blob: 22442521174270ff8fe99fea474d8c1ddf625f45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException
// Set up platform API files for federation.
if (project.androidApiTxt != null) {
task generateSdkApi(type: Copy) {
description = 'Copies the API files for the current SDK.'
// Export the API files so this looks like a DoclavaTask.
ext.apiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/sdk_current.txt')
ext.removedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/sdk_removed.txt')
from project.androidApiTxt.absolutePath
into apiFile.parent
rename { }
// Register the fake removed file as an output.
outputs.file removedApiFile
doLast {
} else {
task generateSdkApi(type: DoclavaTask, dependsOn: [configurations.doclava]) {
description = 'Generates API files for the current SDK.'
docletpath = configurations.doclava.resolve()
destinationDir = project.docsDir
classpath = project.androidJar
source zipTree(project.androidSrcJar)
apiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/sdk_current.txt')
removedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/sdk_removed.txt')
generateDocs = false
options {
addStringOption "stubpackages", "android.*"
// Generates online docs.
task generateDocs(type: DoclavaTask, dependsOn: [configurations.doclava, generateSdkApi]) {
group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
description = 'Generates documentation.'
docletpath = configurations.doclava.resolve()
destinationDir = new File(project.docsDir, "online")
// Base classpath is Android SDK, sub-projects add their own.
classpath = project.ext.androidJar
def hdfOption = new DoclavaMultilineJavadocOptionFileOption('hdf')
['android.whichdoc', 'online'],
['android.hasSamples', 'true'],
['dac', 'true'])
def federateOption = new DoclavaMultilineJavadocOptionFileOption('federate')
federateOption.add(['Android', ''])
def federationapiOption = new DoclavaMultilineJavadocOptionFileOption('federationapi')
federationapiOption.add(['Android', generateSdkApi.apiFile.absolutePath])
// Track API change history.
def apiFilePattern = /(\d+\.\d+\.\d).txt/
def sinceOption = new DoclavaMultilineJavadocOptionFileOption('since')
File apiDir = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api')
apiDir.eachFileMatch FileType.FILES, ~apiFilePattern, { File apiFile ->
def apiLevel = ( =~ apiFilePattern)[0][1]
sinceOption.add([apiFile.absolutePath, apiLevel])
// Default hidden errors + hidden superclass (111) and
// deprecation mismatch (113) to match framework docs.
final def hidden = [105, 107, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 121]
doclavaErrors = (101..122) - hidden
doclavaWarnings = []
doclavaHidden += hidden
options {
addStringOption "templatedir",
addStringOption "stubpackages", "*"
addStringOption "samplesdir", "${supportRootFolder}/samples"
addOption federateOption
addOption federationapiOption
addOption hdfOption
addOption sinceOption
// Specific to reference docs.
addStringOption "toroot", "/"
addBooleanOption "devsite", true
addBooleanOption "androidSupportRef", true
exclude '**/'
// Generates a distribution artifact for online docs.
task distDocs(type: Zip, dependsOn: generateDocs) {
group = JavaBasePlugin.DOCUMENTATION_GROUP
description = 'Generates distribution artifact for documentation.'
from generateDocs.destinationDir
destinationDir project.distDir
baseName = "android-support-docs"
version = project.buildNumber
doLast {
logger.lifecycle("'Wrote API reference to ${archivePath}")
// Generates API files.
task generateApi(type: DoclavaTask, dependsOn: configurations.doclava) {
docletpath = configurations.doclava.resolve()
destinationDir = project.docsDir
// Base classpath is Android SDK, sub-projects add their own.
classpath = project.ext.androidJar
apiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/current.txt')
removedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/removed.txt')
generateDocs = false
options {
addStringOption "templatedir",
addStringOption "stubpackages", "*"
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/'
// Copies generated API files to current version.
task updateApi(type: UpdateApiTask, dependsOn: generateApi) {
description 'Invoke Doclava\'s ApiCheck tool to update current.txt based on current changes.'
newApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/current.txt')
oldApiFile = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api/current.txt')
newRemovedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/removed.txt')
oldRemovedApiFile = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api/removed.txt')
// Finalizes the API file for a release version.
