blob: a0a43bdf84683d61fc514617f9e215097e12e454 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.core.widget;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.ActionMode;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.StyleRes;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Helper for accessing features in {@link TextView}.
public final class TextViewCompat {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "TextViewCompat";
* The TextView does not auto-size text (default).
public static final int AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_NONE = TextView.AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_NONE;
* The TextView scales text size both horizontally and vertically to fit within the
* container.
/** @hide */
public @interface AutoSizeTextType {}
private static Field sMaximumField;
private static boolean sMaximumFieldFetched;
private static Field sMaxModeField;
private static boolean sMaxModeFieldFetched;
private static Field sMinimumField;
private static boolean sMinimumFieldFetched;
private static Field sMinModeField;
private static boolean sMinModeFieldFetched;
private static final int LINES = 1;
// Hide constructor
private TextViewCompat() {}
private static Field retrieveField(String fieldName) {
Field field = null;
try {
field = TextView.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Could not retrieve " + fieldName + " field.");
return field;
private static int retrieveIntFromField(Field field, TextView textView) {
try {
return field.getInt(textView);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Could not retrieve value of " + field.getName() + " field.");
return -1;
static class TextViewCompatBaseImpl {
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(TextView textView, int autoSizeTextType) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(autoSizeTextType);
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
TextView textView,
int autoSizeMinTextSize,
int autoSizeMaxTextSize,
int autoSizeStepGranularity,
int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
autoSizeMinTextSize, autoSizeMaxTextSize, autoSizeStepGranularity, unit);
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(TextView textView,
@NonNull int[] presetSizes, int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(
presetSizes, unit);
public int getAutoSizeTextType(TextView textView) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
return ((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).getAutoSizeTextType();
public int getAutoSizeStepGranularity(TextView textView) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
return ((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).getAutoSizeStepGranularity();
return -1;
public int getAutoSizeMinTextSize(TextView textView) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
return ((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).getAutoSizeMinTextSize();
return -1;
public int getAutoSizeMaxTextSize(TextView textView) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
return ((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).getAutoSizeMaxTextSize();
return -1;
public int[] getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes(TextView textView) {
if (textView instanceof AutoSizeableTextView) {
return ((AutoSizeableTextView) textView).getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes();
return new int[0];
public void setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(TextView textView,
ActionMode.Callback callback) {
static class TextViewCompatApi26Impl extends TextViewCompatBaseImpl {
public void setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(final TextView textView,
final ActionMode.Callback callback) {
super.setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(textView, callback);
// A bug in O and O_MR1 causes a number of options for handling the ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT
// intent after selection to not be displayed in the menu, although they should be.
// Here we fix this, by removing the menu items created by the framework code, and
// adding them (and the missing ones) back correctly.
textView.setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(new ActionMode.Callback() {
// This constant should be correlated with its definition in the
// android.widget.Editor class.
// References to the MenuBuilder class and its removeItemAt(int) method.
// Since in most cases the menu instance processed by this callback is going
// to be a MenuBuilder, we keep these references to avoid querying for them
// frequently by reflection in recomputeProcessTextMenuItems.
private Class mMenuBuilderClass;
private Method mMenuBuilderRemoveItemAtMethod;
private boolean mCanUseMenuBuilderReferences;
private boolean mInitializedMenuBuilderReferences = false;
public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return callback.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu);
public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) {
return callback.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu);
public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) {
return callback.onActionItemClicked(mode, item);
public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) {
private void recomputeProcessTextMenuItems(final Menu menu) {
final Context context = textView.getContext();
final PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
if (!mInitializedMenuBuilderReferences) {
mInitializedMenuBuilderReferences = true;
try {
mMenuBuilderClass =
mMenuBuilderRemoveItemAtMethod = mMenuBuilderClass
.getDeclaredMethod("removeItemAt", Integer.TYPE);
mCanUseMenuBuilderReferences = true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
mMenuBuilderClass = null;
mMenuBuilderRemoveItemAtMethod = null;
mCanUseMenuBuilderReferences = false;
// Remove the menu items created for ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT handlers.
try {
final Method removeItemAtMethod =
(mCanUseMenuBuilderReferences && mMenuBuilderClass.isInstance(menu))
? mMenuBuilderRemoveItemAtMethod
: menu.getClass()
.getDeclaredMethod("removeItemAt", Integer.TYPE);
for (int i = menu.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
if (item.getIntent() != null && Intent.ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT
.equals(item.getIntent().getAction())) {
removeItemAtMethod.invoke(menu, i);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException
| InvocationTargetException e) {
// There is a menu custom implementation used which is not providing
// a removeItemAt(int) menu. There is nothing we can do in this case.
