blob: 63f5e22c5445c07678f3cb9ca320d9fc3f7c274b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution.
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Test app to record multiple audio sessions at the HAL layer */
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cutils/list.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "qahw_api.h"
#include "qahw_defs.h"
#define nullptr NULL
#define LATENCY_NODE "/sys/kernel/debug/audio_in_latency_measurement_node"
static bool kpi_mode;
FILE * log_file = NULL;
volatile bool stop_record = false;
#define ID_RIFF 0x46464952
#define ID_WAVE 0x45564157
#define ID_FMT 0x20746d66
#define ID_DATA 0x61746164
#define FORMAT_PCM 1
struct wav_header {
uint32_t riff_id;
uint32_t riff_sz;
uint32_t riff_fmt;
uint32_t fmt_id;
uint32_t fmt_sz;
uint16_t audio_format;
uint16_t num_channels;
uint32_t sample_rate;
uint32_t byte_rate; /* sample_rate * num_channels * bps / 8 */
uint16_t block_align; /* num_channels * bps / 8 */
uint16_t bits_per_sample;
uint32_t data_id;
uint32_t data_sz;
struct audio_config_params {
qahw_module_handle_t *qahw_mod_handle;
audio_io_handle_t handle;
audio_devices_t input_device;
audio_input_flags_t flags;
audio_config_t config;
audio_source_t source;
int channels;
double record_delay;
double record_length;
char profile[50];
char kvpairs[256];
bool timestamp_mode;
char timestamp_file_in[256];
bool bt_wbs;
struct timed_params {
struct listnode list;
char param[256];
int param_delay;
static pthread_mutex_t glock;
static volatile int tests_running;
static volatile int tests_completed;
int sourcetrack_done = 0;
static pthread_mutex_t sourcetrack_lock;
struct qahw_sound_focus_param sound_focus_data;
void *context = NULL;
static bool request_wake_lock(bool wakelock_acquired, bool enable)
int system_ret;
if (enable) {
if (!wakelock_acquired) {
system_ret = system("echo audio_services > /sys/power/wake_lock");
if (system_ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s.Failed to acquire audio_service lock\n", __func__);
fprintf(log_file, "%s.Failed to acquire audio_service lock\n", __func__);
} else {
wakelock_acquired = true;
fprintf(log_file, "%s.Success to acquire audio_service lock\n", __func__);
} else
fprintf(log_file, "%s.Lock is already acquired\n", __func__);
if (!enable) {
if (wakelock_acquired) {
system_ret = system("echo audio_services > /sys/power/wake_unlock");
if (system_ret < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s.Failed to release audio_service lock\n", __func__);
fprintf(log_file, "%s.Failed to release audio_service lock\n", __func__);
} else {
wakelock_acquired = false;
fprintf(log_file, "%s.Success to release audio_service lock\n", __func__);
} else
fprintf(log_file, "%s.No Lock is acquired to release\n", __func__);
return wakelock_acquired;
void stop_signal_handler(int signal __unused)
stop_record = true;
void read_soundfocus_param(void)
uint16_t start_angle[4] = {0};
uint8_t enable_sector[4] = {0};
uint16_t gain_step;
printf("\nEnter soundfocusparams startangle :::::");
scanf("%hd %hd %hd %hd",&start_angle[0], &start_angle[1],
&start_angle[2], &start_angle[3]);
memcpy(&sound_focus_data.start_angle, start_angle, sizeof(start_angle));
printf("\nEnter soundfocusparams enablesector :::::");
scanf("%hhd %hhd %hhd %hhd",&enable_sector[0], &enable_sector[1],
&enable_sector[2], &enable_sector[3]);
memcpy(&sound_focus_data.enable, enable_sector, sizeof(enable_sector));
printf("\nEnter soundfocusparams gainstep:::::");
memcpy(&sound_focus_data.gain_step, &gain_step, sizeof(gain_step));
void sourcetrack_signal_handler(int signal __unused)
/* Function to read keyboard interupt to enable user to set parameters
for sourcetracking usecase Dynamically */
void *read_sourcetrack_data(void* data)
int idx =0, status = 0,count = 0, sect = 0;
qahw_param_id param;
qahw_param_payload payload;
qahw_module_handle_t *qawh_module_handle = NULL;
qawh_module_handle = (qahw_module_handle_t *)data;
while (1) {
if (sourcetrack_done == 1)
return NULL;
payload = (qahw_param_payload)sound_focus_data;
status = qahw_set_param_data(qawh_module_handle, param, &payload);
if (status != 0)
fprintf(log_file, "Error.Failed Set SoundFocus Params\n");
fprintf(log_file, "\nGet SoundFocus Params from app");
status = qahw_get_param_data(qawh_module_handle, param, &payload);
if (status < 0) {
fprintf(log_file, "Failed to get sound focus params\n");
} else {
memcpy (&sound_focus_data, &payload.sf_params,