task finalizeApi(type: Copy, dependsOn: updateApi) {
description 'Finalize the API definition for the current release.'
def apiVersion = project.supportVersion;
if (project.hasProperty("revision")) {
apiVersion = revision;
File currentApiFile = new File(project.rootDir, 'api/current.txt')
File finalizedApiFile = new File(currentApiFile.parentFile, "${apiVersion}.txt")
from currentApiFile.absolutePath
into finalizedApiFile.parent
rename { }
doFirst {
// Verify this is a proper release version.
if (!(apiVersion ==~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("${apiVersion} is not valid release version format. "
+ "Use -Prevision=X.Y.Z to specify an explicit version.")
// Verify that we're not accidentally overwriting an existing API file.
if (finalizedApiFile.exists() && !(project.hasProperty("overwrite") && overwrite)) {
throw new InvalidUserDataException("Version ${apiVersion} has already been "
+ "finalized. Use -Poverwrite=true to overwrite.")
doLast {
project.logger.warn("Wrote ${finalizedApiFile.getParentFile().name}/"
+ "${} API file.")
// Checks generated API files against current version.
task checkApi(type: CheckApiTask, dependsOn: generateApi) {
doclavaClasspath = generateApi.docletpath
checkApiTaskPath = name
updateApiTaskPath =
// Check that the API we're building hasn't changed from the development
// version. These typed of changes require an explicit API file update.
checkApiErrors = (2..30)-[22]
checkApiWarnings = []
checkApiHidden = [22]
newApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/current.txt')
oldApiFile = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api/current.txt')
newRemovedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/removed.txt')
oldRemovedApiFile = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api/removed.txt')
rootProject.createArchive.dependsOn checkApi
// Checks generated API files against current version.
task checkApiStable(type: CheckApiTask, dependsOn: generateApi) {
doclavaClasspath = generateApi.docletpath
checkApiTaskPath = name
updateApiTaskPath =
// Check that the API we're building hasn't broken the last-released
// library version. These types of changes are forbidden.
checkApiErrors = (7..18)
checkApiWarnings = [23, 24]
checkApiHidden = (2..6) + (19..22) + (25..30)
newApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/current.txt')
oldApiFile = getReleasedApiFile()
newRemovedApiFile = new File(project.docsDir, 'release/removed.txt')
oldRemovedApiFile = new File(supportRootFolder, 'api/removed.txt')
checkApi.dependsOn checkApiStable
* Converts the <code>toApi</code>.txt file (or current.txt if not explicitly
* defined using -PtoAPi=<file>) to XML format for use by JDiff.
task newApiXml(type: ApiXmlConversionTask, dependsOn: configurations.doclava) {
classpath configurations.doclava.resolve()
if (project.hasProperty("toApi")) {
// Use an explicit API file.
inputApiFile = new File(rootProject.ext.supportRootFolder, "api/${toApi}.txt")
} else {
// Use the current API file (e.g. current.txt).
inputApiFile = generateApi.apiFile
dependsOn generateApi
int lastDot ='.')
outputApiXmlFile = new File(project.docsDir,
"release/" +, lastDot) + ".xml")
* Converts the <code>fromApi</code>.txt file (or the most recently released
* X.Y.Z.txt if not explicitly defined using -PfromAPi=<file>) to XML format
* for use by JDiff.
task oldApiXml(type: ApiXmlConversionTask, dependsOn: configurations.doclava) {
classpath configurations.doclava.resolve()
if (project.hasProperty("fromApi")) {
// Use an explicit API file.
inputApiFile = new File(rootProject.ext.supportRootFolder, "api/${fromApi}.txt")
} else if (project.hasProperty("toApi") && toApi.matches(~/(\d+\.){2}\d+/)) {
// If toApi matches released API (X.Y.Z) format, use the most recently
// released API file prior to toApi.
inputApiFile = getReleasedApiFile(toApi)
} else {
// Use the most recently released API file.
inputApiFile = getReleasedApiFile();
int lastDot ='.')
outputApiXmlFile = new File(project.docsDir,
"release/" +, lastDot) + ".xml")
* Generates API diffs.
