blob: 4d90c97e05295997910c32b5f7ac5d93a91b877c [file] [log] [blame]
// Build the unit tests.
cc_test {
name: "JniInvocation_test",
test_suites: ["device-tests"],
host_supported: true,
srcs: ["JniInvocation_test.cpp"],
cflags: ["-Wall", "-Werror"],
shared_libs: ["libnativehelper"],
cc_test {
name: "JniSafeRegisterNativeMethods_test",
host_supported: true,
srcs: ["JniSafeRegisterNativeMethods_test.cpp"],
cflags: [
// Base set of cflags used by all things ART.
// Warn about thread safety violations with clang.
// Warn if switch fallthroughs aren't annotated.
// Enable float equality warnings.
// Enable warning of converting ints to void*.
// Enable warning of wrong unused annotations.
// Enable warning for deprecated language features.
// Enable warning for unreachable break & return.
// Enable thread annotations for std::mutex, etc.
tidy: true,
shared_libs: ["libnativehelper"],
cc_test {
name: "libnativehelper_api_test",
host_supported: true,
cflags: ["-Wall", "-Werror"],
srcs: ["libnativehelper_api_test.c"], // C Compilation test.
tidy: true,
shared_libs: ["libnativehelper"],