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* Copyright 2003-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
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* have any questions.
package sun.rmi.rmic.newrmic.jrmp;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import sun.rmi.rmic.newrmic.BatchEnvironment;
import sun.rmi.rmic.newrmic.IndentingWriter;
import static sun.rmi.rmic.newrmic.Constants.*;
import static sun.rmi.rmic.newrmic.jrmp.Constants.*;
* Writes the source code for the stub class and (optionally) skeleton
* class for a particular remote implementation class.
* WARNING: The contents of this source file are not part of any
* supported API. Code that depends on them does so at its own risk:
* they are subject to change or removal without notice.
* @author Peter Jones
class StubSkeletonWriter {
/** rmic environment for this object */
private final BatchEnvironment env;
/** the remote implemention class to generate code for */
private final RemoteClass remoteClass;
/** version of the JRMP stub protocol to generate code for */
private final StubVersion version;
* binary names of the stub and skeleton classes to generate for
* the remote class
private final String stubClassName;
private final String skeletonClassName;
/* package name and simple names of the stub and skeleton classes */
private final String packageName;
private final String stubClassSimpleName;
private final String skeletonClassSimpleName;
/** remote methods of class, indexed by operation number */
private final RemoteClass.Method[] remoteMethods;
* Names to use for the java.lang.reflect.Method static fields in
* the generated stub class corresponding to each remote method.
private final String[] methodFieldNames;
* Creates a StubSkeletonWriter instance for the specified remote
* implementation class. The generated code will implement the
* specified JRMP stub protocol version.
StubSkeletonWriter(BatchEnvironment env,
RemoteClass remoteClass,
StubVersion version)
this.env = env;
this.remoteClass = remoteClass;
this.version = version;
stubClassName = Util.binaryNameOf(remoteClass.classDoc()) + "_Stub";
skeletonClassName =
Util.binaryNameOf(remoteClass.classDoc()) + "_Skel";
int i = stubClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
packageName = (i != -1 ? stubClassName.substring(0, i) : "");
stubClassSimpleName = stubClassName.substring(i + 1);
skeletonClassSimpleName = skeletonClassName.substring(i + 1);
remoteMethods = remoteClass.remoteMethods();
methodFieldNames = nameMethodFields(remoteMethods);
* Returns the binary name of the stub class to generate for the
* remote implementation class.
String stubClassName() {
return stubClassName;
* Returns the binary name of the skeleton class to generate for
* the remote implementation class.
String skeletonClassName() {
return skeletonClassName;
* Writes the stub class for the remote class to a stream.
void writeStub(IndentingWriter p) throws IOException {
* Write boiler plate comment.
p.pln("// Stub class generated by rmic, do not edit.");
p.pln("// Contents subject to change without notice.");
* If remote implementation class was in a particular package,
* declare the stub class to be in the same package.
if (!packageName.equals("")) {
p.pln("package " + packageName + ";");
* Declare the stub class; implement all remote interfaces.
p.plnI("public final class " + stubClassSimpleName);
p.pln("extends " + REMOTE_STUB);
ClassDoc[] remoteInterfaces = remoteClass.remoteInterfaces();
if (remoteInterfaces.length > 0) {
p.p("implements ");
for (int i = 0; i < remoteInterfaces.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
p.p(", ");
if (version == StubVersion.V1_1 ||
version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT)
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT ||
version == StubVersion.V1_2)
p.pln("private static final long serialVersionUID = " +
* We only need to declare and initialize the static fields of
* Method objects for each remote method if there are any remote
* methods; otherwise, skip this code entirely, to avoid generating
* a try/catch block for a checked exception that cannot occur
* (see bugid 4125181).
if (methodFieldNames.length > 0) {
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.pln("private static boolean useNewInvoke;");
* Initialize java.lang.reflect.Method fields for each remote
* method in a static initializer.
p.plnI("static {");
p.plnI("try {");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
* Fat stubs must determine whether the API required for
* the JDK 1.2 stub protocol is supported in the current
* runtime, so that it can use it if supported. This is
* determined by using the Reflection API to test if the
* new invoke method on RemoteRef exists, and setting the
* static boolean "useNewInvoke" to true if it does, or
* to false if a NoSuchMethodException is thrown.