* <p>
* By default, diffs are generated for the delta between current.txt and the
* next most recent X.Y.Z.txt API file. Behavior may be changed by specifying
* one or both of -PtoApi and -PfromApi.
* <p>
* If both fromApi and toApi are specified, diffs will be generated for
* fromApi -> toApi. For example, 25.0.0 -> 26.0.0 diffs could be generated by
* using:
* <br><code>
* ./gradlew generateDiffs -PfromApi=25.0.0 -PtoApi=26.0.0
* </code>
* <p>
* If only toApi is specified, it MUST be specified as X.Y.Z and diffs will be
* generated for (release before toApi) -> toApi. For example, 24.2.0 -> 25.0.0
* diffs could be generated by using:
* <br><code>
* ./gradlew generateDiffs -PtoApi=25.0.0
* </code>
* <p>
* If only fromApi is specified, diffs will be generated for fromApi -> current.
* For example, lastApiReview -> current diffs could be generated by using:
* <br><code>
* ./gradlew generateDiffs -PfromApi=lastApiReview
* </code>
* <p>
task generateDiffs(type: JDiffTask, dependsOn: [configurations.jdiff, configurations.doclava,
oldApiXml, newApiXml, generateDocs]) {
// Base classpath is Android SDK, sub-projects add their own.
classpath = project.ext.androidJar
// JDiff properties.
oldApiXmlFile = oldApiXml.outputApiXmlFile
newApiXmlFile = newApiXml.outputApiXmlFile
newJavadocPrefix = "../../../../reference/"
String newApi =
int lastDot = newApi.lastIndexOf('.')
newApi = newApi.substring(0, lastDot)
// Javadoc properties.
docletpath = configurations.jdiff.resolve()
destinationDir = new File(project.docsDir, "online/sdk/support_api_diff/$newApi")
title = "Support&nbsp;Library&nbsp;API&nbsp;Differences&nbsp;Report"
exclude '**/'
exclude '**/'
* Returns the most recently released API, optionally restricting to APIs
* before <code>beforeApi</code>.
* @param beforeApi the API to find an API file before, ex. 25.0.0
* @return the most recently released API file
File getReleasedApiFile(String beforeApi = null) {
String beforeApiFileName = beforeApi != null ? beforeApi + ".txt" : null
File lastReleasedApiFile = null
File apiDir = new File(ext.supportRootFolder, 'api')
apiDir.eachFileMatch FileType.FILES, ~/(\d+\.){3}txt/, { File apiFile ->
// Is the current API file newer than the last one we saw?
if (lastReleasedApiFile == null || > {
// Is the current API file older than the "before" API?
if (beforeApiFileName == null || < beforeApiFileName) {
lastReleasedApiFile = apiFile
return lastReleasedApiFile
// configuration file for setting up api diffs and api docs
void registerForDocsTask(Task task, Project subProject, releaseVariant) {
task.dependsOn releaseVariant.javaCompile
task.source {
def buildConfig = fileTree(releaseVariant.getGenerateBuildConfig().sourceOutputDir)
return releaseVariant.javaCompile.source.minus(buildConfig) +
fileTree(releaseVariant.aidlCompile.sourceOutputDir) +
task.classpath += files(releaseVariant.javaCompile.classpath) +
// configuration file for setting up api diffs and api docs
void registerJavaProjectForDocsTask(Task task, Project subProject, javaCompileTask) {
task.dependsOn javaCompileTask
task.source javaCompileTask.source
task.classpath += files(javaCompileTask.classpath) +
subprojects { subProject ->
subProject.afterEvaluate { p ->
if (!p.hasProperty("noDocs") || !p.noDocs) {
if (p.hasProperty('android') &&'libraryVariants')) { { v ->
if ( == 'release') {
registerForDocsTask(rootProject.generateDocs, p, v)
registerForDocsTask(rootProject.generateApi, p, v)
registerForDocsTask(rootProject.generateDiffs, p, v)
} else if (p.hasProperty("compileJava")) {
registerJavaProjectForDocsTask(rootProject.generateDocs, p, p.compileJava)