blob: b700a965d0a2f0365f6aff637458075a707429d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file contains test expectations for libcore.
* TODO: Rename this file to account for the fact that it has both tags and known failures
description: "large tests",
result: SUCCESS,
names: [
/* libcore tests that take over 15 minutes on device because of DHParametersHelper.generateSafePrimes */
/* non-AOSP tests http://b/8027066 */
"tags": [ "large" ]
description: "can't compile a pattern with negative look-behind and quantifiers with upper bounds",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "",
bug: 40103
description: "Package.getPackages(), ClassLoader.getPackages() both omit results",
name: "",
bug: 5171136
description: "KeyAgreementFunctionalTest times out even with an absurdly long timeout",
name: "org.apache.harmony.crypto.tests.javax.crypto.func.KeyAgreementFunctionalTest#test_KeyAgreement",
bug: 3473300
description: "ICU seems to treat unknown and invalid locales differently",
name: "",
bug: 2541757
description: "DecimalFormat is limited to 127 digits",
name: "",
bug: 2400429
description: "HTTPS connections should not be pooled.",
name: "",
bug: 3042192
description: "We fake support for these by substituting similar (but not identical) charsets",
names: [
bug: 2985901
description: "It's not allowed to pass null as parent class loader to a new ClassLoader anymore. Maybe we need
to change URLClassLoader to allow this? It's not specified.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Android throws IllegalArgumentException, RI throws NullPointerException",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Android doesn't allow null parent.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Not supported : pattern with %",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Wildcard operator does not seem to work correctly.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Not supported ops applied: test fails on arguments: '', '', '%', '%'",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "(Ticket 91) Tables apply foreign key constraint. Catalogs not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Keys are not supported: Ticket 91",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Not supported feature, Ticket 98. Broken because NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS not complete. When fixed
change to @KnownFailure",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Ticket 91 : relies on not supported features: getCatalog, keys",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "If no schema is associated: returns empty string where actually null be returned?. Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "$Ljava_lang_String"
description: "not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "not supported. SQLException checking test fails",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "exception test fails",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Ticket 98",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "exception test fails",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Not supported ops applied",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "not supported. Privileges are not supported.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Exception test fails",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "not supported. Privileges are not supported.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Not supported ops applied",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "Exception test fails",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "Scrolling on a forward only RS not allowed. conn.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "conn.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "conn.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "conn.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "First Exception test fails: parameters not cleared.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "it is not possible to invoke the method getMetaData on a PreparedStatement object before it is
executed: got NullPointerException.Test passes on RI.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "exception test fails",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update. Setting a data for a declared
INTEGER should throw Exception",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "exception test fails",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "Fails for Types.DATE",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "exception test fails",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return False on update.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "preparedStatement.execute() does not return false on update.",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "last assertion fails: invalid conversion. Test passes on RI",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "Wrong value returned for Long: java.lang.String (VARCHAR)",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Wrong value returned for Long: java.lang.String",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "If there is no current row 0 must be returned. res.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "According to spec info.getStatement should return null but an exception is thrown: stale result
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "getTime should return Time value for a TIMESTAMP type but returns null",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "getTime on TIMESTAMP value fails: returns null",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "getTime should return a Time value for a TIMESTAMP type but returns null",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "getTime on TIMESTAMP value fails: returns null",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "res.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "SQLException checking test fails",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Column label has format TABLE.COLUMN expected: COLUMN",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "For int = 0, exception expected",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "Resultset.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "no exception is thrown when moving cursor backwards on forward only statement",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Scrollable resultSet. Not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Feature not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "the default tests, and exception tests fail.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "In Second code block assertion fails. statement. close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Second block first assertion fails. Is Last should evaluate true if the row on which the cursor
is actually provides a result.statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Bug in implementation of cancel: Does not fulfill spec.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Return value wrong for queries below.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "always returns 1 for no. of updates",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Does throw an exception on non select statement.",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Spec is not precise enough: should be: number of rows affected. eg. to be consistent for deletes:
'delete from s1;' should be different from 'delete from s1 where c1 = 1;'",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
names: [
description: "not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "An other value is returned than was set (X * 1000)",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Does not return null on update count > 0 (not a select statement)",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Not supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "Test for default value fails",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "not fully supported",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "statement.close() does not wrap up",
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
description: "ManagerFactoryParameters object is not supported and InvalidAlgorithmParameterException was
bug: 3403706,
name: ""
modes: [ "jvm" ],
description: "The RI's formatter doesn't localize arabic properly",
names: [
description: "Android's XSLT implementation fails 524 of 3173 OASIS tests",
bug: 4193599,
names: [
description: "Android's XPath fails 29 of 250 Jaxen XPath tests",
bug: 3270761,
names: [
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/defaultNamespace.xml / /dummy:a/dummy:b/dummy:c",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / //metatest[ evaluate(@select) = . ]",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / evaluate('//jumps/*')",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / evaluate('//jumps/*')/dog",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / evaluate('//jumps/object')/dog",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / evaluate('//jumps/object')/evaluate",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/evaluate.xml / evaluate('//jumps/object/dog')",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a/b",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/namespaces.xml / /voo:a/b/c",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/namespaces.xml / /voo:a/bar:f",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/testNamespaces.xml / //namespace::*",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/testNamespaces.xml /Template/Application1 //namespace::*",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/testNamespaces.xml /Template/Application1 //namespace::xplt",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$3#xml/text.xml / document('xml/web.xml')",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/message.xml / document('xml/message.xml')/message/body/data/items/item[name/text()='parentinfo']/value",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a/alias:x/alias:y",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a/b/c",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a/foo:d/foo:e",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/namespaces.xml / /foo:a/foo:x/foo:y",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/text.xml / document('xml/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/text.xml /foo/bar/cheese[1] concat(./@id,document('xml/web.xml')/web-app/servlet[1]/servlet-name,./@id)",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] ends-with( servlet-class, 'S' )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] ends-with( servlet-class, 'Servlet' )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] lower-case( servlet-class )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] upper-case( servlet-class )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] upper-case( servlet-class, 'es-ES-Traditional_WIN' )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] upper-case( servlet-class, 'fr' )",
"libcore.xml.JaxenXPathTestSuite$4#xml/web.xml /web-app/servlet[1] upper-case( servlet-class, 'fr-CA' )"
description: "Android's PKIX validation fails on many NIST PKIX tests",
bug: 8030138,
names: [
description: "Known failures in URLTest and URLDecoderTest",
bug: 11686814,
names: [
description: "ScannerParseLargeFileBenchmark can cause a failure due to a timeout",
bug: 14865710,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: ""
description: "external/apache-harmony tests for java.sql are broken for various reasons. java.sql is not a high enough priority to fix.",
bug: 17342415,
names: [
description: "java.util.logging: Android introduced config fallback behavior in LogManager.readConfiguration()",
bug: 13882147,
names: [
description: "java.util.logging: Android's user.home system property cannot be cleared",
bug: 13882147,
names: [
description: "java.util.logging: Android's user.home system property points to root (/) dir",
bug: 13882147,
name: ""
description: "java.util.logging: The defaults for FileHandler don't work on Android because they try to write to the read-only user.home dir",
bug: 13882147,
name: ""
description: "java.util.logging: Android's classes have been stubbed in places.",
bug: 13882147,
names: [
description: "java.util.logging: the serialized form references org.apache not org.apache",
bug: 13882147,
name: ""
description: "java.util.beans: the serialized form references org.apache not org.apache",
bug: 17394106,
names: [
description: "Known failure in GregorianCalendarTest",
bug: 12778197,
name: ""
description: "OkHttp tests that fail on Wear devices due to a lack of memory",
bug: 20055487,
names: [
description: "OkHttp flaky test of functionality that's not used on Android",
bug: 138134183,
names: [
description: " assumes fallback to locale other than en_US_POSIX.",
bug: 17422813,
names: [
description: "Tests failing on host - needing investigation.",
modes: [host],
bug: 18547404,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Differences between glibc and bionic",
modes_variants: [[host, X64]],
bug: 18087920,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Recursive calls to Charset.forName from within providers will overflow the stack.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Zip64 tests take too long to execute and need more than 5GB of space to run.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "OsTest.test_PacketSocketAddress needs CAP_NET_RAW",
bug: 19764047,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Failures in OldSHA1PRNGSecureRandomTest",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: " fails in openJdk",
bug: 27673247,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Made for extending, shouldn't be run",
bug: 28503384,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Tests must be run as root",
bug: 28536847,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "URLClassLoader doesn't work on Android for jar files",
bug: 28535349,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Conscrypt produces different exceptions under different circumstances",
bug: 36772622,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Bullhead kernel does not block send when buffer is supposed to have saturated",