p.plnI(REMOTE_REF + ".class.getMethod(\"invoke\",");
p.plnI("new java.lang.Class[] {");
p.pln(REMOTE + ".class,");
p.pln("useNewInvoke = true;");
p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) {");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.pln("useNewInvoke = false;");
} else {
p.plnI("throw new java.lang.NoSuchMethodError(");
p.pln("\"stub class initialization failed\");");
p.pOln("}"); // end try/catch block
p.pOln("}"); // end static initializer
* Write each stub method.
if (remoteMethods.length > 0) {
p.pln("// methods from remote interfaces");
for (int i = 0; i < remoteMethods.length; ++i) {
writeStubMethod(p, i);
p.pOln("}"); // end stub class
* Writes the constructors for the stub class.
private void writeStubConstructors(IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException
p.pln("// constructors");
* Only stubs compatible with the JDK 1.1 stub protocol need
* a no-arg constructor; later versions use reflection to find
* the constructor that directly takes a RemoteRef argument.
if (version == StubVersion.V1_1 ||
version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT)
p.plnI("public " + stubClassSimpleName + "() {");
p.plnI("public " + stubClassSimpleName + "(" + REMOTE_REF + " ref) {");
* Writes the stub method for the remote method with the given
* operation number.
private void writeStubMethod(IndentingWriter p, int opnum)
throws IOException
RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[opnum];
MethodDoc methodDoc = method.methodDoc();
String methodName =;
Type[] paramTypes = method.parameterTypes();
String paramNames[] = nameParameters(paramTypes);
Type returnType = methodDoc.returnType();
ClassDoc[] exceptions = method.exceptionTypes();
* Declare stub method; throw exceptions declared in remote
* interface(s).
p.pln("// implementation of " +
p.p("public " + returnType.toString() + " " + methodName + "(");
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
p.p(", ");
p.p(paramTypes[i].toString() + " " + paramNames[i]);
if (exceptions.length > 0) {
p.p("throws ");
for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
p.p(", ");
* The RemoteRef.invoke methods throw Exception, but unless
* this stub method throws Exception as well, we must catch
* Exceptions thrown from the invocation. So we must catch
* Exception and rethrow something we can throw:
* UnexpectedException, which is a subclass of
* RemoteException. But for any subclasses of Exception that
* we can throw, like RemoteException, RuntimeException, and
* any of the exceptions declared by this stub method, we want
* them to pass through unmodified, so first we must catch any
* such exceptions and rethrow them directly.
* We have to be careful generating the rethrowing catch
* blocks here, because javac will flag an error if there are
* any unreachable catch blocks, i.e. if the catch of an
* exception class follows a previous catch of it or of one of
* its superclasses. The following method invocation takes
* care of these details.
List<ClassDoc> catchList = computeUniqueCatchList(exceptions);
* If we need to catch any particular exceptions (i.e. this method
* does not declare java.lang.Exception), put the entire stub
* method in a try block.
if (catchList.size() > 0) {
p.plnI("try {");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.plnI("if (useNewInvoke) {");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT ||
version == StubVersion.V1_2)
if (!Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
p.p("Object $result = "); // REMIND: why $?
p.p("ref.invoke(this, " + methodFieldNames[opnum] + ", ");
if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
p.p("new java.lang.Object[] {");
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
p.p(", ");
p.p(wrapArgumentCode(paramTypes[i], paramNames[i]));
} else {
p.pln(", " + method.methodHash() + "L);");
if (!Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
p.pln("return " +
unwrapArgumentCode(returnType, "$result") + ";");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.pOlnI("} else {");
if (version == StubVersion.V1_1 ||
version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT)
p.pln(REMOTE_CALL + " call = ref.newCall((" + REMOTE_OBJECT +
") this, operations, " + opnum + ", interfaceHash);");
if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
p.plnI("try {");
p.pln(" out = call.getOutputStream();");
writeMarshalArguments(p, "out", paramTypes, paramNames);
p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + MARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"error marshalling arguments\", e);");
if (Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
} else {
p.pln(returnType.toString() + " $result;");
// REMIND: why $?
