blob: 29b9651632e367788476f8f1dd0218ae66a09f9f [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Directory partition name -->
<string name="applicationLabel">Dialer</string>
<!-- Title for the activity that dials the phone. This is the name
used in the Launcher icon. -->
<string name="launcherDialer">Phone</string>
<!-- The description text for the dialer tab.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="dialerIconLabel">Phone</string>
<!-- The description text for the call log tab.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="recentCallsIconLabel">Call log</string>
<!-- Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a phone number -->
<string name="menu_sendTextMessage">Send text message</string>
<!-- Menu item used to call a contact from the call log -->
<string name="recentCalls_callNumber">Call
<xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Menu item used to copy a number from the call log to the dialer so it can be edited before calling it -->
<string name="recentCalls_editNumberBeforeCall">Edit number before call</string>
<!-- Menu item used to add a number from the call log to contacts -->
<string name="recentCalls_addToContact">Add to contacts</string>
<!-- Menu item used to remove a single call from the call log -->
<string name="recentCalls_removeFromRecentList">Remove from call log</string>
<!-- Menu item used to remove all calls from the call log -->
<string name="recentCalls_deleteAll">Clear call log</string>
<!-- Menu item used to delete a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="recentCalls_trashVoicemail">Delete voicemail</string>
<!-- Menu item used to share a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="recentCalls_shareVoicemail">Share voicemail</string>
<!-- Text displayed when the call log is empty. -->
<string name="recentCalls_empty">Your call log is empty.</string>
<!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for clearing the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=37] -->
<string name="clearCallLogConfirmation_title">Clear call log?</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog for clearing the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="clearCallLogConfirmation">All your call records will be deleted.</string>
<!-- Title of the "Clearing call log" progress-dialog [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="clearCallLogProgress_title">Clearing call log\u2026</string>
<!-- Title of the notification of new voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<plurals name="notification_voicemail_title">
<item quantity="one">Voicemail</item>
<item quantity="other">
<xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g>
<!-- Used in the notification of a new voicemail for the action to play the voicemail. -->
<string name="notification_action_voicemail_play">Play</string>
<!-- Used to build a list of names or phone numbers, to indicate the callers who left
The first argument may be one or more callers, the most recent ones.
The second argument is an additional callers.
This string is used to build a list of callers.
<string name="notification_voicemail_callers_list"><xliff:g id="newer_callers">%1$s</xliff:g>,
<xliff:g id="older_caller">%2$s</xliff:g>
<!-- Text used in the ticker to notify the user of the latest voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="notification_new_voicemail_ticker">New voicemail from
<xliff:g id="caller">%1$s</xliff:g>
<!-- Message to show when there is an error playing back the voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="voicemail_playback_error">Couldn\'t play voicemail.</string>
<!-- Message to display before we have prepared the media player, i.e. before we know duration. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="voicemail_buffering">Buffering\u2026</string>
<!-- Message to display whilst we are waiting for the content to be fetched. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="voicemail_fetching_content">Fetching voicemail\u2026</string>
<!-- Message to display if we fail to get content within a suitable time period. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="voicemail_fetching_timout">Couldn\'t fetch voicemail.</string>
<!-- The header to show that call log is only showing voicemail calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="call_log_voicemail_header">Calls with voicemail only</string>
<!-- The header to show that call log is only showing incoming calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="call_log_incoming_header">Incoming calls only</string>
<!-- The header to show that call log is only showing outgoing calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="call_log_outgoing_header">Outgoing calls only</string>
<!-- The header to show that call log is only showing missed calls. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="call_log_missed_header">Missed calls only</string>
<!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that no new
voicemails are currently available. This can happen when both notification as well as data
connection to the voicemail server is lost. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_voicemail_not_available">Can\'t connect to voicemail server.
<!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that there is no
data connection to the voicemail server, but there are new voicemails waiting on the server.
[CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_messages_waiting">Can\'t connect to voicemail server. New
voicemails are waiting.
