blob: 41d617a099fbe0a50d146520c8ae3b1bcdb23cc1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.CursorLoader;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.ContactsContract;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Directory;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.QuickContactBadge;
import android.widget.SectionIndexer;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.HashSet;
* Common base class for various contact-related lists, e.g. contact list, phone number list
* etc.
public abstract class ContactEntryListAdapter extends IndexerListAdapter {
private static final String TAG = "ContactEntryListAdapter";
* Indicates whether the {@link Directory#LOCAL_INVISIBLE} directory should
* be included in the search.
public static final boolean LOCAL_INVISIBLE_DIRECTORY_ENABLED = false;
private int mDisplayOrder;
private int mSortOrder;
private boolean mDisplayPhotos;
private boolean mCircularPhotos = true;
private boolean mQuickContactEnabled;
private boolean mAdjustSelectionBoundsEnabled;
* indicates if contact queries include favorites
private boolean mIncludeFavorites;
private int mNumberOfFavorites;
* The root view of the fragment that this adapter is associated with.
private View mFragmentRootView;
private ContactPhotoManager mPhotoLoader;
private String mQueryString;
private String mUpperCaseQueryString;
private boolean mSearchMode;
private int mDirectorySearchMode;
private int mDirectoryResultLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private boolean mEmptyListEnabled = true;
private boolean mSelectionVisible;
private ContactListFilter mFilter;
private boolean mDarkTheme = false;
/** Resource used to provide header-text for default filter. */
private CharSequence mDefaultFilterHeaderText;
public ContactEntryListAdapter(Context context) {
* @param fragmentRootView Root view of the fragment. This is used to restrict the scope of
* image loading requests that get cancelled on cursor changes.
protected void setFragmentRootView(View fragmentRootView) {
mFragmentRootView = fragmentRootView;
protected void setDefaultFilterHeaderText(int resourceId) {
mDefaultFilterHeaderText = getContext().getResources().getText(resourceId);
protected ContactListItemView newView(
Context context, int partition, Cursor cursor, int position, ViewGroup parent) {
final ContactListItemView view = new ContactListItemView(context, null);
return view;
protected void bindView(View itemView, int partition, Cursor cursor, int position) {
final ContactListItemView view = (ContactListItemView) itemView;
bindWorkProfileIcon(view, partition);
protected View createPinnedSectionHeaderView(Context context, ViewGroup parent) {
return new ContactListPinnedHeaderView(context, null, parent);
protected void setPinnedSectionTitle(View pinnedHeaderView, String title) {
((ContactListPinnedHeaderView) pinnedHeaderView).setSectionHeaderTitle(title);
protected void addPartitions() {
protected DirectoryPartition createDefaultDirectoryPartition() {
DirectoryPartition partition = new DirectoryPartition(true, true);
return partition;
* Remove all directories after the default directory. This is typically used when contacts
* list screens are asked to exit the search mode and thus need to remove all remote directory
* results for the search.
* This code assumes that the default directory and directories before that should not be
* deleted (e.g. Join screen has "suggested contacts" directory before the default director,
* and we should not remove the directory).
public void removeDirectoriesAfterDefault() {
final int partitionCount = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = partitionCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if ((partition instanceof DirectoryPartition)
&& ((DirectoryPartition) partition).getDirectoryId() == Directory.DEFAULT) {
} else {
protected int getPartitionByDirectoryId(long id) {
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
if (((DirectoryPartition)partition).getDirectoryId() == id) {
return i;
return -1;
protected DirectoryPartition getDirectoryById(long id) {
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
final DirectoryPartition directoryPartition = (DirectoryPartition) partition;
if (directoryPartition.getDirectoryId() == id) {
return directoryPartition;
return null;
public abstract String getContactDisplayName(int position);
public abstract void configureLoader(CursorLoader loader, long directoryId);
* Marks all partitions as "loading"
public void onDataReload() {
boolean notify = false;
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
DirectoryPartition directoryPartition = (DirectoryPartition)partition;
if (!directoryPartition.isLoading()) {
notify = true;
if (notify) {
public void clearPartitions() {
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
DirectoryPartition directoryPartition = (DirectoryPartition)partition;
public boolean isSearchMode() {
return mSearchMode;
public void setSearchMode(boolean flag) {
mSearchMode = flag;
public String getQueryString() {
return mQueryString;
public void setQueryString(String queryString) {