sizeof(struct qahw_sound_focus_param));
for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++){
fprintf(log_file, "\nstart_angle[%d]=%d",idx,
fprintf(log_file, " enable[%d]=%d",idx,
fprintf(log_file, " gain=%d\n",payload.sf_params.gain_step);
status = qahw_get_param_data(qawh_module_handle, param, &payload);
if (status < 0) {
fprintf (log_file, "Failed to get source tracking params\n");
} else {
for (idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++){
fprintf(log_file, "vad[%d]=%d ",idx, payload.st_params.vad[idx]);
if (idx < 3)
fprintf(log_file, "doa_noise[%d]=%d \n",
idx, payload.st_params.doa_noise[idx]);
fprintf(log_file, "doa_speech=%d\n",payload.st_params.doa_speech);
fprintf(log_file, "polar_activity:");
for (sect = 0; sect < 4; sect++ ){
fprintf(log_file, "\nSector No-%d:\n",sect + 1);
idx = sound_focus_data.start_angle[sect];
count = sound_focus_data.start_angle[(sect + 1)%4] -
if (count <0)
count = count + 360;
do {
fprintf(log_file, "%d,",payload.st_params.polar_activity[idx%360]);
} while (count);
fprintf(log_file, "\n");
void test_begin()
void test_end()
void *start_input(void *thread_param)
int rc = 0, ret = 0, count = 0;
FILE *fdLatencyNode = nullptr;
struct timespec tsColdI = { 0, 0 };
struct timespec tsColdF = { 0, 0 };
struct timespec tsCont = { 0, 0 };
uint64_t tCold, tCont, tsec, tusec;
char latencyBuf[200] = {0};
time_t start_time = time(0);
double time_elapsed = 0;
ssize_t bytes_read = -1;
char param[100] = "audio_stream_profile=";
char file_name[256] = "/data/audio/rec";
int data_sz = 0, name_len = strlen(file_name);
qahw_in_buffer_t in_buf;
static int64_t timestamp = 1;
struct audio_config_params* params = (struct audio_config_params*) thread_param;
qahw_module_handle_t *qahw_mod_handle = params->qahw_mod_handle;
/* convert/check params before use */
switch(params->channels) {
case 1:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
case 2:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
case 4:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_4;
case 6:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_6;
case 8:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_8;
case 10:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_10;
case 12:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_12;
case 14:
params->config.channel_mask = AUDIO_CHANNEL_INDEX_MASK_14;
fprintf(log_file, "ERROR :::: channle count %d not supported, handle(%d)", params->channels, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "ERROR :::: channle count %d not supported, handle(%d)", params->channels, params->handle);
/* Turn BT_SCO on if bt_sco recording */
if(audio_is_bluetooth_sco_device(params->input_device)) {
int ret = -1;
const char * bt_sco_on = "BT_SCO=on";
ret = qahw_set_parameters(qahw_mod_handle, bt_sco_on);
fprintf(log_file, " param %s set to hal with return value %d\n", bt_sco_on, ret);
/* setup debug node if in kpi mode */
if (kpi_mode) {
fdLatencyNode = fopen(LATENCY_NODE,"r+");
if (fdLatencyNode) {
ret = fwrite(LATENCY_NODE_INIT_STR, sizeof(LATENCY_NODE_INIT_STR), 1, fdLatencyNode);
if (ret < 1)
fprintf(log_file, "error(%d) writing to debug node!, handle(%d)", ret, params->handle);
} else {
fprintf(log_file, "debug node(%s) open failed!, handle(%d)", LATENCY_NODE, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "debug node(%s) open failed!, handle(%d)", LATENCY_NODE, params->handle);
/* Open audio input stream */
qahw_stream_handle_t* in_handle = NULL;
rc = qahw_open_input_stream(qahw_mod_handle,
params->handle, params->input_device,
&params->config, &in_handle,
params->flags, "input_stream",
if (rc) {
fprintf(log_file, "ERROR :::: Could not open input stream, handle(%d)\n", params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "ERROR :::: Could not open input stream, handle(%d)\n", params->handle);
/* Get buffer size to get upper bound on data to read from the HAL */
size_t buffer_size = qahw_in_get_buffer_size(in_handle);
char *buffer = (char *)calloc(1, buffer_size);
size_t written_size;
if (buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, "calloc failed!!, handle(%d)\n", params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "calloc failed!!, handle(%d)\n", params->handle);
fprintf(log_file, " input opened, buffer %p, size %zu, handle(%d)", buffer, buffer_size, params->handle);
/* set profile for the recording session */