// Populate the menu again with the ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT handlers.
final List<ResolveInfo> supportedActivities =
getSupportedActivities(context, packageManager);
for (int i = 0; i < supportedActivities.size(); ++i) {
final ResolveInfo info = supportedActivities.get(i);
menu.add(Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE,
.setIntent(createProcessTextIntentForResolveInfo(info, textView))
private List<ResolveInfo> getSupportedActivities(final Context context,
final PackageManager packageManager) {
final List<ResolveInfo> supportedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
boolean canStartActivityForResult = context instanceof Activity;
if (!canStartActivityForResult) {
return supportedActivities;
final List<ResolveInfo> unfiltered =
packageManager.queryIntentActivities(createProcessTextIntent(), 0);
for (ResolveInfo info : unfiltered) {
if (isSupportedActivity(info, context)) {
return supportedActivities;
private boolean isSupportedActivity(final ResolveInfo info, final Context context) {
if (context.getPackageName().equals(info.activityInfo.packageName)) {
return true;
if (!info.activityInfo.exported) {
return false;
return info.activityInfo.permission == null
|| context.checkSelfPermission(info.activityInfo.permission)
private Intent createProcessTextIntentForResolveInfo(final ResolveInfo info,
final TextView textView) {
return createProcessTextIntent()
.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT_READONLY, !isEditable(textView))
private boolean isEditable(final TextView textView) {
return textView instanceof Editable
&& textView.onCheckIsTextEditor()
&& textView.isEnabled();
private Intent createProcessTextIntent() {
return new Intent().setAction(Intent.ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT).setType("text/plain");
static class TextViewCompatApi27Impl extends TextViewCompatApi26Impl {
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(TextView textView, int autoSizeTextType) {
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
TextView textView,
int autoSizeMinTextSize,
int autoSizeMaxTextSize,
int autoSizeStepGranularity,
int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
autoSizeMinTextSize, autoSizeMaxTextSize, autoSizeStepGranularity, unit);
public void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(TextView textView,
@NonNull int[] presetSizes, int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
textView.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(presetSizes, unit);
public int getAutoSizeTextType(TextView textView) {
return textView.getAutoSizeTextType();
public int getAutoSizeStepGranularity(TextView textView) {
return textView.getAutoSizeStepGranularity();
public int getAutoSizeMinTextSize(TextView textView) {
return textView.getAutoSizeMinTextSize();
public int getAutoSizeMaxTextSize(TextView textView) {
return textView.getAutoSizeMaxTextSize();
public int[] getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes(TextView textView) {
return textView.getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes();
static final TextViewCompatBaseImpl IMPL;
static {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 27) {
IMPL = new TextViewCompatApi27Impl();
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
IMPL = new TextViewCompatApi26Impl();
} else {
IMPL = new TextViewCompatBaseImpl();
* Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
* of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a Drawable
* there. The Drawables must already have had {@link Drawable#setBounds}
* called.
* <p/>
* Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
* {@link TextView#setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
* @param textView The TextView against which to invoke the method.
* @attr name android:drawableStart
* @attr name android:drawableTop
* @attr name android:drawableEnd
* @attr name android:drawableBottom
public static void setCompoundDrawablesRelative(@NonNull TextView textView,
@Nullable Drawable start, @Nullable Drawable top, @Nullable Drawable end,
@Nullable Drawable bottom) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelative(start, top, end, bottom);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
textView.setCompoundDrawables(rtl ? end : start, top, rtl ? start : end, bottom);
} else {
textView.setCompoundDrawables(start, top, end, bottom);
* Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
* of, and below the text. Use {@code null} if you do not want a Drawable
* there. The Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds.
* <p/>
* Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
* {@link TextView#setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
* @param textView The TextView against which to invoke the method.
