blob: 36844fe2aed494ac09e0613fe2b7c409c38ba428 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- -->
<!-- Label shown on launcher icon -->
<!-- Label for the this application displayed on-screen when this application must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="app_label">Clock</string>
<!-- Title for AlarmClock activity -->
<!-- Label for the Alarms activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="alarm_list_title">Alarms</string>
<!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Add alarm -->
<string name="add_alarm">Add alarm</string>
<!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Desk clock -->
<string name="menu_desk_clock">Desk clock</string>
<!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Edit alarm -->
<string name="menu_edit_alarm">Edit alarm</string>
<!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Delete alarm -->
<string name="delete_alarm">Delete alarm</string>
<!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Enable alarm -->
<string name="enable_alarm">Turn alarm on</string>
<!-- Context Menu Item on Alarm Settings screen: Disable alarm -->
<string name="disable_alarm">Turn alarm off</string>
<!-- Delete alarm confirmation dialog message. -->
<string name="delete_alarm_confirm">Delete this alarm?</string>
<!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Show clock -->
<string name="show_clock">Show clock</string>
<!-- Menu item on Alarm Clock screen: Hide clock -->
<string name="hide_clock">Hide clock</string>
<!-- Setting label on Set alarm screen: Label -->
<string name="label">Label</string>
<!-- Default label to display for an alarm -->
<string name="default_label">Alarm</string>
<!-- Preference category on Alarm Settings screen: Set alarm -->
<!-- Also label for the old Alarms dialog activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="set_alarm">Set alarm</string>
<!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Vibration on or off -->
<string name="alarm_vibrate">Vibrate</string>
<!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Repeat -->
<string name="alarm_repeat">Repeat</string>
<!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Select alarm ringtone -->
<string name="alert">Alarm Ringtone</string>
<!-- Label on expanded alarm edit view. -->
<string name="ringtone">Ringtone</string>
<!-- Setting labels on Set alarm screen: Set time -->
<string name="time">Time</string>
<!-- Label shown when user is setting up non-repeating alarm for tomorrow [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="alarm_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Label shown when user is setting up non-repeating alarm for later today [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="alarm_today">Today</string>
<!-- The text shown above the clock when alarm is alerting [CHAR LIMIT=10] -->
<string name="alarm_alert_wake_up">Wake up\u0021</string>
<!-- The text shown as an option to dismiss an alerting alarm [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
<string name="alarm_alert_off_action_text">Off</string>
<!-- Button labels on the alarm dialog: Dismiss -->
<string name="alarm_alert_dismiss_text">Dismiss</string>
<!-- Button labels on the pre-dismiss alarm notifications: Dismiss now -->
<string name="alarm_alert_dismiss_now_text">Dismiss Now</string>
<!-- Alarm Alert screen: this message is shown after an alarm rung
unattended for a number of minutes. It tells the user that
the alarm has been silenced.-->
<string name="alarm_missed_title">Missed alarm</string>
<string name="alarm_missed_text"><xliff:g id="alarm_time">%s</xliff:g> - <xliff:g id="alarm_label">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- The text shown after user snoozed an alerting alarm. The text will be shown
together with the number of minutes in two separate lines. For example:
10 min
<string name="alarm_alert_snoozed_text">Snoozed</string>
<!-- The text shown after user snoozed an alerting alarm. The text will be shown
together with the word 'Snoozed' in two separate lines or example:
10 min
<plurals name="alarm_alert_snooze_duration">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">1 min</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> min</item>
<!-- The text shown after user dismissed an alerting alarm [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="alarm_alert_off_text">Alarm off</string>
<!-- Button labels on the alarm dialog: Snooze -->
<string name="alarm_alert_snooze_text">Snooze</string>
<!-- Toast that appears after Alarm is snoozed from the Alarm
dialog. Says the alarm will snooze for xxx minutes. -->
<plurals name="alarm_alert_snooze_set">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">Snoozing for 1 minute.</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other">Snoozing for <xliff:g id="minutes">%d</xliff:g> minutes.</item>
<!-- Text to appear inside a notification while an alarm is snoozing. -->
<string name="alarm_alert_snooze_until">Snoozing until <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Text to appear in the notification title while an alarm is about to go off. -->
<string name="alarm_alert_predismiss_title">Upcoming alarm</string>
<!-- Text to appear in when trying to view a missed alarm that has been deleted -->
<string name="missed_alarm_has_been_deleted">Your missed alarm has been deleted</string>
