blob: 970423cbd0de7ff5ebb9c47fbfb1b2bcf327c6dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Class represents an IMAP list.
public class ImapList extends ImapElement {
* {@link ImapList} representing an empty list.
public static final ImapList EMPTY = new ImapList() {
@Override public void destroy() {
// Don't call super.destroy().
// It's a shared object. We don't want the mDestroyed to be set on this.
@Override void add(ImapElement e) {
throw new RuntimeException();
private ArrayList<ImapElement> mList = new ArrayList<ImapElement>();
/* package */ void add(ImapElement e) {
if (e == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't add null");
public final boolean isString() {
return false;
public final boolean isList() {
return true;
public final int size() {
return mList.size();
public final boolean isEmpty() {
return size() == 0;
* Return true if the element at {@code index} exists, is string, and equals to {@code s}.
* (case insensitive)
public final boolean is(int index, String s) {
return is(index, s, false);
* Same as {@link #is(int, String)}, but does the prefix match if {@code prefixMatch}.
public final boolean is(int index, String s, boolean prefixMatch) {
if (!prefixMatch) {
return getStringOrEmpty(index).is(s);
} else {
return getStringOrEmpty(index).startsWith(s);
* Return the element at {@code index}.
* If {@code index} is out of range, returns {@link ImapElement#NONE}.
public final ImapElement getElementOrNone(int index) {
return (index >= mList.size()) ? ImapElement.NONE : mList.get(index);
* Return the element at {@code index} if it's a list.
* If {@code index} is out of range or not a list, returns {@link ImapList#EMPTY}.
public final ImapList getListOrEmpty(int index) {
ImapElement el = getElementOrNone(index);
return el.isList() ? (ImapList) el : EMPTY;
* Return the element at {@code index} if it's a string.
* If {@code index} is out of range or not a string, returns {@link ImapString#EMPTY}.
public final ImapString getStringOrEmpty(int index) {
ImapElement el = getElementOrNone(index);
return el.isString() ? (ImapString) el : ImapString.EMPTY;
* Return an element keyed by {@code key}. Return null if not found. {@code key} has to be
* at an even index.
/* package */ final ImapElement getKeyedElementOrNull(String key, boolean prefixMatch) {
for (int i = 1; i < size(); i += 2) {
if (is(i-1, key, prefixMatch)) {
return mList.get(i);
return null;
* Return an {@link ImapList} keyed by {@code key}.
* Return {@link ImapList#EMPTY} if not found.
public final ImapList getKeyedListOrEmpty(String key) {
return getKeyedListOrEmpty(key, false);
* Return an {@link ImapList} keyed by {@code key}.
* Return {@link ImapList#EMPTY} if not found.
public final ImapList getKeyedListOrEmpty(String key, boolean prefixMatch) {
ImapElement e = getKeyedElementOrNull(key, prefixMatch);
return (e != null) ? ((ImapList) e) : ImapList.EMPTY;
* Return an {@link ImapString} keyed by {@code key}.
* Return {@link ImapString#EMPTY} if not found.
public final ImapString getKeyedStringOrEmpty(String key) {
return getKeyedStringOrEmpty(key, false);
* Return an {@link ImapString} keyed by {@code key}.
* Return {@link ImapString#EMPTY} if not found.
public final ImapString getKeyedStringOrEmpty(String key, boolean prefixMatch) {
ImapElement e = getKeyedElementOrNull(key, prefixMatch);
return (e != null) ? ((ImapString) e) : ImapString.EMPTY;
* Return true if it contains {@code s}.
public final boolean contains(String s) {
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if (getStringOrEmpty(i).is(s)) {
return true;
return false;
public void destroy() {
if (mList != null) {
for (ImapElement e : mList) {
mList = null;
public String toString() {
return mList.toString();
* Return the text representations of the contents concatenated with ",".
public final String flatten() {
return flatten(new StringBuilder()).toString();
* Returns text representations (i.e. getString()) of contents joined together with
* "," as the separator.
* Only used for building the capability string passed to vendor policies.
* We can't use toString(), because it's for debugging (meaning the format may change any time),
* and it won't expand literals.
private final StringBuilder flatten(StringBuilder sb) {
for (int i = 0; i < mList.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
final ImapElement e = getElementOrNone(i);
if (e.isList()) {
} else if (e.isString()) {
return sb;
public boolean equalsForTest(ImapElement that) {
if (!super.equalsForTest(that)) {
return false;
ImapList thatList = (ImapList) that;
if (size() != thatList.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if (!mList.get(i).equalsForTest(thatList.getElementOrNone(i))) {
return false;
return true;