* @attr name android:drawableStart
* @attr name android:drawableTop
* @attr name android:drawableEnd
* @attr name android:drawableBottom
public static void setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(@NonNull TextView textView,
@Nullable Drawable start, @Nullable Drawable top, @Nullable Drawable end,
@Nullable Drawable bottom) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(rtl ? end : start, top,
rtl ? start : end, bottom);
} else {
textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
* Sets the Drawables (if any) to appear to the start of, above, to the end
* of, and below the text. Use 0 if you do not want a Drawable there. The
* Drawables' bounds will be set to their intrinsic bounds.
* <p/>
* Calling this method will overwrite any Drawables previously set using
* {@link TextView#setCompoundDrawables} or related methods.
* @param textView The TextView against which to invoke the method.
* @param start Resource identifier of the start Drawable.
* @param top Resource identifier of the top Drawable.
* @param end Resource identifier of the end Drawable.
* @param bottom Resource identifier of the bottom Drawable.
* @attr name android:drawableStart
* @attr name android:drawableTop
* @attr name android:drawableEnd
* @attr name android:drawableBottom
public static void setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(@NonNull TextView textView,
@DrawableRes int start, @DrawableRes int top, @DrawableRes int end,
@DrawableRes int bottom) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
textView.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(rtl ? end : start, top,
rtl ? start : end, bottom);
} else {
textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(start, top, end, bottom);
* Returns the maximum number of lines displayed in the given TextView, or -1 if the maximum
* height was set in pixels instead.
public static int getMaxLines(@NonNull TextView textView) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
return textView.getMaxLines();
if (!sMaxModeFieldFetched) {
sMaxModeField = retrieveField("mMaxMode");
sMaxModeFieldFetched = true;
if (sMaxModeField != null && retrieveIntFromField(sMaxModeField, textView) == LINES) {
// If the max mode is using lines, we can grab the maximum value
if (!sMaximumFieldFetched) {
sMaximumField = retrieveField("mMaximum");
sMaximumFieldFetched = true;
if (sMaximumField != null) {
return retrieveIntFromField(sMaximumField, textView);
return -1;
* Returns the minimum number of lines displayed in the given TextView, or -1 if the minimum
* height was set in pixels instead.
public static int getMinLines(@NonNull TextView textView) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
return textView.getMinLines();
if (!sMinModeFieldFetched) {
sMinModeField = retrieveField("mMinMode");
sMinModeFieldFetched = true;
if (sMinModeField != null && retrieveIntFromField(sMinModeField, textView) == LINES) {
// If the min mode is using lines, we can grab the maximum value
if (!sMinimumFieldFetched) {
sMinimumField = retrieveField("mMinimum");
sMinimumFieldFetched = true;
if (sMinimumField != null) {
return retrieveIntFromField(sMinimumField, textView);
return -1;
* Sets the text appearance from the specified style resource.
* <p>
* Use a framework-defined {@code TextAppearance} style like
* {@link @android:style/TextAppearance.Material.Body1}.
* @param textView The TextView against which to invoke the method.
* @param resId The resource identifier of the style to apply.
public static void setTextAppearance(@NonNull TextView textView, @StyleRes int resId) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
} else {
textView.setTextAppearance(textView.getContext(), resId);
* Returns drawables for the start, top, end, and bottom borders from the given text view.
public static Drawable[] getCompoundDrawablesRelative(@NonNull TextView textView) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 18) {
return textView.getCompoundDrawablesRelative();
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
final boolean rtl = textView.getLayoutDirection() == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;
final Drawable[] compounds = textView.getCompoundDrawables();
if (rtl) {
// If we're on RTL, we need to invert the horizontal result like above
final Drawable start = compounds[2];
final Drawable end = compounds[0];
compounds[0] = start;
compounds[2] = end;
return compounds;
return textView.getCompoundDrawables();
* Specify whether this widget should automatically scale the text to try to perfectly fit
* within the layout bounds by using the default auto-size configuration.
* @param autoSizeTextType the type of auto-size. Must be one of
* {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_NONE} or
* {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_UNIFORM}
* @attr name android:autoSizeTextType
public static void setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(@NonNull TextView textView,
int autoSizeTextType) {
IMPL.setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(textView, autoSizeTextType);
* Specify whether this widget should automatically scale the text to try to perfectly fit
* within the layout bounds. If all the configuration params are valid the type of auto-size is
* set to {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_UNIFORM}.
