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* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package java.dyn;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import sun.dyn.Access;
import sun.dyn.MemberName;
import sun.dyn.MethodHandleImpl;
import sun.dyn.util.VerifyAccess;
import sun.dyn.util.Wrapper;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import sun.dyn.Invokers;
import sun.dyn.MethodTypeImpl;
import sun.reflect.Reflection;
import static sun.dyn.MemberName.newIllegalArgumentException;
import static sun.dyn.MemberName.newNoAccessException;
* This class consists exclusively of static methods that operate on or return
* method handles. They fall into several categories:
* <ul>
* <li>Factory methods which create method handles for methods and fields.
* <li>Invoker methods which can invoke method handles on dynamically typed arguments and/or varargs arrays.
* <li>Combinator methods, which combine or transforming pre-existing method handles into new ones.
* <li>Factory methods which create method handles that emulate other common JVM operations or control flow patterns.
* </ul>
* <p>
* @author John Rose, JSR 292 EG
public class MethodHandles {
private MethodHandles() { } // do not instantiate
private static final Access IMPL_TOKEN = Access.getToken();
private static final MemberName.Factory IMPL_NAMES = MemberName.getFactory(IMPL_TOKEN);
static { MethodHandleImpl.initStatics(); }
// See IMPL_LOOKUP below.
//// Method handle creation from ordinary methods.
* Return a {@link Lookup lookup object} on the caller,
* which has the capability to access any method handle that the caller has access to,
* including direct method handles to private fields and methods.
* This lookup object is a <em>capability</em> which may be delegated to trusted agents.
* Do not store it in place where untrusted code can access it.
public static Lookup lookup() {
return new Lookup();
* Return a {@link Lookup lookup object} which is trusted minimally.
* It can only be used to create method handles to
* publicly accessible fields and methods.
* <p>
* As a matter of pure convention, the {@linkplain Lookup#lookupClass lookup class}
* of this lookup object will be {@link java.lang.Object}.
* <p>
* The lookup class can be changed to any other class {@code C} using an expression of the form
* {@linkplain Lookup#in <code>publicLookup().in(C.class)</code>}.
* Since all classes have equal access to public names,
* such a change would confer no new access rights.
public static Lookup publicLookup() {
return Lookup.PUBLIC_LOOKUP;
* A <em>lookup object</em> is a factory for creating method handles,
* when the creation requires access checking.
* Method handles do not perform
* access checks when they are called, but rather when they are created.
* (This is a major difference
* from reflective {@link Method}, which performs access checking
* against every caller, on every call.)
* Therefore, method handle access
* restrictions must be enforced when a method handle is created.
* The caller class against which those restrictions are enforced
* is known as the {@linkplain #lookupClass lookup class}.
* A lookup object embodies an
* authenticated lookup class, and can be used to create any number
* of access-checked method handles, all checked against a single
* lookup class.
* <p>
* A class which needs to create method handles will call
* {@link MethodHandles#lookup MethodHandles.lookup} to create a factory for itself.
* It may then use this factory to create method handles on
* all of its methods, including private ones.
* It may also delegate the lookup (e.g., to a metaobject protocol)
* by passing the lookup object to other code.
* If this other code creates method handles, they will be access
* checked against the original lookup class, and not with any higher
* privileges.
* <p>
* Access checks only apply to named and reflected methods.
* Other method handle creation methods, such as
* {@link #convertArguments MethodHandles.convertArguments},
* do not require any access checks, and can be done independently
* of any lookup class.
* <h3>How access errors are handled</h3>
* A lookup can fail, because
* the containing class is not accessible to the lookup class, or
* because the desired class member is missing, or because the
* desired class member is not accessible to the lookup class.
* It can also fail if a security manager is installed and refuses
* access. In any of these cases, an exception will be
* thrown from the attempted lookup.
* <p>
* In general, the conditions under which a method handle may be
* created for a method {@code M} are exactly as restrictive as the conditions
* under which the lookup class could have compiled a call to {@code M}.
* This rule is applied even if the Java compiler might have created
* an wrapper method to access a private method of another class
* in the same top-level declaration.
* For example, a lookup object created for a nested class {@code C.D}
* can access private members within other related classes such as
* {@code C}, {@code C.D.E}, or {@code C.B}.
public static final
class Lookup {
/** The class on behalf of whom the lookup is being performed. */
private final Class<?> lookupClass;
/** The allowed sorts of members which may be looked up (public, etc.), with STATIC for package. */
private final int allowedModes;
private static final int
private static int fixmods(int mods) {
mods &= (ALL_MODES - PACKAGE);
return (mods != 0) ? mods : PACKAGE;
/** Which class is performing the lookup? It is this class against
* which checks are performed for visibility and access permissions.
* <p>
* The class implies a maximum level of access permission,
* but the permissions may be additionally limited by the bitmask
* {@link #lookupModes}, which controls whether non-public members
* can be accessed.
public Class<?> lookupClass() {
return lookupClass;
// This is just for calling out to MethodHandleImpl.
private Class<?> lookupClassOrNull() {
return (allowedModes == TRUSTED) ? null : lookupClass;
/** Which types of members can this lookup object produce?
* The result is a bit-mask of the {@link Modifier} bits
* {@linkplain Modifier#PUBLIC PUBLIC (0x01)},
* {@linkplain Modifier#PROTECTED PROTECTED (0x02)},
* {@linkplain Modifier#PRIVATE PRIVATE (0x04)},
* and {@linkplain Modifier#STATIC STATIC (0x08)}.
* The modifier bit {@code STATIC} stands in for the package protection mode,
* which does not have an explicit modifier bit.
public int lookupModes() {
return allowedModes & ALL_MODES;
/** Embody the current class (the lookupClass) as a lookup class
* for method handle creation.
* Must be called by from a method in this package,
* which in turn is called by a method not in this package.
* <p>
* Also, don't make it private, lest javac interpose
* an access$N method.
Lookup() {
this(getCallerClassAtEntryPoint(), ALL_MODES);
// make sure we haven't accidentally picked up a privileged class:
Lookup(Access token, Class<?> lookupClass) {
this(lookupClass, ALL_MODES);
private Lookup(Class<?> lookupClass, int allowedModes) {
this.lookupClass = lookupClass;
this.allowedModes = allowedModes;
* Create a lookup on the specified new lookup class.
* The resulting object will report the specified
* class as its own {@link #lookupClass}.
* <p>
* However, the resulting {@code Lookup} object is guaranteed
* to have no more access capabilities than the original.
* In particular:<ul>
* <li>If the new lookup class differs from the old one,
* protected members will not be accessible by virtue of inheritance.
* <li>If the new lookup class is in a different package
* than the old one, protected and default (package) members will not be accessible.
* <li>If the new lookup class is not within the same package member
* as the old one, private members will not be accessible.
* <li>In all cases, public members will continue to be accessible.