<!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to invite the user to configure
visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_configure_voicemail">Set up your voicemail.</string>
<!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call details screen to notify the user that
the audio of this voicemail is not available. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_audio_not_available">Audio not available.</string>
<!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user configure
visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_action_configure">Set up</string>
<!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user call voicemail
server directly to listen to the voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voicemail_status_action_call_server">Call voicemail</string>
<!-- The slowest voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="voicemail_speed_slowest">Slowest speed</string>
<!-- Slower than normal voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="voicemail_speed_slower">Slow speed</string>
<!-- Normal voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="voicemail_speed_normal">Normal speed</string>
<!-- Faster than normal pvoicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="voicemail_speed_faster">Fast speed</string>
<!-- Fastest voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="voicemail_speed_fastest">Fastest speed</string>
<!-- The counter for calls in a group and the date of the latest call as shown in the call log [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="call_log_item_count_and_date">(<xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g>)
<xliff:g id="date">%2$s</xliff:g>
<!-- Title for the sms disambiguation dialog -->
<string name="sms_disambig_title">Choose number</string>
<!-- Title for the call disambiguation dialog -->
<string name="call_disambig_title">Choose number</string>
<!-- Message next to disamgiguation dialog check box -->
<string name="make_primary">Remember this choice</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton one
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_one">one</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton two
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_two">two</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton three
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_three">three</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton four
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_four">four</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton five
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_five">five</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton six
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_six">six</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton seven
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_seven">seven</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton eight
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_eight">eight</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton nine
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_nine">nine</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton star
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_star">star</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton zero
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_zero">zero</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton pound
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_image_button_pound">pound</string>
<!-- String describing the image on ImageButton plus
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
<!-- String describing the Search ImageButton
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_search_button">search</string>
<!-- String describing the Dial ImageButton
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_dial_button">dial</string>
<!-- String describing the digits text box containing the number to dial.
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
<string name="description_digits_edittext">number to dial</string>
<!-- Content description for the fake action menu button that brings up the call history
activity -->
<string name="action_menu_call_history_description">Call History</string>
<!-- Content description for the fake action menu overflow button.
This should be same as the description for the real action menu
overflow button available in ActionBar.
<string name="action_menu_overflow_description" msgid="2295659037509008453">More options</string>
<!-- Content description for the button that displays the dialpad
<string name="action_menu_dialpad_button">dial pad</string>
<!-- Menu item to copy something [CHAR_LIMIT=10] -->
<string name="menu_copy">Copy</string>
<!-- Menu item used to show only outgoing in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_show_outgoing_only">Show outgoing only</string>
<!-- Menu item used to show only incoming in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_show_incoming_only">Show incoming only</string>
<!-- Menu item used to show only missed in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_show_missed_only">Show missed only</string>
<!-- Menu item used to show only voicemails in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_show_voicemails_only">Show voicemails only</string>
<!-- Menu item used to show all calls in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_show_all_calls">Show all calls</string>
<!-- Menu items for dialpad options as part of Pause and Wait ftr [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="add_contact">Add to contacts</string>
<string name="add_2sec_pause">Add 2-sec pause</string>
<string name="add_wait">Add wait</string>
<!-- Menu item to select account used to make phone calls [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_select_account">Select Account</string>
<!-- Label for the dialer app setting page [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="dialer_settings_label">Settings</string>
<!-- Menu item to create a new contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_newContact">New contact</string>
<!-- Menu item to display all contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_allContacts">All contacts</string>
<!-- Title bar for call detail screen -->
<string name="callDetailTitle">Call details</string>
<!-- Toast for call detail screen when couldn't read the requested details -->
<string name="toast_call_detail_error">Couldn\'t read details for the requested call.</string>
<!-- Item label: jump to the in-call DTMF dialpad.
(Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
is already in progress.) -->
<string name="dialer_useDtmfDialpad">Use touch tone keypad</string>
<!-- Item label: jump to the in-call UI.
(Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
is already in progress.) -->
<string name="dialer_returnToInCallScreen">Return to call in progress</string>
<!-- Item label: use the Dialer's dialpad to add another call.
(Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call
is already in progress.) -->
<string name="dialer_addAnotherCall">Add call</string>
<!-- Title for incoming call details screen -->
<string name="type_incoming">Incoming call</string>
<!-- Title for outgoing call details screen -->
<string name="type_outgoing">Outgoing call</string>
<!-- Title for missed call details screen -->
<string name="type_missed">Missed call</string>
<!-- Title for incoming video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="type_incoming_video">Incoming video call</string>
<!-- Title for outgoing video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="type_outgoing_video">Outgoing video call</string>
<!-- Title for missed video call in call details screen [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="type_missed_video">Missed video call</string>
<!-- Title for voicemail details screen -->
<string name="type_voicemail">Voicemail</string>
<!-- Description for incoming calls going to voice mail vs. not -->
<string name="actionIncomingCall">Incoming calls</string>
<!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to play a voicemail.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_call_log_play_button">Play voicemail</string>
<!-- String describing the button to view the contact for the current number.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_view_contact">View contact <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing the button to call a number or contact.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_call">Call <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing the button to access the contact details for a name or number.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_contact_details">Contact details for <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String indicating a call log entry has an associated voicemail.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_new_voicemail">New voicemail.</string>
<!-- String indicating the number of calls to/from a caller in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_num_calls"><xliff:g id="numberOfCalls">%1$s</xliff:g> calls.</string>
<!-- String describing the button to SMS a number or contact.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_send_text_message">Send text message to <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent an unheard voicemail left to
the user.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_call_log_unheard_voicemail">Unheard voicemail</string>
<!-- String describing the icon used to start a voice search -->
<string name="description_start_voice_search">Start voice search</string>
<!-- Menu item used to call a contact, containing the number of the contact to call -->
<string name="menu_callNumber">Call <xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String used to display calls from unknown numbers in the call log -->
<string name="unknown">Unknown</string>
<!-- String used for displaying calls to the voicemail number in the call log -->
<string name="voicemail">Voicemail</string>
<!-- String used to display calls from private numbers in the call log -->
<string name="private_num">Private number</string>
<!-- String used to display calls from pay phone in the call log -->
<string name="payphone">Pay phone</string>
<!-- Displayed in the text entry box in the dialer when in landscape mode to guide the user
to dial using the physical keyboard -->
<string name="dialerKeyboardHintText">Use keyboard to dial</string>
<!-- Hint text displayed in the "digits" field above the dialer's
dialpad, if there's already a call in progress. (This hint
reminds the user that the dialer will add a new call, as opposed
to sending DTMF tones over the current call.)
[CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="dialerDialpadHintText">Dial to add a call</string>
<!-- A nicely formatted call duration displayed when viewing call details. For example "42 mins 28 secs" -->
<string name="callDetailsDurationFormat"><xliff:g id="minutes" example="42">%s</xliff:g> mins <xliff:g id="seconds" example="28">%s</xliff:g> secs</string>
<!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to make a phone call
to prohibited phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="dialog_phone_call_prohibited_message" msgid="4313552620858880999">Call not sent</string>
<!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail
while the system isn't ready for the access. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="dialog_voicemail_not_ready_message">To set up voicemail, go to Menu &gt; Settings.</string>
<!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail
while the system is in airplane mode. The user cannot access to
voicemail service in Airplane mode. [CHAR LIMI=NONE] -->
<string name="dialog_voicemail_airplane_mode_message">To call voicemail, first turn off Airplane mode.</string>
<!-- Message that appears in the favorites tab of the Phone app when the contact list has not fully loaded yet (below the favorite and frequent contacts) [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="contact_list_loading">Loading\u2026</string>
<!-- The title of a dialog that displays the IMEI of the phone -->
<string name="imei">IMEI</string>
<!-- The title of a dialog that displays the MEID of the CDMA phone -->
<string name="meid">MEID</string>
<!-- Dialog text displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial -->
<string name="simContacts_emptyLoading">Loading from SIM card\u2026</string>
<!-- Dialog title displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial -->
<string name="simContacts_title">SIM card contacts</string>
<!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle the add contact menu option. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="add_contact_not_available">Re-enable the People application to use this feature.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle voice search. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="voice_search_not_available">Voice search is not available.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when the Phone application has been disabled and a phone call cannot
be made. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="call_not_available">Cannot make a phone call because the Phone application has been disabled.</string>
<!-- Message displayed when there is no application available to handle a particular action.
<string name="activity_not_available">No installed activity available to handle selected action.</string>
<!-- Hint displayed in dialer search box when there is no query that is currently typed.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="dialer_hint_find_contact">Type a name or phone number</string>
<!-- String resource for the font-family to use for the call log activity's title
Do not translate. -->
<string name="call_log_activity_title_font_family">sans-serif-light</string>
<!-- String resource for the font-family to use for the full call history footer
Do not translate. -->
<string name="view_full_call_history_font_family">sans-serif</string>
<!-- Text displayed when the list of missed calls is empty -->
<string name="recentMissed_empty">You have no recent missed calls.</string>
<!-- Text displayed when the list of voicemails is empty -->
<string name="recentVoicemails_empty">You have no recent voicemails.</string>
<!-- Menu option to show favorite contacts only -->
<string name="show_favorites_only">Show favorites only</string>
<!-- Title of activity that displays a list of all calls -->
<string name="call_log_activity_title">History</string>
<!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all voicemails and calls
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_all_title">All</string>
<!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all missed calls only
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_missed_title">Missed</string>
<!-- Title for the call log tab containing the list of all voicemail calls only
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_voicemail_title">Voicemail</string>
<string name="tab_speed_dial">Speed Dial</string>
<string name="tab_recents">Recents</string>
<string name="tab_all_contacts">Contacts</string>
<!-- Text displayed when user swipes out a favorite contact -->
<string name="favorite_hidden">Removed from favorites</string>
<!-- Text displayed for the undo button to undo removing a favorite contact -->
<string name="favorite_hidden_undo">Undo</string>
<!-- Shortcut item used to call a number directly from search -->
<string name="search_shortcut_call_number">Call
<xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Shortcut item used to add a number directly from search -->
<string name="search_shortcut_add_to_contacts">Add to contacts</string>
<!-- Shortcut item used to make a video call directly from search. -->
<string name="search_shortcut_make_video_call">Make video call</string>
<!-- Title for the recent calls footer that brings users to the full call history when clicked -->
<string name="recents_footer_text">View full call history</string>
<!-- Number of missed calls shown on call card [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="num_missed_calls"><xliff:g id="number">%s</xliff:g> new missed calls</string>
<!-- Shown when there are no speed dial favorites. -->
<string name="speed_dial_empty">Speed dial is one touch dialing\nfor favorites and numbers\n you call frequently.</string>
<!-- Shown when there are no contacts in the all contacts list. -->
<string name="all_contacts_empty">You have no contacts.</string>
<!-- Shows up as a tooltip to provide a hint to the user that the profile pic in a contact
card can be tapped to bring up a list of all numbers, or long pressed to start reordering
<string name="contact_tooltip">Tap image to see all numbers or press and hold to reorder</string>
<!-- Content description for dismiss button on badge. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="description_dismiss">Dismiss</string>
<!-- Remove button that shows up when contact is long-pressed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="remove_contact">Remove</string>
<!-- Button text for the "all contacts" button displayed on the main dialer screen above the
list of favorite phone numbers. Navigates the user to the "All Contacts" list.
This text represents the same action as the text in string "menu_allContacts".