mQueryString = queryString;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(queryString)) {
mUpperCaseQueryString = null;
} else {
mUpperCaseQueryString = SearchUtil
.cleanStartAndEndOfSearchQuery(queryString.toUpperCase()) ;
public String getUpperCaseQueryString() {
return mUpperCaseQueryString;
public int getDirectorySearchMode() {
return mDirectorySearchMode;
public void setDirectorySearchMode(int mode) {
mDirectorySearchMode = mode;
public int getDirectoryResultLimit() {
return mDirectoryResultLimit;
public int getDirectoryResultLimit(DirectoryPartition directoryPartition) {
final int limit = directoryPartition.getResultLimit();
return limit == DirectoryPartition.RESULT_LIMIT_DEFAULT ? mDirectoryResultLimit : limit;
public void setDirectoryResultLimit(int limit) {
this.mDirectoryResultLimit = limit;
public int getContactNameDisplayOrder() {
return mDisplayOrder;
public void setContactNameDisplayOrder(int displayOrder) {
mDisplayOrder = displayOrder;
public int getSortOrder() {
return mSortOrder;
public void setSortOrder(int sortOrder) {
mSortOrder = sortOrder;
public void setPhotoLoader(ContactPhotoManager photoLoader) {
mPhotoLoader = photoLoader;
protected ContactPhotoManager getPhotoLoader() {
return mPhotoLoader;
public boolean getDisplayPhotos() {
return mDisplayPhotos;
public void setDisplayPhotos(boolean displayPhotos) {
mDisplayPhotos = displayPhotos;
public boolean getCircularPhotos() {
return mCircularPhotos;
public void setCircularPhotos(boolean circularPhotos) {
mCircularPhotos = circularPhotos;
public boolean isEmptyListEnabled() {
return mEmptyListEnabled;
public void setEmptyListEnabled(boolean flag) {
mEmptyListEnabled = flag;
public boolean isSelectionVisible() {
return mSelectionVisible;
public void setSelectionVisible(boolean flag) {
this.mSelectionVisible = flag;
public boolean isQuickContactEnabled() {
return mQuickContactEnabled;
public void setQuickContactEnabled(boolean quickContactEnabled) {
mQuickContactEnabled = quickContactEnabled;
public boolean isAdjustSelectionBoundsEnabled() {
return mAdjustSelectionBoundsEnabled;
public void setAdjustSelectionBoundsEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mAdjustSelectionBoundsEnabled = enabled;
public boolean shouldIncludeFavorites() {
return mIncludeFavorites;
public void setIncludeFavorites(boolean includeFavorites) {
mIncludeFavorites = includeFavorites;
public void setFavoritesSectionHeader(int numberOfFavorites) {
if (mIncludeFavorites) {
mNumberOfFavorites = numberOfFavorites;
public int getNumberOfFavorites() {
return mNumberOfFavorites;
private void setSectionHeader(int numberOfItems) {
SectionIndexer indexer = getIndexer();
if (indexer != null) {
((ContactsSectionIndexer) indexer).setFavoritesHeader(numberOfItems);
public void setDarkTheme(boolean value) {
mDarkTheme = value;
* Updates partitions according to the directory meta-data contained in the supplied
* cursor.
public void changeDirectories(Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor.getCount() == 0) {
// Directory table must have at least local directory, without which this adapter will
// enter very weird state.
Log.e(TAG, "Directory search loader returned an empty cursor, which implies we have " +
"no directory entries.", new RuntimeException());
HashSet<Long> directoryIds = new HashSet<Long>();
int idColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(Directory._ID);
int directoryTypeColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(DirectoryListLoader.DIRECTORY_TYPE);
int displayNameColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(Directory.DISPLAY_NAME);
int photoSupportColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(Directory.PHOTO_SUPPORT);
// TODO preserve the order of partition to match those of the cursor
// Phase I: add new directories
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
long id = cursor.getLong(idColumnIndex);
if (getPartitionByDirectoryId(id) == -1) {
DirectoryPartition partition = new DirectoryPartition(false, true);
if (DirectoryCompat.isRemoteDirectoryId(id)) {
if (DirectoryCompat.isEnterpriseDirectoryId(id)) {
} else {
} else {
if (DirectoryCompat.isEnterpriseDirectoryId(id)) {
} else {
int photoSupport = cursor.getInt(photoSupportColumnIndex);
partition.setPhotoSupported(photoSupport == Directory.PHOTO_SUPPORT_THUMBNAIL_ONLY
|| photoSupport == Directory.PHOTO_SUPPORT_FULL);
// Phase II: remove deleted directories
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
long id = ((DirectoryPartition)partition).getDirectoryId();
if (!directoryIds.contains(id)) {
public void changeCursor(int partitionIndex, Cursor cursor) {
if (partitionIndex >= getPartitionCount()) {
// There is no partition for this data
Partition partition = getPartition(partitionIndex);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
if (mDisplayPhotos && mPhotoLoader != null && isPhotoSupported(partitionIndex)) {
super.changeCursor(partitionIndex, cursor);
if (isSectionHeaderDisplayEnabled() && partitionIndex == getIndexedPartition()) {
// When the cursor changes, cancel any pending asynchronous photo loads.