strlcat(param, params->profile, sizeof(param));
qahw_in_set_parameters(in_handle, param);
if (audio_is_bluetooth_sco_device(params->input_device)) {
char param1[50];
snprintf(param1, sizeof(param1), "bt_wbs=%s", ((params->bt_wbs == 1) ? "on" : "off"));
qahw_set_parameters(qahw_mod_handle, param1);
/* Caution: Below ADL log shouldnt be altered without notifying automation APT since it used for
* automation testing
fprintf(log_file, "\n ADL: Please speak into the microphone for %lf seconds, handle(%d)\n", params->record_length, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "\n ADL: Please speak into the microphone for %lf seconds, handle(%d)\n", params->record_length, params->handle);
if (audio_is_linear_pcm(params->config.format))
snprintf(file_name + name_len, sizeof(file_name) - name_len, "%d.wav", (0x99A - params->handle));
snprintf(file_name + name_len, sizeof(file_name) - name_len, "%d.raw", (0x99A - params->handle));
FILE *fd = fopen(file_name,"w");
if (fd == NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, "File open failed \n");
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "File open failed \n");
FILE *fd_in_ts = NULL;
if (params->timestamp_mode) {
if (*(params->timestamp_file_in))
fd_in_ts = fopen(params->timestamp_file_in, "w+");
if (fd_in_ts == NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, "playback timestamps file open failed \n");
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "playback timestamps file open failed \n");
int bps = 16;
switch(params->config.format) {
bps = 24;
bps = 32;
bps = 16;
struct wav_header hdr;
hdr.riff_id = ID_RIFF;
hdr.riff_sz = 0;
hdr.riff_fmt = ID_WAVE;
hdr.fmt_id = ID_FMT;
hdr.fmt_sz = 16;
hdr.audio_format = FORMAT_PCM;
hdr.num_channels = params->channels;
hdr.sample_rate = params->config.sample_rate;
hdr.byte_rate = hdr.sample_rate * hdr.num_channels * (bps/8);
hdr.block_align = hdr.num_channels * (bps/8);
hdr.bits_per_sample = bps;
hdr.data_id = ID_DATA;
hdr.data_sz = 0;
if (audio_is_linear_pcm(params->config.format))
fwrite(&hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), fd);
memset(&in_buf,0, sizeof(qahw_in_buffer_t));
start_time = time(0);
while(true && !stop_record) {
if(time_elapsed < params->record_delay) {
usleep(1000000*(params->record_delay - time_elapsed));
time_elapsed = difftime(time(0), start_time);
} else if (time_elapsed > params->record_delay + params->record_length) {
fprintf(log_file, "\n Test for session with handle(%d) completed.\n", params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "\n Test for session with handle(%d) completed.\n", params->handle);
if (kpi_mode && count == 0) {
ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsColdI);
if (ret)
fprintf(log_file, "error(%d) getting current time before first read!, handle(%d)", ret, params->handle);
in_buf.buffer = buffer;
in_buf.bytes = buffer_size;
if (params->timestamp_mode)
in_buf.timestamp = &timestamp;
bytes_read = qahw_in_read(in_handle, &in_buf);
if (params->timestamp_mode)
fprintf(fd_in_ts, "timestamp:%lld\n", timestamp);
if (kpi_mode) {
if (count == 0) {
ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsColdF);
if (ret)
fprintf(log_file, "error(%d) getting current time after first read!, handle(%d)", ret, params->handle);
} else if (count == 8) {
/* 8th read done time is captured in kernel which would have trigger 9th read in DSP
* 9th read is received by usersace at this time
ret = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsCont);
if (ret)
fprintf(log_file, "error(%d) getting current time after 8th read!, handle(%d)", ret, params->handle);
time_elapsed = difftime(time(0), start_time);
written_size = fwrite(in_buf.buffer, 1, bytes_read, fd);
if (written_size < bytes_read) {
printf("Error in fwrite(%d)=%s\n",ferror(fd), strerror(ferror(fd)));
data_sz += bytes_read;
if ((params->timestamp_mode) && fd_in_ts) {
fd_in_ts = NULL;
/*Stopping sourcetracking thread*/
sourcetrack_done = 1;
if (audio_is_linear_pcm(params->config.format)) {
/* update lengths in header */
hdr.data_sz = data_sz;
hdr.riff_sz = data_sz + 44 - 8;
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), fd);
fd = NULL;
/* capture latency kpis if required */
if (kpi_mode) {
tCold = tsColdF.tv_sec*1000 - tsColdI.tv_sec*1000 +
tsColdF.tv_nsec/1000000 - tsColdI.tv_nsec/1000000;
if (fdLatencyNode) {
fread((void *) latencyBuf, 100, 1, fdLatencyNode);
fdLatencyNode = NULL;
sscanf(latencyBuf, " %llu,%llu", &tsec, &tusec);
