blob: bdb261478f9085009635ec941d3c6236b62aadee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
* NOTE: Make sure this file doesn't include anything from <gl/ > or <gl2/ >
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <utils/Atomic.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <binder/IMemory.h>
#include <ui/PixelFormat.h>
#include <ui/mat4.h>
#include <gui/ISurfaceComposer.h>
#include <gui/ISurfaceComposerClient.h>
#include <gui/OccupancyTracker.h>
#include <hardware/hwcomposer_defs.h>
#include <system/graphics.h>
#include <private/gui/LayerState.h>
#include "Barrier.h"
#include "DisplayDevice.h"
#include "DispSync.h"
#include "FenceTracker.h"
#include "FrameTracker.h"
#include "MessageQueue.h"
#include "SurfaceInterceptor.h"
#include "DisplayHardware/HWComposer.h"
#include "Effects/Daltonizer.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Client;
class DisplayEventConnection;
class EventThread;
class IGraphicBufferAlloc;
class Layer;
class LayerDim;
class Surface;
class RenderEngine;
class EventControlThread;
class VSyncSource;
class InjectVSyncSource;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum {
eTransactionNeeded = 0x01,
eTraversalNeeded = 0x02,
eDisplayTransactionNeeded = 0x04,
eTransactionMask = 0x07
class SurfaceFlinger : public BnSurfaceComposer,
private IBinder::DeathRecipient,
private HWComposer::EventHandler
static char const* getServiceName() ANDROID_API {
return "SurfaceFlinger";
SurfaceFlinger() ANDROID_API;
// must be called before clients can connect
void init() ANDROID_API;
// starts SurfaceFlinger main loop in the current thread
void run() ANDROID_API;
enum {
// post an asynchronous message to the main thread
status_t postMessageAsync(const sp<MessageBase>& msg, nsecs_t reltime = 0, uint32_t flags = 0);
// post a synchronous message to the main thread
status_t postMessageSync(const sp<MessageBase>& msg, nsecs_t reltime = 0, uint32_t flags = 0);
// force full composition on all displays
void repaintEverything();
// returns the default Display
sp<const DisplayDevice> getDefaultDisplayDevice() const {
return getDisplayDevice(mBuiltinDisplays[DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY]);
// utility function to delete a texture on the main thread
void deleteTextureAsync(uint32_t texture);
// enable/disable h/w composer event
// TODO: this should be made accessible only to EventThread
#ifdef USE_HWC2
void setVsyncEnabled(int disp, int enabled);
void eventControl(int disp, int event, int enabled);
// called on the main thread by MessageQueue when an internal message
// is received
// TODO: this should be made accessible only to MessageQueue
void onMessageReceived(int32_t what);
// for debugging only
// TODO: this should be made accessible only to HWComposer
const Vector< sp<Layer> >& getLayerSortedByZForHwcDisplay(int id);
RenderEngine& getRenderEngine() const {
return *mRenderEngine;
friend class Client;
friend class DisplayEventConnection;
friend class EventThread;
friend class Layer;
friend class MonitoredProducer;
// This value is specified in number of frames. Log frame stats at most
// every half hour.
