blob: 77da7e937d19c756d8149d6358d5a12cf558bc8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentProviderOperation;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.OperationApplicationException;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.provider.ContactsContract;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.PinnedPositions;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LongSparseArray;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
* Also allows for a configurable number of columns as well as a maximum row of tiled contacts.
public class PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements
OnDragDropListener {
private static final String TAG = PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter.class.getSimpleName();
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public static final int NO_ROW_LIMIT = -1;
public static final int ROW_LIMIT_DEFAULT = NO_ROW_LIMIT;
private ContactTileView.Listener mListener;
private OnDataSetChangedForAnimationListener mDataSetChangedListener;
private Context mContext;
private Resources mResources;
private ContactsPreferences mContactsPreferences;
/** Contact data stored in cache. This is used to populate the associated view. */
protected ArrayList<ContactEntry> mContactEntries = null;
/** Back up of the temporarily removed Contact during dragging. */
private ContactEntry mDraggedEntry = null;
/** Position of the temporarily removed contact in the cache. */
private int mDraggedEntryIndex = -1;
/** New position of the temporarily removed contact in the cache. */
private int mDropEntryIndex = -1;
/** New position of the temporarily entered contact in the cache. */
private int mDragEnteredEntryIndex = -1;
private boolean mAwaitingRemove = false;
private boolean mDelayCursorUpdates = false;
private ContactPhotoManager mPhotoManager;
protected int mNumFrequents;
protected int mNumStarred;
protected int mIdIndex;
protected int mLookupIndex;
protected int mPhotoUriIndex;
protected int mNamePrimaryIndex;
protected int mNameAlternativeIndex;
protected int mPresenceIndex;
protected int mStatusIndex;
private int mPhoneNumberIndex;
private int mPhoneNumberTypeIndex;
private int mPhoneNumberLabelIndex;
private int mIsDefaultNumberIndex;
private int mStarredIndex;
protected int mPinnedIndex;
protected int mContactIdIndex;
/** Indicates whether a drag is in process. */
private boolean mInDragging = false;
// Pinned positions start from 1, so there are a total of 20 maximum pinned contacts
public static final int PIN_LIMIT = 21;
* The soft limit on how many contact tiles to show.
* NOTE This soft limit would not restrict the number of starred contacts to show, rather
* 1. If the count of starred contacts is less than this limit, show 20 tiles total.
* 2. If the count of starred contacts is more than or equal to this limit,
* show all starred tiles and no frequents.
private static final int TILES_SOFT_LIMIT = 20;
final Comparator<ContactEntry> mContactEntryComparator = new Comparator<ContactEntry>() {
public int compare(ContactEntry lhs, ContactEntry rhs) {
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(lhs.pinned, rhs.pinned)
.compare(getPreferredSortName(lhs), getPreferredSortName(rhs))
private String getPreferredSortName(ContactEntry contactEntry) {
if (mContactsPreferences.getSortOrder() == ContactsPreferences.SORT_ORDER_PRIMARY
|| TextUtils.isEmpty(contactEntry.nameAlternative)) {
return contactEntry.namePrimary;
return contactEntry.nameAlternative;
public interface OnDataSetChangedForAnimationListener {
public void onDataSetChangedForAnimation(long... idsInPlace);
public void cacheOffsetsForDatasetChange();
public PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter(Context context, ContactTileView.Listener listener,
OnDataSetChangedForAnimationListener dataSetChangedListener) {
mDataSetChangedListener = dataSetChangedListener;
mListener = listener;
mContext = context;
mResources = context.getResources();
mContactsPreferences = new ContactsPreferences(mContext);
mNumFrequents = 0;
mContactEntries = new ArrayList<ContactEntry>();
public void setPhotoLoader(ContactPhotoManager photoLoader) {
mPhotoManager = photoLoader;
* Indicates whether a drag is in process.