tCont = ((uint64_t)tsCont.tv_sec)*1000 - tsec*1000 + ((uint64_t)tsCont.tv_nsec)/1000000 - tusec/1000;
if (log_file != stdout) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n cold latency %llums, continuous latency %llums, handle(%d)\n", tCold, tCont, params->handle);
fprintf(stdout, " **Note: please add DSP Pipe/PP latency numbers to this, for final latency values\n");
fprintf(log_file, "\n values from debug node %s, handle(%d)\n", latencyBuf, params->handle);
fprintf(log_file, "\n cold latency %llums, continuous latency %llums, handle(%d)\n", tCold, tCont, params->handle);
fprintf(log_file, " **Note: please add DSP Pipe/PP latency numbers to this, for final latency values\n");
fprintf(log_file, " closing input, handle(%d)", params->handle);
printf("closing input");
/* Close input stream and device. */
rc = qahw_in_standby(in_handle);
if (rc) {
fprintf(log_file, "out standby failed %d, handle(%d)\n",rc, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "out standby failed %d, handle(%d)\n",rc, params->handle);
rc = qahw_close_input_stream(in_handle);
if (rc) {
fprintf(log_file, "could not close input stream %d, handle(%d)\n",rc, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "could not close input stream %d, handle(%d)\n",rc, params->handle);
/* Print instructions to access the file.
* Caution: Below ADL log shouldnt be altered without notifying automation APT since it used for
* automation testing
fprintf(log_file, "\n\n ADL: The audio recording has been saved to %s. Please use adb pull to get "
"the file and play it using audacity. The audio data has the "
"following characteristics:\n Sample rate: %i\n Format: %d\n "
"Num channels: %i, handle(%d)\n\n",
file_name, params->config.sample_rate, params->config.format, params->channels, params->handle);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n ADL: The audio recording has been saved to %s. Please use adb pull to get "
"the file and play it using audacity. The audio data has the "
"following characteristics:\n Sample rate: %i\n Format: %d\n "
"Num channels: %i, handle(%d)\n\n",
file_name, params->config.sample_rate, params->config.format, params->channels, params->handle);
return NULL;
int read_config_params_from_user(struct audio_config_params *thread_param) {
printf(" \n Enter input device (4->built-in mic, 16->wired_headset .. etc) ::::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->input_device);
thread_param->input_device |= AUDIO_DEVICE_BIT_IN;
if (thread_param->input_device == AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET) {
printf(" \n Enable wbs for BT sco?? (1 - Enable 0 - Disable) ::::: ");
scanf("%d", &thread_param->bt_wbs);
printf(" \n Enter the format (1 ->16 bit pcm recording, 6 -> 24 bit packed pcm recording) ::::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->config.format);
printf(" \n Enter input flag to be used (0 -> none, 1 -> fast ...) ::::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->flags);
printf(" \n Enter the sample rate (48000, 16000 etc) :::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->config.sample_rate);
printf(" \n Enter the channels (1 -mono, 2 -stereo and 4 -quad channels) ::::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->channels);
printf(" \n Enter profile (none, record_fluence, record_mec, record_unprocessed etc) :::: ");
scanf(" %s", thread_param->profile);
printf("\n Enter the audio source ( ref: system/media/audio/include/system/audio.h) :::: ");
scanf(" %d", &thread_param->source);
printf("\n Enter the record duration in seconds :::: ");
scanf(" %lf", &thread_param->record_length);
printf("\n Enter the start delay for the session in seconds :::: ");
scanf(" %lf", &thread_param->record_delay);
return 0;
void fill_default_params(struct audio_config_params *thread_param, int rec_session) {
memset(thread_param,0, sizeof(struct audio_config_params));
thread_param->input_device = AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC;
thread_param->config.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
thread_param->channels = 2;
thread_param->flags = (audio_input_flags_t)AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_NONE;
thread_param->config.sample_rate = 48000;
thread_param->source = 1;
thread_param->record_length = 8 /*sec*/;
thread_param->record_delay = 0 /*sec*/;
thread_param->timestamp_mode = false;
thread_param->bt_wbs = false;
