blob: cbf737cb2603659bb4494382f9b64dcdcdaab192 [file] [log] [blame]
~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License
<!-- Primary text color in the Dialer -->
<color name="dialtacts_primary_text_color">#000000</color>
<!-- Secondary text color in the Dialer -->
<color name="dialtacts_secondary_text_color">#888888</color>
<color name="dialer_accent_color">#eeff41</color>
<!-- Color for the setting text. -->
<color name="setting_primary_color">#4d4c4c</color>
<!-- Color for the setting description text. -->
<color name="setting_secondary_color">#989898</color>
<color name="setting_background_color">#ffffff</color>
<!-- Color of the text describing an unconsumed missed call. -->
<color name="call_log_missed_call_highlight_color">#FF0000</color>
<!-- Color of the text describing an unconsumed voicemail. -->
<color name="call_log_voicemail_highlight_color">#33b5e5</color>
Colour of voicemail progress bar to the right of position indicator.
Same as the background color of the dialer
<color name="voicemail_playback_seek_bar_yet_to_play">#cecece</color>
<!-- Colour of voicemail progress bar to the left of position indicator. -->
<color name="voicemail_playback_seek_bar_already_played">#39c9ff</color>
<!-- Standard color for selected items. -->
<color name="item_selected">#660099cc</color>
<!-- White background for dialer -->
<color name="background_dialer_white">#ffffff</color>
<!-- Background color of new dialer activity -->
<color name="background_dialer_light">#f6f6f6</color>
<!-- Background color of dialer list items (contacts, call log entries) -->
<color name="background_dialer_list_items">@color/background_dialer_light</color>
<color name="search_shortcut_background_color">#b6b6b6</color>
<color name="search_shortcut_icon_color">#f8f8f8</color>
<!-- Color of the 1dp divider that separates favorites -->
<color name="favorite_contacts_separator_color">#d0d0d0</color>
<color name="searchbox_icon_tint">#a4a4a4</color>
<!-- Color of the contact name in favorite tiles -->
<color name="contact_tile_name_color">#ffffff</color>
<color name="contact_list_name_text_color">#4d4d4d</color>
<!-- Undo dialogue color -->
<color name="undo_dialogue_text_color">#4d4d4d</color>
<color name="empty_list_text_color">#b2b2b2</color>
<color name="remove_text_color">#ffffff</color>
<!-- Text color for the "Remove" text when a contact is dragged on top of the remove view -->
<color name="remove_highlighted_text_color">#FF3F3B</color>
<!-- Color of the bottom border below the contacts grid on the main dialer screen. -->
<color name="contacts_grid_bottom_border_color">#16000000</color>
<color name="call_log_expanded_background_color">#ffffff</color>
<!-- Color of actions in expanded call log entries. This text color represents actions such
as call back, play voicemail, etc. -->
<color name="call_log_action_text">#1dc7db</color>
<!-- Color of view full call history item text. -->
<color name="view_full_call_history_color">#1dc7db</color>
<!-- Color for missed call icons. -->
<color name="missed_call">#ff2e58</color>
<!-- Color for answered or outgoing call icons. -->
<color name="answered_call">#2aad6f</color>
<!-- Color for icons in the actionbar -->
<color name="actionbar_icon_color">#ffffff</color>
<color name="dialer_dialpad_touch_tint">#331dc7db</color>
<color name="tab_ripple_color">@color/dialer_accent_color</color>
<color name="tab_selected_underline_color">@color/dialer_accent_color</color>