blob: 03933b4518e4a8f5e376dc4e89b578e6ef3a8bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.os.ServiceSpecificException;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
import android.view.Display;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Implementation of {@link CarLaunchParamsModifierUpdatable}.
* @hide
@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.MODULE_LIBRARIES)
public final class CarLaunchParamsModifierUpdatableImpl
implements CarLaunchParamsModifierUpdatable {
private static final String TAG = "CAR.LAUNCH";
private static final boolean DBG = Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG);
private final CarLaunchParamsModifierInterface mBuiltin;
private final Object mLock = new Object();
// Always start with USER_SYSTEM as the timing of handleCurrentUserSwitching(USER_SYSTEM) is not
// guaranteed to be earler than 1st Activity launch.
private int mCurrentDriverUser = UserManagerHelper.USER_SYSTEM;
// TODO: Switch from tracking displays to tracking display areas instead
* This one is for holding all passenger (=profile user) displays which are mostly static unless
* displays are added / removed. Note that {@link #mDisplayToProfileUserMapping} can be empty
* while user is assigned and that cannot always tell if specific display is for driver or not.
private final ArrayList<Integer> mPassengerDisplays = new ArrayList<>();
/** key: display id, value: profile user id */
private final SparseIntArray mDisplayToProfileUserMapping = new SparseIntArray();
/** key: profile user id, value: display id */
private final SparseIntArray mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser = new SparseIntArray();
private boolean mIsSourcePreferred;
private List<ComponentName> mSourcePreferredComponents;
/** key: Activity, value: TaskDisplayAreaWrapper */
private final ArrayMap<ComponentName, TaskDisplayAreaWrapper> mPersistentActivities =
new ArrayMap<>();
public CarLaunchParamsModifierUpdatableImpl(CarLaunchParamsModifierInterface builtin) {
mBuiltin = builtin;
public DisplayManager.DisplayListener getDisplayListener() {
return mDisplayListener;
private final DisplayManager.DisplayListener mDisplayListener =
new DisplayManager.DisplayListener() {
public void onDisplayAdded(int displayId) {
// ignore. car service should update whiltelist.
public void onDisplayRemoved(int displayId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
public void onDisplayChanged(int displayId) {
// ignore
private void updateProfileUserConfigForDisplayRemovalLocked(int displayId) {
int i = mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser.indexOfValue(displayId);
if (i >= 0) {
* Sets {@code sourcePreferred} configuration. When {@code sourcePreferred} is enabled and
* there is no pre-assigned display for the Activity, CarLauncherParamsModifier will launch
* the Activity in the display of the source. When {@code sourcePreferredComponents} isn't null
* the {@code sourcePreferred} is applied for the {@code sourcePreferredComponents} only.
* @param enableSourcePreferred whether to enable sourcePreferred mode
* @param sourcePreferredComponents null for all components, or the list of components to apply
public void setSourcePreferredComponents(boolean enableSourcePreferred,
@Nullable List<ComponentName> sourcePreferredComponents) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mIsSourcePreferred = enableSourcePreferred;
mSourcePreferredComponents = sourcePreferredComponents;
if (mSourcePreferredComponents != null) {
/** Notifies user starting. */
public void handleUserStarting(int startingUser) {
// Do nothing
/** Notifies user switching. */
public void handleCurrentUserSwitching(@UserIdInt int newUserId) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mCurrentDriverUser = newUserId;
private void removeUserFromAllowlistsLocked(int userId) {
for (int i = mDisplayToProfileUserMapping.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (mDisplayToProfileUserMapping.valueAt(i) == userId) {
/** Notifies user stopped. */
public void handleUserStopped(@UserIdInt int stoppedUser) {
// Note that the current user is never stopped. It always takes switching into
// non-current user before stopping the user.
synchronized (mLock) {
* Sets display allowlist for the {@code userId}. For passenger user, activity will be always
* launched to a display in the allowlist. If requested display is not in the allowlist, the 1st
* display in the allowlist will be selected as target display.