p.plnI("try {");
p.pln(" in = call.getInputStream();");
boolean objectRead =
writeUnmarshalArgument(p, "in", returnType, "$result");
p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"error unmarshalling return\", e);");
* If any only if readObject has been invoked, we must catch
* ClassNotFoundException as well as IOException.
if (objectRead) {
p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"error unmarshalling return\", e);");
p.pOlnI("} finally {");
p.pln("return $result;");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.pOln("}"); // end if/else (useNewInvoke) block
* If we need to catch any particular exceptions, finally write
* the catch blocks for them, rethrow any other Exceptions with an
* UnexpectedException, and end the try block.
if (catchList.size() > 0) {
for (ClassDoc catchClass : catchList) {
p.pOlnI("} catch (" + catchClass.qualifiedName() + " e) {");
p.pln("throw e;");
p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION +
"(\"undeclared checked exception\", e);");
p.pOln("}"); // end try/catch block
p.pOln("}"); // end stub method
* Computes the exceptions that need to be caught and rethrown in
* a stub method before wrapping Exceptions in
* UnexpectedExceptions, given the exceptions declared in the
* throws clause of the method. Returns a list containing the
* exception to catch. Each exception is guaranteed to be unique,
* i.e. not a subclass of any of the other exceptions in the list,
* so the catch blocks for these exceptions may be generated in
* any order relative to each other.
* RemoteException and RuntimeException are each automatically
* placed in the returned list (unless any of their superclasses
* are already present), since those exceptions should always be
* directly rethrown by a stub method.
* The returned list will be empty if java.lang.Exception or one
* of its superclasses is in the throws clause of the method,
* indicating that no exceptions need to be caught.
private List<ClassDoc> computeUniqueCatchList(ClassDoc[] exceptions) {
List<ClassDoc> uniqueList = new ArrayList<ClassDoc>();
uniqueList.add(env.docRemoteException()); // always catch/rethrow these
/* For each exception declared by the stub method's throws clause: */
for (ClassDoc ex : exceptions) {
if (env.docException().subclassOf(ex)) {
* If java.lang.Exception (or a superclass) was declared
* in the throws clause of this stub method, then we don't
* have to bother catching anything; clear the list and
* return.
} else if (!ex.subclassOf(env.docException())) {
* Ignore other Throwables that do not extend Exception,
* because they cannot be thrown by the invoke methods.
* Compare this exception against the current list of
* exceptions that need to be caught:
for (Iterator<ClassDoc> i = uniqueList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
ClassDoc ex2 =;
if (ex.subclassOf(ex2)) {
* If a superclass of this exception is already on
* the list to catch, then ignore this one and continue;
continue nextException;
} else if (ex2.subclassOf(ex)) {
* If a subclass of this exception is on the list
* to catch, then remove it;
/* This exception is unique: add it to the list to catch. */
return uniqueList;
* Writes the skeleton for the remote class to a stream.
void writeSkeleton(IndentingWriter p) throws IOException {
if (version == StubVersion.V1_2) {
throw new AssertionError(
"should not generate skeleton for version " + version);
* Write boiler plate comment.
p.pln("// Skeleton class generated by rmic, do not edit.");
p.pln("// Contents subject to change without notice.");
* If remote implementation class was in a particular package,
* declare the skeleton class to be in the same package.
if (!packageName.equals("")) {
p.pln("package " + packageName + ";");
* Declare the skeleton class.
p.plnI("public final class " + skeletonClassSimpleName);
p.pln("implements " + SKELETON);
* Define the getOperations() method.
p.plnI("public " + OPERATION + "[] getOperations() {");
p.pln("return (" + OPERATION + "[]) operations.clone();");
* Define the dispatch() method.
