position1, .orientation = orientation1, .time_ns = t1_ns},
// The start pose is passthough.
TestPosition(position1, start_pose.translation);
TestPosition(position1, start_pose.right_translation);
TestOrientation(orientation1, start_pose.orientation);
TestOrientation(orientation1, start_pose.right_orientation);
EXPECT_EQ(t1_ns, start_pose.timestamp_ns);
.position = position2, .orientation = orientation2, .time_ns = t2_ns},
TestPosition(position2, end_pose.translation);
TestPosition(position2, end_pose.right_translation);
TestOrientation(orientation2, end_pose.orientation);
TestOrientation(orientation2, end_pose.right_orientation);
EXPECT_EQ(t2_ns, end_pose.timestamp_ns);
// Extrapolate from t1 - t2 to eval_[left/right].
predictor.Predict(eval_left_ns, eval_right_ns, &extrapolated_pose);
// The interpolation factors for left and right.
const auto left_t =
(eval_left_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
EXPECT_EQ(2.3, left_t);
const auto right_t =
(eval_right_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
EXPECT_EQ(3.1, right_t);
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position2, left_t),
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position2, right_t),
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle2, left_t), extrapolated_pose.orientation);
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle2, right_t),
// Test three samples, where the last two samples have the same timestamp.
TEST(LinearPosePredictorTest, DuplicateSamples) {
LinearPosePredictor predictor;
const vec3d position1(0, 0, 0);
const vec3d position2(1, 2, 3);
const vec3d position3(2, 2, 3);
const double angle1 = M_PI * 0.3;
const double angle2 = M_PI * 0.5;
const double angle3 = M_PI * 0.65;
const quatd orientation1(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(angle1, kRotationAxis));
const quatd orientation2(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(angle2, kRotationAxis));
const quatd orientation3(Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(angle3, kRotationAxis));
const int64_t t1_ns = 0;
const int64_t t2_ns = 10;
const int64_t eval_left_ns = 27;
const int64_t eval_right_ns = 31;
DvrPoseAsync start_pose, end_pose, extrapolated_pose;
.position = position1, .orientation = orientation1, .time_ns = t1_ns},
.position = position2, .orientation = orientation2, .time_ns = t2_ns},
// Extrapolate from t1 - t2 to eval_[left/right].
predictor.Predict(eval_left_ns, eval_right_ns, &extrapolated_pose);
// The interpolation factors for left and right.
const auto left_t =
(eval_left_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
const auto right_t =
(eval_right_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
// Test the result.
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position2, left_t),
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position2, right_t),
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle2, left_t),
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle2, right_t),
// Sending a duplicate sample here.
.position = position3, .orientation = orientation3, .time_ns = t2_ns},
// Extrapolate from t1 - t2 to eval_[left/right].
predictor.Predict(eval_left_ns, eval_right_ns, &extrapolated_pose);
// The interpolation factors for left and right.
const auto left_t =
(eval_left_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
const auto right_t =
(eval_right_ns - t1_ns) / static_cast<double>(t2_ns - t1_ns);
// Test the result.
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position3, left_t),
TestPosition(lerp(position1, position3, right_t),
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle3, left_t),
TestOrientation(qlerp(angle1, angle3, right_t),
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android