blob: 615fc758d9628b5859e65e86d4ad18c4c9807432 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <dvr/pose_client.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <vector>
// Creates a pose client and polls 30x for new data. Prints timestamp and
// latency. Latency is calculated based on the difference between the
// current clock and the timestamp from the Myriad, which has been synced
// to QC time. Note that there is some clock drift and clocks are only sycned
// when the FW is loaded.
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
DvrPose* pose_client = dvrPoseCreate();
if (pose_client == nullptr) {
printf("Unable to create pose client\n");
return -1;
DvrPoseAsync last_state;
DvrPoseAsync current_state;
last_state.timestamp_ns = 0;
current_state.timestamp_ns = 0;
double avg_latency = 0;
double min_latency = (float)UINT64_MAX;
double max_latency = 0;
double std = 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> latency;
int num_samples = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; ++i) {
while (last_state.timestamp_ns == current_state.timestamp_ns) {
uint32_t vsync_count = dvrPoseGetVsyncCount(pose_client);
int err = dvrPoseGet(pose_client, vsync_count, &current_state);
if (err) {
printf("Error polling pose: %d\n", err);
return err;
struct timespec timespec;
uint64_t timestamp, diff;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timespec);
timestamp =
((uint64_t)timespec.tv_sec * 1000000000) + (uint64_t)timespec.tv_nsec;
if (timestamp < current_state.timestamp_ns) {
printf("ERROR: excessive clock drift detected, reload FW to resync\n");
return -1;
diff = timestamp - current_state.timestamp_ns;
printf("%02d) ts = %" PRIu64 " time = %" PRIu64 "\n", i + 1,
current_state.timestamp_ns, timestamp);
printf("\tlatency: %" PRIu64 " ns (%" PRIu64 " us) (%" PRIu64 " ms)\n",
diff, diff / 1000, diff / 1000000);
avg_latency += diff;
if (diff < min_latency) {
min_latency = diff;
if (diff > max_latency) {
max_latency = diff;
last_state = current_state;
avg_latency /= num_samples;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < latency.size(); i++) {
std += pow(latency[i] - avg_latency, 2);
std /= latency.size();
std = sqrt(std);
printf("Avg latency = %lf ns (%lf us) (%lf ms)\n", avg_latency,
avg_latency / 1000, avg_latency / 1000000);
printf("Max latency = %lf ns (%lf us) (%lf ms)\n", max_latency,
max_latency / 1000, max_latency / 1000000);
printf("Min latency = %lf ns (%lf us) (%lf ms)\n", min_latency,
min_latency / 1000, min_latency / 1000000);
printf("Standard dev = %lf ns (%lf us) (%lf ms)\n", std, std / 1000,
std / 1000000);
return 0;