bug: 36691333,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testEntityDeclarations",
substring: "This implementation does not parse entity declarations"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testGetWholeTextWithEntityReference",
substring: "This implementation doesn't resolve entity references in getWholeText"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testExpandingEntityReferencesOff",
bug: 3268630,
substring: "This implementation doesn't include children in entity references"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testExpandingEntityReferencesOn",
bug: 3268630,
substring: "This implementation doesn't expand entity references"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testIsElementContentWhitespaceWithDeclaration",
substring: "This implementation does not recognize element content whitespace"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testNotations",
substring: "This implementation does not parse notations"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
names: [
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DeclarationTest#testGetXmlEncoding",
substring: "This implementation doesn't parse the encoding from the XML declaration"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DeclarationTest#testGetXmlStandalone",
substring: "This implementation doesn't parse standalone from the XML declaration"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.DeclarationTest#testGetXmlVersion",
substring: "This implementation doesn't parse the version from the XML declaration"
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "libcore.xml.NormalizeTest#testSchemaTypeDtd",
substring: "This implementation's setParameter() supports an unexpected value: schema-type="
description: "Dalvik doesn't support XML Schemas, DTDs or validation",
bug: 3268630,
name: "org.apache.harmony.tests.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderTest#testSetEntityResolver",
substring: "java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.harmony.xml.dom.EntityReferenceImpl"
description: "many tests attempt to fork a Java executable, but fork the wrong one",
result: "EXEC_FAILED",
failure: "should fork a dalvikvm, not a JVM",
substring: "/system/bin.*IOException"
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testAttributeNamedIdIsNotAnIdByDefault",
substring: "This implementation incorrectly interprets the \"id\" attribute as an identifier by default"
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testDocumentAddChild",
substring: "Document nodes shouldn't accept child nodes"
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testElementTraversalFeature",
substring: "This implementation is expected to support ElementTraversal v. 1.0 but does not."
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "libcore.xml.DomTest#testLoadSaveFeature",
substring: "This implementation is expected to support LS v. 3.0 but does not."
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "libcore.xml.SaxTest#testYesPrefixesYesNamespaces",
substring: "The 'namespace-prefix' feature is not supported while the 'namespaces' feature is enabled."
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "org.apache.harmony.tests.javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactoryTest#test_newInstance",
substring: "Expected FactoryConfigurationError was not thrown"
description: "low-impact XML bugs:",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
substring: "java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This parser does not support specification \"Unknown\" version \"0.0\""
description: "a low-impact bug, also present in Crockford's implementation of org.json",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "",
substring: "Large hex longs shouldn't be yield ints or strings expected:<-1> but was:<0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF>"
description: "this test needs to be fixed. We supply optional qnames, but this test doesn't expect them",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "org.apache.harmony.tests.javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserTest#test_parseLjava_io_InputStreamLorg_xml_sax_helpers_DefaultHandlerLjava_lang_String"
description: "BouncyCastle allows unrecognized algorithms, but RI does not, not clear if this is a bug",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "org.apache.harmony.crypto.tests.javax.crypto.KeyAgreementTest#test_generateSecretLjava_lang_String",
substring: "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: NoSuchAlgorithmException expected"
description: " fails on IRM05 mysid-user",
name: "",
bug: 5834665
description: "We're retiring the security manager. Unfortunately, tests all over the place
need to check that they're secure, so they all fail when we refuse to install
a security manager. This suppresses all of these failures.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
failure: "disable securityManager",
pattern: ".*java.lang.SecurityException\\s+at java.lang.System.setSecurityManager.*",
bug: 2585285
description: "ignore compilation errors due to different available APIs",
failure: "ignore compilation errors",
pattern: ".*\\.java:\\d+: cannot find symbol.*"
description: "the average length of possible UTF-8 sequences is 2 bytes.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
name: "",
substring: "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<1.1> but was:<2.0>"
description: "Some tests (ExcludedProxyTest) connect to a public webserver to check that the HTTP client works",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
failure: "connect to the Internet",
pattern: ".***"
description: "Some tests (ExcludedProxyTest) connect to a public webserver to check that the HTTP client works",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Some tests depend on ICU data, which has changed. Others make assumptions about floating point rounding",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "(Needs investigation) Some tests make assertions that don't make sense, others use broken port allocation logic.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Potentially flakey because they rely on a specific local TCP port being free.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Fails in CTS, passes in CoreTestRunner.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
modes: [device],
names: [
description: "Suffers from DH slowness, disabling for now.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Destroys MD5 provider, hurts succeeding tests",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Support_TestWebServer requires isolation.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Causes OutOfMemoryError to test finalization",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Causes open dex file error",
modes: [device],
names: [
description: "Requires functional Support_Jetty",
bug: 28535961,
result: EXEC_FAILED,
names: [
description: "Awaiting fix to reflection code",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 62408076,
name: ""
description: "Failing following zlib upgrade",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 135017266,
name: ""