blob: 4c38e22d580d80832a0872abd5324a8ab5d4bbfa [file] [log] [blame]
* Singleton class to keep track of where the user last touched the screen.
* Used to pass on to the InCallUI for animation.
public class TouchPointManager {
public static final String TOUCH_POINT = "touchPoint";
private static TouchPointManager sInstance = new TouchPointManager();
private Point mPoint = new Point();
* Private constructor. Instance should only be acquired through getInstance().
private TouchPointManager() {
public static TouchPointManager getInstance() {
return sInstance;
public Point getPoint() {
return mPoint;
public void setPoint(int x, int y) {
mPoint.set(x, y);
* When a point is initialized, its value is (0,0). Since it is highly unlikely a user will
* touch at that exact point, if the point in TouchPointManager is (0,0), it is safe to assume
* that the TouchPointManager has not yet collected a touch.
* @return True if there is a valid point saved. Define a valid point as any point that is
* not (0,0).
public boolean hasValidPoint() {
return mPoint.x != 0 || mPoint.y != 0;