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package sun.text.normalizer;
* Trie implementation which stores data in char, 16 bits.
* @author synwee
* @see
* @since release 2.1, Jan 01 2002
// note that i need to handle the block calculations later, since chartrie
// in icu4c uses the same index array.
public class CharTrie extends Trie
// public constructors ---------------------------------------------
* <p>Creates a new Trie with the settings for the trie data.</p>
* <p>Unserialize the 32-bit-aligned input stream and use the data for the
* trie.</p>
* @param inputStream file input stream to a ICU data file, containing
* the trie
* @param dataManipulate object which provides methods to parse the char
* data
* @throws IOException thrown when data reading fails
* @draft 2.1
public CharTrie(InputStream inputStream,
DataManipulate dataManipulate) throws IOException
super(inputStream, dataManipulate);
if (!isCharTrie()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Data given does not belong to a char trie.");
m_friendAgent_ = new FriendAgent();
* Java friend implementation
public class FriendAgent
* Gives out the index array of the trie
* @return index array of trie
public char[] getPrivateIndex()
return m_index_;
* Gives out the data array of the trie
* @return data array of trie
public char[] getPrivateData()
return m_data_;
* Gives out the data offset in the trie
* @return data offset in the trie
public int getPrivateInitialValue()
return m_initialValue_;
// public methods --------------------------------------------------
* Java friend implementation
* To store the index and data array into the argument.
* @param friend java friend UCharacterProperty object to store the array
public void putIndexData(UCharacterProperty friend)
* Gets the value associated with the codepoint.
* If no value is associated with the codepoint, a default value will be
* returned.
* @param ch codepoint
* @return offset to data
* @draft 2.1
public final char getCodePointValue(int ch)
int offset = getCodePointOffset(ch);
// return -1 if there is an error, in this case we return the default
// value: m_initialValue_
return (offset >= 0) ? m_data_[offset] : m_initialValue_;
* Gets the value to the data which this lead surrogate character points
* to.
* Returned data may contain folding offset information for the next
* trailing surrogate character.
* This method does not guarantee correct results for trail surrogates.
* @param ch lead surrogate character
* @return data value
* @draft 2.1
public final char getLeadValue(char ch)
return m_data_[getLeadOffset(ch)];
* Get the value associated with a pair of surrogates.
* @param lead a lead surrogate
* @param trail a trail surrogate
* @draft 2.1
public final char getSurrogateValue(char lead, char trail)
int offset = getSurrogateOffset(lead, trail);
if (offset > 0) {
return m_data_[offset];
return m_initialValue_;
* <p>Get a value from a folding offset (from the value of a lead surrogate)
* and a trail surrogate.</p>
* <p>If the
* @param leadvalue value associated with the lead surrogate which contains
* the folding offset
* @param trail surrogate
* @return trie data value associated with the trail character
* @draft 2.1
public final char getTrailValue(int leadvalue, char trail)
if (m_dataManipulate_ == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The field DataManipulate in this Trie is null");
int offset = m_dataManipulate_.getFoldingOffset(leadvalue);
if (offset > 0) {
return m_data_[getRawOffset(offset,
(char)(trail & SURROGATE_MASK_))];
return m_initialValue_;
// protected methods -----------------------------------------------
* <p>Parses the input stream and stores its trie content into a index and
* data array</p>
* @param inputStream data input stream containing trie data
* @exception IOException thrown when data reading fails
protected final void unserialize(InputStream inputStream)
throws IOException
DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(inputStream);
int indexDataLength = m_dataOffset_ + m_dataLength_;
m_index_ = new char[indexDataLength];
for (int i = 0; i < indexDataLength; i ++) {
m_index_[i] = input.readChar();
m_data_ = m_index_;
m_initialValue_ = m_data_[m_dataOffset_];
* Gets the offset to the data which the surrogate pair points to.
* @param lead lead surrogate
* @param trail trailing surrogate
* @return offset to data
* @draft 2.1
protected final int getSurrogateOffset(char lead, char trail)
if (m_dataManipulate_ == null) {
throw new NullPointerException(
"The field DataManipulate in this Trie is null");
// get fold position for the next trail surrogate
int offset = m_dataManipulate_.getFoldingOffset(getLeadValue(lead));
// get the real data from the folded lead/trail units
if (offset > 0) {
return getRawOffset(offset, (char)(trail & SURROGATE_MASK_));
// return -1 if there is an error, in this case we return the default
// value: m_initialValue_
return -1;
* Gets the value at the argument index.
* For use internally in TrieIterator.
* @param index value at index will be retrieved
* @return 32 bit value
* @see
* @draft 2.1
protected final int getValue(int index)
return m_data_[index];
* Gets the default initial value
* @return 32 bit value
* @draft 2.1
protected final int getInitialValue()
return m_initialValue_;
// private data members --------------------------------------------
* Default value
private char m_initialValue_;
* Array of char data
private char m_data_[];
* Agent for friends
private FriendAgent m_friendAgent_;