blob: edd264548ce9eb7cb47c80ee77bbab41c4328ea4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package java.nio.channels;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* An interface for channels that keep a pointer to a current position within an underlying
* byte-based data source such as a file.
* <p>SeekableByteChannels have a pointer into the underlying data source which is referred to as a
* <em>position</em>. The position can be manipulated by moving it within the data source, and the
* current position can be queried.
* <p>SeekableByteChannels also have an associated <em>size</em>. The size of the channel is the
* number of bytes that the data source currently contains. The size of the data source can be
* manipulated by adding more bytes to the end or by removing bytes from the end. See
* {@link #truncate}, {@link #position} and {@link #write} for details. The current size can also
* be queried.
* @since 1.7
* @hide 1.7
public interface SeekableByteChannel extends ByteChannel {
* Returns the current position as a positive number of bytes from the start of the underlying
* data source.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if this channel is closed.
* @throws IOException
* if another I/O error occurs.
long position() throws IOException;
* Sets the channel's position to {@code newPosition}.
* <p>The argument is the number of bytes counted from the start of the data source. The position
* cannot be set to a value that is negative. The new position can be set beyond the current
* size. If set beyond the current size, attempts to read will return end-of-file. Write
* operations will succeed but they will fill the bytes between the current end of the data
* source
* and the new position with the required number of (unspecified) byte values.
* @return the channel.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the new position is negative.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if this channel is closed.
* @throws IOException
* if another I/O error occurs.
SeekableByteChannel position(long newPosition) throws IOException;
* Returns the size of the data source underlying this channel in bytes.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if this channel is closed.
* @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs.
long size() throws IOException;
* Truncates the data source underlying this channel to a given size. Any bytes beyond the given
* size are removed. If there are no bytes beyond the given size then the contents are
* unmodified.
* <p>If the position is currently greater than the given size, then it is set to the new size.
* @return this channel.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the requested size is negative.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if this channel is closed.
* @throws NonWritableChannelException
* if the channel cannot be written to.
* @throws IOException
* if another I/O error occurs.
SeekableByteChannel truncate(long size) throws IOException;
* Writes bytes from the given byte buffer to this channel.
* <p>The bytes are written starting at the channel's current position, and after some number of
* bytes are written (up to the {@link java.nio.Buffer#remaining() remaining} number of bytes in
* the buffer) the channel's position is increased by the number of bytes actually written.
* <p>If the channel's position is beyond the current end of the underlying data source, then the
* data source is first extended up to the given position by the required number of unspecified
* byte values.
* @param buffer
* the byte buffer containing the bytes to be written.
* @return the number of bytes actually written.
* @throws NonWritableChannelException
* if the channel was not opened for writing.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if the channel was already closed.
* @throws AsynchronousCloseException
* if another thread closes the channel during the write.
* @throws ClosedByInterruptException
* if another thread interrupts the calling thread while this operation is in progress. The
* interrupt state of the calling thread is set and the channel is closed.
* @throws IOException
* if another I/O error occurs, details are in the message.
int write(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException;
* Reads bytes from this channel into the given buffer.
* <p>If the channels position is beyond the current end of the underlying data source then
* end-of-file (-1) is returned.
* <p>The bytes are read starting at the channel's current position, and after some number of
* bytes are read (up to the {@link java.nio.Buffer#remaining() remaining} number of bytes in the
* buffer) the channel's position is increased by the number of bytes actually read. The bytes
* will be read into the buffer starting at the buffer's current
* {@link java.nio.Buffer#position() position}. The buffer's {@link java.nio.Buffer#limit()
* limit} is not changed.
* <p>The call may block if other threads are also attempting to read from the same channel.
* @param buffer
* the byte buffer to receive the bytes.
* @return the number of bytes actually read, or -1 if the end of the data has been reached
* @throws AsynchronousCloseException
* if another thread closes the channel during the read.
* @throws ClosedByInterruptException
* if another thread interrupts the calling thread while the operation is in progress. The
* interrupt state of the calling thread is set and the channel is closed.
* @throws ClosedChannelException
* if the channel is closed.
* @throws IOException
* another I/O error occurs, details are in the message.
* @throws NonReadableChannelException
* if the channel was not opened for reading.
int read(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException;