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* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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* limitations under the License.
//! Rust API for interacting with a remote binder service.
use crate::binder::{
AsNative, FromIBinder, IBinder, Interface, InterfaceClass, TransactionCode, TransactionFlags,
use crate::error::{status_result, Result, StatusCode};
use crate::parcel::{
Deserialize, DeserializeArray, DeserializeOption, Parcel, Serialize, SerializeArray,
use crate::sys;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::ffi::{c_void, CString};
use std::fmt;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::ptr;
/// A strong reference to a Binder remote object.
/// This struct encapsulates the generic C++ `sp<IBinder>` class. This wrapper
/// is untyped; typed interface access is implemented by the AIDL compiler.
pub struct SpIBinder(*mut sys::AIBinder);
impl fmt::Debug for SpIBinder {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// # Safety
/// An `SpIBinder` is a handle to a C++ IBinder, which is thread-safe
unsafe impl Send for SpIBinder {}
impl SpIBinder {
/// Create an `SpIBinder` wrapper object from a raw `AIBinder` pointer.
/// # Safety
/// This constructor is safe iff `ptr` is a null pointer or a valid pointer
/// to an `AIBinder`.
/// In the non-null case, this method conceptually takes ownership of a strong
/// reference to the object, so `AIBinder_incStrong` must have been called
/// on the pointer before passing it to this constructor. This is generally
/// done by Binder NDK methods that return an `AIBinder`, but care should be
/// taken to ensure this invariant.
/// All `SpIBinder` objects that are constructed will hold a valid pointer
/// to an `AIBinder`, which will remain valid for the entire lifetime of the
/// `SpIBinder` (we keep a strong reference, and only decrement on drop).
pub(crate) unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut sys::AIBinder) -> Option<Self> {
ptr.as_mut().map(|p| Self(p))
/// Return true if this binder object is hosted in a different process than
/// the current one.
pub fn is_remote(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that it always contains a valid
// `AIBinder` pointer.
/// Try to convert this Binder object into a trait object for the given
/// Binder interface.
/// If this object does not implement the expected interface, the error
/// `StatusCode::BAD_TYPE` is returned.
pub fn into_interface<I: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(self) -> Result<Box<I>> {
/// Return the interface class of this binder object, if associated with
/// one.
pub(crate) fn get_class(&mut self) -> Option<InterfaceClass> {
unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that it always contains a valid
// `AIBinder` pointer. `AIBinder_getClass` returns either a null
// pointer or a valid pointer to an `AIBinder_Class`. After mapping
// null to None, we can safely construct an `InterfaceClass` if the
// pointer was non-null.
let class = sys::AIBinder_getClass(self.as_native_mut());
class.as_ref().map(|p| InterfaceClass::from_ptr(p))
/// An object that can be associate with an [`InterfaceClass`].
pub trait AssociateClass {
/// Check if this object is a valid object for the given interface class
/// `I`.
/// Returns `Some(self)` if this is a valid instance of the interface, and
/// `None` otherwise.
/// Classes constructed by `InterfaceClass` are unique per type, so
/// repeatedly calling this method for the same `InterfaceClass` is allowed.
fn associate_class(&mut self, class: InterfaceClass) -> bool;
impl AssociateClass for SpIBinder {
fn associate_class(&mut self, class: InterfaceClass) -> bool {
unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that it always contains a valid
// `AIBinder` pointer. An `InterfaceClass` can always be converted
// into a valid `AIBinder_Class` pointer, so these parameters are
// always safe.
sys::AIBinder_associateClass(self.as_native_mut(), class.into())
impl PartialEq for SpIBinder {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
ptr::eq(self.0, other.0)
impl Eq for SpIBinder {}
impl Clone for SpIBinder {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
unsafe {
// Safety: Cloning a strong reference must increment the reference
// count. We are guaranteed by the `SpIBinder` constructor
// invariants that `self.0` is always a valid `AIBinder` pointer.
impl Drop for SpIBinder {
// We hold a strong reference to the IBinder in SpIBinder and need to give up
// this reference on drop.
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: SpIBinder always holds a valid `AIBinder` pointer, so we
// know this pointer is safe to pass to `AIBinder_decStrong` here.
impl<T: AsNative<sys::AIBinder>> IBinder for T {
/// Perform a binder transaction
fn transact<F: FnOnce(&mut Parcel) -> Result<()>>(
code: TransactionCode,
flags: TransactionFlags,
input_callback: F,
) -> Result<Parcel> {
let mut input = ptr::null_mut();
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. It is safe to cast from an
// immutable pointer to a mutable pointer here, because
// `AIBinder_prepareTransaction` only calls immutable `AIBinder`
// methods but the parameter is unfortunately not marked as const.
