blob: dbfbcfc1c7cb990ae5bc39cbf5241a0285dcfecb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* A classifier which calculates the variance of differences between successive angles in a stroke.
* For each stroke it keeps its last three points. If some successive points are the same, it
* ignores the repetitions. If a new point is added, the classifier calculates the angle between the
* last three points. After that, it calculates the difference between this angle and the previously
* calculated angle. Then it calculates the variance of the differences from a stroke. To the
* differences there is artificially added value 0.0 and the difference between the first angle and
* PI (angles are in radians). It helps with strokes which have few points and punishes more strokes
* which are not smooth.
* <p>This classifier also tries to split the stroke into two parts in the place in which the
* biggest angle is. It calculates the angle variance of the two parts and sums them up. The reason
* the classifier is doing this, is because some human swipes at the beginning go for a moment in
* one direction and then they rapidly change direction for the rest of the stroke (like a tick).
* The final result is the minimum of angle variance of the whole stroke and the sum of angle
* variances of the two parts split up. The classifier tries the tick option only if the first part
* is shorter than the second part.
* <p>Additionally, the classifier classifies the angles as left angles (those angles which value is
* in [0.0, PI - ANGLE_DEVIATION) interval), straight angles ([PI - ANGLE_DEVIATION, PI +
* ANGLE_DEVIATION] interval) and right angles ((PI + ANGLE_DEVIATION, 2 * PI) interval) and then
* calculates the percentage of angles which are in the same direction (straight angles can be left
* angels or right angles)
class AnglesClassifier extends StrokeClassifier {
private Map<Stroke, Data> mStrokeMap = new ArrayMap<>();
public AnglesClassifier(ClassifierData classifierData) {
mClassifierData = classifierData;
public String getTag() {
return "ANG";
public void onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
int action = event.getActionMasked();
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
for (int i = 0; i < event.getPointerCount(); i++) {
Stroke stroke = mClassifierData.getStroke(event.getPointerId(i));
if (mStrokeMap.get(stroke) == null) {
mStrokeMap.put(stroke, new Data());
mStrokeMap.get(stroke).addPoint(stroke.getPoints().get(stroke.getPoints().size() - 1));
public float getFalseTouchEvaluation(Stroke stroke) {
Data data = mStrokeMap.get(stroke);
return AnglesVarianceEvaluator.evaluate(data.getAnglesVariance())
+ AnglesPercentageEvaluator.evaluate(data.getAnglesPercentage());
private static class Data {
private static final float ANGLE_DEVIATION = (float) Math.PI / 20.0f;
private static final float MIN_MOVE_DIST_DP = .01f;
private List<Point> mLastThreePoints = new ArrayList<>();
private float mFirstAngleVariance;
private float mPreviousAngle;
private float mBiggestAngle;
private float mSumSquares;
private float mSecondSumSquares;
private float mSum;
private float mSecondSum;
private float mCount;
private float mSecondCount;
private float mFirstLength;
private float mLength;
private float mAnglesCount;
private float mLeftAngles;
private float mRightAngles;
private float mStraightAngles;
public Data() {
mFirstAngleVariance = 0.0f;
mPreviousAngle = (float) Math.PI;
mBiggestAngle = 0.0f;
mSumSquares = mSecondSumSquares = 0.0f;
mSum = mSecondSum = 0.0f;
mCount = mSecondCount = 1.0f;
mLength = mFirstLength = 0.0f;
mAnglesCount = mLeftAngles = mRightAngles = mStraightAngles = 0.0f;
public void addPoint(Point point) {
// Checking if the added point is different than the previously added point
// Repetitions and short distances are being ignored so that proper angles are calculated.
if (mLastThreePoints.isEmpty()
|| (!mLastThreePoints.get(mLastThreePoints.size() - 1).equals(point)
&& (mLastThreePoints.get(mLastThreePoints.size() - 1).dist(point)
if (!mLastThreePoints.isEmpty()) {
mLength += mLastThreePoints.get(mLastThreePoints.size() - 1).dist(point);
if (mLastThreePoints.size() == 4) {
float angle =
mLastThreePoints.get(1).getAngle(mLastThreePoints.get(0), mLastThreePoints.get(2));
if (angle < Math.PI - ANGLE_DEVIATION) {
} else if (angle <= Math.PI + ANGLE_DEVIATION) {
} else {
float difference = angle - mPreviousAngle;
// If this is the biggest angle of the stroke so then we save the value of
// the angle variance so far and start to count the values for the angle
// variance of the second part.
if (mBiggestAngle < angle) {
mBiggestAngle = angle;
mFirstLength = mLength;
mFirstAngleVariance = getAnglesVariance(mSumSquares, mSum, mCount);
mSecondSumSquares = 0.0f;
mSecondSum = 0.0f;
mSecondCount = 1.0f;
} else {
mSecondSum += difference;
mSecondSumSquares += difference * difference;
mSecondCount += 1.0f;
mSum += difference;
mSumSquares += difference * difference;
mCount += 1.0f;
mPreviousAngle = angle;
public float getAnglesVariance(float sumSquares, float sum, float count) {
return sumSquares / count - (sum / count) * (sum / count);
public float getAnglesVariance() {
float anglesVariance = getAnglesVariance(mSumSquares, mSum, mCount);
if (mFirstLength < mLength / 2f) {
anglesVariance =
+ getAnglesVariance(mSecondSumSquares, mSecondSum, mSecondCount));
return anglesVariance;
public float getAnglesPercentage() {
if (mAnglesCount == 0.0f) {
return 1.0f;
return (Math.max(mLeftAngles, mRightAngles) + mStraightAngles) / mAnglesCount;