<!-- 0: nothing
1: days
2: hours
3: days hours
4: minutes
5: days minutes
6: hours minutes
7: days hours minutes
--><skip />
<!-- Timer notification: how long from now until timer goes off. -->
<string-array name="timer_notifications">
<item>Less than a minute remaining</item>
<item><xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%1$s</xliff:g> remaining</item>
<item><xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%2$s</xliff:g> remaining</item>
<item><xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%2$s</xliff:g> remaining</item>
<!-- Alarm confirmation toast: Describes how long from now until
alarm fires -->
<string-array name="alarm_set">
<item>Alarm set for less than 1 minute from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> and <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g> and <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g> and <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<item>Alarm set for <xliff:g id="DAYS" example="2 days">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="HOURS" example="2 hours">%2$s</xliff:g>, and <xliff:g id="MINUTES" example="2 minutes">%3$s</xliff:g> from now.</item>
<!-- Alarm confirmation toast: days -->
<plurals name="days">
<!-- Duration for one day -->
<item quantity="one">1 day</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one day -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%s</xliff:g> days</item>
<!-- Alarm confirmation toast and timer notification: hours -->
<plurals name="hours">
<!-- Duration for one hour -->
<item quantity="one">1 hour</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one hour -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%s</xliff:g> hours</item>
<!-- Alarm confirmation toast and timer notification: minutes -->
<plurals name="minutes">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%s</xliff:g> minutes</item>
<!-- Repeat options that appear under an alarm on main Alarm Clock
screen to identify repetition schedule: special case for when
the alarm is set to repeat every day -->
<string name="every_day">Every day</string>
<!-- Repeat options that appear under an alarm on main Alarm Clock
screen to identify repetition schedule: concatenate days with
this character, i.e. "Mon, Tue, Wed" -->
<string name="day_concat">", "</string>
<!-- Appears at the top of the Clock Picker screen: Tell user to
select a clock to display -->
<string name="clock_instructions">Choose a clock</string>
<!-- Label for analog clock gadget displayed on-screen when that gadget is represented to the user. -->
<string name="analog_gadget">Analog clock</string>
<!-- Help activity name -->
<string name="help">help</string>
<!-- Settings activity name -->
<!-- Label for the Settings activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="settings">Settings</string>
<!-- Setting title for changing the snooze duration. -->
<string name="snooze_duration_title">Snooze length</string>
<plurals name="snooze_duration">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%s</xliff:g> minutes</item>
<plurals name="snooze_picker_label">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">minute</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other">minutes</item>
<!-- Auto silence preference title -->
<string name="auto_silence_title">Silence after</string>
<!-- Auto silence summary string set based on the preference value. -->
<plurals name="auto_silence_summary">
<!-- Duration for one minute -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- Duration for more than one minute -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="formatted_number" example="7">%s</xliff:g> minutes</item>
<!-- Auto silence summary when turned off -->
<string name="auto_silence_never">Never</string>
<!-- Entries listed in the ListPreference when invoking the auto silence
preference. -->
<string-array name="auto_silence_entries">
<item>1 minute</item>
<item>5 minutes</item>
<item>10 minutes</item>
<item>15 minutes</item>
<item>20 minutes</item>
<item>25 minutes</item>
<!-- Values that are retrieved from the ListPreference. These must match
the auto_silence_entries above. -->
<string-array name="auto_silence_values" translatable="false">
<item>-1</item> <!-- Off -->
<!-- Week start day preference title. -->
<string name="week_start_title">Start week on</string>
<!-- Entries listed in ListPreference for start day. -->
<string-array name="week_start_entries">
<!-- Values for ListPreference for start day of week. -->
<string-array name="week_start_values" translatable="false">
<item>7</item> <!-- Calendar.SATURDAY -->
<item>1</item> <!-- Calendar.SUNDAY -->
<item>2</item> <!-- Calendar.MONDAY -->
<!-- Done button when editing an alarm. -->
<string name="done">Done</string>
<!-- Revert button when editing an alarm. -->
<string name="revert">Revert</string>
<!-- Delete button when editing an alarm. -->
<string name="delete">Delete</string>
<!-- Setting title for changing the alarm volume. -->
<string name="alarm_volume_title">Alarm volume</string>
<!-- Summary for the alarm preference when silent is chosen. -->
<string name="silent_alarm_summary">Silent</string>
<!-- Text to display in the small text of the notification -->
<string name="alarm_notify_text">Snooze or dismiss alarm.</string>
