blob: 0688c944d8a3c19578f92287f5fd499431a1b62a [file] [log] [blame]
#include <private/dvr/graphics/mesh.h>
#include <private/dvr/graphics/shader_program.h>
#include <android/dvr/IVirtualTouchpadService.h>
#include <deque>
#include "application.h"
#include "reticle.h"
#include "surface_flinger_view.h"
namespace android {
namespace dvr {
class ShellView : public Application, public HwcCallback::Client {
virtual ~ShellView();
int Initialize(JNIEnv* env, jobject app_context,
jobject class_loader) override;
int AllocateResources() override;
void DeallocateResources() override;
void EnableDebug(bool debug);
void VrMode(bool mode);
void DrawEye(EyeType eye, const mat4& perspective, const mat4& eye_matrix,
const mat4& head_matrix) override;
void OnVisibilityChanged(bool visible) override;
void DrawOverlays(const mat4& perspective, const mat4& eye_matrix,
const mat4& head_matrix);
void DrawReticle(const mat4& perspective, const mat4& eye_matrix,
const mat4& head_matrix);
void DrawIme();
void DrawDimOverlay(const mat4& mvp, const TextureLayer& layer,
const vec2& top_left, const vec2& bottom_right);
void DrawController(const mat4& perspective, const mat4& eye_matrix,
const mat4& head_matrix);
bool IsHit(const vec3& view_location, const vec3& view_direction,
vec3* hit_location, vec2* hit_location_in_window_coord,
bool test_ime);
bool IsImeHit(const vec3& view_location, const vec3& view_direction,
vec3 *hit_location);
bool InitializeTouch();
void Touch();
void OnDrawFrame() override;
void DrawWithTransform(const mat4& transform, const ShaderProgram& program);
bool OnClick(bool down);
// HwcCallback::Client:
void OnFrame(std::unique_ptr<HwcCallback::Frame> frame) override;
std::unique_ptr<ShaderProgram> program_;
std::unique_ptr<ShaderProgram> overlay_program_;
std::unique_ptr<ShaderProgram> controller_program_;
uint32_t current_vr_app_;
// Used to center the scene when the shell becomes visible.
bool should_recenter_ = true;
mat4 initial_head_matrix_;
mat4 scale_;
mat4 translate_;
mat4 ime_translate_;
vec2 size_;
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFlingerView> surface_flinger_view_;
std::unique_ptr<Reticle> reticle_;
sp<IVirtualTouchpadService> virtual_touchpad_;
std::vector<TextureLayer> textures_;
TextureLayer ime_texture_;
bool is_touching_ = false;
bool allow_input_ = false;
vec2 hit_location_in_window_coord_;
vec2 ime_top_left_;
vec2 ime_size_;
bool has_ime_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<Mesh<vec3, vec3, vec2>> controller_mesh_;
struct PendingFrame {
PendingFrame() = default;
PendingFrame(std::unique_ptr<HwcCallback::Frame>&& frame, bool visibility)
: frame(std::move(frame)), visibility(visibility) {}
PendingFrame(PendingFrame&& r)
: frame(std::move(r.frame)), visibility(r.visibility) {}
void operator=(PendingFrame&& r) {
visibility = r.visibility;
std::unique_ptr<HwcCallback::Frame> frame;
bool visibility = false;
std::deque<PendingFrame> pending_frames_;
std::mutex pending_frame_mutex_;
PendingFrame current_frame_;
mat4 controller_translate_;
ShellView(const ShellView&) = delete;
void operator=(const ShellView&) = delete;
} // namespace dvr
} // namespace android