// After the call, input will be either a valid, owned `AParcel`
// pointer, or null.
sys::AIBinder_prepareTransaction(self.as_native() as *mut sys::AIBinder, &mut input)
let mut input = unsafe {
// Safety: At this point, `input` is either a valid, owned `AParcel`
// pointer, or null. `Parcel::owned` safely handles both cases,
// taking ownership of the parcel.
input_callback(&mut input)?;
let mut reply = ptr::null_mut();
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. Although `IBinder::transact` is
// not a const method, it is still safe to cast our immutable
// pointer to mutable for the call. First, `IBinder::transact` is
// thread-safe, so concurrency is not an issue. The only way that
// `transact` can affect any visible, mutable state in the current
// process is by calling `onTransact` for a local service. However,
// in order for transactions to be thread-safe, this method must
// dynamically lock its data before modifying it. We enforce this
// property in Rust by requiring `Sync` for remotable objects and
// only providing `on_transact` with an immutable reference to
// `self`.
// This call takes ownership of the `input` parcel pointer, and
// passes ownership of the `reply` out parameter to its caller. It
// does not affect ownership of the `binder` parameter.
self.as_native() as *mut sys::AIBinder,
&mut input.into_raw(),
&mut reply,
unsafe {
// Safety: `reply` is either a valid `AParcel` pointer or null
// after the call to `AIBinder_transact` above, so we can
// construct a `Parcel` out of it. `AIBinder_transact` passes
// ownership of the `reply` parcel to Rust, so we need to
// construct an owned variant. `Parcel::owned` takes ownership
// of the parcel pointer.
fn is_binder_alive(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`.
// This call does not affect ownership of its pointer parameter.
fn ping_binder(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`.
// This call does not affect ownership of its pointer parameter.
fn set_requesting_sid(&mut self, enable: bool) {
unsafe {
sys::AIBinder_setRequestingSid(self.as_native_mut(), enable)
fn dump<F: AsRawFd>(&mut self, fp: &F, args: &[&str]) -> Result<()> {
let args: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|a| CString::new(*a).unwrap()).collect();
let mut arg_ptrs: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|a| a.as_ptr()).collect();
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. `AsRawFd` guarantees that the
// file descriptor parameter is always be a valid open file. The
// `args` pointer parameter is a valid pointer to an array of C
// strings that will outlive the call since `args` lives for the
// whole function scope.
// This call does not affect ownership of its binder pointer
// parameter and does not take ownership of the file or args array
// parameters.
fn get_extension(&mut self) -> Result<Option<SpIBinder>> {
let mut out = ptr::null_mut();
let status = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. After this call, the `out`
// parameter will be either null, or a valid pointer to an
// `AIBinder`.
// This call passes ownership of the out pointer to its caller
// (assuming it is set to a non-null value).
sys::AIBinder_getExtension(self.as_native_mut(), &mut out)
let ibinder = unsafe {
// Safety: The call above guarantees that `out` is either null or a
// valid, owned pointer to an `AIBinder`, both of which are safe to
// pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
fn link_to_death(&mut self, recipient: &mut DeathRecipient) -> Result<()> {
status_result(unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. `recipient` can always be
// converted into a valid pointer to an
// `AIBinder_DeatRecipient`. Any value is safe to pass as the
// cookie, although we depend on this value being set by
// `get_cookie` when the death recipient callback is called.
fn unlink_to_death(&mut self, recipient: &mut DeathRecipient) -> Result<()> {
status_result(unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `self` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`. `recipient` can always be
// converted into a valid pointer to an
// `AIBinder_DeatRecipient`. Any value is safe to pass as the
// cookie, although we depend on this value being set by
// `get_cookie` when the death recipient callback is called.
impl Serialize for SpIBinder {
fn serialize(&self, parcel: &mut Parcel) -> Result<()> {
impl SerializeOption for SpIBinder {
fn serialize_option(this: Option<&Self>, parcel: &mut Parcel) -> Result<()> {
impl SerializeArray for SpIBinder {}
impl SerializeArray for Option<&SpIBinder> {}
impl Deserialize for SpIBinder {
fn deserialize(parcel: &Parcel) -> Result<SpIBinder> {
impl DeserializeOption for SpIBinder {
fn deserialize_option(parcel: &Parcel) -> Result<Option<SpIBinder>> {
impl DeserializeArray for SpIBinder {}
impl DeserializeArray for Option<SpIBinder> {}
/// A weak reference to a Binder remote object.