<!-- Text to display in the notification ticker and label -->
<string name="alarm_notify_snooze_label"><xliff:g id="label">%s</xliff:g> (snoozed)</string>
<!-- Text to display in the notification when the alarm has been snoozed -->
<string name="alarm_notify_snooze_text">Alarm set for <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g>. Touch to cancel.</string>
<!-- Title of the setting to change hardware button behavior. This string
should be changed for each piece of hardware. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="volume_button_setting_title">Volume buttons</string>
<!-- Dialog title of the volume and power setting. -->
<string name="volume_button_dialog_title">Button effect</string>
<!-- Entries listed in the setting for the side-button action. -->
<string-array name="volume_button_setting_entries">
<item>Do nothing</item>
<!-- Values for the side-button setting. -->
<string-array name="volume_button_setting_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Title of the ringtone setting. -->
<string name="default_ringtone_setting_title">Set default ringtone</string>
<!-- Accessibility labels for Clock activity buttons --><skip/>
<string name="alarm_button_description">Alarms</string>
<string name="gallery_button_description">Gallery</string>
<string name="music_button_description">Music</string>
<string name="nightmode_button_description">Dim</string>
<string name="home_button_description">Launcher</string>
<string name="desk_clock_button_description">Clock display</string>
<!-- Accessibility labels for alarm buttons -->
<string name="label_description">Label</string>
<string name="ringtone_description">Ringtone</string>
<!-- What to show the user if the weather widget exists but fails to
respond. This is a sign of an error; if the weather widget is not
present on the device, we show nothing at all. -->
<string name="weather_fetch_failure">Weather information isn\'t available right now.</string>
<!-- A description for the DeskClock alarm sound playback service.
<string name="alarm_klaxon_service_desc">Sound playback service for alarms set in Clock.</string>
<!-- String displayed as the alert summary while loading the alert name from
the media player. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="loading_ringtone">Loading ringtone\u2026</string>
<!-- A description for the DeskClock timer sound playback service.
<string name="timer_ring_service_desc">Sound playback service for timers set in Clock.</string>
<!-- Label on the main screen control used to set alarm [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="control_set_alarm">Set alarm</string>
<!-- Label on the main screen control used to set alarm when there is already an existing alarm [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="control_set_alarm_with_existing"><xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- ActionBar strings -->
<!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Alarm page -->
<string name="menu_alarm">Alarm</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Timer page -->
<string name="menu_timer">Timer</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Clock page -->
<string name="menu_clock">Clock</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the tab button which which switches the activity to the Stopwatch page -->
<string name="menu_stopwatch">Stopwatch</string>
<!-- Clock view buttons strings-->
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to start the activity to add/edit/delete alarms -->
<string name="button_alarms">Add alarm</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button which provides a list of cities for the world clock settings -->
<string name="button_cities">Cities</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button which pops up a menu of setting choices -->
<string name="button_menu">More options</string>
<!-- Menu item on most screens to get to more settings -->
<string name="menu_item_settings">Settings</string>
<!-- Menu item on most screens to get to the help information -->
<string name="menu_item_help">Help</string>
<!-- Menu item on clock screen to enter night mode. -->
<string name="menu_item_night_mode">Night mode</string>
<!-- Menu item on Cities screen to sort by GMT offset -->
<string name="menu_item_sort_by_gmt_offset">Sort by time</string>
<!-- Menu item on Cities screen to sort by alphabetical order -->
<string name="menu_item_sort_by_name">Sort by name</string>
<!-- Label for selected cities in Cities list view -->
<string name="selected_cities_label">Selected Cities</string>
<!-- Stop Watch strings -->
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to resume running a stopwatch -->
<string name="sw_resume_button">Resume</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to begin running a stopwatch -->
<string name="sw_start_button">Start</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to pause a stopwatch. -->
<string name="sw_stop_button">Stop</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to record current the stopwatch value into the4 collection of lap times. -->
<string name="sw_lap_button">Lap</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to return the stopwatch to zero and remove the lap times. -->
<string name="sw_reset_button">Reset</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to share the stopwatch value.
