blob: ccad3e7bcacd8b3cd3aeb23b366c55480a46bbf4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.content.Context;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* Consolidates information from a {@link PhoneLookupInfo}.
* <p>For example, a single {@link PhoneLookupInfo} may contain different name information from many
* different {@link PhoneLookup} implementations. This class defines the rules for deciding which
* name should be selected for display to the user, by prioritizing the data from some {@link
* PhoneLookup PhoneLookups} over others.
public final class PhoneLookupInfoConsolidator {
/** Integers representing {@link PhoneLookup} implementations that can provide a contact's name */
@IntDef({NameSource.NONE, NameSource.CP2_LOCAL, NameSource.CP2_REMOTE, NameSource.PEOPLE_API})
@interface NameSource {
int NONE = 0; // used when none of the other sources can provide the name
int CP2_LOCAL = 1;
int CP2_REMOTE = 2;
int PEOPLE_API = 3;
* Sources that can provide information about a contact's name.
* <p>Each source is one of the values in NameSource, as defined above.
* <p>Sources are sorted in the order of priority. For example, if source CP2_LOCAL can provide
* the name, we will use that name in the UI and ignore all the other sources. If source CP2_LOCAL
* can't provide the name, source CP2_REMOTE will be consulted.
* <p>The reason for defining a name source is to avoid mixing info from different sub-messages in
* PhoneLookupInfo proto when we are supposed to stick with only one sub-message. For example, if
* a PhoneLookupInfo proto has both cp2_local_info and cp2_remote_info but only cp2_remote_info
* has a photo URI, PhoneLookupInfoConsolidator should provide an empty photo URI as CP2_LOCAL has
* higher priority and we should not use cp2_remote_info's photo URI to display the contact's
* photo.
private static final ImmutableList<Integer> NAME_SOURCES_IN_PRIORITY_ORDER =
ImmutableList.of(NameSource.CP2_LOCAL, NameSource.CP2_REMOTE, NameSource.PEOPLE_API);
private final Context appContext;
private final @NameSource int nameSource;
private final PhoneLookupInfo phoneLookupInfo;
@Nullable private final Cp2ContactInfo firstCp2LocalContact;
@Nullable private final Cp2ContactInfo firstCp2RemoteContact;
public PhoneLookupInfoConsolidator(Context appContext, PhoneLookupInfo phoneLookupInfo) {
this.appContext = appContext;
this.phoneLookupInfo = phoneLookupInfo;
this.firstCp2LocalContact = getFirstLocalContact();
this.firstCp2RemoteContact = getFirstRemoteContact();
this.nameSource = selectNameSource();
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns the name associated with that number.
* <p>Examples of this are a local contact's name or a business name received from caller ID.
* <p>If no name can be obtained from the {@link PhoneLookupInfo}, an empty string will be
* returned.
public String getName() {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2LocalContact).getName();
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2RemoteContact).getName();
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
return phoneLookupInfo.getPeopleApiInfo().getDisplayName();
case NameSource.NONE:
return "";
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns the photo URI associated with that number.
* <p>If no photo URI can be obtained from the {@link PhoneLookupInfo}, an empty string will be
* returned.
public String getPhotoUri() {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2LocalContact).getPhotoUri();
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2RemoteContact).getPhotoUri();
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
case NameSource.NONE:
return "";
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns the photo ID associated with that number, or 0 if there is none.
public long getPhotoId() {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
return Math.max(Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2LocalContact).getPhotoId(), 0);
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return Math.max(Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2RemoteContact).getPhotoId(), 0);
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
case NameSource.NONE:
return 0;
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns the lookup URI associated with that number, or an empty string if no lookup URI can be
* obtained.
public String getLookupUri() {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2LocalContact).getLookupUri();
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2RemoteContact).getLookupUri();
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
case NameSource.NONE:
return "";
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns a localized string representing the number type such as "Home" or "Mobile", or a custom
* value set by the user.
* <p>If no label can be obtained from the {@link PhoneLookupInfo}, an empty string will be
* returned.
public String getNumberLabel() {
if (phoneLookupInfo.hasDialerBlockedNumberInfo()
&& phoneLookupInfo
.equals(BlockedState.BLOCKED)) {
return appContext.getString(R.string.blocked_number_new_call_log_label);
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2LocalContact).getLabel();
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return Assert.isNotNull(firstCp2RemoteContact).getLabel();
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
case NameSource.NONE:
return "";
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns whether the number belongs to a business place.
public boolean isBusiness() {
return phoneLookupInfo.hasPeopleApiInfo()
&& phoneLookupInfo.getPeopleApiInfo().getInfoType() == InfoType.NEARBY_BUSINESS;
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns whether the number is a voicemail number.
public boolean isVoicemail() {
// TODO(twyen): implement
return false;
* Returns true if the {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor has incomplete CP2 local
* info.
public boolean isCp2LocalInfoIncomplete() {
return phoneLookupInfo.getCp2LocalInfo().getIsIncomplete();
* The {@link PhoneLookupInfo} passed to the constructor is associated with a number. This method
* returns whether the number can be reported as invalid.
* <p>As we currently report invalid numbers via the People API, only numbers from the People API
* can be reported as invalid.
public boolean canReportAsInvalidNumber() {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
return false;
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
PeopleApiInfo peopleApiInfo = phoneLookupInfo.getPeopleApiInfo();
return peopleApiInfo.getInfoType() != InfoType.UNKNOWN
&& !peopleApiInfo.getPersonId().isEmpty();
case NameSource.NONE:
return false;
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
* Arbitrarily select the first local CP2 contact. In the future, it may make sense to display
* contact information from all contacts with the same number (for example show the name as "Mom,
* Dad" or show a synthesized photo containing photos of both "Mom" and "Dad").
private Cp2ContactInfo getFirstLocalContact() {
return phoneLookupInfo.getCp2LocalInfo().getCp2ContactInfoCount() > 0
? phoneLookupInfo.getCp2LocalInfo().getCp2ContactInfo(0)
: null;
* Arbitrarily select the first remote CP2 contact. In the future, it may make sense to display
* contact information from all contacts with the same number (for example show the name as "Mom,
* Dad" or show a synthesized photo containing photos of both "Mom" and "Dad").
private Cp2ContactInfo getFirstRemoteContact() {
return phoneLookupInfo.getCp2RemoteInfo().getCp2ContactInfoCount() > 0
? phoneLookupInfo.getCp2RemoteInfo().getCp2ContactInfo(0)
: null;
/** Select the {@link PhoneLookup} source providing a contact's name. */
private @NameSource int selectNameSource() {
for (int nameSource : NAME_SOURCES_IN_PRIORITY_ORDER) {
switch (nameSource) {
case NameSource.CP2_LOCAL:
if (firstCp2LocalContact != null && !firstCp2LocalContact.getName().isEmpty()) {
return NameSource.CP2_LOCAL;
case NameSource.CP2_REMOTE:
if (firstCp2RemoteContact != null && !firstCp2RemoteContact.getName().isEmpty()) {
return NameSource.CP2_REMOTE;
case NameSource.PEOPLE_API:
if (phoneLookupInfo.hasPeopleApiInfo()
&& !phoneLookupInfo.getPeopleApiInfo().getDisplayName().isEmpty()) {
return NameSource.PEOPLE_API;
throw Assert.createUnsupportedOperationFailException(
String.format("Unsupported name source: %s", nameSource));
return NameSource.NONE;