public void changeCursor(Cursor cursor) {
changeCursor(0, cursor);
* Updates the indexer, which is used to produce section headers.
private void updateIndexer(Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor == null || cursor.isClosed()) {
Bundle bundle = cursor.getExtras();
if (bundle.containsKey(Contacts.EXTRA_ADDRESS_BOOK_INDEX_TITLES) &&
bundle.containsKey(Contacts.EXTRA_ADDRESS_BOOK_INDEX_COUNTS)) {
String sections[] =
int counts[] = bundle.getIntArray(
if (getExtraStartingSection()) {
// Insert an additional unnamed section at the top of the list.
String allSections[] = new String[sections.length + 1];
int allCounts[] = new int[counts.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
allSections[i + 1] = sections[i];
allCounts[i + 1] = counts[i];
allCounts[0] = 1;
allSections[0] = "";
setIndexer(new ContactsSectionIndexer(allSections, allCounts));
} else {
setIndexer(new ContactsSectionIndexer(sections, counts));
} else {
protected boolean getExtraStartingSection() {
return false;
public int getViewTypeCount() {
// We need a separate view type for each item type, plus another one for
// each type with header, plus one for "other".
return getItemViewTypeCount() * 2 + 1;
public int getItemViewType(int partitionIndex, int position) {
int type = super.getItemViewType(partitionIndex, position);
if (isSectionHeaderDisplayEnabled() && partitionIndex == getIndexedPartition()) {
Placement placement = getItemPlacementInSection(position);
return placement.firstInSection ? type : getItemViewTypeCount() + type;
} else {
return type;
public boolean isEmpty() {
// if (contactsListActivity.mProviderStatus != ProviderStatus.STATUS_NORMAL) {
// return true;
// }
if (!mEmptyListEnabled) {
return false;
} else if (isSearchMode()) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(getQueryString());
} else {
return super.isEmpty();
public boolean isLoading() {
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition
&& ((DirectoryPartition) partition).isLoading()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean areAllPartitionsEmpty() {
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!isPartitionEmpty(i)) {
return false;
return true;
* Changes visibility parameters for the default directory partition.
public void configureDefaultPartition(boolean showIfEmpty, boolean hasHeader) {
int defaultPartitionIndex = -1;
int count = getPartitionCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Partition partition = getPartition(i);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition &&
((DirectoryPartition)partition).getDirectoryId() == Directory.DEFAULT) {
defaultPartitionIndex = i;
if (defaultPartitionIndex != -1) {
setShowIfEmpty(defaultPartitionIndex, showIfEmpty);
setHasHeader(defaultPartitionIndex, hasHeader);
protected View newHeaderView(Context context, int partition, Cursor cursor,
ViewGroup parent) {
LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.directory_header, parent, false);
if (!getPinnedPartitionHeadersEnabled()) {
// If the headers are unpinned, there is no need for their background
// color to be non-transparent. Setting this transparent reduces maintenance for
// non-pinned headers. We don't need to bother synchronizing the activity's
// background color with the header background color.
return view;
protected void bindWorkProfileIcon(final ContactListItemView view, int partitionId) {
final Partition partition = getPartition(partitionId);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
final DirectoryPartition directoryPartition = (DirectoryPartition) partition;
final long directoryId = directoryPartition.getDirectoryId();
final long userType = ContactsUtils.determineUserType(directoryId, null);
view.setWorkProfileIconEnabled(userType == ContactsUtils.USER_TYPE_WORK);
protected void bindHeaderView(View view, int partitionIndex, Cursor cursor) {
Partition partition = getPartition(partitionIndex);
if (!(partition instanceof DirectoryPartition)) {
DirectoryPartition directoryPartition = (DirectoryPartition)partition;
long directoryId = directoryPartition.getDirectoryId();
TextView labelTextView = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
TextView displayNameTextView = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
if (!DirectoryCompat.isRemoteDirectoryId(directoryId)) {
} else {
String directoryName = directoryPartition.getDisplayName();
String displayName = !TextUtils.isEmpty(directoryName)
? directoryName
: directoryPartition.getDirectoryType();
final Resources res = getContext().getResources();
final int headerPaddingTop = partitionIndex == 1 && getPartition(0).isEmpty()?
0 : res.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.directory_header_extra_top_padding);
// There should be no extra padding at the top of the first directory header
view.setPaddingRelative(view.getPaddingStart(), headerPaddingTop, view.getPaddingEnd(),
// Default implementation simply returns number of rows in the cursor.