p.plnI("public void dispatch(" + REMOTE + " obj, " +
REMOTE_CALL + " call, int opnum, long hash)");
p.pln("throws java.lang.Exception");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.plnI("if (opnum < 0) {");
if (remoteMethods.length > 0) {
for (int opnum = 0; opnum < remoteMethods.length; opnum++) {
if (opnum > 0)
p.pO("} else ");
p.plnI("if (hash == " +
remoteMethods[opnum].methodHash() + "L) {");
p.pln("opnum = " + opnum + ";");
p.pOlnI("} else {");
* Skeleton throws UnmarshalException if it does not recognize
* the method hash; this is what UnicastServerRef.dispatch()
* would do.
p.pln("throw new " +
UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION + "(\"invalid method hash\");");
if (remoteMethods.length > 0) {
* Ignore the validation of the interface hash if the
* operation number was negative, since it is really a
* method hash instead.
p.pOlnI("} else {");
p.plnI("if (hash != interfaceHash)");
p.pln("throw new " +
SKELETON_MISMATCH_EXCEPTION + "(\"interface hash mismatch\");");
if (version == StubVersion.VCOMPAT) {
p.pOln("}"); // end if/else (opnum < 0) block
* Cast remote object reference to the remote implementation
* class, if it's not private. We don't use the binary name
* of the class like previous implementations did because that
* would not compile with javac (since 1.4.1). If the remote
* implementation class is private, then we can't cast to it
* like previous implementations did because that also would
* not compile with javac-- so instead, we'll have to try to
* cast to the remote interface for each remote method.
if (!remoteClass.classDoc().isPrivate()) {
p.pln(remoteClass.classDoc().qualifiedName() + " server = (" +
remoteClass.classDoc().qualifiedName() + ") obj;");
* Process call according to the operation number.
p.plnI("switch (opnum) {");
for (int opnum = 0; opnum < remoteMethods.length; opnum++) {
writeSkeletonDispatchCase(p, opnum);
* Skeleton throws UnmarshalException if it does not recognize
* the operation number; this is consistent with the case of an
* unrecognized method hash.
p.pln("throw new " + UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"invalid method number\");");
p.pOln("}"); // end switch statement
p.pOln("}"); // end dispatch() method
p.pOln("}"); // end skeleton class
* Writes the case block for the skeleton's dispatch method for
* the remote method with the given "opnum".
private void writeSkeletonDispatchCase(IndentingWriter p, int opnum)
throws IOException
RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[opnum];
MethodDoc methodDoc = method.methodDoc();
String methodName =;
Type paramTypes[] = method.parameterTypes();
String paramNames[] = nameParameters(paramTypes);
Type returnType = methodDoc.returnType();
p.pOlnI("case " + opnum + ": // " +
* Use nested block statement inside case to provide an independent
* namespace for local variables used to unmarshal parameters for
* this remote method.
if (paramTypes.length > 0) {
* Declare local variables to hold arguments.
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
p.pln(paramTypes[i].toString() + " " + paramNames[i] + ";");
* Unmarshal arguments from call stream.
p.plnI("try {");
p.pln(" in = call.getInputStream();");
boolean objectsRead = writeUnmarshalArguments(p, "in",
paramTypes, paramNames);
p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"error unmarshalling arguments\", e);");
* If any only if readObject has been invoked, we must catch
* ClassNotFoundException as well as IOException.
if (objectsRead) {
p.pOlnI("} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {");
p.pln("throw new " + UNMARSHAL_EXCEPTION +
"(\"error unmarshalling arguments\", e);");
p.pOlnI("} finally {");
} else {
if (!Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
* Declare variable to hold return type, if not void.
p.p(returnType.toString() + " $result = ");
// REMIND: why $?
* Invoke the method on the server object. If the remote
* implementation class is private, then we don't have a
* reference cast to it, and so we try to cast to the remote
* object reference to the method's declaring interface here.
String target = remoteClass.classDoc().isPrivate() ?
