blob: d3a0e034dcf4470b6fb012f23e9cb74484c7e633 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package libcore.libcore.util;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import libcore.util.CountryTimeZones;
import libcore.util.CountryTimeZones.TimeZoneMapping;
import libcore.util.CountryZonesFinder;
import libcore.util.TimeZoneFinder;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static;
public class TimeZoneFinderTest {
private static final int HOUR_MILLIS = 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Zones used in the tests. NEW_YORK_TZ and LONDON_TZ chosen because they never overlap but both
// have DST.
private static final TimeZone NEW_YORK_TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York");
private static final TimeZone LONDON_TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/London");
// A zone that matches LONDON_TZ for WHEN_NO_DST. It does not have DST so differs for WHEN_DST.
private static final TimeZone REYKJAVIK_TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Atlantic/Reykjavik");
// Another zone that matches LONDON_TZ for WHEN_NO_DST. It does not have DST so differs for
private static final TimeZone UTC_TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/UTC");
// 22nd July 2017, 13:14:15 UTC (DST time in all the timezones used in these tests that observe
// DST).
private static final long WHEN_DST = 1500729255000L;
// 22nd January 2018, 13:14:15 UTC (non-DST time in all timezones used in these tests).
private static final long WHEN_NO_DST = 1516626855000L;
private static final int LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS = HOUR_MILLIS;
private static final int LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS = 0;
private static final int NEW_YORK_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS = -4 * HOUR_MILLIS;
private static final int NEW_YORK_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS = -5 * HOUR_MILLIS;
private Path testDir;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
testDir = Files.createTempDirectory("TimeZoneFinderTest");
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// Delete the testDir and all contents.
Files.walkFileTree(testDir, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs)
throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc)
throws IOException {
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public void createInstanceWithFallback() throws Exception {
String validXml1 = "<timezones ianaversion=\"2017c\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n";
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones1 = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"),
String validXml2 = "<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/Paris\" everutc=\"n\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/Paris</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n";
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones2 = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/Paris", false /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/Paris"),
String invalidXml = "<foo></foo>\n";
String validFile1 = createFile(validXml1);
String validFile2 = createFile(validXml2);
String invalidFile = createFile(invalidXml);
String missingFile = createMissingFile();
TimeZoneFinder file1ThenFile2 =
TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceWithFallback(validFile1, validFile2);
assertEquals("2017c", file1ThenFile2.getIanaVersion());
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones1, file1ThenFile2.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
TimeZoneFinder missingFileThenFile1 =
TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceWithFallback(missingFile, validFile1);
assertEquals("2017c", missingFileThenFile1.getIanaVersion());
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones1, missingFileThenFile1.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
TimeZoneFinder file2ThenFile1 =
TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceWithFallback(validFile2, validFile1);
assertEquals("2017b", file2ThenFile1.getIanaVersion());
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones2, file2ThenFile1.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
// We assume the file has been validated so an invalid file is not checked ahead of time.
// We will find out when we look something up.
TimeZoneFinder invalidThenValid =
TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceWithFallback(invalidFile, validFile1);
// This is not a normal case: It would imply a define shipped without a file in /system!
TimeZoneFinder missingFiles =
TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceWithFallback(missingFile, missingFile);
public void xmlParsing_emptyFile() throws Exception {
public void xmlParsing_unexpectedRootElement() throws Exception {
public void xmlParsing_missingCountryZones() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\"></timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_noCountriesOk() throws Exception {
validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_unexpectedComments() throws Exception {
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"),
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <!-- This is a comment -->"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
// This is a crazy comment, but also helps prove that TEXT nodes are coalesced by the
// parser.
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/<!-- Don't freak out! -->London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
public void xmlParsing_unexpectedElementsIgnored() throws Exception {
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"),
String unexpectedElement = "<unexpected-element>\n<a /></unexpected-element>\n";
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
// This test is important because it ensures we can extend the format in future with
// more information.