* @param inDragging Boolean variable indicating whether there is a drag in process.
public void setInDragging(boolean inDragging) {
mDelayCursorUpdates = inDragging;
mInDragging = inDragging;
/** Gets whether the drag is in process. */
public boolean getInDragging() {
return mInDragging;
* Sets the column indices for expected {@link Cursor}
* based on {@link DisplayType}.
protected void bindColumnIndices() {
mIdIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.CONTACT_ID;
mNamePrimaryIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME;
mNameAlternativeIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.DISPLAY_NAME_ALTERNATIVE;
mStarredIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.STARRED;
mPhotoUriIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.PHOTO_URI;
mLookupIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.LOOKUP_KEY;
mPhoneNumberIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.PHONE_NUMBER;
mPhoneNumberTypeIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.PHONE_NUMBER_TYPE;
mPhoneNumberLabelIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.PHONE_NUMBER_LABEL;
mPinnedIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.PINNED;
mContactIdIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.CONTACT_ID_FOR_DATA;
mPresenceIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.CONTACT_PRESENCE;
mStatusIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.CONTACT_STATUS;
mIsDefaultNumberIndex = ContactTileLoaderFactory.IS_DEFAULT_NUMBER;
public void refreshContactsPreferences() {
* Gets the number of frequents from the passed in cursor.
* This methods is needed so the GroupMemberTileAdapter can override this.
* @param cursor The cursor to get number of frequents from.
protected void saveNumFrequentsFromCursor(Cursor cursor) {
mNumFrequents = cursor.getCount() - mNumStarred;
* Creates {@link ContactTileView}s for each item in {@link Cursor}.
* Else use {@link ContactTileLoaderFactory}
public void setContactCursor(Cursor cursor) {
if (!mDelayCursorUpdates && cursor != null && !cursor.isClosed()) {
mNumStarred = getNumStarredContacts(cursor);
if (mAwaitingRemove) {
// cause a refresh of any views that rely on this data
// about to start redraw
* Saves the cursor data to the cache, to speed up UI changes.
* @param cursor Returned cursor with data to populate the view.
private void saveCursorToCache(Cursor cursor) {
final LongSparseArray<Object> duplicates = new LongSparseArray<Object>(cursor.getCount());
// Track the length of {@link #mContactEntries} and compare to {@link #TILES_SOFT_LIMIT}.
int counter = 0;
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
final int starred = cursor.getInt(mStarredIndex);
final long id;
// We display a maximum of TILES_SOFT_LIMIT contacts, or the total number of starred
// whichever is greater.
if (starred < 1 && counter >= TILES_SOFT_LIMIT) {
} else {
id = cursor.getLong(mContactIdIndex);
final ContactEntry existing = (ContactEntry) duplicates.get(id);
if (existing != null) {
// Check if the existing number is a default number. If not, clear the phone number
// and label fields so that the disambiguation dialog will show up.
if (!existing.isDefaultNumber) {
existing.phoneLabel = null;
existing.phoneNumber = null;
final String photoUri = cursor.getString(mPhotoUriIndex);
final String lookupKey = cursor.getString(mLookupIndex);
final int pinned = cursor.getInt(mPinnedIndex);
final String name = cursor.getString(mNamePrimaryIndex);
final String nameAlternative = cursor.getString(mNameAlternativeIndex);
final boolean isStarred = cursor.getInt(mStarredIndex) > 0;
final boolean isDefaultNumber = cursor.getInt(mIsDefaultNumberIndex) > 0;
final ContactEntry contact = new ContactEntry(); = id;
contact.namePrimary = (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) ? name :
contact.nameAlternative = (!TextUtils.isEmpty(nameAlternative)) ? nameAlternative :
contact.nameDisplayOrder = mContactsPreferences.getDisplayOrder();
contact.photoUri = (photoUri != null ? Uri.parse(photoUri) : null);
contact.lookupKey = lookupKey;
contact.lookupUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, lookupKey), id);
contact.isFavorite = isStarred;
contact.isDefaultNumber = isDefaultNumber;
// Set phone number and label
final int phoneNumberType = cursor.getInt(mPhoneNumberTypeIndex);
final String phoneNumberCustomLabel = cursor.getString(mPhoneNumberLabelIndex);
contact.phoneLabel = (String) Phone.getTypeLabel(mResources, phoneNumberType,
contact.phoneNumber = cursor.getString(mPhoneNumberIndex);
contact.pinned = pinned;
duplicates.put(id, contact);
mAwaitingRemove = false;
* Iterates over the {@link Cursor}
* Returns position of the first NON Starred Contact
* Returns -1 if {@link DisplayType#STARRED_ONLY}
* Returns 0 if {@link DisplayType#FREQUENT_ONLY}
protected int getNumStarredContacts(Cursor cursor) {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
if (cursor.getInt(mStarredIndex) == 0) {
return cursor.getPosition();
// There are not NON Starred contacts in cursor
// Set divider positon to end
return cursor.getCount();
* Returns the number of frequents that will be displayed in the list.
public int getNumFrequents() {
return mNumFrequents;
public int getCount() {
if (mContactEntries == null) {
return 0;
return mContactEntries.size();
* Returns an ArrayList of the {@link ContactEntry}s that are to appear
* on the row for the given position.
public ContactEntry getItem(int position) {
return mContactEntries.get(position);
* For the top row of tiled contacts, the item id is the position of the row of
* contacts.
