blob: 6c295c8c24b828611e6bfcb04107c3838d500fbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.hardware.Camera.OnZoomChangeListener;
import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
* An interface which provides possible camera device operations.
* The client should call {@code CameraManager.cameraOpen} to get an instance
* of {@link CameraManager.CameraProxy} to control the camera. Classes
* implementing this interface should have its own one unique {@code Thread}
* other than the main thread for camera operations. Camera device callbacks
* are wrapped since the client should not deal with
* {@code android.hardware.Camera} directly.
* TODO: provide callback interfaces for:
* {@code android.hardware.Camera.ErrorCallback},
* {@code android.hardware.Camera.OnZoomChangeListener}, and
* {@code android.hardware.Camera.Parameters}.
public interface CameraManager {
* A handler for all camera api runtime exceptions.
* The default behavior is to throw the runtime exception.
public interface CameraExceptionCallback {
public void onCameraException(RuntimeException e);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.ErrorCallback}
public interface CameraErrorCallback {
public void onError(int error, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusCallback}.
public interface CameraAFCallback {
public void onAutoFocus(boolean focused, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.AutoFocusMoveCallback}.
public interface CameraAFMoveCallback {
public void onAutoFocusMoving(boolean moving, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.ShutterCallback}.
public interface CameraShutterCallback {
public void onShutter(CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback}.
public interface CameraPictureCallback {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback}.
public interface CameraPreviewDataCallback {
public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface which wraps
* {@link android.hardware.Camera.FaceDetectionListener}.
public interface CameraFaceDetectionCallback {
* Callback for face detection.
* @param faces Recognized face in the preview.
* @param camera The camera which the preview image comes from.
public void onFaceDetection(Camera.Face[] faces, CameraProxy camera);
* An interface to be called for any exception caught when opening the
* camera device. This error callback is different from the one defined
* in the framework, {@link android.hardware.Camera.ErrorCallback}, which
* is used after the camera is opened.
public interface CameraOpenCallback {
* Callback when camera open succeeds.
public void onCameraOpened(CameraProxy camera);
* Callback when {@link} is
* caught.
* @param cameraId The disabled camera.
public void onCameraDisabled(int cameraId);
* Callback when {@link} is
* caught.
* @param cameraId The camera with the hardware failure.
public void onDeviceOpenFailure(int cameraId);
* Callback when trying to open the camera which is already opened.
* @param cameraId The camera which is causing the open error.
public void onDeviceOpenedAlready(int cameraId);
* Callback when {@link} is caught during
* {@link android.hardware.Camera#reconnect()}.
* @param mgr The {@link CameraManager}
* with the reconnect failure.
public void onReconnectionFailure(CameraManager mgr);
* Opens the camera of the specified ID asynchronously. The camera device
* will be opened in the camera handler thread and will be returned through
* the {@link CameraManager.CameraOpenCallback#
* onCameraOpened(}.
* @param handler The {@link android.os.Handler} in which the callback
* was handled.
* @param callback The callback when any error happens.
* @param cameraId The camera ID to open.
public void cameraOpen(Handler handler, int cameraId, CameraOpenCallback callback);
* An interface that takes camera operation requests and post messages to the
* camera handler thread. All camera operations made through this interface is
* asynchronous by default except those mentioned specifically.
public interface CameraProxy {
* Returns the underlying {@link android.hardware.Camera} object used
* by this proxy. This method should only be used when handing the
* camera device over to {@link} for
* recording.
public android.hardware.Camera getCamera();
* Returns the camera ID associated to by this
* {@link CameraManager.CameraProxy}.
* @return
public int getCameraId();
* Releases the camera device synchronously.
* This function must be synchronous so the caller knows exactly when the camera
* is released and can continue on.
* TODO: make this package-private after this interface is refactored under app.
* @param synchronous Whether this call should be synchronous.
public void release(boolean synchronous);
* Reconnects to the camera device. On success, the camera device will
* be returned through {@link CameraManager
* .CameraOpenCallback#onCameraOpened(
* .CameraProxy)}.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#reconnect()
* @param handler The {@link android.os.Handler} in which the callback
* was handled.
* @param cb The callback when any error happens.
public void reconnect(Handler handler, CameraOpenCallback cb);
* Unlocks the camera device.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#unlock()
public void unlock();
* Locks the camera device.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#lock()
public void lock();
* Sets the {@link} for preview.
* @param surfaceTexture The {@link SurfaceTexture} for preview.
public void setPreviewTexture(final SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture);
* Blocks until a {@link} has been set
* for preview.