enum { LOG_FRAME_STATS_PERIOD = 30*60*60 };
static const size_t MAX_LAYERS = 4096;
// We're reference counted, never destroy SurfaceFlinger directly
virtual ~SurfaceFlinger();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Internal data structures
class LayerVector : public SortedVector< sp<Layer> > {
LayerVector(const LayerVector& rhs);
virtual int do_compare(const void* lhs, const void* rhs) const;
struct State {
LayerVector layersSortedByZ;
DefaultKeyedVector< wp<IBinder>, DisplayDeviceState> displays;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* IBinder interface
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ISurfaceComposer interface
virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection();
virtual sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> createGraphicBufferAlloc();
virtual sp<IBinder> createDisplay(const String8& displayName, bool secure);
virtual void destroyDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display);
virtual sp<IBinder> getBuiltInDisplay(int32_t id);
virtual void setTransactionState(const Vector<ComposerState>& state,
const Vector<DisplayState>& displays, uint32_t flags);
virtual void bootFinished();
virtual bool authenticateSurfaceTexture(
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& bufferProducer) const;
virtual status_t getSupportedFrameTimestamps(
std::vector<SupportableFrameTimestamps>* outSupported) const;
virtual sp<IDisplayEventConnection> createDisplayEventConnection();
virtual status_t captureScreen(const sp<IBinder>& display,
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer,
Rect sourceCrop, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight,
uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ,
bool useIdentityTransform, ISurfaceComposer::Rotation rotation);
virtual status_t getDisplayStats(const sp<IBinder>& display,
DisplayStatInfo* stats);
virtual status_t getDisplayConfigs(const sp<IBinder>& display,
Vector<DisplayInfo>* configs);
virtual int getActiveConfig(const sp<IBinder>& display);
virtual status_t getDisplayColorModes(const sp<IBinder>& display,
Vector<android_color_mode_t>* configs);
virtual android_color_mode_t getActiveColorMode(const sp<IBinder>& display);
virtual status_t setActiveColorMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, android_color_mode_t colorMode);
virtual void setPowerMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, int mode);
virtual status_t setActiveConfig(const sp<IBinder>& display, int id);
virtual status_t clearAnimationFrameStats();
virtual status_t getAnimationFrameStats(FrameStats* outStats) const;
virtual status_t getHdrCapabilities(const sp<IBinder>& display,
HdrCapabilities* outCapabilities) const;
virtual status_t enableVSyncInjections(bool enable);
virtual status_t injectVSync(nsecs_t when);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DeathRecipient interface
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* RefBase interface
virtual void onFirstRef();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* HWComposer::EventHandler interface
virtual void onVSyncReceived(int type, nsecs_t timestamp);
virtual void onHotplugReceived(int disp, bool connected);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Message handling
void waitForEvent();
void signalTransaction();
void signalLayerUpdate();
void signalRefresh();
// called on the main thread in response to initializeDisplays()
void onInitializeDisplays();
// called on the main thread in response to setActiveConfig()
void setActiveConfigInternal(const sp<DisplayDevice>& hw, int mode);
// called on the main thread in response to setPowerMode()
void setPowerModeInternal(const sp<DisplayDevice>& hw, int mode);
// Called on the main thread in response to setActiveColorMode()
void setActiveColorModeInternal(const sp<DisplayDevice>& hw, android_color_mode_t colorMode);
// Returns whether the transaction actually modified any state
bool handleMessageTransaction();
// Returns whether a new buffer has been latched (see handlePageFlip())
bool handleMessageInvalidate();
void handleMessageRefresh();
void handleTransaction(uint32_t transactionFlags);
void handleTransactionLocked(uint32_t transactionFlags);
void updateCursorAsync();
/* handlePageFlip - latch a new buffer if available and compute the dirty
* region. Returns whether a new buffer has been latched, i.e., whether it
* is necessary to perform a refresh during this vsync.
bool handlePageFlip();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Transactions
uint32_t getTransactionFlags(uint32_t flags);
uint32_t peekTransactionFlags(uint32_t flags);
uint32_t setTransactionFlags(uint32_t flags);
void commitTransaction();
uint32_t setClientStateLocked(const sp<Client>& client, const layer_state_t& s);
uint32_t setDisplayStateLocked(const DisplayState& s);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Layer management
status_t createLayer(const String8& name, const sp<Client>& client,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, PixelFormat format, uint32_t flags,
sp<IBinder>* handle, sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>* gbp);
status_t createNormalLayer(const sp<Client>& client, const String8& name,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t flags, PixelFormat& format,
sp<IBinder>* outHandle, sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>* outGbp,
sp<Layer>* outLayer);
status_t createDimLayer(const sp<Client>& client, const String8& name,
uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t flags, sp<IBinder>* outHandle,
sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>* outGbp, sp<Layer>* outLayer);
// called in response to the window-manager calling
// ISurfaceComposerClient::destroySurface()
status_t onLayerRemoved(const sp<Client>& client, const sp<IBinder>& handle);
// called when all clients have released all their references to
// this layer meaning it is entirely safe to destroy all
// resources associated to this layer.