* </ul>
public Lookup in(Class<?> requestedLookupClass) {
requestedLookupClass.getClass(); // null check
if (allowedModes == TRUSTED) // IMPL_LOOKUP can make any lookup at all
return new Lookup(requestedLookupClass, ALL_MODES);
if (requestedLookupClass == this.lookupClass)
return this; // keep same capabilities
int newModes = (allowedModes & (ALL_MODES & ~PROTECTED));
if ((newModes & PACKAGE) != 0
&& !VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(this.lookupClass, requestedLookupClass)) {
newModes &= ~(PACKAGE|PRIVATE);
if ((newModes & PRIVATE) != 0
&& !VerifyAccess.isSamePackageMember(this.lookupClass, requestedLookupClass)) {
newModes &= ~PRIVATE;
return new Lookup(requestedLookupClass, newModes);
// Make sure outer class is initialized first.
static { IMPL_TOKEN.getClass(); }
/** Version of lookup which is trusted minimally.
* It can only be used to create method handles to
* publicly accessible members.
static final Lookup PUBLIC_LOOKUP = new Lookup(Object.class, PUBLIC);
/** Package-private version of lookup which is trusted. */
static final Lookup IMPL_LOOKUP = new Lookup(Object.class, TRUSTED);
static { MethodHandleImpl.initLookup(IMPL_TOKEN, IMPL_LOOKUP); }
private static void checkUnprivilegedlookupClass(Class<?> lookupClass) {
String name = lookupClass.getName();
if (name.startsWith("java.dyn.") || name.startsWith("sun.dyn."))
throw newIllegalArgumentException("illegal lookupClass: "+lookupClass);
/** Display the name of the class.
* If there are restrictions on the access permitted to this lookup,
* display those also.
public String toString() {
String modestr;
String cname = lookupClass.getName();
switch (allowedModes) {
return "/trusted";
case PUBLIC:
modestr = "/public";
if (lookupClass == Object.class)
return modestr;
return cname + "/package";
case 0: // should not happen
return cname + "/empty";
return cname;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(cname);
if ((allowedModes & PUBLIC) != 0) buf.append("/public");
if ((allowedModes & PACKAGE) != 0) buf.append("/package");
if ((allowedModes & PROTECTED) != 0) buf.append("/protected");
if ((allowedModes & PRIVATE) != 0) buf.append("/private");
return buf.toString();
// call this from an entry point method in Lookup with extraFrames=0.
private static Class<?> getCallerClassAtEntryPoint() {
final int CALLER_DEPTH = 4;
// 0: Reflection.getCC, 1: getCallerClassAtEntryPoint,
// 2: Lookup.<init>, 3: MethodHandles.*, 4: caller
// Note: This should be the only use of getCallerClass in this file.
assert(Reflection.getCallerClass(CALLER_DEPTH-1) == MethodHandles.class);
return Reflection.getCallerClass(CALLER_DEPTH);
* Produce a method handle for a static method.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method.
* (Since static methods do not take receivers, there is no
* additional receiver argument inserted into the method handle type,
* as there would be with {@link #findVirtual} or {@link #findSpecial}.)
* The method and all its argument types must be accessible to the lookup class.
* If the method's class has not yet been initialized, that is done
* immediately, before the method handle is returned.
* @param refc the class from which the method is accessed
* @param name the name of the method
* @param type the type of the method
* @return the desired method handle
* @exception SecurityException <em>TBD</em>
* @exception NoAccessException if the method does not exist or access checking fails
MethodHandle findStatic(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName method = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, true);
checkMethod(refc, method, true);
return MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, false, lookupClassOrNull());
* Produce a method handle for a virtual method.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method,
* with the receiver type (usually {@code refc}) prepended.
* The method and all its argument types must be accessible to the lookup class.
* <p>
* (<em>BUG NOTE:</em> The type {@code Object} may be prepended instead
* of the receiver type, if the receiver type is not on the boot class path.
* This is due to a temporary JVM limitation, in which MethodHandle
* claims to be unable to access such classes. To work around this
* bug, use {@code convertArguments} to normalize the type of the leading
* argument to a type on the boot class path, such as {@code Object}.)
* <p>
* When called, the handle will treat the first argument as a receiver
* and dispatch on the receiver's type to determine which method
* implementation to enter.
* (The dispatching action is identical with that performed by an
* {@code invokevirtual} or {@code invokeinterface} instruction.)
* @param refc the class or interface from which the method is accessed
* @param name the name of the method
* @param type the type of the method, with the receiver argument omitted
* @return the desired method handle
* @exception SecurityException <em>TBD</em>
* @exception NoAccessException if the method does not exist or access checking fails
public MethodHandle findVirtual(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName method = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, false);
checkMethod(refc, method, false);
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, true, lookupClassOrNull());
return restrictProtectedReceiver(method, mh);
* Produce a method handle which creates an object and initializes it, using
* the constructor of the specified type.
* The parameter types of the method handle will be those of the constructor,
* while the return type will be a reference to the constructor's class.
* The constructor and all its argument types must be accessible to the lookup class.
* If the constructor's class has not yet been initialized, that is done
* immediately, before the method handle is returned.
* <p>
* Note: The requested type must have a return type of {@code void}.
* This is consistent with the JVM's treatment of constructor signatures.
* @param refc the class or interface from which the method is accessed
* @param type the type of the method, with the receiver argument omitted, and a void return type
* @return the desired method handle
* @exception SecurityException <em>TBD</em>
* @exception NoAccessException if the method does not exist or access checking fails
public MethodHandle findConstructor(Class<?> refc, MethodType type) throws NoAccessException {
String name = "<init>";
MemberName ctor = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, false, false, lookupClassOrNull());
checkAccess(refc, ctor);
MethodHandle rawMH = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, ctor, false, lookupClassOrNull());
return MethodHandleImpl.makeAllocator(IMPL_TOKEN, rawMH);
* Produce an early-bound method handle for a virtual method,
* as if called from an {@code invokespecial}
* instruction from {@code caller}.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method,
* with a suitably restricted receiver type (such as {@code caller}) prepended.
* The method and all its argument types must be accessible
* to the caller.
* <p>
* When called, the handle will treat the first argument as a receiver,
* but will not dispatch on the receiver's type.
* (This direct invocation action is identical with that performed by an
* {@code invokespecial} instruction.)
* <p>
* If the explicitly specified caller class is not identical with the
* lookup class, a security check TBD is performed.
* @param refc the class or interface from which the method is accessed
* @param name the name of the method (which must not be "&lt;init&gt;")
* @param type the type of the method, with the receiver argument omitted
* @param specialCaller the proposed calling class to perform the {@code invokespecial}
* @return the desired method handle
* @exception SecurityException <em>TBD</em>
* @exception NoAccessException if the method does not exist or access checking fails
public MethodHandle findSpecial(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type,
Class<?> specialCaller) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName method = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, false, false, specialCaller);
checkMethod(refc, method, false);
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, false, specialCaller);
return restrictReceiver(method, mh, specialCaller);
* Produce a method handle giving read access to a non-static field.
* The type of the method handle will have a return type of the field's
* value type.
* The method handle's single argument will be the instance containing
* the field.
* Access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param name the field's name
* @param type the field's type
* @return a method handle which can load values from the field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle findGetter(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(refc, name, type, false, false);
* Produce a method handle giving write access to a non-static field.
* The type of the method handle will have a void return type.
* The method handle will take two arguments, the instance containing
* the field, and the value to be stored.
* The second argument will be of the field's value type.
* Access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param name the field's name
* @param type the field's type
* @return a method handle which can store values into the field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle findSetter(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(refc, name, type, false, true);
* Produce a method handle giving read access to a static field.