// Broken out into its own routine so can be overridden by child classes
// for eg number of unique contacts for a phone list.
protected int getResultCount(Cursor cursor) {
return cursor == null ? 0 : cursor.getCount();
// TODO: fix PluralRules to handle zero correctly and use Resources.getQuantityText directly
public String getQuantityText(int count, int zeroResourceId, int pluralResourceId) {
if (count == 0) {
return getContext().getString(zeroResourceId);
} else {
String format = getContext().getResources()
.getQuantityText(pluralResourceId, count).toString();
return String.format(format, count);
public boolean isPhotoSupported(int partitionIndex) {
Partition partition = getPartition(partitionIndex);
if (partition instanceof DirectoryPartition) {
return ((DirectoryPartition) partition).isPhotoSupported();
return true;
* Returns the currently selected filter.
public ContactListFilter getFilter() {
return mFilter;
public void setFilter(ContactListFilter filter) {
mFilter = filter;
// TODO: move sharable logic (bindXX() methods) to here with extra arguments
* Loads the photo for the quick contact view and assigns the contact uri.
* @param photoIdColumn Index of the photo id column
* @param photoUriColumn Index of the photo uri column. Optional: Can be -1
* @param contactIdColumn Index of the contact id column
* @param lookUpKeyColumn Index of the lookup key column
* @param displayNameColumn Index of the display name column
protected void bindQuickContact(final ContactListItemView view, int partitionIndex,
Cursor cursor, int photoIdColumn, int photoUriColumn, int contactIdColumn,
int lookUpKeyColumn, int displayNameColumn, int accountTypeColume,
int accountNameColume) {
long photoId = 0;
if (!cursor.isNull(photoIdColumn)) {
photoId = cursor.getLong(photoIdColumn);
Account account = null;
if (!cursor.isNull(accountTypeColume) && !cursor.isNull(accountNameColume)) {
final String accountType = cursor.getString(accountTypeColume);
final String accountName = cursor.getString(accountNameColume);
account = new Account(accountName, accountType);
QuickContactBadge quickContact = view.getQuickContact();
getContactUri(partitionIndex, cursor, contactIdColumn, lookUpKeyColumn));
if (CompatUtils.hasPrioritizedMimeType()) {
// The Contacts app never uses the QuickContactBadge. Therefore, it is safe to assume
// that only Dialer will use this QuickContact badge. This means prioritizing the phone
// mimetype here is reasonable.
if (photoId != 0 || photoUriColumn == -1) {
getPhotoLoader().loadThumbnail(quickContact, photoId, account, mDarkTheme,
mCircularPhotos, null);
} else {
final String photoUriString = cursor.getString(photoUriColumn);
final Uri photoUri = photoUriString == null ? null : Uri.parse(photoUriString);
DefaultImageRequest request = null;
if (photoUri == null) {
request = getDefaultImageRequestFromCursor(cursor, displayNameColumn,
getPhotoLoader().loadPhoto(quickContact, photoUri, account, -1,
mDarkTheme, mCircularPhotos, request);
public boolean hasStableIds() {
// Whenever bindViewId() is called, the values passed into setId() are stable or
// stable-ish. For example, when one contact is modified we don't expect a second
// contact's Contact._ID values to change.
return true;
protected void bindViewId(final ContactListItemView view, Cursor cursor, int idColumn) {
// Set a semi-stable id, so that talkback won't get confused when the list gets
// refreshed. There is little harm in inserting the same ID twice.
long contactId = cursor.getLong(idColumn);
view.setId((int) (contactId % Integer.MAX_VALUE));
protected Uri getContactUri(int partitionIndex, Cursor cursor,
int contactIdColumn, int lookUpKeyColumn) {
long contactId = cursor.getLong(contactIdColumn);
String lookupKey = cursor.getString(lookUpKeyColumn);
long directoryId = ((DirectoryPartition)getPartition(partitionIndex)).getDirectoryId();
Uri uri = Contacts.getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey);
if (uri != null && directoryId != Directory.DEFAULT) {
uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter(
ContactsContract.DIRECTORY_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(directoryId)).build();
return uri;
* Retrieves the lookup key and display name from a cursor, and returns a
* {@link DefaultImageRequest} containing these contact details
* @param cursor Contacts cursor positioned at the current row to retrieve contact details for
* @param displayNameColumn Column index of the display name
* @param lookupKeyColumn Column index of the lookup key
* @return {@link DefaultImageRequest} with the displayName and identifier fields set to the
* display name and lookup key of the contact.
public DefaultImageRequest getDefaultImageRequestFromCursor(Cursor cursor,
int displayNameColumn, int lookupKeyColumn) {
final String displayName = cursor.getString(displayNameColumn);
final String lookupKey = cursor.getString(lookupKeyColumn);
return new DefaultImageRequest(displayName, lookupKey, mCircularPhotos);