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */,
timeZoneMappings("Europe/London", "Europe/Paris"), "test");
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedElement
+ " <id>Europe/Paris</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
public void xmlParsing_unexpectedTextIgnored() throws Exception {
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"),
String unexpectedText = "unexpected-text";
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " " + unexpectedText
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedText
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " " + unexpectedText
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */,
timeZoneMappings("Europe/London", "Europe/Paris"), "test");
finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " " + unexpectedText
+ " <id>Europe/Paris</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
public void xmlParsing_truncatedInput() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n");
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n");
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n");
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n");
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n");
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_unexpectedChildInTimeZoneIdThrows() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id><unexpected-element /></id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_unknownTimeZoneIdIgnored() throws Exception {
CountryTimeZones expectedCountryTimeZones = CountryTimeZones.createValidated(
"gb", "Europe/London", true /* everUsesUtc */, timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"),
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Unknown_Id</id>\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedCountryTimeZones, finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
public void xmlParsing_missingCountryCode() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_missingCountryEverUtc() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_badCountryEverUtc() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"occasionally\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_missingCountryDefault() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_badTimeZoneMappingPicker() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id picker=\"sometimes\">Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_timeZoneMappingPicker() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"us\" default=\"America/New_York\" everutc=\"n\">\n"
+ " <!-- Explicit picker=\"y\" -->\n"
+ " <id picker=\"y\">America/New_York</id>\n"
+ " <!-- Implicit picker=\"y\" -->\n"
+ " <id>America/Los_Angeles</id>\n"
+ " <!-- Explicit picker=\"n\" -->\n"
+ " <id picker=\"n\">America/Indiana/Vincennes</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
CountryTimeZones usTimeZones = finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("us");
List<TimeZoneMapping> actualTimeZoneMappings = usTimeZones.getTimeZoneMappings();
List<TimeZoneMapping> expectedTimeZoneMappings = list(
"America/New_York", true /* shownInPicker */, null /* notUsedAfter */),
"America/Los_Angeles", true /* shownInPicker */, null /* notUsedAfter */),
"America/Indiana/Vincennes", false /* shownInPicker */,
null /* notUsedAfter */)
assertEquals(expectedTimeZoneMappings, actualTimeZoneMappings);
public void xmlParsing_badTimeZoneMappingNotAfter() throws Exception {
checkValidateThrowsParserException("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id notafter=\"sometimes\">Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void xmlParsing_timeZoneMappingNotAfter() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"us\" default=\"America/New_York\" everutc=\"n\">\n"
+ " <!-- Explicit notafter -->\n"
+ " <id notafter=\"1234\">America/New_York</id>\n"
+ " <!-- Missing notafter -->\n"
+ " <id>America/Indiana/Vincennes</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
CountryTimeZones usTimeZones = finder.lookupCountryTimeZones("us");
List<TimeZoneMapping> actualTimeZoneMappings = usTimeZones.getTimeZoneMappings();
List<TimeZoneMapping> expectedTimeZoneMappings = list(
"America/New_York", true /* shownInPicker */, 1234L /* notUsedAfter */),
"America/Indiana/Vincennes", true /* shownInPicker */,
null /* notUsedAfter */)
assertEquals(expectedTimeZoneMappings, actualTimeZoneMappings);
public void xmlParsing_unknownCountryReturnsNull() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void getCountryZonesFinder() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder timeZoneFinder = TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceForTests(
"<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " <country code=\"fr\" default=\"Europe/Paris\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/Paris</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
CountryTimeZones expectedGb = CountryTimeZones.createValidated("gb", "Europe/London", true,
timeZoneMappings("Europe/London"), "test");
CountryTimeZones expectedFr = CountryTimeZones.createValidated("fr", "Europe/Paris", true,
timeZoneMappings("Europe/Paris"), "test");
CountryZonesFinder countryZonesFinder = timeZoneFinder.getCountryZonesFinder();
assertEquals(list("gb", "fr"), countryZonesFinder.lookupAllCountryIsoCodes());
assertEquals(expectedGb, countryZonesFinder.lookupCountryTimeZones("gb"));
assertEquals(expectedFr, countryZonesFinder.lookupCountryTimeZones("fr"));
public void getCountryZonesFinder_empty() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder timeZoneFinder = TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceForTests(
"<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
CountryZonesFinder countryZonesFinder = timeZoneFinder.getCountryZonesFinder();
assertEquals(list(), countryZonesFinder.lookupAllCountryIsoCodes());
public void getCountryZonesFinder_invalid() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder timeZoneFinder = TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceForTests(
"<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " <!-- Missing required attributes! -->\n"
+ " <country code=\"fr\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
public void lookupTimeZonesByCountry_structuresAreImmutable() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
List<TimeZone> gbList = finder.lookupTimeZonesByCountry("gb");
assertEquals(1, gbList.size());
// Check country code normalization works too.