[CHAR LIMIT=21] -->
<string name="favorites_menu_all_contacts">ALL CONTACTS</string>
<!-- Button text for the "call back" button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
Tapping causes a call to be placed to the caller represented by the call log entry.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_action_call_back">CALL BACK</string>
<!-- Button text for the "video call" button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
Tapping causes a video call to be placed to the caller represented by the call log entry.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_action_video_call">VIDEO CALL</string>
<!-- Button text for the "LISTEN" button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
Tapping navigates the user to the call details screen where the user can listen to the
voicemail represented by the call log entry.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_action_voicemail">LISTEN</string>
<!-- Button text for the "DETAILS" button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
Tapping navigates the user to the call details screen where the user can view details for
the call log entry.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_action_details">DETAILS</string>
<!-- String describing an incoming missed call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_incoming_missed_call">Missed call from <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing an incoming answered call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_incoming_answered_call">Answered call from <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing an outgoing call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_outgoing_call">Call to <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing an incoming missed video call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_incoming_missed_video_call">Missed video call from <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing an incoming answered video call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_incoming_answered_video_call">Answered video call from <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing an outgoing video call entry in the call log.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce what the view represents.
<string name="description_outgoing_video_call">Video call to <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="typeOrLocation" example="Mobile">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="timeOfCall" example="2 min ago">%3$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing the "call back" action for an entry in the call log. The call back
action triggers a return call to the named user.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_call_back_action">Call back <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing the "video call" action for an entry in the call log. The video call
action triggers a return video call to the named person/number.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_video_call_action">Video call to <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- String describing the "listen" action for an entry in the call log. The listen
action is shown for call log entries representing a voicemail message and this button
triggers playing back the voicemail.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_voicemail_action">Listen to voicemail from <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing the "details" action for an entry in the call log. The details action
displays the call details screen for an entry in the call log. This shows the calls to
and from the specified number associated with the call log entry.
<string name="description_details_action">Call details for <xliff:g id="nameOrNumber" example="John Smith">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Toast message which appears when a call log entry is deleted.
<string name="toast_entry_removed">Call log entry deleted.</string>
<!-- Toast message which appears when a call log contact is reported.
<string name="toast_caller_id_reported">Contact reported.</string>
<!-- Button text for the "report" button displayed underneath an entry in the call log.
Tapping causes the call log entry to be reported to Google as a bad id.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="call_log_action_report">REPORT</string>
<!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred today.
[CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="call_log_header_today">Today</string>
<!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred yesterday.
[CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="call_log_header_yesterday">Yesterday</string>
<!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred last week.
[CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="call_log_header_last_week">Last week</string>
<!-- String used as a header in the call log above calls which occurred more than a week ago.
[CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="call_log_header_other">Older</string>
<!-- String a header on the call details screen. Appears above the list calls to or from a
particular number.
[CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="call_detail_list_header">Call List</string>
<!-- String describing the "speaker on" button on the playback control used to listen to a
voicemail message. When speaker is on, playback of the voicemail will occur through the
phone speaker.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="voicemail_speaker_on">Turn speaker on.</string>
<!-- String describing the "speaker off" button on the playback control used to listen to a
voicemail message. When speaker is off, playback of the voicemail will occur through the
phone earpiece.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="voicemail_speaker_off">Turn speaker off.</string>
<!-- String describing the "play faster" button in the playback control used to listen to a
voicemail message. Speeds up playback of the voicemail message.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="voicemail_play_faster">Play faster.</string>
<!-- String describing the "play slower" button in the playback control used to listen to a
voicemail message. Slows down playback of the voicemail message.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="voicemail_play_slower">Play slower.</string>
<!-- String describing the "play/pause" button in the playback control used to listen to a
voicemail message. Starts playback or pauses ongoing playback.
Note: AccessibilityServices uses this attribute to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="voicemail_play_start_pause">Start or pause playback.</string>
<!-- Delimeter used between each item in a textual list; for example "Alpha, Beta".
[CHAR LIMIT=3] -->
<string name="list_delimeter">", "</string>
<!-- Dialer settings related strings-->
<!-- Label for the call settings section [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
<string name="call_settings_label">Call Settings</string>
<!-- Label for the call settings section description [CHAR LIMIT=80]-->
<string name="call_settings_description">Ringtones, voicemail settings, VoIP calling, etc</string>