* The type of the method handle will have a return type of the field's
* value type.
* The method handle will take no arguments.
* Access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param name the field's name
* @param type the field's type
* @return a method handle which can load values from the field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle findStaticGetter(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(refc, name, type, true, false);
* Produce a method handle giving write access to a static field.
* The type of the method handle will have a void return type.
* The method handle will take a single
* argument, of the field's value type, the value to be stored.
* Access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param name the field's name
* @param type the field's type
* @return a method handle which can store values into the field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle findStaticSetter(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(refc, name, type, true, true);
* Produce an early-bound method handle for a non-static method.
* The receiver must have a supertype {@code defc} in which a method
* of the given name and type is accessible to the lookup class.
* The method and all its argument types must be accessible to the lookup class.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method,
* without any insertion of an additional receiver parameter.
* The given receiver will be bound into the method handle,
* so that every call to the method handle will invoke the
* requested method on the given receiver.
* <p>
* This is equivalent to the following expression:
* <code>
* {@link #insertArguments insertArguments}({@link #findVirtual findVirtual}(defc, name, type), receiver)
* </code>
* where {@code defc} is either {@code receiver.getClass()} or a super
* type of that class, in which the requested method is accessible
* to the lookup class.
* @param receiver the object from which the method is accessed
* @param name the name of the method
* @param type the type of the method, with the receiver argument omitted
* @return the desired method handle
* @exception SecurityException <em>TBD</em>
* @exception NoAccessException if the method does not exist or access checking fails
public MethodHandle bind(Object receiver, String name, MethodType type) throws NoAccessException {
Class<? extends Object> refc = receiver.getClass(); // may get NPE
MemberName method = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, false);
checkMethod(refc, method, false);
MethodHandle dmh = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, true, lookupClassOrNull());
MethodHandle bmh = MethodHandleImpl.bindReceiver(IMPL_TOKEN, dmh, receiver);
if (bmh == null)
throw newNoAccessException(method, lookupClass());
return bmh;
* Make a direct method handle to <i>m</i>, if the lookup class has permission.
* If <i>m</i> is non-static, the receiver argument is treated as an initial argument.
* If <i>m</i> is virtual, overriding is respected on every call.
* Unlike the Core Reflection API, exceptions are <em>not</em> wrapped.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method,
* with the receiver type prepended (but only if it is non-static).
* If the method's {@code accessible} flag is not set,
* access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* If <i>m</i> is not public, do not share the resulting handle with untrusted parties.
* @param m the reflected method
* @return a method handle which can invoke the reflected method
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle unreflect(Method m) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName method = new MemberName(m);
if (!m.isAccessible()) checkMethod(method.getDeclaringClass(), method, method.isStatic());
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, true, lookupClassOrNull());
if (!m.isAccessible()) mh = restrictProtectedReceiver(method, mh);
return mh;
* Produce a method handle for a reflected method.
* It will bypass checks for overriding methods on the receiver,
* as if by a {@code invokespecial} instruction from within the {@code specialCaller}.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the method,
* with the special caller type prepended (and <em>not</em> the receiver of the method).
* If the method's {@code accessible} flag is not set,
* access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class,
* as if {@code invokespecial} instruction were being linked.
* @param m the reflected method
* @param specialCaller the class nominally calling the method
* @return a method handle which can invoke the reflected method
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle unreflectSpecial(Method m, Class<?> specialCaller) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName method = new MemberName(m);
// ignore m.isAccessible: this is a new kind of access
checkMethod(m.getDeclaringClass(), method, false);
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, method, false, lookupClassOrNull());
return restrictReceiver(method, mh, specialCaller);
* Produce a method handle for a reflected constructor.
* The type of the method handle will be that of the constructor,
* with the return type changed to the declaring class.
* The method handle will perform a {@code newInstance} operation,
* creating a new instance of the constructor's class on the
* arguments passed to the method handle.
* <p>
* If the constructor's {@code accessible} flag is not set,
* access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param c the reflected constructor
* @return a method handle which can invoke the reflected constructor
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle unreflectConstructor(Constructor c) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName ctor = new MemberName(c);
if (!c.isAccessible()) checkAccess(c.getDeclaringClass(), ctor);
MethodHandle rawCtor = MethodHandleImpl.findMethod(IMPL_TOKEN, ctor, false, lookupClassOrNull());
return MethodHandleImpl.makeAllocator(IMPL_TOKEN, rawCtor);
* Produce a method handle giving read access to a reflected field.
* The type of the method handle will have a return type of the field's
* value type.
* If the field is static, the method handle will take no arguments.
* Otherwise, its single argument will be the instance containing
* the field.
* If the method's {@code accessible} flag is not set,
* access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param f the reflected field
* @return a method handle which can load values from the reflected field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle unreflectGetter(Field f) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(f.getDeclaringClass(), new MemberName(f), f.isAccessible(), false);
* Produce a method handle giving write access to a reflected field.
* The type of the method handle will have a void return type.
* If the field is static, the method handle will take a single
* argument, of the field's value type, the value to be stored.
* Otherwise, the two arguments will be the instance containing
* the field, and the value to be stored.
* If the method's {@code accessible} flag is not set,
* access checking is performed immediately on behalf of the lookup class.
* @param f the reflected field
* @return a method handle which can store values into the reflected field
* @exception NoAccessException if access checking fails
public MethodHandle unreflectSetter(Field f) throws NoAccessException {
return makeAccessor(f.getDeclaringClass(), new MemberName(f), f.isAccessible(), true);
/// Helper methods, all package-private.
MemberName resolveOrFail(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type, boolean isStatic) throws NoAccessException {
checkSymbolicClass(refc); // do this before attempting to resolve
int mods = (isStatic ? Modifier.STATIC : 0);
return IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(new MemberName(refc, name, type, mods), true, lookupClassOrNull());
MemberName resolveOrFail(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type, boolean isStatic) throws NoAccessException {
checkSymbolicClass(refc); // do this before attempting to resolve
int mods = (isStatic ? Modifier.STATIC : 0);
return IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(new MemberName(refc, name, type, mods), true, lookupClassOrNull());
MemberName resolveOrFail(Class<?> refc, String name, MethodType type, boolean isStatic,
boolean searchSupers, Class<?> specialCaller) throws NoAccessException {
checkSymbolicClass(refc); // do this before attempting to resolve
int mods = (isStatic ? Modifier.STATIC : 0);
return IMPL_NAMES.resolveOrFail(new MemberName(refc, name, type, mods), searchSupers, specialCaller);
void checkSymbolicClass(Class<?> refc) throws NoAccessException {
Class<?> caller = lookupClassOrNull();
if (caller != null && !VerifyAccess.isClassAccessible(refc, caller))
throw newNoAccessException("symbolic reference class is not public", new MemberName(refc), caller);
void checkMethod(Class<?> refc, MemberName m, boolean wantStatic) throws NoAccessException {
String message;
if (m.isConstructor())
message = "expected a method, not a constructor";
else if (!m.isMethod())
message = "expected a method";
else if (wantStatic != m.isStatic())
message = wantStatic ? "expected a static method" : "expected a non-static method";
{ checkAccess(refc, m); return; }
throw newNoAccessException(message, m, lookupClass());
void checkAccess(Class<?> refc, MemberName m) throws NoAccessException {
int allowedModes = this.allowedModes;
if (allowedModes == TRUSTED) return;
int mods = m.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(mods) && Modifier.isPublic(refc.getModifiers()))
return; // common case
int requestedModes = fixmods(mods); // adjust 0 => PACKAGE
if ((requestedModes & allowedModes) != 0
&& VerifyAccess.isMemberAccessible(refc, m.getDeclaringClass(),
mods, lookupClass()))
if (((requestedModes & ~allowedModes) & PROTECTED) != 0
&& VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(m.getDeclaringClass(), lookupClass()))
// Protected members can also be checked as if they were package-private.
