blob: 651446fdd5e3baae5d536953beabc840ba3e6eb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.InputFiles
import org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc.Javadoc
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Optional
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputDirectory
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputFile
import org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocOptionFileOption
public class DoclavaTask extends Javadoc {
// external/doclava/src/com/google/doclava/
public static final def DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_ERRORS = Collections.unmodifiableSet([
101, // unresolved link
103, // unknown tag
104, // unknown param name
] as Set)
public static final def DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_WARNINGS = Collections.unmodifiableSet([
121, // hidden type param
] as Set)
public static final def DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_HIDDEN = Collections.unmodifiableSet([
111, // hidden super class
113, // @deprecation mismatch
] as Set)
// All lowercase name to match MinimalJavadocOptions#docletpath
private Collection<File> mDocletpath
// doclava error types which will cause the build to fail
Collection doclavaErrors = DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_ERRORS
Collection doclavaWarnings = DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_WARNINGS
// spammy doclava warnings which we want to hide
Collection doclavaHidden = DEFAULT_DOCLAVA_HIDDEN
* If non-null, the list of packages that will be treated as if they were
* marked with {@literal @hide}.<br>
* Packages names will be matched exactly; sub-packages are not automatically recognized.
Collection hiddenPackages
* If non-null and not-empty, the whitelist of packages that will be present in the generated
* stubs; if null or empty, then all packages have stubs generated.<br>
* Wildcards are accepted.
Set<String> stubPackages
boolean generateDocs = true
* If non-null, the location of where to place the generated api file.
* If this is non-null, then {@link #removedApiFile} must be non-null as well.
File apiFile
* If non-null, the location of where to place the generated removed api file.
* If this is non-null, then {@link #apiFile} must be non-null as well.
File removedApiFile
* If non-null, the location of the generated keep list.
File keepListFile
* If non-null, the location to put the generated stub sources.
File stubsDir
public DoclavaTask() {
failOnError = true
options.doclet = ""
// doclava doesn't understand '-doctitle'
title = null
maxMemory = "1280m"
// If none of generateDocs, apiFile, keepListFile, or stubJarsDir are true, then there is
// no work to do.
onlyIf( { getGenerateDocs() ||
getApiFile() != null ||
getKeepListFile() != null ||
getStubsDir() != null } )
* The doclet path which has the {@code com.gogole.doclava.Doclava} class.
* This option will override any doclet path set in this instance's {@link #options JavadocOptions}.
* @see MinimalJavadocOptions#getDocletpath()
public Collection<File> getDocletpath() {
return mDocletpath
* Sets the doclet path which has the {@code com.gogole.doclava.Doclava} class.
* This option will override any doclet path set in this instance's {@link #options JavadocOptions}.
* @see MinimalJavadocOptions#setDocletpath(java.util.List)
public void setDocletpath(Collection<File> docletpath) {
mDocletpath = docletpath
// Go ahead and keep the docletpath in our JavadocOptions object in sync.
options.docletpath = docletpath as List
public void setDoclavaErrors(Collection errors) {
// Make it serializable.
doclavaErrors = errors as int[]
public void setDoclavaWarnings(Collection warnings) {
// Make it serializable.
doclavaWarnings = warnings as int[]
public void setDoclavaHidden(Collection hidden) {
// Make it serializable.
doclavaHidden = hidden as int[]
* "Configures" this DoclavaTask with parameters that might not be at their final values
* until this task is run.
private configureDoclava() {
options.docletpath = getDocletpath() as List
// configure doclava error/warning/hide levels
JavadocOptionFileOption hide = options.addMultilineMultiValueOption("hide")
hide.setValue(getDoclavaHidden().collect({ [it.toString()] }))
JavadocOptionFileOption warning = options.addMultilineMultiValueOption("warning")
warning.setValue(getDoclavaWarnings().collect({ [it.toString()] }))
JavadocOptionFileOption error = options.addMultilineMultiValueOption("error")
error.setValue(getDoclavaErrors().collect({ [it.toString()] }))
Collection hiddenPackages = getHiddenPackages()
if (hiddenPackages) {
JavadocOptionFileOption hidePackage =
hidePackage.setValue(hiddenPackages.collect({ [it.toString()] }))
if (!getGenerateDocs()) {
options.addOption(new DoclavaJavadocOptionFileOption('nodocs'))
// If requested, generate the API files.
File apiFile = getApiFile()
if (apiFile != null) {
options.addStringOption('api', apiFile.absolutePath)
File removedApiFile = getRemovedApiFile()
if (removedApiFile != null) {
options.addStringOption('removedApi', removedApiFile.absolutePath)
// If requested, generate the keep list.
File keepListFile = getKeepListFile()
if (keepListFile != null) {
options.addStringOption('proguard', keepListFile.absolutePath)
// If requested, generate stubs.
File stubsDir = getStubsDir()
if (stubsDir != null) {
options.addStringOption('stubs', stubsDir.absolutePath)
Set<String> stubPackages = getStubPackages()
if (stubPackages) {
options.addStringOption('stubpackages', stubPackages.join(':'))
// Always treat this as an Android docs task.
options.addOption(new DoclavaJavadocOptionFileOption('android'))
public void generate() {