Also used as title for chooser when sharing stopwatch results. -->
<string name="sw_share_button">Share</string>
<!-- Abbreviation for temporal hours [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
<string name="hours_label">h</string>
<!-- Abbreviation for temporal minutes [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
<string name="minutes_label">m</string>
<!-- Abbreviation for temporal seconds [CHAR LIMIT=1] -->
<string name="seconds_label">s</string>
<!-- Accessibility strings -->
<string name="hours_label_description">hours</string>
<string name="minutes_label_description">minutes</string>
<string name="seconds_label_description">seconds</string>
<string name="zero">0</string>
<!-- Stopwatch share strings -->
<!-- Sentence within the message created to share the total time recorded within the stopwatch -->
<string name="sw_share_main">My time is <xliff:g id="time">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Header within the message created to share a list of lap times (a new line is appended to this) -->
<string name="sw_share_laps">Lap times:</string>
<!-- Label to enumerate the number of laps in the notification the user has counted -->
<string name="sw_notification_lap_number">Lap <xliff:g id="number">%d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Formatted stopwatch time -->
<string-array name="stopwatch_format_set" translatable="false">
<item> <!-- <10 minutes - example "1 02.03" -->
<xliff:g id="M">%2$d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <1 hour - example "12 03.04" -->
<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <10 hours - example "1 02 03.04" -->
<xliff:g id="H">%1$d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <100 hours - example "12 03 04.05" -->
<xliff:g id="H">%1$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <1000 hours - example "123 04 05.06" -->
<xliff:g id="H">%1$03d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<!-- Formatted stopwatch time for laps shared using the share button -->
<string-array name="shared_laps_format_set" translatable="false">
<item> <!-- <10 minutes - example "1 02.03" -->
<xliff:g id="lap">%6$d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <1 hour - example "12 03.04" -->
<xliff:g id="lap">%6$d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <10 hours - example "1 02 03.04" -->
<xliff:g id="lap">%6$d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="H">%1$d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <100 hours - example "12 03 04.05" -->
<xliff:g id="lap">%6$d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="H">%1$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<item> <!-- <1000 hours - example "123 04 05.06" -->
<xliff:g id="lap">%6$d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="H">%1$03d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="M">%2$02d</xliff:g> &#x200E;<xliff:g id="S">%3$02d</xliff:g><xliff:g id="decimal_separator">%5$c</xliff:g><xliff:g id="D">%4$02d</xliff:g>
<!-- Label to enumerate the number of laps the user has counted -->
<string-array name="sw_lap_number_set" translatable="true">
<item># <xliff:g id="number">%d</xliff:g></item>
<item># <xliff:g id="number">%02d</xliff:g></item>
<!-- Stopwatch accessibility strings -->
<plurals name="Nhours_description">
<!-- 1 hour -->
<item quantity="one">1 hour</item>
<!-- more -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> hours</item>
<plurals name="Nminutes_description">
<!-- 1 minute -->
<item quantity="one">1 minute</item>
<!-- more -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> minutes</item>
<plurals name="Nseconds_description">
<!-- 1 second -->
<item quantity="one">1 second</item>
<!-- more -->
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> seconds</item>
<!-- timer strings -->
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to add a new timer -->
<string name="timer_add_timer">Add Timer</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to begin or continue running a timer -->
<string name="timer_start">Start</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to delete a timer. -->
<string name="timer_delete">Delete</string>
<!-- Talkback description for deleting a number. -->
<string name="timer_descriptive_delete">Delete <xliff:g id="number_string">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button increase the remaining time on a timer by one minute. -->
<string name="timer_plus_one">Add 1 Minute</string>