assertEquals(1, finder.lookupTimeZonesByCountry("GB").size());
public void lookupTimeZoneIdsByCountry_structuresAreImmutable() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
List<String> gbList = finder.lookupTimeZoneIdsByCountry("gb");
assertEquals(1, gbList.size());
// Check country code normalization works too.
assertEquals(1, finder.lookupTimeZoneIdsByCountry("GB").size());
public void lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals("Europe/London", finder.lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry("gb"));
// Check country code normalization works too.
assertEquals("Europe/London", finder.lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry("GB"));
* At runtime we don't validate too much since there's nothing we can do if the data is
* incorrect.
public void lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry_notCountryTimeZoneButValid() throws Exception {
String xml = "<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"America/New_York\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n";
// validate() should fail because America/New_York is not one of the "gb" zones listed.
// But it should still work at runtime.
TimeZoneFinder finder = TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceForTests(xml);
assertEquals("America/New_York", finder.lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry("gb"));
public void lookupDefaultTimeZoneIdByCountry_invalidDefault() throws Exception {
String xml = "<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Moon/Tranquility_Base\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " <id>Moon/Tranquility_Base</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n";
// validate() should pass because the IDs all match.
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate(xml);
// But "Moon/Tranquility_Base" is not a valid time zone ID so should not be used.
public void lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset_unknownCountry() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"xx\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
// Demonstrate the arguments work for a known country.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
// Check country code normalization works too.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("XX", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
// Test with an unknown country.
String unknownCountryCode = "yy";
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
public void lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset_oneCandidate() throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"xx\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
// The three parameters match the configured zone: offset, isDst and when.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
// Some lookup failure cases where the offset, isDst and when do not match the configured
// zone.
TimeZone noDstMatch1 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch2 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch3 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch4 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch5 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch6 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
// Some bias cases below.
// The bias is irrelevant here: it matches what would be returned anyway.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
// A sample of a non-matching case with bias.
assertNull(finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
// The bias should be ignored: it doesn't match any of the country's zones.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, NEW_YORK_TZ /* bias */));
// The bias should still be ignored even though it matches the offset information given:
// it doesn't match any of the country's configured zones.
assertNull(finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", NEW_YORK_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, NEW_YORK_TZ /* bias */));
public void lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset_multipleNonOverlappingCandidates()
throws Exception {
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"xx\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>America/New_York</id>\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
// The three parameters match the configured zone: offset, isDst and when.
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(NEW_YORK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
NEW_YORK_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(NEW_YORK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
NEW_YORK_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
// Some lookup failure cases where the offset, isDst and when do not match the configured
// zone. This is a sample, not complete.
TimeZone noDstMatch1 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch2 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch3 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
NEW_YORK_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch4 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
NEW_YORK_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch5 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch6 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
// Some bias cases below.