throw newNoAccessException(accessFailedMessage(refc, m), m, lookupClass());
String accessFailedMessage(Class<?> refc, MemberName m) {
Class<?> defc = m.getDeclaringClass();
int mods = m.getModifiers();
if (!VerifyAccess.isClassAccessible(defc, lookupClass()))
return "class is not public";
if (refc != defc && !VerifyAccess.isClassAccessible(refc, lookupClass()))
return "symbolic reference "+refc.getName()+" is not public";
if (Modifier.isPublic(mods))
return "access to public member failed"; // (how?)
else if (allowedModes == PUBLIC)
return "member is not public";
if (Modifier.isPrivate(mods))
return "member is private";
if (Modifier.isProtected(mods))
return "member is protected";
return "member is private to package";
void checkSpecialCaller(Class<?> specialCaller) throws NoAccessException {
if (allowedModes == TRUSTED) return;
if (!VerifyAccess.isSamePackageMember(specialCaller, lookupClass()))
throw newNoAccessException("no private access for invokespecial",
new MemberName(specialCaller), lookupClass());
MethodHandle restrictProtectedReceiver(MemberName method, MethodHandle mh) throws NoAccessException {
// The accessing class only has the right to use a protected member
// on itself or a subclass. Enforce that restriction, from JVMS 5.4.4, etc.
if (!method.isProtected() || method.isStatic()
|| allowedModes == TRUSTED
|| VerifyAccess.isSamePackageMember(method.getDeclaringClass(), lookupClass()))
return mh;
return restrictReceiver(method, mh, lookupClass());
MethodHandle restrictReceiver(MemberName method, MethodHandle mh, Class<?> caller) throws NoAccessException {
Class<?> defc = method.getDeclaringClass(); // receiver type of mh is too wide
if (defc.isInterface() || !defc.isAssignableFrom(caller)) {
throw newNoAccessException("caller class must be a subclass below the method", method, caller);
MethodType rawType = mh.type();
if (rawType.parameterType(0) == caller) return mh;
MethodType narrowType = rawType.changeParameterType(0, caller);
return MethodHandleImpl.convertArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, mh, narrowType, rawType, null);
MethodHandle makeAccessor(Class<?> refc, String name, Class<?> type,
boolean isStatic, boolean isSetter) throws NoAccessException {
MemberName field = resolveOrFail(refc, name, type, isStatic);
if (isStatic != field.isStatic())
throw newNoAccessException(isStatic
? "expected a static field"
: "expected a non-static field",
field, lookupClass());
return makeAccessor(refc, field, false, isSetter);
MethodHandle makeAccessor(Class<?> refc, MemberName field,
boolean trusted, boolean isSetter) throws NoAccessException {
if (trusted)
return MethodHandleImpl.accessField(IMPL_TOKEN, field, isSetter, lookupClassOrNull());
checkAccess(refc, field);
MethodHandle mh = MethodHandleImpl.accessField(IMPL_TOKEN, field, isSetter, lookupClassOrNull());
return restrictProtectedReceiver(field, mh);
* Produce a method handle giving read access to elements of an array.
* The type of the method handle will have a return type of the array's
* element type. Its first argument will be the array type,
* and the second will be {@code int}.
* @param arrayClass an array type
* @return a method handle which can load values from the given array type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if arrayClass is not an array type
public static
MethodHandle arrayElementGetter(Class<?> arrayClass) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return MethodHandleImpl.accessArrayElement(IMPL_TOKEN, arrayClass, false);
* Produce a method handle giving write access to elements of an array.
* The type of the method handle will have a void return type.
* Its last argument will be the array's element type.
* The first and second arguments will be the array type and int.
* @return a method handle which can store values into the array type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if arrayClass is not an array type
public static
MethodHandle arrayElementSetter(Class<?> arrayClass) throws IllegalArgumentException {
return MethodHandleImpl.accessArrayElement(IMPL_TOKEN, arrayClass, true);
/// method handle invocation (reflective style)
* @deprecated Alias for MethodHandle.invokeVarargs.
public static
Object invokeVarargs(MethodHandle target, Object... arguments) throws Throwable {
return target.invokeVarargs(arguments);
* @deprecated Alias for MethodHandle.invokeVarargs.
public static
Object invoke(MethodHandle target, Object... arguments) throws Throwable {
return target.invokeVarargs(arguments);
* Produce a method handle which will invoke any method handle of the
* given type on a standard set of {@code Object} type arguments.
* The resulting invoker will be a method handle with the following
* arguments:
* <ul>
* <li>a single {@code MethodHandle} target
* <li>zero or more {@code Object} values (one for each argument in {@code type})
* </ul>
* The invoker will apply reference casts as necessary and unbox primitive arguments,
* as if by {@link #convertArguments}.
* The return value of the invoker will be an {@code Object} reference,
* boxing a primitive value if the original type returns a primitive,
* and always null if the original type returns void.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to the following code (though it may be more efficient):
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* MethodHandle invoker = exactInvoker(type);
* MethodType genericType = type.generic();
* genericType = genericType.insertParameterType(0, MethodHandle.class);
* return convertArguments(invoker, genericType);
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param type the type of target methods which the invoker will apply to
* @return a method handle suitable for invoking any method handle of the given type
static public
MethodHandle genericInvoker(MethodType type) {
return invokers(type).genericInvoker();
* Produce a method handle which will invoke any method handle of the
* given type on a standard set of {@code Object} type arguments
* and a single trailing {@code Object[]} array.
* The resulting invoker will be a method handle with the following
* arguments:
* <ul>
* <li>a single {@code MethodHandle} target
* <li>zero or more {@code Object} values (counted by {@code objectArgCount})
* <li>an {@code Object[]} array containing more arguments
* </ul>
* The invoker will spread the varargs array, apply
* reference casts as necessary, and unbox primitive arguments.
* The return value of the invoker will be an {@code Object} reference,
* boxing a primitive value if the original type returns a primitive,
* and always null if the original type returns void.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to the following code (though it may be more efficient):
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* MethodHandle invoker = exactInvoker(type);
* MethodType vaType = MethodType.makeGeneric(objectArgCount, true);
* vaType = vaType.insertParameterType(0, MethodHandle.class);
* return spreadArguments(invoker, vaType);
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param type the desired target type
* @param objectArgCount number of fixed (non-varargs) {@code Object} arguments
* @return a method handle suitable for invoking any method handle of the given type
static public
MethodHandle varargsInvoker(MethodType type, int objectArgCount) {
if (objectArgCount < 0 || objectArgCount > type.parameterCount())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad argument count "+objectArgCount);
return invokers(type).varargsInvoker(objectArgCount);
* Produce a method handle which will take a invoke any method handle of the
* given type. The resulting invoker will have a type which is
* exactly equal to the desired type, except that it will accept
* an additional leading argument of type {@code MethodHandle}.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to the following code (though it may be more efficient):
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* lookup().findVirtual(MethodHandle.class, "invoke", type);
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param type the desired target type
* @return a method handle suitable for invoking any method handle of the given type
static public
MethodHandle exactInvoker(MethodType type) {
return invokers(type).exactInvoker();
* Produce a method handle equivalent to an invokedynamic instruction
* which has been linked to the given call site.
