blob: 982f42431692387d59417c4b4706c3c87925950d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <type_traits>
#include <sys/types.h> // For ssize_t
#include "jni.h"
#include "nativehelper_utils.h"
#error POINTER_TYPE is defined.
#define POINTER_TYPE(T) T* /* NOLINT */
template<typename JType> struct ScopedPrimitiveArrayTraits {};
template<> struct ScopedPrimitiveArrayTraits<JTYPE> { \
public: \
static inline void getArrayRegion(JNIEnv* env, ARRAY_TYPE array, size_t start, \
size_t len, POINTER_TYPE(JTYPE) out) { \
env->Get ## NAME ## ArrayRegion(array, start, len, out); \
} \
static inline POINTER_TYPE(JTYPE) getArrayElements(JNIEnv* env, ARRAY_TYPE array) { \
return env->Get ## NAME ## ArrayElements(array, nullptr); \
} \
static inline void releaseArrayElements(JNIEnv* env, ARRAY_TYPE array, \
POINTER_TYPE(JTYPE) buffer, jint mode) { \
env->Release ## NAME ## ArrayElements(array, buffer, mode); \
} \
static inline size_t getArrayLength(JNIEnv* env, ARRAY_TYPE array) { \
return env->GetArrayLength(array); \
} \
static inline void throwNullPointerException(JNIEnv* env) { \
jniThrowNullPointerException(env, nullptr); \
} \
using ArrayType = ARRAY_TYPE; \
}; \
ARRAY_TRAITS(jbooleanArray, jboolean, Boolean)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jbyteArray, jbyte, Byte)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jcharArray, jchar, Char)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jdoubleArray, jdouble, Double)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jfloatArray, jfloat, Float)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jintArray, jint, Int)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jlongArray, jlong, Long)
ARRAY_TRAITS(jshortArray, jshort, Short)
template<typename JType, bool kNullable>
class ScopedArrayRO {
using Traits = ScopedPrimitiveArrayTraits<JType>;
using ArrayType = typename Traits::ArrayType;
using const_iterator = const JType*;
// Provides read-only access to Java array from JNI code.
// env must not be nullptr.
// If kNullable is false, this aborts if javaArray is nullptr.
ScopedArrayRO(JNIEnv* env, ArrayType javaArray) : mEnv(env), mJavaArray(javaArray) {
if (mJavaArray == nullptr) {
mSize = -1;
mRawArray = nullptr;
if (!kNullable) {
} else {
mSize = Traits::getArrayLength(mEnv, mJavaArray);
if (mSize <= BUFFER_SIZE) {
Traits::getArrayRegion(mEnv, mJavaArray, 0, mSize, mBuffer);
mRawArray = mBuffer;
} else {
mRawArray = Traits::getArrayElements(mEnv, mJavaArray);
~ScopedArrayRO() {
if (mRawArray != nullptr && mRawArray != mBuffer) {
Traits::releaseArrayElements(mEnv, mJavaArray, mRawArray, JNI_ABORT);
const JType* get() const { return mRawArray; }
ArrayType getJavaArray() const { return mJavaArray; }
const JType& operator[](size_t n) const { return mRawArray[n]; }
const_iterator begin() const { return get(); }
const_iterator end() const {
return (kNullable && mRawArray == nullptr) ? get() : get() + mSize;
using SizeT = typename std::conditional<kNullable, ssize_t, size_t>::type;
// In case of nonnull array, the return type is size_t.
// In case of nullable array, the return type is ssize_t. Then, will return -1 if this is
// constructed with null array.
SizeT size() const { return mSize; }
// 1024 since there is stack frame size limitation (4096 bytes).
constexpr static jsize BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 / sizeof(JType);
JNIEnv* const mEnv;
ArrayType mJavaArray;
JType* mRawArray;
SizeT mSize;
// Speed-up JNI array access for small arrays, see I703d7346de732199be1feadbead021c6647a554a
// for more details.
JType mBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
// Scoped***ArrayRO provide convenient read-only access to Java array from JNI code.
// This is cheaper than read-write access and should be used by default.
// These abort if nullptr is passed.
using ScopedBooleanArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jboolean, false>;
using ScopedByteArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jbyte, false>;
using ScopedCharArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jchar, false>;
using ScopedDoubleArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jdouble, false>;
using ScopedFloatArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jfloat, false>;
using ScopedIntArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jint, false>;
using ScopedLongArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jlong, false>;
using ScopedShortArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jshort, false>;
// ScopedNullable***ArrayRO also provide convenient read-only access to Java array from JNI code.
// These accept nullptr. In that case, get() returns nullptr and size() returns -1.
using ScopedNullableBooleanArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jboolean, true>;
using ScopedNullableByteArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jbyte, true>;
using ScopedNullableCharArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jchar, true>;
using ScopedNullableDoubleArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jdouble, true>;
using ScopedNullableFloatArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jfloat, true>;
using ScopedNullableIntArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jint, true>;
using ScopedNullableLongArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jlong, true>;
using ScopedNullableShortArrayRO = ScopedArrayRO<jshort, true>;
template<typename JType>
class ScopedArrayRW {
using Traits = ScopedPrimitiveArrayTraits<JType>;
using ArrayType = typename Traits::ArrayType;
using const_iterator = const JType*;
using iterator = JType*;
ScopedArrayRW(JNIEnv* env, ArrayType javaArray) : mEnv(env), mJavaArray(javaArray) {
if (mJavaArray == nullptr) {
} else {
mSize = Traits::getArrayLength(mEnv, mJavaArray);
mRawArray = Traits::getArrayElements(mEnv, mJavaArray);
~ScopedArrayRW() {
if (mRawArray != nullptr) {
Traits::releaseArrayElements(mEnv, mJavaArray, mRawArray, 0);
const JType* get() const { return mRawArray; }
ArrayType getJavaArray() const { return mJavaArray; }
const JType& operator[](size_t n) const { return mRawArray[n]; }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return get(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return get() + mSize; }
JType* get() { return mRawArray; }
JType& operator[](size_t n) { return mRawArray[n]; }
iterator begin() { return get(); }
iterator end() { return get() + mSize; }
size_t size() const { return mSize; }
JNIEnv* const mEnv;
ArrayType mJavaArray;
JType* mRawArray;
jsize mSize;
// Scoped***ArrayRW provide convenient read-write access to Java arrays from JNI code.
// These are more expensive, since they entail a copy back onto the Java heap, and should only be
// used when necessary.
// These abort if nullptr is passed.
using ScopedBooleanArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jboolean>;
using ScopedByteArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jbyte>;
using ScopedCharArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jchar>;
using ScopedDoubleArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jdouble>;
using ScopedFloatArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jfloat>;
using ScopedIntArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jint>;
using ScopedLongArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jlong>;
using ScopedShortArrayRW = ScopedArrayRW<jshort>;