thread_param->handle = 0x99A - rec_session;
void usage() {
printf(" \n Command \n");
printf(" \n hal_rec_test <options>\n");
printf(" \n Options\n");
printf(" -d --device <int> - see system/media/audio/include/system/audio.h for device values\n");
printf(" Optional Argument and Default value is 4, i.e Built-in MIC\n\n");
printf(" -f --format <int> - Integer value of format in which data needs to be recorded\n\n");
printf(" -F --flags <int> - Integer value of flags to be used for opening input stream\n\n");
printf(" -r --sample-rate <8000-96000> - Sampling rate to be used\n\n");
printf(" -c --channels <int> - Number of input channels needed\n\n");
printf(" -s --source <int> - Input Source type\n\n");
printf(" -p --profile <string> - Input profile tag, used for profile based app_type selection.\n\n");
printf(" -t --recording-time <in seconds> - Time duration for the recording\n\n");
printf(" -D --recording-delay <in seconds> - Delay in seconds after which recording should be started\n\n");
printf(" -l --log-file <FILEPATH> - File path for debug msg, to print\n");
printf(" on console use stdout or 1 \n\n");
printf(" -m --timestamp-mode <FILEPATH> - Use this flag to support timestamp-mode and timestamp file path for debug msg\n");
printf(" -K --kpi-mode - Use this flag to measure latency KPIs for this recording\n\n");
printf(" -i --interactive-mode - Use this flag if prefer configuring streams using interactive mode\n");
printf(" All other flags passed would be ignore if this flag is used\n\n");
printf(" -S --source-tracking - Use this flag to show capture source tracking params for recordings\n\n");
printf(" -k --kvpairs - kvpairs to be set globally\n");
printf(" -z --bt-wbs - set bt_wbs param\n");
printf(" -h --help - Show this help\n\n");
printf(" \n Examples \n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -> start a recording stream with default configurations\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -i -> start a recording stream and get configurations from user interactively\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -d 2 -f 1 -r 44100 -c 2 -t 8 -D 2 -> start a recording session, with device 2[built-in-mic],\n");
printf(" format 1[AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT], sample rate 44100, \n");
printf(" channels 2[AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO], record data for 8 secs\n");
printf(" start recording after 2 secs.\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -S -c 1 -r 48000 -t 30 -> Enable Sourcetracking\n");
printf(" For mono channel 48kHz rate for 30seconds\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -F 1 --kpi-mode -> start a recording with low latency input flag and calculate latency KPIs\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -c 1 -r 16000 -t 30 -k ffvOn=true;ffv_ec_ref_ch_cnt=2 -> Enable FFV with stereo ec ref\n");
printf(" For mono channel 16kHz rate for 30seconds\n\n");
printf(" hal_rec_test -d 2 -f 1 -r 44100 -c 2 -t 8 -D 2 -m <FILEPATH> -F 2147483648 --> enable timestamp mode and\n");
printf(" print timestamp debug msg in specified FILEPATH\n");
static void qti_audio_server_death_notify_cb(void *ctxt __unused) {
fprintf(log_file, "qas died\n");
fprintf(stderr, "qas died\n");
stop_record = true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int max_recordings_requested = 0, status = 0;
int thread_active[MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS] = {0};
qahw_module_handle_t *qahw_mod_handle;
const char *mod_name = "audio.primary";
struct audio_config_params params[MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS];
bool interactive_mode = false, source_tracking = false;
struct listnode param_list;
char log_filename[256] = "stdout";
bool wakelock_acquired = false;
int i;
const char *recording_session[MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS] = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth"};
log_file = stdout;
fill_default_params(&params[0], 1);
struct option long_options[] = {
/* These options set a flag. */
{"device", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
{"format", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
{"flags", required_argument, 0, 'F'},
{"sample-rate", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
{"channels", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
{"source", required_argument, 0, 's'},
{"profile", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
