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package sun.text.normalizer;
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
* This class is a wrapper around CharacterIterator and implements the
* UCharacterIterator protocol
* @author ram
public class CharacterIteratorWrapper extends UCharacterIterator {
private CharacterIterator iterator;
public CharacterIteratorWrapper(CharacterIterator iter){
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
iterator = iter;
* @see UCharacterIterator#current()
public int current() {
int c = iterator.current();
return DONE;
return c;
* @see UCharacterIterator#getLength()
public int getLength() {
return (iterator.getEndIndex() - iterator.getBeginIndex());
* @see UCharacterIterator#getIndex()
public int getIndex() {
return iterator.getIndex();
* @see UCharacterIterator#next()
public int next() {
int i = iterator.current();;
return DONE;
return i;
* @see UCharacterIterator#previous()
public int previous() {
int i = iterator.previous();
return DONE;
return i;
* @see UCharacterIterator#setIndex(int)
public void setIndex(int index) {
//// for StringPrep
* @see UCharacterIterator#getText(char[])
public int getText(char[] fillIn, int offset){
int length =iterator.getEndIndex() - iterator.getBeginIndex();
int currentIndex = iterator.getIndex();
if(offset < 0 || offset + length > fillIn.length){
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(length));
for (char ch = iterator.first(); ch != CharacterIterator.DONE; ch = {
fillIn[offset++] = ch;
return length;
* Creates a clone of this iterator. Clones the underlying character iterator.
* @see UCharacterIterator#clone()
public Object clone(){
try {
CharacterIteratorWrapper result = (CharacterIteratorWrapper) super.clone();
result.iterator = (CharacterIterator)this.iterator.clone();
return result;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null; // only invoked if bad underlying character iterator