blob: b51891a8cd43f184abccb74220c5599629ae369f [file] [log] [blame]
* Note: These methods currently take characters as arguments. For future planned language support,
* they will need to be changed to use codepoints instead of characters.
* If/when this change is made, LatinSmartDialMap(which operates on chars) will continue to work
* by simply casting from a codepoint to a character.
public interface SmartDialMap {
* Returns true if the provided character can be mapped to a key on the dialpad
public boolean isValidDialpadCharacter(char ch);
* Returns true if the provided character is a letter, and can be mapped to a key on the dialpad
public boolean isValidDialpadAlphabeticChar(char ch);
* Returns true if the provided character is a digit, and can be mapped to a key on the dialpad
public boolean isValidDialpadNumericChar(char ch);
* Get the index of the key on the dialpad which the character corresponds to
public byte getDialpadIndex(char ch);
* Get the actual numeric character on the dialpad which the character corresponds to
public char getDialpadNumericCharacter(char ch);
* Converts uppercase characters to lower case ones, and on a best effort basis, strips accents
* from accented characters.
public char normalizeCharacter(char ch);