* Along with {@link Lookup#findVirtual}, {@link Lookup#findStatic},
* and {@link Lookup#findSpecial}, this completes the emulation
* of the JVM's {@code invoke} instructions.
* <p>This method is equivalent to the following code:
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* MethodHandle getTarget, invoker, result;
* getTarget = lookup().bind(site, "getTarget", methodType(MethodHandle.class));
* invoker = exactInvoker(site.type());
* result = foldArguments(invoker, getTarget)
* </pre></blockquote>
* @return a method handle which always invokes the call site's target
public static
MethodHandle dynamicInvoker(CallSite site) throws NoAccessException {
MethodHandle getCSTarget = GET_TARGET;
if (getCSTarget == null) {
try {
GET_TARGET = getCSTarget = Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP.
findVirtual(CallSite.class, "getTarget", MethodType.methodType(MethodHandle.class));
} catch (NoAccessException ex) {
throw new InternalError();
MethodHandle getTarget = MethodHandleImpl.bindReceiver(IMPL_TOKEN, getCSTarget, site);
MethodHandle invoker = exactInvoker(site.type());
return foldArguments(invoker, getTarget);
private static MethodHandle GET_TARGET = null; // link this lazily, not eagerly
static Invokers invokers(MethodType type) {
return MethodTypeImpl.invokers(IMPL_TOKEN, type);
* <em>WORK IN PROGRESS:</em>
* Perform value checking, exactly as if for an adapted method handle.
* It is assumed that the given value is either null, of type T0,
* or (if T0 is primitive) of the wrapper type corresponding to T0.
* The following checks and conversions are made:
* <ul>
* <li>If T0 and T1 are references, then a cast to T1 is applied.
* (The types do not need to be related in any particular way.)
* <li>If T0 and T1 are primitives, then a widening or narrowing
* conversion is applied, if one exists.
* <li>If T0 is a primitive and T1 a reference, and
* T0 has a wrapper type TW, a boxing conversion to TW is applied,
* possibly followed by a reference conversion.
* T1 must be TW or a supertype.
* <li>If T0 is a reference and T1 a primitive, and
* T1 has a wrapper type TW, an unboxing conversion is applied,
* possibly preceded by a reference conversion.
* T0 must be TW or a supertype.
* <li>If T1 is void, the return value is discarded
* <li>If T0 is void and T1 a reference, a null value is introduced.
* <li>If T0 is void and T1 a primitive, a zero value is introduced.
* </ul>
* If the value is discarded, null will be returned.
* @param valueType
* @param value
* @return the value, converted if necessary
* @throws java.lang.ClassCastException if a cast fails
<T0, T1> T1 checkValue(Class<T0> t0, Class<T1> t1, Object value)
throws ClassCastException
if (t0 == t1) {
// no conversion needed; just reassert the same type
if (t0.isPrimitive())
return Wrapper.asPrimitiveType(t1).cast(value);
return Wrapper.OBJECT.cast(value, t1);
boolean prim0 = t0.isPrimitive(), prim1 = t1.isPrimitive();
if (!prim0) {
// check contract with caller
Wrapper.OBJECT.cast(value, t0);
if (!prim1) {
return Wrapper.OBJECT.cast(value, t1);
// convert reference to primitive by unboxing
Wrapper w1 = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(t1);
return w1.cast(value, t1);
// check contract with caller:
Wrapper w1 = Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(t1);
return w1.cast(value, t1);
Object checkValue(Class<?> T1, Object value)
throws ClassCastException
Class<?> T0;
if (value == null)
T0 = Object.class;
T0 = value.getClass();
return checkValue(T0, T1, value);
/// method handle modification (creation from other method handles)
* Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the
* given method handle to a new type by pairwise argument conversion.
* The original type and new type must have the same number of arguments.
* The resulting method handle is guaranteed to confess a type
* which is equal to the desired new type.
* <p>
* If the original type and new type are equal, returns target.
* <p>
* The following conversions are applied as needed both to
* arguments and return types. Let T0 and T1 be the differing
* new and old parameter types (or old and new return types)
* for corresponding values passed by the new and old method types.
* Given those types T0, T1, one of the following conversions is applied
* if possible:
* <ul>
* <li>If T0 and T1 are references, and T1 is not an interface type,
* then a cast to T1 is applied.
* (The types do not need to be related in any particular way.)
* <li>If T0 and T1 are references, and T1 is an interface type,
* then the value of type T0 is passed as a T1 without a cast.
* (This treatment of interfaces follows the usage of the bytecode verifier.)
* <li>If T0 and T1 are primitives, then a Java casting
* conversion (JLS 5.5) is applied, if one exists.
* <li>If T0 and T1 are primitives and one is boolean,
* the boolean is treated as a one-bit unsigned integer.
* (This treatment follows the usage of the bytecode verifier.)
* A conversion from another primitive type behaves as if
* it first converts to byte, and then masks all but the low bit.
* <li>If T0 is a primitive and T1 a reference, a boxing
* conversion is applied if one exists, possibly followed by
* an reference conversion to a superclass.
* T1 must be a wrapper class or a supertype of one.
* If T1 is a wrapper class, T0 is converted if necessary
* to T1's primitive type by one of the preceding conversions.
* Otherwise, T0 is boxed, and its wrapper converted to T1.
* <li>If T0 is a reference and T1 a primitive, an unboxing
* conversion is applied if one exists, possibly preceded by
* a reference conversion to a wrapper class.
* T0 must be a wrapper class or a supertype of one.
* If T0 is a wrapper class, its primitive value is converted
* if necessary to T1 by one of the preceding conversions.
* Otherwise, T0 is converted directly to the wrapper type for T1,
* which is then unboxed.
* <li>If the return type T1 is void, any returned value is discarded
* <li>If the return type T0 is void and T1 a reference, a null value is introduced.
* <li>If the return type T0 is void and T1 a primitive, a zero value is introduced.
* </ul>
* @param target the method handle to invoke after arguments are retyped
* @param newType the expected type of the new method handle
* @return a method handle which delegates to {@code target} after performing
* any necessary argument conversions, and arranges for any
* necessary return value conversions
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the conversion cannot be made
* @see MethodHandle#asType
public static
MethodHandle convertArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType) {
MethodType oldType = target.type();
if (oldType.equals(newType))
return target;
MethodHandle res = MethodHandleImpl.convertArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target,
newType, oldType, null);
if (res == null)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("cannot convert to "+newType+": "+target);
return res;
* Produce a method handle which adapts the calling sequence of the
* given method handle to a new type, by reordering the arguments.
* The resulting method handle is guaranteed to confess a type
* which is equal to the desired new type.
