blob: 3bd95f97aeff65462896c21bf6221484c6ef0c5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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#error This file should only be compiled with motif 2.1
#include "awt_motif.h"
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "awt.h"
#include "awt_p.h"
#include "awt_Component.h"
#define XmPER_SHELL 0
extern int32_t _XmImGetGeo(
Widget vw) ;
#define MAXARGS 10
static Arg xic_vlist[MAXARGS];
#define MTEXTAREAPEER_CLASS_NAME "sun/awt/motif/MTextAreaPeer"
extern struct MComponentPeerIDs mComponentPeerIDs;
static jobject mTextAreaClass = NULL;
* Get the Motif text widget from the text component peer. XmImGetXIC()
* function should be issued on Motif text widgets.
static Widget getTextWidget(jobject tc) {
JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
if (mTextAreaClass == NULL) {
jclass localClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, MTEXTAREAPEER_CLASS_NAME);
mTextAreaClass = (jclass)(*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, localClass);
(*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, localClass);
if ((*env)->IsInstanceOf(env, tc, mTextAreaClass)) {
struct TextAreaData * tdata = (struct TextAreaData *)
JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env, tc, mComponentPeerIDs.pData);
return tdata->txt;
} else {
struct ComponentData * tdata = (struct ComponentData *)
JNU_GetLongFieldAsPtr(env, tc, mComponentPeerIDs.pData);
return tdata->widget;
/* get_im_height: returns height of the input method status area in pixels.
* This function assumes that if any XIM related information cannot be
* queried then the app must not have an input method status area in the
* current locale and returns zero as the status area height
awt_motif_getIMStatusHeight(Widget w, jobject tc)
XIC xic = NULL;
XRectangle *im_rect=NULL;
int32_t im_height = 0;
char *ret;
xic = XmImGetXIC(getTextWidget(tc), XmPER_SHELL, NULL, 0);
if(xic != NULL) {
/* finally query the server for the status area geometry */
xic_vlist[0].name = XNArea;
xic_vlist[0].value = (XtArgVal)&im_rect;
xic_vlist[1].name = NULL;
ret=XGetICValues(xic, XNStatusAttributes, &xic_vlist[0], NULL);
if (ret == NULL && im_rect != NULL) {
im_height = im_rect->height;
if (im_height > 0) {
im_height += SEPARATOR_HEIGHT;
} else {
im_height = 0;
if (im_height == 0) {
im_height = _XmImGetGeo(w);
#if defined(DEBUG)
jio_fprintf(stderr,"awt_motif_getIMStatusHeight: Height = %d",im_height);
return im_height;
static XRectangle geomRect;
static Pixmap bpm;
XVaNestedList awt_motif_getXICStatusAreaList(Widget w, jobject tc)
XIC xic;
XRectangle *im_rect;
XFontSet *im_font;
Pixel bg ;
Pixel fg ;
Dimension height, width ;
Position x,y ;
XVaNestedList list = NULL;
char *ret;
Widget p=w;
while (!XtIsShell(p)) {
p = XtParent(p);
XmNx, &x,
XmNy, &y,
XmNwidth, &width,
XmNheight, &height,
XmNbackgroundPixmap, &bpm,
xic = XmImGetXIC(getTextWidget(tc), XmPER_SHELL, NULL, 0);
if(xic == NULL)
#if defined DEBUG
jio_fprintf(stderr,"Could not get XIC");
return list ;
/* finally query the server for the required attributes area geometry */
xic_vlist[0].name = XNFontSet ;
xic_vlist[0].value = (XtArgVal) &im_font ;
xic_vlist[1].name = XNArea;
xic_vlist[1].value = (XtArgVal) &im_rect;
xic_vlist[2].name = XNBackground ;
xic_vlist[2].value = (XtArgVal) &bg ;
xic_vlist[3].name = XNForeground ;
xic_vlist[3].value = (XtArgVal) &fg ;
xic_vlist[4].name = NULL;
if(ret=XGetICValues(xic, XNStatusAttributes, &xic_vlist[0], NULL))
return list ;
} else {
geomRect.x = 0 ;
geomRect.y = height - im_rect->height ;
geomRect.width = im_rect->width ;
geomRect.height = im_rect->height ;
XFree(im_rect) ;
list = XVaCreateNestedList(0 ,
XNFontSet, im_font ,
XNArea, &geomRect ,
XNBackground, bg ,
XNForeground, fg ,
XNBackgroundPixmap, &bpm ,
#if defined(DEBUG)
jio_fprintf(stderr,"XNArea:x=%d,y=%d,width=%d,height=%d\n", \
return list ;
/* This function causes an UnsatisfiedLinkError on Linux.
* Since Linux only links against Motif 2.1 and under 2.1 this function
* is a no-op, we can safely remove
* this function altogether from the Linux build.
* bchristi 1/22/2001
#ifdef __solaris__
awt_motif_adjustDragTriggerEvent(XEvent* xevent) {
/* Do nothing. In Motif 2.1 the sanity check is corrected
to allow any imput event as a drag trigger event. */
#endif /* __solaris__ */
static void
CheckDragInitiator(Widget w, XtPointer client_data,
XmDragStartCallbackStruct* cbstruct) {
Widget drag_initiator = (Widget)client_data;
* Fix for BugTraq ID 4407057.
* Enable the drag operation only if it is registered on the specific
* widget. We use this check to disable Motif default drag support.
if (drag_initiator != cbstruct->widget) {
cbstruct->doit = False;
awt_motif_enableSingleDragInitiator(Widget w) {
XmNdragStartCallback, (XtCallbackProc)CheckDragInitiator,