{"recording-time", required_argument, 0, 't'},
{"recording-delay", required_argument, 0, 'D'},
{"log-file", required_argument, 0, 'l'},
{"timestamp-file", required_argument, 0, 'm'},
{"kpi-mode", no_argument, 0, 'K'},
{"interactive", no_argument, 0, 'i'},
{"source-tracking", no_argument, 0, 'S'},
{"kvpairs", required_argument, 0, 'k'},
{"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
{"bt-wbs", no_argument, 0, 'z'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int opt = 0;
int option_index = 0;
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc,
&option_index)) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'd':
params[0].input_device = atoll(optarg);
case 'f':
params[0].config.format = atoll(optarg);
case 'F':
params[0].flags = atoll(optarg);
case 'r':
params[0].config.sample_rate = atoi(optarg);
case 'c':
params[0].channels = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
params[0].source = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
snprintf(params[0].profile, sizeof(params[0].profile), "%s", optarg);
case 't':
params[0].record_length = atoi(optarg);
case 'D':
params[0].record_delay = atoi(optarg);
case 'l':
snprintf(log_filename, sizeof(log_filename), "%s", optarg);
case 'm':
params[0].timestamp_mode = true;
snprintf(params[0].timestamp_file_in, sizeof(params[0].timestamp_file_in), "%s", optarg);
case 'K':
kpi_mode = true;
case 'i':
interactive_mode = true;
case 'S':
source_tracking = true;
case 'k':
snprintf(params[0].kvpairs, sizeof(params[0].kvpairs), "%s", optarg);
case 'z':
params[0].bt_wbs = true;
case 'h':
return 0;
fprintf(log_file, "registering qas callback");
qahw_register_qas_death_notify_cb((audio_error_callback)qti_audio_server_death_notify_cb, context);
wakelock_acquired = request_wake_lock(wakelock_acquired, true);
qahw_mod_handle = qahw_load_module(mod_name);
if(qahw_mod_handle == NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, " qahw_load_module failed");
return -1;
fprintf(log_file, " Starting audio hal multi recording test. \n");
if (interactive_mode) {
printf(" Enter logfile path (stdout or 1 for console out)::: \n");
scanf(" %s", log_filename);
printf(" Enter number of record sessions to be started \n");
printf(" (Maximum of %d record sessions are allowed):::: ", MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS);
scanf(" %d", &max_recordings_requested);
if (max_recordings_requested > MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS) {
fprintf(log_file, " INVALID input -- Max record sessions supported is %d -exit \n",
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, " INVALID input -- Max record sessions supported is %d -exit \n",
return -1;
} else {
max_recordings_requested = 1;
if (strcasecmp(log_filename, "stdout") && strcasecmp(log_filename, "1")) {
if ((log_file = fopen(log_filename,"wb"))== NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open log file %s\n", log_filename);
/* continue to log to std out */
log_file = stdout;
for (i = max_recordings_requested; i > 0; i--) {
if (interactive_mode) {
printf("Enter the config params for %s record session \n", recording_session[i - 1]);
fill_default_params(&params[i - 1], i);
read_config_params_from_user(&params[i - 1]);
params[i - 1].qahw_mod_handle = qahw_mod_handle;
thread_active[i - 1] = 1;
printf(" \n");
if (interactive_mode && status == 0) {
int option = 0;
printf(" \n Source Tracking enabled ??? ( 1 - Enable 0 - Disable)::: ");
scanf(" %d", &option);
source_tracking = option ? true : false;
printf(" \n Measure latency KPI values ??? ( 1 - Enable 0 - Disable)::: ");
scanf(" %d", &option);
kpi_mode = option ? true : false;
while(true) {
char ch = 'y';
printf(" \n SetParam command required ??? (y/n)::: ");
scanf(" %c", &ch);
if (ch != 'y' && ch != 'Y')
struct timed_params *param = (struct timed_params *)
calloc(1, sizeof(struct timed_params));
if (param == NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, " \n Failed to alloc memory for param, ignoring param conf\n\n");
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, " \n Failed to alloc memory for param, ignoring param conf\n\n");
printf(" \n Enter param kv pair :::: ");
scanf(" %s", param->param);
printf(" \n Enter param delay in sec (time after which param need to be set):::: ");
scanf(" %d", &param->param_delay);
list_add_tail(&param_list, &param->list);
/* set global setparams entered by user.