"((" + methodDoc.containingClass().qualifiedName() + ") obj)" :
p.p(target + "." + methodName + "(");
for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
p.p(", ");
* Always invoke getResultStream(true) on the call object to send
* the indication of a successful invocation to the caller. If
* the return type is not void, keep the result stream and marshal
* the return value.
p.plnI("try {");
if (!Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
p.p(" out = ");
if (!Util.isVoid(returnType)) {
writeMarshalArgument(p, "out", returnType, "$result");
p.pOlnI("} catch ( e) {");
p.pln("throw new " +
MARSHAL_EXCEPTION + "(\"error marshalling return\", e);");
p.pln("break;"); // break from switch statement
p.pOlnI("}"); // end nested block statement
* Writes declaration and initializer for "operations" static array.
private void writeOperationsArray(IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException
p.plnI("private static final " + OPERATION + "[] operations = {");
for (int i = 0; i < remoteMethods.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
p.p("new " + OPERATION + "(\"" +
remoteMethods[i].operationString() + "\")");
* Writes declaration and initializer for "interfaceHash" static field.
private void writeInterfaceHash(IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException
p.pln("private static final long interfaceHash = " +
remoteClass.interfaceHash() + "L;");
* Writes declaration for java.lang.reflect.Method static fields
* corresponding to each remote method in a stub.
private void writeMethodFieldDeclarations(IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException
for (String name : methodFieldNames) {
p.pln("private static java.lang.reflect.Method " + name + ";");
* Writes code to initialize the static fields for each method
* using the Java Reflection API.
private void writeMethodFieldInitializers(IndentingWriter p)
throws IOException
for (int i = 0; i < methodFieldNames.length; i++) {
p.p(methodFieldNames[i] + " = ");
* Look up the Method object in the somewhat arbitrary
* interface that we find in the Method object.
RemoteClass.Method method = remoteMethods[i];
MethodDoc methodDoc = method.methodDoc();
String methodName =;
Type paramTypes[] = method.parameterTypes();
p.p(methodDoc.containingClass().qualifiedName() + ".class.getMethod(\"" +
methodName + "\", new java.lang.Class[] {");
for (int j = 0; j < paramTypes.length; j++) {
if (j > 0)
p.p(", ");
p.p(paramTypes[j].toString() + ".class");
* Following are a series of static utility methods useful during
* the code generation process:
* Generates an array of names for fields correspondins to the
* given array of remote methods. Each name in the returned array
* is guaranteed to be unique.
* The name of a method is included in its corresponding field
* name to enhance readability of the generated code.
private static String[] nameMethodFields(RemoteClass.Method[] methods) {
String[] names = new String[methods.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
names[i] = "$method_" + methods[i].methodDoc().name() + "_" + i;
return names;
* Generates an array of names for parameters corresponding to the
* given array of types for the parameters. Each name in the
* returned array is guaranteed to be unique.
* A representation of the type of a parameter is included in its
* corresponding parameter name to enhance the readability of the
* generated code.
private static String[] nameParameters(Type[] types) {
String[] names = new String[types.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
names[i] = "$param_" +
generateNameFromType(types[i]) + "_" + (i + 1);
return names;
* Generates a readable string representing the given type
* suitable for embedding within a Java identifier.
private static String generateNameFromType(Type type) {
String name = type.typeName().replace('.', '$');
int dimensions = type.dimension().length() / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
name = "arrayOf_" + name;
return name;
* Writes a snippet of Java code to marshal a value named "name"
* of type "type" to the stream named
* "stream".
* Primitive types are marshalled with their corresponding methods
* in the interface, and objects (including
* arrays) are marshalled using the writeObject method.
private static void writeMarshalArgument(IndentingWriter p,
String streamName,
Type type, String name)
throws IOException
if (type.dimension().length() > 0 || type.asClassDoc() != null) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeObject(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("boolean")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeBoolean(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("byte")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeByte(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("char")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeChar(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("short")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeShort(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("int")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeInt(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("long")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeLong(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("float")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeFloat(" + name + ")");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("double")) {
p.p(streamName + ".writeDouble(" + name + ")");
} else {
throw new AssertionError(type);
* Writes Java statements to marshal a series of values in order
* as named in the "names" array, with types as specified in the
* "types" array, to the stream named
* "stream".
private static void writeMarshalArguments(IndentingWriter p,
String streamName,
Type[] types, String[] names)
throws IOException
assert types.length == names.length;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
writeMarshalArgument(p, streamName, types[i], names[i]);
* Writes a snippet of Java code to unmarshal a value of type
* "type" from the stream named "stream" into
* a variable named "name" (if "name" is null, the value is
* unmarshalled and discarded).