<!-- Like "timer_plus_one", but with 'minute' abbreviated for the notification. -->
<string name="timer_plus_1_min">Add 1 min</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to stop the timer. -->
<string name="timer_stop">Stop</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to stop and delete the timer. -->
<string name="timer_done">Done</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to return the timer to it's original starting value. -->
<string name="timer_reset">Reset</string>
<!-- Describes the purpose of the button to discard the current dialog values. Will also close the dialog if other time's exist -->
<string name="timer_cancel">Cancel</string>
<!-- Notification content shown when a timer has completed and has no more time remaining -->
<string name="timer_times_up">Time\'s up</string>
<!-- Label associated with a notification for a Timer -->
<string name="timer_notification_label">Timer</string>
<!-- Toast content shown when user attempts to create a new timer when there are already 4 timers -->
<string name="timers_max_count_reached">4 timers maximum</string>
<!-- Jocular content that user may append when sharing the lap times -->
<string-array name="sw_share_strings" translatable="true">
<item>You\'re quite the speed demon.</item>
<item>Enjoy the fruits of your labor.</item>
<item>Androids are known to be fast, but not as fast as you!</item>
<item>L33t times.</item>
<item>Such prodigious velocity.</item>
<item>Let\'s do the time warp again.</item>
<item>Just a jump to the left.</item>
<item>You have a palette for haste.</item>
<item>Photonic velocity.</item>
<!-- Title with the clock on the main page displaying the user's regular timezone (shows when automatic_home_clock enabled) -->
<string name="home_label">Home</string>
<!-- Label for the Cities activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="cities_activity_title">Cities</string>
<!-- Settings strings -->
<!-- Header in the preferences settings for the section pertaining to clocks on the main fragment -->
<string name="clock_settings">Clock</string>
<!-- Header for a Clock Dream Setting referring to choosing analog or digital style -->
<string name="clock_style">Style</string>
<!-- Entries listed in the ListPreference when invoking the clock style
preference. -->
<string-array name="clock_style_entries">
<!-- Values that are retrieved from the ListPreference. These must match
the clock_style_entries above. -->
<string-array name="clock_style_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Title for an option that will automtically show a clock representing the user's regular timezone on the main fragment whenever the user leaves their regular timezone-->
<string name="automatic_home_clock">Automatic home clock</string>
<!-- Describes the functionality provided by the automatic_home_clock option -->
<string name="automatic_home_clock_summary">While traveling in an area where the time is different, add a clock for home</string>
<!-- Title in the preferences change the time zone for the user's home -->
<string name="home_time_zone">Home time zone</string>
<!-- Title in a list dialog box to pick a time zone for the user's home -->
<string name="home_time_zone_title">Home time zone</string>
<!-- Textual content of the button to discard the current dialog values and close the dialog -->
<string name="time_picker_cancel">Cancel</string>
<!-- Textual content of the button to update an alarm with the current dialog values -->
<string name="time_picker_set">OK</string>
<string name="time_picker_time_seperator">:</string>
<!-- place holder for am/pm label when it is not set -->
<string name="time_picker_ampm_label">--</string>
<!-- add 00 as minutes to the time when pressing this button -->
<string name="time_picker_00_label">:00</string>
<!-- add 30 as minutes to the time when pressing this button -->
<string name="time_picker_30_label">:30</string>
<!-- Choices for timezones, must be kept in sync with timezone_values. CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string-array name="timezone_labels">
<item>"Marshall Islands"</item>
<item>"Midway Island"</item>
<item>"Pacific Time"</item>
<item>"Mountain Time"</item>
<item>"Central America"</item>
<item>"Central Time"</item>
<item>"Mexico City"</item>
<item>"Eastern Time"</item>
<item>"Atlantic Time (Barbados)"</item>
<item>"Atlantic Time (Canada)"</item>
<item>"Buenos Aires"</item>
<item>"Cape Verde Islands"</item>
<item>"London, Dublin"</item>
<item>"Amsterdam, Berlin"</item>