// The bias is irrelevant here: it matches what would be returned anyway.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
// A sample of a non-matching case with bias.
assertNull(finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
// The bias should be ignored: it matches a configured zone, but the offset is wrong so
// should not be considered a match.
finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, NEW_YORK_TZ /* bias */));
// This is an artificial case very similar to America/Denver and America/Phoenix in the US: both
// have the same offset for 6 months of the year but diverge. Australia/Lord_Howe too.
public void lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset_multipleOverlappingCandidates() throws Exception {
// Three zones that have the same offset for some of the year. Europe/London changes
// offset WHEN_DST, the others do not.
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"2017b\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"xx\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Atlantic/Reykjavik</id>\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " <id>Etc/UTC</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
// This is the no-DST offset for LONDON_TZ, REYKJAVIK_TZ. UTC_TZ.
final int noDstOffset = LONDON_NO_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS;
// This is the DST offset for LONDON_TZ.
final int dstOffset = LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS;
// The three parameters match the configured zone: offset, isDst and when.
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", dstOffset,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(REYKJAVIK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", dstOffset,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(REYKJAVIK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(REYKJAVIK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */));
// Some lookup failure cases where the offset, isDst and when do not match the configured
// zones.
TimeZone noDstMatch1 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", dstOffset,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch2 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch3 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
true /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */);
TimeZone noDstMatch4 = finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", dstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, null /* bias */);
// Some bias cases below.
// The bias is relevant here: it overrides what would be returned naturally.
assertZoneEquals(REYKJAVIK_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, null /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, LONDON_TZ /* bias */));
assertZoneEquals(UTC_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx", noDstOffset,
false /* isDst */, WHEN_NO_DST, UTC_TZ /* bias */));
// The bias should be ignored: it matches a configured zone, but the offset is wrong so
// should not be considered a match.
assertZoneEquals(LONDON_TZ, finder.lookupTimeZoneByCountryAndOffset("xx",
LONDON_DST_OFFSET_MILLIS, true /* isDst */, WHEN_DST, REYKJAVIK_TZ /* bias */));
public void xmlParsing_missingIanaVersionAttribute() throws Exception {
// The <timezones> element will typically have an ianaversion attribute, but it's not
// required for parsing.
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones>\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " <country code=\"gb\" default=\"Europe/London\" everutc=\"y\">\n"
+ " <id>Europe/London</id>\n"
+ " </country>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(list("Europe/London"), finder.lookupTimeZoneIdsByCountry("gb"));
public void getIanaVersion() throws Exception {
final String expectedIanaVersion = "2017b";
TimeZoneFinder finder = validate("<timezones ianaversion=\"" + expectedIanaVersion + "\">\n"
+ " <countryzones>\n"
+ " </countryzones>\n"
+ "</timezones>\n");
assertEquals(expectedIanaVersion, finder.getIanaVersion());
private static void assertImmutableTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected) {
private static <X> void assertImmutableList(List<X> list) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected) {
private static void assertZoneEquals(TimeZone expected, TimeZone actual) {
// TimeZone.equals() only checks the ID, but that's ok for these tests.
assertEquals(expected, actual);
private static void checkValidateThrowsParserException(String xml) {
try {
} catch (IOException expected) {
private static TimeZoneFinder validate(String xml) throws IOException {
TimeZoneFinder timeZoneFinder = TimeZoneFinder.createInstanceForTests(xml);
return timeZoneFinder;
* Creates a list of default {@link TimeZoneMapping} objects with the specified time zone IDs.
private static List<TimeZoneMapping> timeZoneMappings(String... timeZoneIds) {
.map(x -> TimeZoneMapping.createForTests(
x, true /* showInPicker */, null /* notUsedAfter */))
private static <X> List<X> list(X... values) {
return Arrays.asList(values);
private static <X> List<X> sort(Collection<X> value) {
private String createFile(String fileContent) throws IOException {
Path filePath = Files.createTempFile(testDir, null, null);
Files.write(filePath, fileContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return filePath.toString();
private String createMissingFile() throws IOException {
Path filePath = Files.createTempFile(testDir, null, null);
return filePath.toString();