* Primitive types are unmarshalled with their corresponding
* methods in the interface, and objects
* (including arrays) are unmarshalled using the readObject
* method.
* Returns true if code to invoke readObject was written, and
* false otherwise.
private static boolean writeUnmarshalArgument(IndentingWriter p,
String streamName,
Type type, String name)
throws IOException
boolean readObject = false;
if (name != null) {
p.p(name + " = ");
if (type.dimension().length() > 0 || type.asClassDoc() != null) {
p.p("(" + type.toString() + ") " + streamName + ".readObject()");
readObject = true;
} else if (type.typeName().equals("boolean")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readBoolean()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("byte")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readByte()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("char")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readChar()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("short")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readShort()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("int")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readInt()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("long")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readLong()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("float")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readFloat()");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("double")) {
p.p(streamName + ".readDouble()");
} else {
throw new AssertionError(type);
return readObject;
* Writes Java statements to unmarshal a series of values in order
* of types as in the "types" array from the
* stream named "stream" into variables as named in "names" (for
* any element of "names" that is null, the corresponding value is
* unmarshalled and discarded).
private static boolean writeUnmarshalArguments(IndentingWriter p,
String streamName,
Type[] types,
String[] names)
throws IOException
assert types.length == names.length;
boolean readObject = false;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (writeUnmarshalArgument(p, streamName, types[i], names[i])) {
readObject = true;
return readObject;
* Returns a snippet of Java code to wrap a value named "name" of
* type "type" into an object as appropriate for use by the Java
* Reflection API.
* For primitive types, an appropriate wrapper class is
* instantiated with the primitive value. For object types
* (including arrays), no wrapping is necessary, so the value is
* named directly.
private static String wrapArgumentCode(Type type, String name) {
if (type.dimension().length() > 0 || type.asClassDoc() != null) {
return name;
} else if (type.typeName().equals("boolean")) {
return ("(" + name +
" ? java.lang.Boolean.TRUE : java.lang.Boolean.FALSE)");
} else if (type.typeName().equals("byte")) {
return "new java.lang.Byte(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("char")) {
return "new java.lang.Character(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("short")) {
return "new java.lang.Short(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("int")) {
return "new java.lang.Integer(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("long")) {
return "new java.lang.Long(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("float")) {
return "new java.lang.Float(" + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("double")) {
return "new java.lang.Double(" + name + ")";
} else {
throw new AssertionError(type);
* Returns a snippet of Java code to unwrap a value named "name"
* into a value of type "type", as appropriate for the Java
* Reflection API.
* For primitive types, the value is assumed to be of the
* corresponding wrapper class, and a method is called on the
* wrapper to retrieve the primitive value. For object types
* (include arrays), no unwrapping is necessary; the value is
* simply cast to the expected real object type.
private static String unwrapArgumentCode(Type type, String name) {
if (type.dimension().length() > 0 || type.asClassDoc() != null) {
return "((" + type.toString() + ") " + name + ")";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("boolean")) {
return "((java.lang.Boolean) " + name + ").booleanValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("byte")) {
return "((java.lang.Byte) " + name + ").byteValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("char")) {
return "((java.lang.Character) " + name + ").charValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("short")) {
return "((java.lang.Short) " + name + ").shortValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("int")) {
return "((java.lang.Integer) " + name + ").intValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("long")) {
return "((java.lang.Long) " + name + ").longValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("float")) {
return "((java.lang.Float) " + name + ").floatValue()";
} else if (type.typeName().equals("double")) {
return "((java.lang.Double) " + name + ").doubleValue()";
} else {
throw new AssertionError(type);