* <p>
* The given array controls the reordering.
* Call {@code #I} the number of incoming parameters (the value
* {@code newType.parameterCount()}, and call {@code #O} the number
* of outgoing parameters (the value {@code target.type().parameterCount()}).
* Then the length of the reordering array must be {@code #O},
* and each element must be a non-negative number less than {@code #I}.
* For every {@code N} less than {@code #O}, the {@code N}-th
* outgoing argument will be taken from the {@code I}-th incoming
* argument, where {@code I} is {@code reorder[N]}.
* <p>
* The reordering array need not specify an actual permutation.
* An incoming argument will be duplicated if its index appears
* more than once in the array, and an incoming argument will be dropped
* if its index does not appear in the array.
* <p>
* Pairwise conversions are applied as needed to arguments and return
* values, as with {@link #convertArguments}.
* @param target the method handle to invoke after arguments are reordered
* @param newType the expected type of the new method handle
* @param reorder a string which controls the reordering
* @return a method handle which delegates to {@code target} after performing
* any necessary argument motion and conversions, and arranges for any
* necessary return value conversions
public static
MethodHandle permuteArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType, int[] reorder) {
MethodType oldType = target.type();
checkReorder(reorder, newType, oldType);
return MethodHandleImpl.convertArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target,
newType, oldType,
private static void checkReorder(int[] reorder, MethodType newType, MethodType oldType) {
if (reorder.length == oldType.parameterCount()) {
int limit = newType.parameterCount();
boolean bad = false;
for (int i : reorder) {
if (i < 0 || i >= limit) {
bad = true; break;
if (!bad) return;
throw newIllegalArgumentException("bad reorder array");
* Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the
* given method handle to a new type, by spreading the final argument.
* The resulting method handle is guaranteed to confess a type
* which is equal to the desired new type.
* <p>
* The final parameter type of the new type must be an array type T[].
* This is the type of what is called the <i>spread</i> argument.
* All other arguments of the new type are called <i>ordinary</i> arguments.
* <p>
* The ordinary arguments of the new type are pairwise converted
* to the initial parameter types of the old type, according to the
* rules in {@link #convertArguments}.
* Any additional arguments in the old type
* are converted from the array element type T,
* again according to the rules in {@link #convertArguments}.
* The return value is converted according likewise.
* <p>
* The call verifies that the spread argument is in fact an array
* of exactly the type length, i.e., the excess number of
* arguments in the old type over the ordinary arguments in the new type.
* If there are no excess arguments, the spread argument is also
* allowed to be null.
* @param target the method handle to invoke after the argument is prepended
* @param newType the expected type of the new method handle
* @return a new method handle which spreads its final argument,
* before calling the original method handle
public static
MethodHandle spreadArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType) {
MethodType oldType = target.type();
int inargs = newType.parameterCount();
int outargs = oldType.parameterCount();
int spreadPos = inargs - 1;
int numSpread = (outargs - spreadPos);
MethodHandle res = null;
if (spreadPos >= 0 && numSpread >= 0) {
res = MethodHandleImpl.spreadArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target, newType, spreadPos);
if (res == null) {
throw newIllegalArgumentException("cannot spread "+newType+" to " +oldType);
return res;
* Produce a method handle which adapts the type of the
* given method handle to a new type, by collecting a series of
* trailing arguments as elements to a single argument array.
* <p>
* This method may be used as an inverse to {@link #spreadArguments}.
* The final parameter type of the old type must be an array type T[],
* which is the type of what is called the <i>spread</i> argument.
* The trailing arguments of the new type which correspond to
* the spread argument are all converted to type T and collected
* into an array before the original method is called.
* @param target the method handle to invoke after the argument is prepended
* @param newType the expected type of the new method handle
* @return a new method handle which collects some trailing argument
* into an array, before calling the original method handle
public static
MethodHandle collectArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType newType) {
MethodType oldType = target.type();
int inargs = newType.parameterCount();
int outargs = oldType.parameterCount();
int collectPos = outargs - 1;
int numCollect = (inargs - collectPos);
if (collectPos < 0 || numCollect < 0)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("wrong number of arguments");
MethodHandle res = MethodHandleImpl.collectArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target, newType, collectPos, null);
if (res == null) {
throw newIllegalArgumentException("cannot collect from "+newType+" to " +oldType);
return res;
* Produce a method handle which calls the original method handle {@code target},
* after inserting the given argument(s) at the given position.
* The formal parameters to {@code target} which will be supplied by those
* arguments are called <em>bound parameters</em>, because the new method
* will contain bindings for those parameters take from {@code values}.
* The type of the new method handle will drop the types for the bound
* parameters from the original target type, since the new method handle
* will no longer require those arguments to be supplied by its callers.
* <p>
* Each given argument object must match the corresponding bound parameter type.
* If a bound parameter type is a primitive, the argument object
* must be a wrapper, and will be unboxed to produce the primitive value.
* <p>
* The <i>pos</i> may range between zero and <i>N</i> (inclusively),
* where <i>N</i> is the number of argument types in resulting method handle
* (after bound parameter types are dropped).
* @param target the method handle to invoke after the argument is inserted
* @param pos where to insert the argument (zero for the first)
* @param values the series of arguments to insert
* @return a new method handle which inserts an additional argument,
* before calling the original method handle
public static
MethodHandle insertArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, Object... values) {
int insCount = values.length;
MethodType oldType = target.type();
ArrayList<Class<?>> ptypes =
new ArrayList<Class<?>>(oldType.parameterList());
int outargs = oldType.parameterCount();
int inargs = outargs - insCount;
if (inargs < 0)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("too many values to insert");
if (pos < 0 || pos > inargs)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("no argument type to append");
MethodHandle result = target;
for (int i = 0; i < insCount; i++) {
Object value = values[i];
Class<?> valueType = oldType.parameterType(pos+i);
value = checkValue(valueType, value);
if (pos == 0 && !valueType.isPrimitive()) {
// At least for now, make bound method handles a special case.
MethodHandle bmh = MethodHandleImpl.bindReceiver(IMPL_TOKEN, result, value);
if (bmh != null) {
result = bmh;
// else fall through to general adapter machinery
result = MethodHandleImpl.bindArgument(IMPL_TOKEN, result, pos, value);
return result;
@Deprecated // "use MethodHandles.insertArguments instead"
public static
MethodHandle insertArgument(MethodHandle target, int pos, Object value) {
return insertArguments(target, pos, value);
* Produce a method handle which calls the original method handle,
* after dropping the given argument(s) at the given position.
* The type of the new method handle will insert the given argument
* type(s), at that position, into the original handle's type.
* <p>
* The <i>pos</i> may range between zero and <i>N</i>,
* where <i>N</i> is the number of argument types in <i>target</i>,
* meaning to drop the first or last argument (respectively),
* or an argument somewhere in between.
* <p>
* <b>Example:</b>
* <p><blockquote><pre>
* import static java.dyn.MethodHandles.*;
* import static java.dyn.MethodType.*;
* ...
* MethodHandle cat = lookup().findVirtual(String.class,
* "concat", methodType(String.class, String.class));
* System.out.println((String) cat.invokeExact("x", "y")); // xy
* MethodHandle d0 = dropArguments(cat, 0, String.class);
* System.out.println((String) d0.invokeExact("x", "y", "z")); // yz
* MethodHandle d1 = dropArguments(cat, 1, String.class);
* System.out.println((String) d1.invokeExact("x", "y", "z")); // xz
* MethodHandle d2 = dropArguments(cat, 2, String.class);
* System.out.println((String) d2.invokeExact("x", "y", "z")); // xy
* MethodHandle d12 = dropArguments(cat, 1, int.class, boolean.class);
* System.out.println((String) d12.invokeExact("x", 12, true, "z")); // xz
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param target the method handle to invoke after the argument is dropped
* @param valueTypes the type(s) of the argument to drop
* @param pos which argument to drop (zero for the first)
* @return a new method handle which drops an argument of the given type,
* before calling the original method handle
public static
MethodHandle dropArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, List<Class<?>> valueTypes) {
if (valueTypes.size() == 0) return target;
MethodType oldType = target.type();
int outargs = oldType.parameterCount();
int inargs = outargs + valueTypes.size();
if (pos < 0 || pos >= inargs)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("no argument type to remove");
ArrayList<Class<?>> ptypes =
new ArrayList<Class<?>>(oldType.parameterList());
ptypes.addAll(pos, valueTypes);
MethodType newType = MethodType.methodType(oldType.returnType(), ptypes);
return MethodHandleImpl.dropArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target, newType, pos);
public static
MethodHandle dropArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, Class<?>... valueTypes) {
return dropArguments(target, pos, Arrays.asList(valueTypes));
* Adapt a target method handle {@code target} by pre-processing
* one or more of its arguments, each with its own unary filter function,
* and then calling the target with each pre-processed argument
* replaced by the result of its corresponding filter function.
* <p>
* The pre-processing is performed by one or more method handles,
* specified in the non-null elements of the {@code filters} array.
* (If there are no such elements, the original target is returned.)
* Each filter (that is, each non-null element of {@code filters})
* is applied to the corresponding argument of the adapter.
* <p>
* If a filter {@code F} applies to the {@code N}th argument of
* the method handle, then {@code F} must be a method handle which
* takes exactly one argument. The type of {@code F}'s sole argument
* replaces the corresponding argument type of the target
* in the resulting adapted method handle.
* The return type of {@code F} must be identical to the corresponding
* parameter type of the target.
* <p>
* It is an error if there are non-null elements of {@code filters}
* which do not correspond to argument positions in the target.
* The actual length of the target array may be any number, it need
* not be the same as the parameter count of the target type.
* (This provides an easy way to filter just the first argument or two
* of a target method handle.)
* <p> Here is pseudocode for the resulting adapter:
* <blockquote><pre>
* // there are N arguments in the A sequence
* T target(A[N]...);
* [i&lt;N] V[i] filter[i](B[i]) = filters[i] ?: identity;
* T adapter(B[N]... b) {
* A[N] a...;
* [i&lt;N] a[i] = filter[i](b[i]);
* return target(a...);
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param target the method handle to invoke after arguments are filtered
* @param filters method handles to call initially on filtered arguments
* @return method handle which incorporates the specified argument filtering logic
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a non-null element of {@code filters}
* does not match a corresponding argument type of {@code target}
public static
MethodHandle filterArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle... filters) {
MethodType targetType = target.type();
MethodHandle adapter = target;
MethodType adapterType = targetType;
int pos = -1, maxPos = targetType.parameterCount();
for (MethodHandle filter : filters) {
pos += 1;
if (filter == null) continue;
if (pos >= maxPos)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("too many filters");
MethodType filterType = filter.type();
if (filterType.parameterCount() != 1
|| filterType.returnType() != targetType.parameterType(pos))
throw newIllegalArgumentException("target and filter types do not match");
adapterType = adapterType.changeParameterType(pos, filterType.parameterType(0));
adapter = MethodHandleImpl.filterArgument(IMPL_TOKEN, adapter, pos, filter);
MethodType midType = adapter.type();
if (midType != adapterType)
adapter = MethodHandleImpl.convertArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, adapter, adapterType, midType, null);
return adapter;
* Adapt a target method handle {@code target} by pre-processing
* some of its arguments, and then calling the target with
* the result of the pre-processing, plus all original arguments.
* <p>
* The pre-processing is performed by a second method handle, the {@code combiner}.
* The first {@code N} arguments passed to the adapter,
* are copied to the combiner, which then produces a result.
* (Here, {@code N} is defined as the parameter count of the adapter.)
* After this, control passes to the {@code target}, with both the result
* of the combiner, and all the original incoming arguments.
* <p>
* The first argument type of the target must be identical with the
* return type of the combiner.
* The resulting adapter is the same type as the target, except that the
* initial argument type of the target is dropped.
* <p>
* (Note that {@link #dropArguments} can be used to remove any arguments
* that either the {@code combiner} or {@code target} does not wish to receive.
* If some of the incoming arguments are destined only for the combiner,
* consider using {@link #collectArguments} instead, since those
* arguments will not need to be live on the stack on entry to the
* target.)
* <p>
* The first argument of the target must be identical with the
* return value of the combiner.
* <p> Here is pseudocode for the resulting adapter:
* <blockquote><pre>
* // there are N arguments in the A sequence
* T target(V, A[N]..., B...);
* V combiner(A...);
* T adapter(A... a, B... b) {
* V v = combiner(a...);
* return target(v, a..., b...);
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param target the method handle to invoke after arguments are combined
* @param combiner method handle to call initially on the incoming arguments
* @return method handle which incorporates the specified argument folding logic
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the first argument type of
* {@code target} is not the same as {@code combiner}'s return type,
* or if the next {@code foldArgs} argument types of {@code target}
* are not identical with the argument types of {@code combiner}
public static
MethodHandle foldArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle combiner) {
MethodType targetType = target.type();
MethodType combinerType = combiner.type();
int foldArgs = combinerType.parameterCount();
boolean ok = (targetType.parameterCount() >= 1 + foldArgs);
if (!ok)
throw misMatchedTypes("target and combiner types", targetType, combinerType);
MethodType newType = targetType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1);
return MethodHandleImpl.foldArguments(IMPL_TOKEN, target, newType, combiner);
* Make a method handle which adapts a target method handle,
* by guarding it with a test, a boolean-valued method handle.
* If the guard fails, a fallback handle is called instead.
* All three method handles must have the same corresponding
* argument and return types, except that the return type
* of the test must be boolean, and the test is allowed
* to have fewer arguments than the other two method handles.
* <p> Here is pseudocode for the resulting adapter:
* <blockquote><pre>
* boolean test(A...);
* T target(A...,B...);
* T fallback(A...,B...);
* T adapter(A... a,B... b) {
* if (test(a...))
