blob: ae13892dc7f7761c922ee4c232acb469b753e6e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Native functions for java.lang.Math.
#include "jni.h"
#include "JNIHelp.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/* native public static double sin(double a); */
static jdouble jsin(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return sin(a);
/* native public static double cos(double a); */
static jdouble jcos(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return cos(a);
/* native public static double tan(double a); */
static jdouble jtan(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return tan(a);
/* native public static double asin(double a); */
static jdouble jasin(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return asin(a);
/* native public static double acos(double a); */
static jdouble jacos(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return acos(a);
/* native public static double atan(double a); */
static jdouble jatan(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return atan(a);
/* native public static double exp(double a); */
static jdouble jexp(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return exp(a);
/* native public static double log(double a); */
static jdouble jlog(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return log(a);
/* native public static double sqrt(double a); */
static jdouble jsqrt(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return sqrt(a);
/* native public static double IEEEremainder(double a, double b); */
static jdouble jieee_remainder(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b)
return remainder(a, b);
/* native public static double floor(double a); */
static jdouble jfloor(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return floor(a);
/* native public static double ceil(double a); */
static jdouble jceil(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return ceil(a);
/* native public static double rint(double a); */
static jdouble jrint(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return rint(a);
/* native public static double atan2(double a, double b); */
static jdouble jatan2(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b)
return atan2(a, b);
/* native public static double pow(double a, double b); */
static jdouble jpow(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b)
return pow(a, b);
/* native public static double sinh(double a); */
static jdouble jsinh(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return sinh(a);
/* native public static double tanh(double a); */
static jdouble jtanh(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return tanh(a);
/* native public static double cosh(double a); */
static jdouble jcosh(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return cosh(a);
/* native public static double log10(double a); */
static jdouble jlog10(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return log10(a);
/* native public static double cbrt(double a); */
static jdouble jcbrt(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return cbrt(a);
/* native public static double expm1(double a); */
static jdouble jexpm1(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return expm1(a);
/* native public static double hypot(double a, double b); */
static jdouble jhypot(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b)
return hypot(a, b);
/* native public static double log1p(double a); */
static jdouble jlog1p(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a)
return log1p(a);
/* native public static double nextafter(double a, double b); */
static jdouble jnextafter(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b)
return nextafter(a, b);
/* native public static float nextafterf(float a, float b); */
static jfloat jnextafterf(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jfloat a, jfloat b)
return nextafterf(a, b);
static jdouble copySign(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jdouble a, jdouble b) {
// Our StrictMath.copySign delegates to Math.copySign, so we need to treat NaN as positive.
return copysign(a, isnan(b) ? 1.0 : b);
static jfloat copySign_f(JNIEnv* env __attribute__ ((unused)), jclass clazz __attribute__ ((unused)), jfloat a, jfloat b) {
// Our StrictMath.copySign delegates to Math.copySign, so we need to treat NaN as positive.
return copysignf(a, isnan(b) ? 1.0 : b);
static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
{ "IEEEremainder", "(DD)D", jieee_remainder },
{ "acos", "(D)D", jacos },
{ "asin", "(D)D", jasin },
{ "atan", "(D)D", jatan },
{ "atan2", "(DD)D", jatan2 },
{ "cbrt", "(D)D", jcbrt },
{ "ceil", "(D)D", jceil },
{ "copySign", "(DD)D", copySign },
{ "copySign", "(FF)F", copySign_f },
{ "cos", "(D)D", jcos },
{ "cosh", "(D)D", jcosh },
{ "exp", "(D)D", jexp },
{ "expm1", "(D)D", jexpm1 },
{ "floor", "(D)D", jfloor },
{ "hypot", "(DD)D", jhypot },
{ "log", "(D)D", jlog },
{ "log10", "(D)D", jlog10 },
{ "log1p", "(D)D", jlog1p },
{ "nextafter", "(DD)D", jnextafter },
{ "nextafterf", "(FF)F", jnextafterf },
{ "pow", "(DD)D", jpow },
{ "rint", "(D)D", jrint },
{ "sin", "(D)D", jsin },
{ "sinh", "(D)D", jsinh },
{ "sqrt", "(D)D", jsqrt },
{ "tan", "(D)D", jtan },
{ "tanh", "(D)D", jtanh },
int register_java_lang_Math(JNIEnv* env) {
return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "java/lang/Math", gMethods, NELEM(gMethods));