blob: afac8e0eeaef08b9b240de26be15937ebf9e539e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/csh -f
# BEFORE running this test, you need to set up the environment as follows.
# 1. Create a 'sample' service principal in the KDC.
# 2. Create a keytab for the server principal 'sample/fqdn@REALM'
# where 'fqdn' is the fully qualified domain name of the server and
# REALM is the KDC's realm. The principal must be a host-based service.
# For example, a principal name might be
# 'sample/'.
# On Windows, for example, you use the ktpass utility to create a host keytab
# file.
# c:> ktpass -princ sample/ -mapuser sample \
# -ptype KRB5_NT_SRV_HST \
# -pass servertest123 -out machineX.keytab
# 3. Create a user principal in the KDC.
# 4. Set up a JAAS login module configuration file like gsseg_jaas.conf, updating
# the client and server entries according to the principal and machine names
# used.
# 5. Update AuthOnly.SERVER_FQDN with fqdn of server machine.
# 6. To examine exchange, turn on logging by adding
# 7. Update the realm and kdc settings in this script.
java NoSecurityLayer