status_t onLayerDestroyed(const wp<Layer>& layer);
// remove a layer from SurfaceFlinger immediately
status_t removeLayer(const wp<Layer>& layer);
// add a layer to SurfaceFlinger
status_t addClientLayer(const sp<Client>& client,
const sp<IBinder>& handle,
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& gbc,
const sp<Layer>& lbc);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Boot animation, on/off animations and screen capture
void startBootAnim();
void renderScreenImplLocked(
const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw,
Rect sourceCrop, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight,
uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ,
bool yswap, bool useIdentityTransform, Transform::orientation_flags rotation);
status_t captureScreenImplLocked(
const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw,
const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer,
Rect sourceCrop, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight,
uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ,
bool useIdentityTransform, Transform::orientation_flags rotation,
bool isLocalScreenshot);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t getMaxTextureSize() const;
size_t getMaxViewportDims() const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display and layer stack management
// called when starting, or restarting after system_server death
void initializeDisplays();
// Create an IBinder for a builtin display and add it to current state
void createBuiltinDisplayLocked(DisplayDevice::DisplayType type);
// NOTE: can only be called from the main thread or with mStateLock held
sp<const DisplayDevice> getDisplayDevice(const wp<IBinder>& dpy) const {
return mDisplays.valueFor(dpy);
// NOTE: can only be called from the main thread or with mStateLock held
sp<DisplayDevice> getDisplayDevice(const wp<IBinder>& dpy) {
return mDisplays.valueFor(dpy);
int32_t getDisplayType(const sp<IBinder>& display) {
if (!display.get()) return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
for (int i = 0; i < DisplayDevice::NUM_BUILTIN_DISPLAY_TYPES; ++i) {
if (display == mBuiltinDisplays[i]) {
return i;
// mark a region of a layer stack dirty. this updates the dirty
// region of all screens presenting this layer stack.
void invalidateLayerStack(uint32_t layerStack, const Region& dirty);
#ifndef USE_HWC2
int32_t allocateHwcDisplayId(DisplayDevice::DisplayType type);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* H/W composer
HWComposer& getHwComposer() const { return *mHwc; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compositing
void invalidateHwcGeometry();
static void computeVisibleRegions(
const LayerVector& currentLayers, uint32_t layerStack,
Region& dirtyRegion, Region& opaqueRegion);
void preComposition();
void postComposition(nsecs_t refreshStartTime);
void rebuildLayerStacks();
void setUpHWComposer();
void doComposition();
void doDebugFlashRegions();
void doDisplayComposition(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw, const Region& dirtyRegion);
// compose surfaces for display hw. this fails if using GL and the surface
// has been destroyed and is no longer valid.
bool doComposeSurfaces(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw, const Region& dirty);
void postFramebuffer();
void drawWormhole(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw, const Region& region) const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Display management
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* VSync
void enableHardwareVsync();
void resyncToHardwareVsync(bool makeAvailable);
void disableHardwareVsync(bool makeUnavailable);
void resyncWithRateLimit();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Debugging & dumpsys
void listLayersLocked(const Vector<String16>& args, size_t& index, String8& result) const;
void dumpStatsLocked(const Vector<String16>& args, size_t& index, String8& result) const;
void clearStatsLocked(const Vector<String16>& args, size_t& index, String8& result);