* return target(a..., b...);
* else
* return fallback(a..., b...);
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param test method handle used for test, must return boolean
* @param target method handle to call if test passes
* @param fallback method handle to call if test fails
* @return method handle which incorporates the specified if/then/else logic
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code test} does not return boolean,
* or if all three method types do not match (with the return
* type of {@code test} changed to match that of {@code target}).
public static
MethodHandle guardWithTest(MethodHandle test,
MethodHandle target,
MethodHandle fallback) {
MethodType gtype = test.type();
MethodType ttype = target.type();
MethodType ftype = fallback.type();
if (ttype != ftype)
throw misMatchedTypes("target and fallback types", ttype, ftype);
MethodType gtype2 = ttype.changeReturnType(boolean.class);
if (gtype2 != gtype) {
if (gtype.returnType() != boolean.class)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("guard type is not a predicate "+gtype);
int gpc = gtype.parameterCount(), tpc = ttype.parameterCount();
if (gpc < tpc) {
test = dropArguments(test, gpc, ttype.parameterList().subList(gpc, tpc));
gtype = test.type();
if (gtype2 != gtype)
throw misMatchedTypes("target and test types", ttype, gtype);
/* {
MethodHandle invoke = findVirtual(MethodHandle.class, "invoke", target.type());
static MethodHandle choose(boolean z, MethodHandle t, MethodHandle f) {
return z ? t : f;
static MethodHandle compose(MethodHandle f, MethodHandle g) {
Class<?> initargs = g.type().parameterArray();
f = dropArguments(f, 1, initargs); // ignore 2nd copy of args
return combineArguments(f, g);
// choose = \z.(z ? target : fallback)
MethodHandle choose = findVirtual(MethodHandles.class, "choose",
MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, MethodHandle.class, MethodHandle.class));
choose = appendArgument(choose, target);
choose = appendArgument(choose, fallback);
MethodHandle dispatch = compose(choose, test);
// dispatch = \(a...).(test(a...) ? target : fallback)
return combineArguments(invoke, dispatch, 0);
// return \(a...).((test(a...) ? target : fallback).invokeExact(a...))
} */
return MethodHandleImpl.makeGuardWithTest(IMPL_TOKEN, test, target, fallback);
static RuntimeException misMatchedTypes(String what, MethodType t1, MethodType t2) {
return newIllegalArgumentException(what + " must match: " + t1 + " != " + t2);
* Make a method handle which adapts a target method handle,
* by running it inside an exception handler.
* If the target returns normally, the adapter returns that value.
* If an exception matching the specified type is thrown, the fallback
* handle is called instead on the exception, plus the original arguments.
* <p>
* The handler must have leading parameter of {@code exType} or a supertype,
* followed by arguments which correspond <em>(how? TBD)</em> to
* all the parameters of the target.
* The target and handler must return the same type.
* <p> Here is pseudocode for the resulting adapter:
* <blockquote><pre>
* T target(A...);
* T handler(ExType, A...);
* T adapter(A... a) {
* try {
* return target(a...);
* } catch (ExType ex) {
* return handler(ex, a...);
* }
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* @param target method handle to call
* @param exType the type of exception which the handler will catch
* @param handler method handle to call if a matching exception is thrown
* @return method handle which incorporates the specified try/catch logic
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code handler} does not accept
* the given exception type, or if the method handle types do
* not match in their return types and their
* corresponding parameters
public static
MethodHandle catchException(MethodHandle target,
Class<? extends Throwable> exType,
MethodHandle handler) {
MethodType targetType = target.type();
MethodType handlerType = handler.type();
boolean ok = (targetType.parameterCount() ==
handlerType.parameterCount() - 1);
// for (int i = 0; ok && i < numExArgs; i++) {
// if (targetType.parameterType(i) != handlerType.parameterType(1+i))
// ok = false;
// }
if (!ok)
throw newIllegalArgumentException("target and handler types do not match");
return MethodHandleImpl.makeGuardWithCatch(IMPL_TOKEN, target, exType, handler);
* Produce a method handle which will throw exceptions of the given {@code exType}.
* The method handle will accept a single argument of {@code exType},
* and immediately throw it as an exception.
* The method type will nominally specify a return of {@code returnType}.
* The return type may be anything convenient: It doesn't matter to the
* method handle's behavior, since it will never return normally.
public static
MethodHandle throwException(Class<?> returnType, Class<? extends Throwable> exType) {
return MethodHandleImpl.throwException(IMPL_TOKEN, MethodType.methodType(returnType, exType));
* Produce a wrapper instance of the given "SAM" type which redirects its calls to the given method handle.
* A SAM type is a type which declares a single abstract method.
* Additionally, it must have either no constructor (as an interface)
* or have a public or protected constructor of zero arguments (as a class).
* <p>
* The resulting instance of the required SAM type will respond to
* invocation of the SAM type's single abstract method by calling
* the given {@code target} on the incoming arguments,
* and returning or throwing whatever the {@code target}
* returns or throws. The invocation will be as if by
* {@code target.invokeExact}.
* <p>
* The method handle may throw an <em>undeclared exception</em>,
* which means any checked exception (or other checked throwable)
* not declared by the SAM type's single abstract method.
* If this happens, the throwable will be wrapped in an instance
* of {@link UndeclaredThrowableException} and thrown in that
* wrapped form.
* <p>
* The wrapper instance is guaranteed to be of a non-public
* implementation class C in a package containing no classes
* or methods except system-defined classes and methods.
* The implementation class C will have no public supertypes
* or public methods beyond the following:
* <ul>
* <li>the SAM type itself and any methods in the SAM type
* <li>the supertypes of the SAM type (if any) and their methods
* <li>{@link Object} and its methods
* <li>{@link MethodHandleProvider} and its methods
* </ul>
* <p>
* No stable mapping is promised between the SAM type and
* the implementation class C. Over time, several implementation
* classes might be used for the same SAM type.
* <p>
* This method is not guaranteed to return a distinct
* wrapper object for each separate call. If the JVM is able
* to prove that a wrapper has already been created for a given
* method handle, or for another method handle with the
* same behavior, the JVM may return that wrapper in place of
* a new wrapper.
* @param target the method handle to invoke from the wrapper
* @param samType the desired type of the wrapper, a SAM type
* @return a correctly-typed wrapper for the given {@code target}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code target} throws
* an undeclared exception
// ISSUE: Should we delegate equals/hashCode to the targets?
// Not useful unless there is a stable equals/hashCode behavior
// for MethodHandle, and for MethodHandleProvider.asMethodHandle.
public static
<T> T asInstance(MethodHandle target, Class<T> samType) {
// POC implementation only; violates the above contract several ways
final Method sam = getSamMethod(samType);
if (sam == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a SAM type: "+samType.getName());
MethodType samMT = MethodType.methodType(sam.getReturnType(), sam.getParameterTypes());
if (!samMT.equals(target.type()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong method type");
final MethodHandle mh = target;
return samType.cast(Proxy.newProxyInstance(
new Class[]{ samType, MethodHandleProvider.class },
new InvocationHandler() {
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (method.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandleProvider.class) {
return method.invoke(mh, args);
assert method.equals(sam) : method;
return mh.invokeVarargs(args);
private static
Method getSamMethod(Class<?> samType) {
Method sam = null;
for (Method m : samType.getMethods()) {
int mod = m.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isAbstract(mod)) {
if (sam != null)
return null; // too many abstract methods
sam = m;
if (!samType.isInterface() && getSamConstructor(samType) == null)
return null; // wrong kind of constructor
return sam;
private static
Constructor getSamConstructor(Class<?> samType) {
for (Constructor c : samType.getDeclaredConstructors()) {
if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
int mod = c.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(mod) || Modifier.isProtected(mod))
return c;
return null;