blob: c35fadaea938e087fa833bf99ede120bec021696 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <forward_list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <pdx/service.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "sensor_thread.h"
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
class SensorClient;
* SensorService implements the sensor service over ServiceFS.
* The sensor service provides an interface to one sensor over
* each channel.
class SensorService : public pdx::ServiceBase<SensorService> {
int HandleMessage(pdx::Message& msg) override;
std::shared_ptr<pdx::Channel> OnChannelOpen(pdx::Message& msg) override;
void OnChannelClose(pdx::Message& msg,
const std::shared_ptr<pdx::Channel>& chan) override;
// Enqueue the events in [begin_events, end_events) onto any clients that care
// about them.
// Safe to call concurrently with any other public member functions.
void EnqueueEvents(const sensors_event_t* begin_events,
const sensors_event_t* end_events);
friend BASE;
// Initializes the service. Keeps a reference to sensor_thread, which must be
// non-null.
explicit SensorService(SensorThread* sensor_thread);
// The abstraction around the sensor HAL.
SensorThread* sensor_thread_;
// All of the clients we are connected to. This is the one place in this class
// where we keep the SensorClient instances alive using shared_ptr instances.
std::forward_list<std::shared_ptr<SensorClient>> clients_;
// Map types back to sensor indexes.
std::unordered_map<int, int> type_to_sensor_;
// For each sensor, the list of clients that are connected to it.
// Every entry in here must also be in clients_, so that its reference count
// remains positive.
std::vector<std::forward_list<SensorClient*>> sensor_clients_;
// Protects access to all member variables.
std::mutex mutex_;
// None of the following functions is thread-safe; callers must lock mutex_
// before calling one.
void AddClient(const std::shared_ptr<SensorClient>& client);
void RemoveClient(const std::shared_ptr<SensorClient>& client);
// Dissociate the indicated client from its sensor, if it has one; otherwise
// do nothing.
void RemoveSensorClient(SensorClient* client);
SensorService(const SensorService&) = delete;
void operator=(const SensorService&) = delete;
* SensorClient manages the service-side per-client context for each client
* using the service.
class SensorClient : public pdx::Channel {
SensorClient(SensorService& /*service*/, int /*pid*/, int /*cid*/)
: sensor_index_(-1), has_sensor_index_(false) {}
bool has_sensor() const { return has_sensor_index_; }
int sensor() const { return sensor_index_; }
void set_sensor(int sensor) {
sensor_index_ = sensor;
has_sensor_index_ = true;
void unset_sensor() {
sensor_index_ = -1;
has_sensor_index_ = false;
int EventCount() const { return event_queue_.Count(); }
// Push an event onto our queue.
void EnqueueEvent(const sensors_event_t& event) { event_queue_.Push(event); }
// Write all the events in our queue (and clear it) to the supplied
// buffer. Buffer must be large enough.
void WriteEvents(sensors_event_t* buffer);
SensorClient(const SensorClient&) = delete;
SensorClient& operator=(const SensorClient&) = delete;
int sensor_index_ = -1;
bool has_sensor_index_ = false;
// Circular queue holds as-yet-unasked-for events for the sensor associated
// with this client.
class CircularQ {
static const int kCqSize = 10;
CircularQ() : head_(0), tail_(0), count_(0) {}
~CircularQ() {}
void Push(const sensors_event_t& event);
const sensors_event_t* Top() const;
void Pop();
bool Empty() const { return count_ == 0; }
int Count() const { return count_; }
sensors_event_t events_[kCqSize];
int head_ = 0;
int tail_ = 0;
int count_ = 0;
CircularQ event_queue_;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android