blob: 115fea27084a9e5acc3630dcf91ce40ef15849d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.arch.paging
import org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import org.mockito.Mockito.verify
import org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions
class KeyedDataSourceTest {
// ----- STANDARD -----
fun loadInitial_validateTestDataSource() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// all
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID, dataSource.loadInitial(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.size))
// 10
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10), dataSource.loadInitial(10))
// too many
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID, dataSource.loadInitial(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.size + 10))
private fun loadInitial(dataSource: ItemDataSource, key: Key?, initialLoadSize: Int,
enablePlaceholders: Boolean): PageResult<Key, Item> {
val receiver = mock( as PageResult.Receiver<Key, Item>
val captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(
as ArgumentCaptor<PageResult<Key, Item>>
dataSource.loadInitial(key, initialLoadSize, enablePlaceholders, receiver)
return captor.value
fun loadInitial() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49]), 10, true)
assertEquals(45, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55),
assertEquals(45, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyMatchesSingleItem() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 1))
// this is tricky, since load after and load before with the passed key will fail
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[0]), 20, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 1),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyMatchesLastItem() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// tricky, because load after key is empty, so another load before and load after required
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.last())
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 20, true)
assertEquals(89, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(89, 100),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// loadInitial(null, count) == loadInitial(count)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10),
assertEquals(90, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyPastEndOfList() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// if key is past entire data set, should return last items in data set
val key = Key("fz", 0)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
// NOTE: ideally we'd load 10 items here, but it adds complexity and unpredictability to
// do: load after was empty, so pass full size to load before, since this can incur larger
// loads than requested (see keyMatchesLastItem test)
assertEquals(95, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(95, 100),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- UNCOUNTED -----
fun loadInitial_disablePlaceholders() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// loadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, false)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_uncounted() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(counted = false)
// loadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey_uncounted() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(counted = false)
// loadInitial(null, count) == loadInitial(count)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10),
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- EMPTY -----
fun loadInitial_empty() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ArrayList())
// loadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey_empty() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ArrayList())
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- Other behavior -----
fun loadBefore() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
val receiver = mock(
as PageResult.Receiver<Key, Item>
dataSource.loadBefore(5, ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[5], 5, receiver)
val argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(
as ArgumentCaptor<PageResult<Key, Item>>
val observed = argument.value
assertEquals(PageResult.PREPEND, observed.type)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 5),
internal data class Key(val name: String, val id: Int)
internal data class Item(
val name: String, val id: Int, val balance: Double, val address: String)
internal class ItemDataSource(val counted: Boolean = true,
val items: List<Item> = ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID)
: KeyedDataSource<Key, Item>() {
override fun getKey(item: Item): Key {
return Key(,
override fun loadInitial(pageSize: Int): List<Item>? {
// call loadAfter with a default key
return loadAfter(Key("", Integer.MAX_VALUE), pageSize)
fun findFirstIndexAfter(key: Key): Int {
return items.indices.firstOrNull {, getKey(items[it])) < 0
} ?: items.size
fun findFirstIndexBefore(key: Key): Int {
return items.indices.reversed().firstOrNull {, getKey(items[it])) > 0
} ?: -1
override fun countItemsBefore(key: Key): Int {
if (!counted) {
return DataSource.COUNT_UNDEFINED
return findFirstIndexBefore(key) + 1
override fun countItemsAfter(key: Key): Int {
if (!counted) {
return DataSource.COUNT_UNDEFINED
return items.size - findFirstIndexAfter(key)
override fun loadAfter(key: Key, pageSize: Int): List<Item>? {
val start = findFirstIndexAfter(key)
val endExclusive = Math.min(start + pageSize, items.size)
return items.subList(start, endExclusive)
override fun loadBefore(key: Key, pageSize: Int): List<Item>? {
val firstIndexBefore = findFirstIndexBefore(key)
val endExclusive = Math.max(0, firstIndexBefore + 1)
val start = Math.max(0, firstIndexBefore - pageSize + 1)
val list = items.subList(start, endExclusive)
return list.reversed()
companion object {
private val ITEM_COMPARATOR = compareBy<Item>( {} ).thenByDescending( {} )
private val KEY_COMPARATOR = compareBy<Key>( {} ).thenByDescending( {} )
private val ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID = List(100) {
val names = Array(10) { "f" + ('a' + it) }
Item(names[it % 10],
Math.random() * 1000,
(Math.random() * 200).toInt().toString() + " fake st.")