* <p>The allowlist is kept only for profile user. Assigning the current user unassigns users
* for the given displays.
public void setDisplayAllowListForUser(@UserIdInt int userId, int[] displayIds) {
if (DBG) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "setDisplayAllowlistForUser userId:%d displays:%s",
userId, Arrays.toString(displayIds));
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int displayId : displayIds) {
if (!mPassengerDisplays.contains(displayId)) {
Slogf.w(TAG, "setDisplayAllowlistForUser called with display:%d"
+ " not in passenger display list:%s", displayId, mPassengerDisplays);
if (userId == mCurrentDriverUser) {
} else {
mDisplayToProfileUserMapping.put(displayId, userId);
// now the display cannot be a default display for other user
int i = mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser.indexOfValue(displayId);
if (i >= 0) {
if (displayIds.length > 0) {
mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser.put(userId, displayIds[0]);
} else {
* Sets displays assigned to passenger. All other displays will be treated as assigned to
* driver.
* <p>The 1st display in the array will be considered as a default display to assign
* for any non-driver user if there is no display assigned for the user. </p>
public void setPassengerDisplays(int[] displayIdsForPassenger) {
if (DBG) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "setPassengerDisplays displays:%s",
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int id : displayIdsForPassenger) {
// handle removed displays
for (int i = 0; i < mPassengerDisplays.size(); i++) {
int displayId = mPassengerDisplays.get(i);
for (int id : displayIdsForPassenger) {
* Calculates {@code outParams} based on the given arguments.
* See {@code LaunchParamsController.LaunchParamsModifier.onCalculate()} for the detail.
public int calculate(CalculateParams params) {
TaskWrapper task = params.getTask();
ActivityRecordWrapper activity = params.getActivity();
ActivityRecordWrapper source = params.getSource();
ActivityOptionsWrapper options = params.getOptions();
RequestWrapper request = params.getRequest();
LaunchParamsWrapper currentParams = params.getCurrentParams();
LaunchParamsWrapper outParams = params.getOutParams();
int userId;
if (task != null) {
userId = task.getUserId();
} else if (activity != null) {
userId = activity.getUserId();
} else {
Slogf.w(TAG, "onCalculate, cannot decide user");
return LaunchParamsWrapper.RESULT_SKIP;
// DisplayArea where user wants to launch the Activity.
TaskDisplayAreaWrapper originalDisplayArea = currentParams.getPreferredTaskDisplayArea();
// DisplayArea where CarLaunchParamsModifier targets to launch the Activity.
TaskDisplayAreaWrapper targetDisplayArea = null;
ComponentName activityName = activity.getComponentName();
if (DBG) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "onCalculate, userId:%d original displayArea:%s actvity:%s options:%s",
userId, originalDisplayArea, activityName, options);
synchronized (mLock) {
// If originalDisplayArea is set, respect that before ActivityOptions check.
if (originalDisplayArea == null) {
if (options != null) {
originalDisplayArea = options.getLaunchTaskDisplayArea();
if (originalDisplayArea == null) {
originalDisplayArea = mBuiltin.getDefaultTaskDisplayAreaOnDisplay(
if (mPersistentActivities.containsKey(activityName)) {
targetDisplayArea = mPersistentActivities.get(activityName);
} else if (originalDisplayArea == null // No specified DA to launch the Activity
&& mIsSourcePreferred && source != null
&& (mSourcePreferredComponents == null || Collections.binarySearch(
mSourcePreferredComponents, activityName) >= 0)) {
targetDisplayArea = source.isNoDisplay() ? source.getHandoverTaskDisplayArea()
: source.getDisplayArea();
} else if (originalDisplayArea == null
&& task == null // launching as a new task
&& source != null && !source.isDisplayTrusted()
&& !source.allowingEmbedded()) {
if (DBG) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "Disallow launch on virtual display for not-embedded activity.");
targetDisplayArea = mBuiltin.getDefaultTaskDisplayAreaOnDisplay(
if (userId == mCurrentDriverUser) {
// Respect the existing DisplayArea.
break decision;
if (userId == UserManagerHelper.USER_SYSTEM) {
// This will be only allowed if it has FLAG_SHOW_FOR_ALL_USERS.
// The flag is not immediately accessible here so skip the check.