<item>"W. Africa Time"</item>
<item>"Amman, Jordan"</item>
<item>"Athens, Istanbul"</item>
<item>"Beirut, Lebanon"</item>
<item>"Islamabad, Karachi"</item>
<item>"Sri Lanka"</item>
<item>"Hong Kong"</item>
<item>"Kuala Lumpur"</item>
<item>"Tokyo, Osaka"</item>
<item>"Sydney, Canberra"</item>
<!-- Choices for timezones, must be kept in sync with timezone_values. -->
<string-array name="timezone_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Header in the preferences settings for the section pertaining to alarms -->
<string name="alarm_settings">Alarms</string>
<string name="desk_clock_help_url" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Describes the running service for the stopwatch -->
<string name="stopwatch_service_desc">Stopwatch service to run the notification.</string>
<!-- Desription for the stopped stop watch -->
<string name="swn_stopped">Stopped</string>
<!-- Text instruction for dismiss alarm on alarm lock screen. The dismiss button will still
be on the right even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
translation. -->
<string name="description_direction_right">Swipe right to dismiss</string>
<!-- Text instruction for snooze alarm on alarm lock screen. The snooze button will still
be on the left even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
translation. -->
<string name="description_direction_left">Swipe left to snooze</string>
<!-- Text instruction for alarm icon on alarm lock screen. The snooze button will still
be on the left even on RTL languages so please do not reverse this during
translation. -->
<string name="description_direction_both">Swipe left to snooze or right to dismiss</string>
<!-- Notification title when timer is stopped. -->
<string name="timer_stopped">Timer stopped</string>
<!-- Notification title when multiple timers are stopped. -->
<string name="timers_stopped"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> timers stopped</string>
<!-- Notification text when multiple timers are stopped. -->
<string name="all_timers_stopped_notif">Touch to see your timers</string>
<!-- Notification title when at least one timer, of those in use, is counting down. -->
<string name="timers_in_use"><xliff:g id="number" example="7">%d</xliff:g> timers</string>
<!-- Notification text when at least one timer, of those in use, is counting down. -->
<string name="next_timer_notif">Next timer: <xliff:g id="time_remaining" example="2 minutes remaining">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- screensaver settings strings -->
<!-- Label for the screen saver activity displayed on-screen when that activity must be represented to the user. -->
<string name="screensaver_settings">Dream settings</string>
<!-- Title for check box to pick intensity of display diminuation during dream mode -->
<string name="night_mode_title">Night mode</string>
<!-- Describes intensity of display diminuation during dream mode -->
<string name="night_mode_summary">Very dim display (for dark rooms)</string>
<!-- Description of the down caret in the alarm alert screen to expand the alarm content to edit perspective. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="expand_alarm">Expand alarm</string>
<!-- Description of the up caret in the alarm alert screen to collapse the alarm content to summary perspective. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="collapse_alarm">Collapse alarm</string>
<!-- Description of the button to undo change to alarm -->
<string name="alarm_undo">undo</string>
<!-- Toast content when an alarm was deleted -->
<string name="alarm_deleted">Alarm deleted</string>
<!-- slash between date and next alarm in the clock -->
<string name="slash"> / </string>
<!-- slash between date and next alarm in the clock -->
<string name="world_day_of_week_label"> / <xliff:g id="label">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Description of field showing the next alarm time in the clock page, for accessibility. -->
<string name="next_alarm_description">Next alarm: <xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="Wed 8:00am">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Displays the number of alarms selected from the list of alarms. -->
<string name="alarms_selected"><xliff:g id="alarms">%d</xliff:g> selected</string>
<!-- message used by the talkback accessebility app to say that something was deleted -->
<string name="deleted_message">Deleted</string>
<!-- Alarm deletion confirmation message-->
<plurals name="alarm_delete_confirmation">