* @param surfaceTexture The {@link SurfaceTexture} for preview.
public void setPreviewTextureSync(final SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture);
* Sets the {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder} for preview.
* @param surfaceHolder The {@link SurfaceHolder} for preview.
public void setPreviewDisplay(final SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder);
* Starts the camera preview.
public void startPreview();
* Starts the camera preview and executes a callback on a handler once
* the preview starts.
public void startPreviewWithCallback(Handler h, CameraStartPreviewCallback cb);
* Stops the camera preview synchronously.
* {@code stopPreview()} must be synchronous to ensure that the caller can
* continues to release resources related to camera preview.
public void stopPreview();
* Sets the callback for preview data.
* @param handler The {@link android.os.Handler} in which the callback was handled.
* @param cb The callback to be invoked when the preview data is available.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#setPreviewCallback(android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback)
public void setPreviewDataCallback(Handler handler, CameraPreviewDataCallback cb);
* Sets the one-time callback for preview data.
* @param handler The {@link android.os.Handler} in which the callback was handled.
* @param cb The callback to be invoked when the preview data for
* next frame is available.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#setPreviewCallback(android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback)
public void setOneShotPreviewCallback(Handler handler, CameraPreviewDataCallback cb);
* Sets the callback for preview data.
* @param handler The handler in which the callback will be invoked.
* @param cb The callback to be invoked when the preview data is available.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer(android.hardware.Camera.PreviewCallback)
public void setPreviewDataCallbackWithBuffer(Handler handler, CameraPreviewDataCallback cb);
* Adds buffer for the preview callback.
* @param callbackBuffer The buffer allocated for the preview data.
public void addCallbackBuffer(byte[] callbackBuffer);
* Starts the auto-focus process. The result will be returned through the callback.
* @param handler The handler in which the callback will be invoked.
* @param cb The auto-focus callback.
public void autoFocus(Handler handler, CameraAFCallback cb);
* Cancels the auto-focus process.
public void cancelAutoFocus();
* Sets the auto-focus callback
* @param handler The handler in which the callback will be invoked.
* @param cb The callback to be invoked when the preview data is available.
public void setAutoFocusMoveCallback(Handler handler, CameraAFMoveCallback cb);
* Instrument the camera to take a picture.
* @param handler The handler in which the callback will be invoked.
* @param shutter The callback for shutter action, may be null.
* @param raw The callback for uncompressed data, may be null.
* @param postview The callback for postview image data, may be null.
* @param jpeg The callback for jpeg image data, may be null.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#takePicture(
* android.hardware.Camera.ShutterCallback,
* android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback,
* android.hardware.Camera.PictureCallback)
public void takePicture(
Handler handler,
CameraShutterCallback shutter,
CameraPictureCallback raw,
CameraPictureCallback postview,
CameraPictureCallback jpeg);
* Sets the display orientation for camera to adjust the preview orientation.
* @param degrees The rotation in degrees. Should be 0, 90, 180 or 270.
public void setDisplayOrientation(int degrees);
* Sets the listener for zoom change.
* @param listener The listener.
public void setZoomChangeListener(OnZoomChangeListener listener);
* Sets the face detection listener.
* @param handler The handler in which the callback will be invoked.
* @param callback The callback for face detection results.
public void setFaceDetectionCallback(Handler handler, CameraFaceDetectionCallback callback);
* Starts the face detection.
public void startFaceDetection();
* Stops the face detection.
public void stopFaceDetection();
* Registers an error callback.
* @param handler The handler on which the callback will be invoked.
* @param cb The error callback.
* @see android.hardware.Camera#setErrorCallback(android.hardware.Camera.ErrorCallback)
public void setErrorCallback(Handler handler, CameraErrorCallback cb);
* Sets the camera parameters.
* @param params The camera parameters to use.
public void setParameters(Parameters params);
* Gets the current camera parameters synchronously. This method is
* synchronous since the caller has to wait for the camera to return
* the parameters. If the parameters are already cached, it returns
* immediately.
public Parameters getParameters();
* Forces {@code CameraProxy} to update the cached version of the camera
* parameters regardless of the dirty bit.
public void refreshParameters();
* Enables/Disables the camera shutter sound.
* @param enable {@code true} to enable the shutter sound,
* {@code false} to disable it.
public void enableShutterSound(boolean enable);
* An interface to be called when the camera preview has started.
public interface CameraStartPreviewCallback {
* Callback when the preview starts.
public void onPreviewStarted();
* Sets a callback for handling camera api runtime exceptions on
* a handler.
public void setCameraDefaultExceptionCallback(CameraExceptionCallback callback,
Handler handler);