void dumpAllLocked(const Vector<String16>& args, size_t& index, String8& result) const;
bool startDdmConnection();
static void appendSfConfigString(String8& result);
void checkScreenshot(size_t w, size_t s, size_t h, void const* vaddr,
const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw,
uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ);
void logFrameStats();
void dumpStaticScreenStats(String8& result) const;
void recordBufferingStats(const char* layerName,
std::vector<OccupancyTracker::Segment>&& history);
void dumpBufferingStats(String8& result) const;
bool getFrameTimestamps(const Layer& layer, uint64_t frameNumber,
FrameTimestamps* outTimestamps);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attributes
// access must be protected by mStateLock
mutable Mutex mStateLock;
State mCurrentState;
volatile int32_t mTransactionFlags;
Condition mTransactionCV;
bool mTransactionPending;
bool mAnimTransactionPending;
Vector< sp<Layer> > mLayersPendingRemoval;
SortedVector< wp<IBinder> > mGraphicBufferProducerList;
// protected by mStateLock (but we could use another lock)
bool mLayersRemoved;
// access must be protected by mInvalidateLock
volatile int32_t mRepaintEverything;
// constant members (no synchronization needed for access)
HWComposer* mHwc;
RenderEngine* mRenderEngine;
nsecs_t mBootTime;
bool mGpuToCpuSupported;
sp<EventThread> mEventThread;
sp<EventThread> mSFEventThread;
sp<EventThread> mInjectorEventThread;
sp<InjectVSyncSource> mVSyncInjector;
sp<EventControlThread> mEventControlThread;
EGLContext mEGLContext;
EGLDisplay mEGLDisplay;
sp<IBinder> mBuiltinDisplays[DisplayDevice::NUM_BUILTIN_DISPLAY_TYPES];
// Can only accessed from the main thread, these members
// don't need synchronization
State mDrawingState;
bool mVisibleRegionsDirty;
#ifndef USE_HWC2
bool mHwWorkListDirty;
bool mGeometryInvalid;
bool mAnimCompositionPending;
#ifdef USE_HWC2
std::vector<sp<Layer>> mLayersWithQueuedFrames;
sp<Fence> mPreviousPresentFence = Fence::NO_FENCE;
bool mHadClientComposition = false;
// this may only be written from the main thread with mStateLock held
// it may be read from other threads with mStateLock held
DefaultKeyedVector< wp<IBinder>, sp<DisplayDevice> > mDisplays;
// don't use a lock for these, we don't care
int mDebugRegion;
int mDebugDDMS;
int mDebugDisableHWC;
int mDebugDisableTransformHint;
volatile nsecs_t mDebugInSwapBuffers;
nsecs_t mLastSwapBufferTime;
volatile nsecs_t mDebugInTransaction;
nsecs_t mLastTransactionTime;
bool mBootFinished;
bool mForceFullDamage;
FenceTracker mFenceTracker;
#ifdef USE_HWC2
bool mPropagateBackpressure = true;
SurfaceInterceptor mInterceptor;
bool mUseHwcVirtualDisplays = true;
// these are thread safe
mutable MessageQueue mEventQueue;
FrameTracker mAnimFrameTracker;
DispSync mPrimaryDispSync;
// protected by mDestroyedLayerLock;
mutable Mutex mDestroyedLayerLock;
Vector<Layer const *> mDestroyedLayers;
// protected by mHWVsyncLock
Mutex mHWVsyncLock;
bool mPrimaryHWVsyncEnabled;
bool mHWVsyncAvailable;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Feature prototyping
bool mInjectVSyncs;
Daltonizer mDaltonizer;
#ifndef USE_HWC2
bool mDaltonize;
mat4 mPreviousColorMatrix;
mat4 mColorMatrix;
bool mHasColorMatrix;
// Static screen stats
bool mHasPoweredOff;
static const size_t NUM_BUCKETS = 8; // < 1-7, 7+
nsecs_t mFrameBuckets[NUM_BUCKETS];
nsecs_t mTotalTime;
std::atomic<nsecs_t> mLastSwapTime;
// Double- vs. triple-buffering stats
struct BufferingStats {
: numSegments(0),
tripleBufferedTime(0) {}
size_t numSegments;
nsecs_t totalTime;
// "Two buffer" means that a third buffer was never used, whereas
// "double-buffered" means that on average the segment only used two
// buffers (though it may have used a third for some part of the
// segment)
nsecs_t twoBufferTime;
nsecs_t doubleBufferedTime;
nsecs_t tripleBufferedTime;
mutable Mutex mBufferingStatsMutex;
std::unordered_map<std::string, BufferingStats> mBufferingStats;
// Verify that transaction is being called by an approved process:
status_t CheckTransactCodeCredentials(uint32_t code);
}; // namespace android