/// This struct encapsulates the C++ `wp<IBinder>` class. However, this wrapper
/// is untyped, so properly typed versions implementing a particular binder
/// interface should be crated with [`declare_binder_interface!`].
pub struct WpIBinder(*mut sys::AIBinder_Weak);
impl WpIBinder {
/// Create a new weak reference from an object that can be converted into a
/// raw `AIBinder` pointer.
pub fn new<B: AsNative<sys::AIBinder>>(binder: &mut B) -> WpIBinder {
let ptr = unsafe {
// Safety: `SpIBinder` guarantees that `binder` always contains a
// valid pointer to an `AIBinder`.
/// Promote this weak reference to a strong reference to the binder object.
pub fn promote(&self) -> Option<SpIBinder> {
unsafe {
// Safety: `WpIBinder` always contains a valid weak reference, so we
// can pass this pointer to `AIBinder_Weak_promote`. Returns either
// null or an AIBinder owned by the caller, both of which are valid
// to pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
let ptr = sys::AIBinder_Weak_promote(self.0);
/// Rust wrapper around DeathRecipient objects.
pub struct DeathRecipient {
recipient: *mut sys::AIBinder_DeathRecipient,
callback: Box<dyn Fn() + Send + 'static>,
impl DeathRecipient {
/// Create a new death recipient that will call the given callback when its
/// associated object dies.
pub fn new<F>(callback: F) -> DeathRecipient
F: Fn() + Send + 'static,
let callback = Box::new(callback);
let recipient = unsafe {
// Safety: The function pointer is a valid death recipient callback.
// This call returns an owned `AIBinder_DeathRecipient` pointer
// which must be destroyed via `AIBinder_DeathRecipient_delete` when
// no longer needed.
DeathRecipient {
/// Get the opaque cookie that identifies this death recipient.
/// This cookie will be used to link and unlink this death recipient to a
/// binder object and will be passed to the `binder_died` callback as an
/// opaque userdata pointer.
fn get_cookie(&self) -> *mut c_void {
&*self.callback as *const _ as *mut c_void
/// Callback invoked from C++ when the binder object dies.
/// # Safety
/// The `cookie` parameter must have been created with the `get_cookie`
/// method of this object.
unsafe extern "C" fn binder_died<F>(cookie: *mut c_void)
F: Fn() + Send + 'static,
let callback = (cookie as *mut F).as_ref().unwrap();
/// # Safety
/// A `DeathRecipient` is always constructed with a valid raw pointer to an
/// `AIBinder_DeathRecipient`, so it is always type-safe to extract this
/// pointer.
unsafe impl AsNative<sys::AIBinder_DeathRecipient> for DeathRecipient {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AIBinder_DeathRecipient {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AIBinder_DeathRecipient {
impl Drop for DeathRecipient {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
// Safety: `self.recipient` is always a valid, owned
// `AIBinder_DeathRecipient` pointer returned by
// `AIBinder_DeathRecipient_new` when `self` was created. This
// delete method can only be called once when `self` is dropped.
/// Generic interface to remote binder objects.
/// Corresponds to the C++ `BpInterface` class.
pub trait Proxy: Sized + Interface {
/// The Binder interface descriptor string.
/// This string is a unique identifier for a Binder interface, and should be
/// the same between all implementations of that interface.
fn get_descriptor() -> &'static str;
/// Create a new interface from the given proxy, if it matches the expected
/// type of this interface.
fn from_binder(binder: SpIBinder) -> Result<Self>;
/// # Safety
/// This is a convenience method that wraps `AsNative` for `SpIBinder` to allow
/// invocation of `IBinder` methods directly from `Interface` objects. It shares
/// the same safety as the implementation for `SpIBinder`.
unsafe impl<T: Proxy> AsNative<sys::AIBinder> for T {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AIBinder {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AIBinder {
/// Retrieve an existing service, blocking for a few seconds if it doesn't yet
/// exist.
pub fn get_service(name: &str) -> Option<SpIBinder> {
let name = CString::new(name).ok()?;
unsafe {
// Safety: `AServiceManager_getService` returns either a null pointer or
// a valid pointer to an owned `AIBinder`. Either of these values is
// safe to pass to `SpIBinder::from_raw`.
/// Retrieve an existing service for a particular interface, blocking for a few
/// seconds if it doesn't yet exist.
pub fn get_interface<T: FromIBinder + ?Sized>(name: &str) -> Result<Box<T>> {
let service = get_service(name);
match service {
Some(service) => FromIBinder::try_from(service),
None => Err(StatusCode::NAME_NOT_FOUND),
/// # Safety
/// `SpIBinder` guarantees that `binder` always contains a valid pointer to an
/// `AIBinder`, so we can trivially extract this pointer here.
unsafe impl AsNative<sys::AIBinder> for SpIBinder {
fn as_native(&self) -> *const sys::AIBinder {
fn as_native_mut(&mut self) -> *mut sys::AIBinder {