* @param autoSizeMinTextSize the minimum text size available for auto-size
* @param autoSizeMaxTextSize the maximum text size available for auto-size
* @param autoSizeStepGranularity the auto-size step granularity. It is used in conjunction with
* the minimum and maximum text size in order to build the set of
* text sizes the system uses to choose from when auto-sizing
* @param unit the desired dimension unit for all sizes above. See {@link TypedValue} for the
* possible dimension units
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the configuration params are invalid.
* @attr name android:autoSizeTextType
* @attr name android:autoSizeTextType
* @attr name android:autoSizeMinTextSize
* @attr name android:autoSizeMaxTextSize
* @attr name android:autoSizeStepGranularity
public static void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(
@NonNull TextView textView,
int autoSizeMinTextSize,
int autoSizeMaxTextSize,
int autoSizeStepGranularity,
int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
IMPL.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(textView, autoSizeMinTextSize,
autoSizeMaxTextSize, autoSizeStepGranularity, unit);
* Specify whether this widget should automatically scale the text to try to perfectly fit
* within the layout bounds. If at least one value from the <code>presetSizes</code> is valid
* then the type of auto-size is set to {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_UNIFORM}.
* @param presetSizes an {@code int} array of sizes in pixels
* @param unit the desired dimension unit for the preset sizes above. See {@link TypedValue} for
* the possible dimension units
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if all of the <code>presetSizes</code> are invalid.
* @attr name android:autoSizeTextType
* @attr name android:autoSizePresetSizes
public static void setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(@NonNull TextView textView,
@NonNull int[] presetSizes, int unit) throws IllegalArgumentException {
IMPL.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithPresetSizes(textView, presetSizes, unit);
* Returns the type of auto-size set for this widget.
* @return an {@code int} corresponding to one of the auto-size types:
* {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_NONE} or
* {@link TextViewCompat#AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_UNIFORM}
* @attr name android:autoSizeTextType
public static int getAutoSizeTextType(@NonNull TextView textView) {
return IMPL.getAutoSizeTextType(textView);
* @return the current auto-size step granularity in pixels.
* @attr name android:autoSizeStepGranularity
public static int getAutoSizeStepGranularity(@NonNull TextView textView) {
return IMPL.getAutoSizeStepGranularity(textView);
* @return the current auto-size minimum text size in pixels (the default is 12sp). Note that
* if auto-size has not been configured this function returns {@code -1}.
* @attr name android:autoSizeMinTextSize
public static int getAutoSizeMinTextSize(@NonNull TextView textView) {
return IMPL.getAutoSizeMinTextSize(textView);
* @return the current auto-size maximum text size in pixels (the default is 112sp). Note that
* if auto-size has not been configured this function returns {@code -1}.
* @attr name android:autoSizeMaxTextSize
public static int getAutoSizeMaxTextSize(@NonNull TextView textView) {
return IMPL.getAutoSizeMaxTextSize(textView);
* @return the current auto-size {@code int} sizes array (in pixels).
* @attr name android:autoSizePresetSizes
public static int[] getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes(@NonNull TextView textView) {
return IMPL.getAutoSizeTextAvailableSizes(textView);
* Sets a selection action mode callback on a TextView.
* Also this method can be used to fix a bug in framework SDK 26. On these affected devices,
* the bug causes the menu containing the options for handling ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT after text
* selection to miss a number of items. This method can be used to fix this wrong behaviour for
* a text view, by passing any custom callback implementation. If no custom callback is desired,
* a no-op implementation should be provided.
* Note that, by default, the bug will only be fixed when the default floating toolbar menu
* implementation is used. If a custom implementation of {@link Menu} is provided, this should
* provide the method Menu#removeItemAt(int) which removes a menu item by its position,
* as given by Menu#getItem(int). Also, the following post condition should hold: a call
* to removeItemAt(i), should not modify the results of getItem(j) for any j < i. Intuitively,
* removing an element from the menu should behave as removing an element from a list.
* Note that this method does not exist in the {@link Menu} interface. However, it is required,
* and going to be called by reflection, in order to display the correct process text items in
* the menu.
* @param textView The TextView to set the action selection mode callback on.
* @param callback The action selection mode callback to set on textView.
public static void setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(@NonNull TextView textView,
@NonNull ActionMode.Callback callback) {
IMPL.setCustomSelectionActionModeCallback(textView, callback);