* Also other global setparams can be concatenated if required.
if (params[0].kvpairs[0] != 0) {
size_t len;
len = strcspn(params[0].kvpairs, ",");
while (len < strlen(params[0].kvpairs)) {
params[0].kvpairs[len] = ';';
len = strcspn(params[0].kvpairs, ",");
printf("param %s set to hal\n", params[0].kvpairs);
qahw_set_parameters(qahw_mod_handle, params[0].kvpairs);
pthread_t tid[MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS];
pthread_t sourcetrack_thread;
int ret = -1;
if (source_tracking && max_recordings_requested) {
if (pthread_mutex_init(&sourcetrack_lock, NULL) != 0) {
printf("\n mutex init failed\n");
source_tracking = 0;
goto sourcetrack_error;
if (signal(SIGQUIT, sourcetrack_signal_handler) == SIG_ERR)
fprintf(log_file, "Failed to register SIGQUIT:%d\n",errno);
printf("NOTE::::To set sourcetracking params at runtime press 'Ctrl+\\' from keyboard\n");
printf("Create source tracking thread \n");
ret = pthread_create(&sourcetrack_thread,
NULL, read_sourcetrack_data,
(void *)qahw_mod_handle);
if (ret) {
printf(" Failed to create source tracking thread \n ");
source_tracking = 0;
goto sourcetrack_error;
/* Register the SIGINT to close the App properly */
if (signal(SIGINT, stop_signal_handler) == SIG_ERR)
fprintf(log_file, "Failed to register SIGINT:%d\n", errno);
/* Register the SIGTERM to close the App properly */
if (signal(SIGTERM, stop_signal_handler) == SIG_ERR)
fprintf(log_file, "Failed to register SIGTERM:%d\n", errno);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS; i++) {
if (thread_active[i] == 1) {
fprintf(log_file, "\n Create %s record thread \n", recording_session[i]);
ret = pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, start_input, (void *)&params[i]);
if (ret) {
status = -1;
fprintf(log_file, " Failed to create %s record thread \n", recording_session[i]);
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, " Failed to create %s record thread \n", recording_session[i]);
thread_active[i] = 0;
fprintf(log_file, " All threads started \n");
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, " All threads started \n");
/* set params if queued */
time_t start_time = time(0);
while (!list_empty(&param_list)) {
struct listnode *node, *tempnode;
struct timed_params *param;
time_t curr_time = time(0);
list_for_each_safe(node, tempnode, &param_list) {
param = node_to_item(node, struct timed_params, list);
if (curr_time - start_time > param->param_delay ||
(tests_completed > 0 && tests_running == 0)) {
if (curr_time - start_time > param->param_delay) {
ret = qahw_set_parameters(qahw_mod_handle, param->param);
fprintf(log_file, " param %s set to hal with return value %d\n", param->param, ret);
fprintf(log_file, " Waiting for threads exit \n");
if (log_file != stdout)
fprintf(stdout, " Waiting for threads exit \n");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECORD_SESSIONS; i++) {
if (thread_active[i] == 1) {
pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
fprintf(log_file, " after %s record thread exit \n", recording_session[i]);
if (source_tracking) {
printf("after source tracking thread exit \n");
ret = qahw_unload_module(qahw_mod_handle);
if (ret) {
fprintf(log_file, "could not unload hal %d \n",ret);
/* Caution: Below ADL log shouldnt be altered without notifying automation APT since it used
* for automation testing
if (log_file != NULL) {
fprintf(log_file, "\n ADL: Done with hal record test \n");
if (log_file != stdout) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n ADL: Done with hal record test \n");
log_file = NULL;
wakelock_acquired = request_wake_lock(wakelock_acquired, false);
return 0;