// But other WM policy will enforce it.
break decision;
// Now user is a passenger.
if (mPassengerDisplays.isEmpty()) {
// No displays for passengers. This could be old user and do not do anything.
break decision;
if (targetDisplayArea == null) {
if (originalDisplayArea != null) {
targetDisplayArea = originalDisplayArea;
} else {
targetDisplayArea = mBuiltin.getDefaultTaskDisplayAreaOnDisplay(
Display display = targetDisplayArea.getDisplay();
if ((display.getFlags() & Display.FLAG_PRIVATE) != 0) {
// private display should follow its own restriction rule.
break decision;
if (DisplayHelper.getType(display) == DisplayHelper.TYPE_VIRTUAL) {
// TODO(b/132903422) : We need to update this after the bug is resolved.
// For now, don't change anything.
break decision;
int userForDisplay = mDisplayToProfileUserMapping.get(display.getDisplayId(),
if (userForDisplay == userId) {
break decision;
targetDisplayArea = getAlternativeDisplayAreaForPassengerLocked(
userId, activity, request);
if (targetDisplayArea != null && originalDisplayArea != targetDisplayArea) {
Slogf.i(TAG, "Changed launching display, user:%d requested display area:%s"
+ " target display area:%s", userId, originalDisplayArea, targetDisplayArea);
return LaunchParamsWrapper.RESULT_DONE;
} else {
return LaunchParamsWrapper.RESULT_SKIP;
private TaskDisplayAreaWrapper getAlternativeDisplayAreaForPassengerLocked(int userId,
@NonNull ActivityRecordWrapper activtyRecord, @Nullable RequestWrapper request) {
List<TaskDisplayAreaWrapper> fallbacks = mBuiltin.getFallbackDisplayAreasForActivity(
activtyRecord, request);
for (int i = 0, size = fallbacks.size(); i < size; ++i) {
TaskDisplayAreaWrapper fallbackTda = fallbacks.get(i);
int userForDisplay = getUserIdForDisplayLocked(fallbackTda.getDisplay().getDisplayId());
if (userForDisplay == userId) {
return fallbackTda;
return fallbackDisplayAreaForUserLocked(userId);
* Returns {@code userId} who is allowed to use the given {@code displayId}, or
* {@code UserHandle.USER_NULL} if the display doesn't exist in the mapping.
private int getUserIdForDisplayLocked(int displayId) {
return mDisplayToProfileUserMapping.get(displayId, UserManagerHelper.USER_NULL);
* Return a {@link TaskDisplayAreaWrapper} that can be used if a source display area is
* not found. First check the default display for the user. If it is absent select
* the first passenger display if present. If both are absent return {@code null}
* @param userId ID of the active user
* @return {@link TaskDisplayAreaWrapper} that is recommended when a display area is
* not specified
private TaskDisplayAreaWrapper fallbackDisplayAreaForUserLocked(@UserIdInt int userId) {
int displayIdForUserProfile = mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser.get(userId,
if (displayIdForUserProfile != Display.INVALID_DISPLAY) {
int displayId = mDefaultDisplayForProfileUser.get(userId);
return mBuiltin.getDefaultTaskDisplayAreaOnDisplay(displayId);
if (!mPassengerDisplays.isEmpty()) {
int displayId = mPassengerDisplays.get(0);
return mBuiltin.getDefaultTaskDisplayAreaOnDisplay(displayId);
return null;
* See {@link CarActivityManager#setPersistentActivity(android.content.ComponentName,int, int)}
public int setPersistentActivity(ComponentName activity, int displayId, int featureId) {
if (DBG) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "setPersistentActivity: activity=%s, displayId=%d, featureId=%d",
activity, displayId, featureId);
if (featureId == DisplayAreaOrganizerHelper.FEATURE_UNDEFINED) {
synchronized (mLock) {
TaskDisplayAreaWrapper removed = mPersistentActivities.remove(activity);
if (removed == null) {
throw new ServiceSpecificException(
"Failed to remove " + activity.toShortString());
return CarActivityManager.RESULT_SUCCESS;
TaskDisplayAreaWrapper tda = mBuiltin.findTaskDisplayArea(displayId, featureId);
if (tda == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown display=" + displayId
+ " or feature=" + featureId);
synchronized (mLock) {
mPersistentActivities.put(activity, tda);
return CarActivityManager.RESULT_SUCCESS;