blob: 17a1960e3ebe32656810962ff974b60007caeaa8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- The configurable attributes for a ColumnCardView. -->
<declare-styleable name="ColumnCardView">
<!-- The number of columns that this ColumnCardView should span across. This value will
determine the width of the card. -->
<attr name="columnSpan" format="integer" />
<!-- The configurable attributes in PagedListView. -->
<declare-styleable name="PagedListView">
<!-- Fade duration in ms -->
<attr name="fadeLastItem" format="boolean" />
<!-- Set to true/false to offset rows as they slide off screen. Defaults to true -->
<attr name="offsetRows" format="boolean" />
<!-- Whether or not to offset the list view by the width of scroll bar. Setting this to
true will ensure that any views within the list will not overlap the scroll bar. -->
<attr name="offsetScrollBar" format="boolean" />
<!-- Whether to display the scrollbar or not. Defaults to true. -->
<attr name="scrollBarEnabled" format="boolean" />
<!-- Whether or not to show a diving line between each item of the list. -->
<attr name="showPagedListViewDivider" format="boolean" />
<!-- An optional id that specifies a child View whose starting edge will be used to
determine the start position of the dividing line. -->
<attr name="alignDividerStartTo" format="reference" />
<!-- An optional id that specifies a child View whose ending edge will be used to
determine the end position of the dividing line. -->
<attr name="alignDividerEndTo" format="reference" />
<!-- A starting margin before the drawing of the dividing line. This margin will be an
offset from the view specified by "alignDividerStartTo" if given. -->
<attr name="dividerStartMargin" format="dimension" />
<!-- The width of the margin on the right side of the list -->
<attr name="listEndMargin" format="dimension" />
<!-- The attributes for customizing the appearance of the hamburger and back arrow in the
drawer. -->
<declare-styleable name="DrawerArrowDrawable">
<!-- The color of the arrow. -->
<attr name="carArrowColor" format="color"/>
<!-- Whether the arrow will animate when switches directions. -->
<attr name="carArrowAnimate" format="boolean"/>
<!-- The size of the arrow's bounding box. -->
<attr name="carArrowSize" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The length of the top and bottom bars that merge to form the point of the arrow. -->
<attr name="carArrowHeadLength" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The length of arrow shaft. -->
<attr name="carArrowShaftLength" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The thickness of each of the bars that form the arrow. -->
<attr name="carArrowThickness" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The spacing between the menu bars (i.e. the "hamburger" icon). -->
<attr name="carMenuBarSpacing" format="dimension"/>
<!-- The size of the menu bars (i.e. the "hamburger" icon). -->
<attr name="carMenuBarThickness" format="dimension"/>