<!-- Confirmation for one alarm -->
<item quantity="one">Delete selected alarm?</item>
<!-- Confirmation more than one alarm -->
<item quantity="other">Delete selected alarms?</item>
<!-- Timer deletion confirmation -->
<string name="timer_delete_confirmation">Delete this timer?</string>
<!-- world clock deletion confirmation -->
<string name="city_delete_confirmation">Remove this city?</string>
<!-- Label for digital clock gadget displayed on-screen when that gadget is represented to the user. -->
<string name="digital_gadget">Digital clock</string>
<!-- format strings for clocks -->
<string name="clock_24_hours_format" translatable="false">kk&#58;mm</string>
<string name="main_widget_12_hours_format" translatable="false">h&#58;mm</string>
<!-- Font size for AM/PM should match widget_label_font_size -->
<string name="wc_widget_12_hours_format" translatable="false">h&#58;mm&#8202;<b><font size="14" face="sans-serif">a</font></b></string>
<!-- Font size for AM/PM should match bottom_text_size -->
<string name="main_clock_12_hours_format" translatable="false">h&#58;mm&#8202;<b><font size="16" face="sans-serif">a</font></b></string>
<!-- Font size for AM/PM should match label_font_size -->
<string name="world_clock_12_hours_format" translatable="false">h&#58;mm&#8202;<b><font size="14" face="sans-serif">a</font></b></string>
<!-- Font size for AM/PM should match alarm_label_size -->
<string name="alarm_time_12_hours_format" translatable="false">h&#58;mm&#8202;<b><font size="24" face="sans-serif">a</font></b></string>
<!-- String for no alarms -->
<string name="no_alarms">No Alarms</string>
<!-- String for no alarms set [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
<string name="no_alarms_set">No alarms set</string>
<!-- String for no enabled alarms in timeline view [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="no_upcoming_alarms">NO UPCOMING ALARMS</string>
String that represents time format for 12-hour time.
h represents hour in range (1-12) with the minimum number of digits
mm represents minute with leading 0 in case of values < 10
a represents am/pm
Ex: h:mm a = 12:54 am, 8:05 pm
<string name="time_format_12_mode">h&#58;mm a</string>
String that represents time format for 24-hour time.
k represents hour in range (0-23) with the minimum number of digits
mm represents minute with leading 0 in case of values < 10
Ex: k:mm = 13:51, 5:05
<string name="time_format_24_mode">k&#58;mm</string>
String that represents weekday, time format for 12-hour time.
EEE represents weekday name in short form (ex. Mon, Tue, Wed)
h represents hour in range (1-12) with the minimum number of digits
mm represents minute with leading 0 in case of values < 10
a represents am/pm
Ex: EEE, h:mm a = Mon, 2:55 pm
<string name="weekday_time_format_12_mode">EEE, h&#58;mm a</string>
String that represents weekday, time format for 24-hour time.
EEE represents weekday name in short form (ex. Mon, Tue, Wed)
k represents hour in range (0-23) with the minimum number of digits
mm represents minute with leading 0 in case of values < 10
Ex: EEE, k:mm = Mon, 2:55
<string name="weekday_time_format_24_mode">EEE, k&#58;mm</string>
<!-- String that represents that invalid time for an alarm was specified, e.g. 23:00am
or 27:68pm.
First %d represents hour, second %d represents minutes,
<string name="invalid_time">Invalid time <xliff:g id="invalid_hour" example="25">%d</xliff:g>:<xliff:g id="invalid_minutes" example="63">%d</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="invalid_pmam" example="PM">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String that represents that no alarm has been specified for a requested hour:minutes.
This happens when a user sends a voice command 'dismiss my alarm at 3:00pm' but they have no
alarms specified for that time. %s represents the time of the alarm.
<string name="no_alarm_at">No alarm at <xliff:g id="alarm_time_hour" example="14">%d</xliff:g>:<xliff:g id="alarm_time_minutes" example="23">%d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String that represents that the user doesn't have any alarms scheduled. This happens when
a user sends a voice command 'dismiss next alarm' or 'dismiss all of my alarms' but they have
no alarms scheduled in the app.
<string name="no_scheduled_alarms">No scheduled alarms</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has sent a voice command 'start a stopwatch' when
the stopwatch was already running so the command wasn't executed.
