| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Buildscript utils |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| |
| // Calling includeProject(name, filePath) is shorthand for: |
| // |
| // include(name) |
| // project(name).projectDir = new File(filePath) |
| // |
| // Note that <name> directly controls the Gradle project name, and also indirectly sets: |
| // the project name in the IDE |
| // the Maven artifactId |
| // |
| def includeProject(name, filePath) { |
| settings.include(name) |
| |
| def file |
| if (filePath instanceof String) { |
| file = new File(filePath) |
| } else { |
| file = filePath |
| } |
| project(name).projectDir = file |
| } |
| |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Libraries |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| includeProject(":annotation", "annotations") |
| includeProject(":appcompat", "v7/appcompat") |
| includeProject(":asynclayoutinflater", "asynclayoutinflater") |
| includeProject(":browser", "browser") |
| includeProject(":car", "car") |
| includeProject(":cardview", "cardview") |
| includeProject(":collection", "collection") |
| includeProject(":collection-ktx", "collection/ktx") |
| includeProject(":contentpaging", "content") |
| includeProject(":coordinatorlayout", "coordinatorlayout") |
| includeProject(":core", "compat") |
| includeProject(":core-ktx", "core/ktx") |
| includeProject(":cursoradapter", "cursoradapter") |
| includeProject(":customview", "customview") |
| includeProject(":documentfile", "documentfile") |
| includeProject(":drawerlayout", "drawerlayout") |
| includeProject(":dynamicanimation", "dynamic-animation") |
| includeProject(":emoji", "emoji/core") |
| includeProject(":emoji-bundled", "emoji/bundled") |
| includeProject(":emoji-appcompat", "emoji/appcompat") |
| includeProject(":exifinterface", "exifinterface") |
| includeProject(":fragment", "fragment") |
| includeProject(":gridlayout", "gridlayout") |
| includeProject(":heifwriter", "heifwriter") |
| includeProject(":interpolator", "interpolator") |
| includeProject(":jetifier-core", "jetifier/jetifier/core") |
| includeProject(":jetifier-processor", "jetifier/jetifier/processor") |
| includeProject(":jetifier-gradle-plugin", "jetifier/jetifier/gradle-plugin") |
| includeProject(":jetifier-standalone", "jetifier/jetifier/standalone") |
| includeProject(":jetifier-preprocessor", "jetifier/jetifier/preprocessor") |
| includeProject(":leanback", "leanback") |
| includeProject(":leanback-preference", "leanback-preference") |
| includeProject(":loader", "loader") |
| includeProject(":localbroadcastmanager", "localbroadcastmanager") |
| includeProject(":media", "media") |
| includeProject(":media-widget", "media-widget") |
| includeProject(":mediarouter", "mediarouter") |
| includeProject(":palette", "palette") |
| includeProject(":palette-ktx", "palette/ktx") |
| includeProject(":percentlayout", "percent") |
| includeProject(":preference", "preference") |
| includeProject(":print", "print") |
| includeProject(":recommendation", "recommendation") |
| includeProject(":recyclerview", "v7/recyclerview") |
| includeProject(":recyclerview-selection", "recyclerview-selection") |
| includeProject(":slice-core", "slices/core") |
| includeProject(":slice-view", "slices/view") |
| includeProject(":slice-builders", "slices/builders") |
| includeProject(":slidingpanelayout", "slidingpanelayout") |
| includeProject(":fragment-ktx", "fragment/ktx") |
| includeProject(":swiperefreshlayout", "swiperefreshlayout") |
| includeProject(":textclassifier", "textclassifier") |
| includeProject(":transition", "transition") |
| includeProject(":tvprovider", "tv-provider") |
| includeProject(":vectordrawable", "graphics/drawable/static") |
| includeProject(":vectordrawable-animated", "graphics/drawable/animated") |
| includeProject(":viewpager", "viewpager") |
| includeProject(":viewpager2", "viewpager2") |
| includeProject(":wear", "wear") |
| includeProject(":webkit", "webkit") |
| includeProject(":webkit-codegen", "webkit-codegen") |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Legacy |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| includeProject(":legacy-support-core-ui", "legacy/core-ui") |
| includeProject(":legacy-support-core-utils", "legacy/core-utils") |
| includeProject(":legacy-support-v4", "legacy/v4") |
| includeProject(":legacy-support-v13", "legacy/v13") |
| includeProject(":legacy-preference-v14", "legacy/preference-v14") |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Samples |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| File samplesRoot = new File(rootDir, "samples") |
| |
| includeProject(":support-animation-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportAnimationDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-app-navigation", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportAppNavigation")) |
| includeProject(":support-car-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportCarDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-content-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportContentDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-design-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportDesignDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-emoji-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportEmojiDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-leanback-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportLeanbackDemos")) |
| //includeProject(":support-leanback-jank", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportLeanbackJank")) |
| includeProject(":support-media-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportMediaDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-percent-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportPercentDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-preference-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportPreferenceDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-slices-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportSliceDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-transition-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportTransitionDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-vector-drawable-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportVectorDrawableDemos")) |
| includeProject(":support-v4-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "Support4Demos")) |
| includeProject(":support-v7-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "Support7Demos")) |
| includeProject(":support-v13-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "Support13Demos")) |
| includeProject(":support-wear-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "SupportWearDemos")) |
| includeProject(":viewpager2-demos", new File(samplesRoot, "ViewPager2Demos")) |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Testing libraries |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| includeProject(":internal-testutils", "testutils") |
| includeProject(":internal-testutils-ktx", "testutils-ktx") |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // Applications and libraries for tests |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| includeProject(":support-media-compat-test-client", "media/version-compat-tests/current/client") |
| includeProject(":support-media-compat-test-client-previous", "media/version-compat-tests/previous/client") |
| includeProject(":support-media-compat-test-service", "media/version-compat-tests/current/service") |
| includeProject(":support-media-compat-test-service-previous", "media/version-compat-tests/previous/service") |
| includeProject(":support-media-compat-test-lib", "media/version-compat-tests/lib") |
| |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| // |
| // External |
| // |
| ///////////////////////////// |
| |
| apply(from: "include-composite-deps.gradle") |
| File externalRoot = new File(rootDir, "../../external") |
| |
| includeProject(":noto-emoji-compat", new File(externalRoot, "noto-fonts/emoji-compat")) |
| includeProject(":webview-support-interfaces", new File(externalRoot, "webview_support_interfaces")) |
| |
| |
| ///// FLATFOOT END |