blob: 40f740a21eb31f6a877946455d624959e26f81e0 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _RS_STRUCTS_H_
#define _RS_STRUCTS_H_
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class Allocation owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsAllocation.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsAllocationGetDimX(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* allocations.
typedef enum {
} rs_allocation_mipmap_control;
typedef struct Allocation {
#ifndef __LP64__
char __pad[32];
char __pad[56];
struct {
void * drv;
struct {
const void *type;
uint32_t usageFlags;
rs_allocation_mipmap_control mipmapControl;
uint32_t yuv;
uint32_t elementSizeBytes;
bool hasMipmaps;
bool hasFaces;
bool hasReferences;
void * usrPtr;
int32_t surfaceTextureID;
void * nativeBuffer;
int64_t timestamp;
} state;
struct DrvState {
struct LodState {
void * mallocPtr;
size_t stride;
uint32_t dimX;
uint32_t dimY;
uint32_t dimZ;
} lod[16/*android::renderscript::Allocation::MAX_LOD*/];
size_t faceOffset;
uint32_t lodCount;
uint32_t faceCount;
struct YuvState {
uint32_t shift;
uint32_t step;
} yuv;
} drvState;
} mHal;
} Allocation_t;
#ifndef __LP64__
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class ProgramStore owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsProgramStore.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsgProgramStoreGetDepthFunc(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* program store.
typedef struct ProgramStore {
char __pad[40];
struct {
struct {
bool ditherEnable;
bool colorRWriteEnable;
bool colorGWriteEnable;
bool colorBWriteEnable;
bool colorAWriteEnable;
rs_blend_src_func blendSrc;
rs_blend_dst_func blendDst;
bool depthWriteEnable;
rs_depth_func depthFunc;
} state;
} mHal;
} ProgramStore_t;
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class ProgramRaster owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsProgramRaster.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsgProgramRasterGetCullMode(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* program raster.
typedef struct ProgramRaster {
char __pad[36];
struct {
void * drv;
struct {
bool pointSprite;
rs_cull_mode cull;
} state;
} mHal;
} ProgramRaster_t;
#endif //__LP64__
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class Sampler owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsSampler.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsgProgramRasterGetMagFilter(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* samplers.
typedef struct Sampler {
#ifndef __LP64__
char __pad[32];
char __pad[56];
struct {
void *drv;
struct {
rs_sampler_value magFilter;
rs_sampler_value minFilter;
rs_sampler_value wrapS;
rs_sampler_value wrapT;
rs_sampler_value wrapR;
float aniso;
} state;
} mHal;
} Sampler_t;
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class Element owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsElement.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsElementGetSubElementCount(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* elements.
typedef struct Element {
#ifndef __LP64__
char __pad[32];
char __pad[56];
struct {
void *drv;
struct {
rs_data_type dataType;
rs_data_kind dataKind;
uint32_t vectorSize;
uint32_t elementSizeBytes;
// Subelements
const void **fields;
uint32_t *fieldArraySizes;
const char **fieldNames;
uint32_t *fieldNameLengths;
uint32_t *fieldOffsetBytes;
uint32_t fieldsCount;
} state;
} mHal;
} Element_t;
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class Type owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsType.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsAllocationGetElement(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* types.
typedef struct Type {
#ifndef __LP64__
char __pad[32];
char __pad[56];
struct {
void *drv;
struct {
const void * element;
uint32_t dimX;
uint32_t dimY;
uint32_t dimZ;
uint32_t *lodDimX;
uint32_t *lodDimY;
uint32_t *lodDimZ;
uint32_t *lodOffset;
uint32_t lodCount;
bool faces;
} state;
} mHal;
} Type_t;
#ifndef __LP64__
* The following structure layout provides a more efficient way to access
* internal members of the C++ class Mesh owned by librs. Unfortunately,
* since this class has virtual members, we can't simply use offsetof() or any
* other compiler trickery to dynamically get the appropriate values at
* build-time. This layout may need to be updated whenever
* frameworks/base/libs/rs/rsMesh.h is modified.
* Having the layout information available in this file allows us to
* accelerate functionality like rsMeshGetVertexAllocationCount(). Without this
* information, we would not be able to inline the bitcode, thus resulting in
* potential runtime performance penalties for tight loops operating on
* meshes.
typedef struct Mesh {
char __pad[32];
struct {
void *drv;
struct {
void **vertexBuffers;
uint32_t vertexBuffersCount;
// indexBuffers[i] could be nullptr, in which case only primitives[i] is used
void **indexBuffers;
uint32_t indexBuffersCount;
rs_primitive *primitives;
uint32_t primitivesCount;
} state;
} mHal;
} Mesh_t;
#endif //__LP64__
#endif // _RS_CORE_H_