<string name="stopwatch_already_running">Stopwatch is already running</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has sent a voice command 'stop the stopwatch' or
'lap the stopwatch' when the stopwatch wasn't running so the command wasn't executed.
<string name="stopwatch_isnt_running">Stopwatch isn\'t running</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has successfully sent a voice command changing a mode
for the stopwatch and it was executed.
<string name="stopwatch_mode_changed">Stopwatch mode changed</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has sent a voice command 'dismiss my alarm at 3pm' when
there was no alarm scheduled for that time (they might have had an alarm for 3pm on the list
but it was disabled).
<string name="no_alarm_scheduled_for_this_time">No alarm scheduled for this time</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has dismissed an alarm through a voice action.
%s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
<string name="alarm_is_dismissed"><xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="14:20">%s</xliff:g> alarm dismissed</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has dismissed an alarm through a voice action.
%s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
<string name="alarm_is_set">Alarm is set for <xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="14:20">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to send a voice action 'delete a timer'
when there were no timers available.
<string name="no_timer_set">No timer set</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has successfully deleted a timer through a voice action.
<string name="timer_deleted">Timer deleted</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has attempted to start a timer when a timer was
already running.
<string name="timer_already_running">Timer already running</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has attempted to start or reset a timer when
there were more than 1 timer of desired state in which case it's ambiguous
which timer the user meant.
<string name="multiple_timers_available">Unable to complete your request, multiple timers available</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has successfully started a timer through a voice action.
<string name="timer_started">Timer started</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has successfully created a timer through a voice action.
<string name="timer_created">Timer created</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to start a timer through a voice action
but specified invalid length.
<string name="invalid_timer_length">Invalid timer length</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has successfully reset a timer through a voice action.
<string name="timer_was_reset">Timer reset</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to reset a timer through a voice action but
the timer wasn't stopped (resetting is only allowed when a timer is stopped).
<string name="timer_cant_be_reset_because_its_running">Timer can\'t be reset because it\'s still running. Stop timer to reset.</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to stop a timer through a voice action but
the timer was already stopped (resetting is only allowed when a timer is stopped).
<string name="timer_already_stopped">Timer already stopped</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add or delete a world clock through
a voice action
but they didn't specify a city so no world clock was selected.
<string name="no_city_selected">No city selected</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add or delete a world clock through
a voice action
but the city they specified wasn't listed in the database.
<string name="the_city_you_specified_is_not_available">The city you specified is not available</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to add a world clock through a voice action
but the city they specified is already added to the list.
<string name="the_city_already_added">That city has already been added</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user successfully added a world clock through a
voice action
%s represents the name of the city they added.
<string name="city_added"><xliff:g id="city_name" example="Paris">%s</xliff:g> added</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user successfully deleted a world clock through
a voice action
%s represents the name of the city they deleted.
<string name="city_deleted"><xliff:g id="city_name" example="Paris">%s</xliff:g> deleted</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user attempted to dismiss an alarm that is more than
2 hours away
%s represents the time of the alarm (e.g. 15:39)
<string name="alarm_cant_be_dismissed_still_more_than_24_hours_away"><xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="14:20">%s</xliff:g> alarm can\'t be dismissed yet, still more than 24 hours away</string>
<!-- String that shows up in the action bar for the Picker Activity
where a use gets to pick which alarm to dismiss
<string name="dismiss_alarm">Dismiss alarm</string>
<!-- String that represents that further action is needed from the user in case their
voice command was ambiguous or there are more than 1 alarms that match their request.
The user needs to choose an alarm they want to dismiss through the UI
<string name="pick_alarm_to_dismiss">Pick which alarm to dismiss</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user doesn't have any alarms firing at the moment.
<string name="no_firing_alarms">No firing alarms</string>
<!-- String that represents that the user has snoozed an alarm through a voice action for 10
%s represents alarm time, e.g. 14:20
<string name="alarm_is_snoozed"><xliff:g id="alarm_time" example="14:20">%s</xliff:g> alarm snoozed for 10 minutes</string>