* For frequent contacts, the item id is the maximum number of rows of tiled contacts +
* the actual contact id. Since contact ids are always greater than 0, this guarantees that
* all items within this adapter will always have unique ids.
public long getItemId(int position) {
return getItem(position).id;
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return true;
public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return true;
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
return getCount() > 0;
public void notifyDataSetChanged() {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.v(TAG, "notifyDataSetChanged");
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.v(TAG, "get view for " + String.valueOf(position));
int itemViewType = getItemViewType(position);
PhoneFavoriteTileView tileView = null;
if (convertView instanceof PhoneFavoriteTileView) {
tileView = (PhoneFavoriteTileView) convertView;
if (tileView == null) {
tileView = (PhoneFavoriteTileView) View.inflate(mContext,
R.layout.phone_favorite_tile_view, null);
return tileView;
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return ViewTypes.COUNT;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
return ViewTypes.TILE;
* Temporarily removes a contact from the list for UI refresh. Stores data for this contact
* in the back-up variable.
* @param index Position of the contact to be removed.
public void popContactEntry(int index) {
if (isIndexInBound(index)) {
mDraggedEntry = mContactEntries.get(index);
mDraggedEntryIndex = index;
mDragEnteredEntryIndex = index;
* @param itemIndex Position of the contact in {@link #mContactEntries}.
* @return True if the given index is valid for {@link #mContactEntries}.
public boolean isIndexInBound(int itemIndex) {
return itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < mContactEntries.size();
* Mark the tile as drop area by given the item index in {@link #mContactEntries}.
* @param itemIndex Position of the contact in {@link #mContactEntries}.
private void markDropArea(int itemIndex) {
if (mDraggedEntry != null && isIndexInBound(mDragEnteredEntryIndex) &&
isIndexInBound(itemIndex)) {
// Remove the old placeholder item and place the new placeholder item.
final int oldIndex = mDragEnteredEntryIndex;
mDragEnteredEntryIndex = itemIndex;
mContactEntries.add(mDragEnteredEntryIndex, ContactEntry.BLANK_ENTRY); =;
* Drops the temporarily removed contact to the desired location in the list.
public void handleDrop() {
boolean changed = false;
if (mDraggedEntry != null) {
if (isIndexInBound(mDragEnteredEntryIndex) &&
mDragEnteredEntryIndex != mDraggedEntryIndex) {
// Don't add the ContactEntry here (to prevent a double animation from occuring).
// When we receive a new cursor the list of contact entries will automatically be
// populated with the dragged ContactEntry at the correct spot.
mDropEntryIndex = mDragEnteredEntryIndex;
mContactEntries.set(mDropEntryIndex, mDraggedEntry);
changed = true;
} else if (isIndexInBound(mDraggedEntryIndex)) {
// If {@link #mDragEnteredEntryIndex} is invalid,
// falls back to the original position of the contact.
mContactEntries.add(mDraggedEntryIndex, mDraggedEntry);
mDropEntryIndex = mDraggedEntryIndex;
if (changed && mDropEntryIndex < PIN_LIMIT) {
final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> operations =
getReflowedPinningOperations(mContactEntries, mDraggedEntryIndex,
if (!operations.isEmpty()) {
// update the database here with the new pinned positions
try {
} catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception thrown when pinning contacts", e);
mDraggedEntry = null;
* Invoked when the dragged item is dropped to unsupported location. We will then move the
* contact back to where it was dragged from.
public void dropToUnsupportedView() {
if (isIndexInBound(mDragEnteredEntryIndex)) {
mContactEntries.add(mDraggedEntryIndex, mDraggedEntry);
* Clears all temporary variables at a new interaction.
public void cleanTempVariables() {
mDraggedEntryIndex = -1;
mDropEntryIndex = -1;
mDragEnteredEntryIndex = -1;
mDraggedEntry = null;
* Used when a contact is removed from speeddial. This will both unstar and set pinned position
* of the contact to PinnedPosition.DEMOTED so that it doesn't show up anymore in the favorites
* list.
private void unstarAndUnpinContact(Uri contactUri) {
final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(2);
values.put(Contacts.STARRED, false);
values.put(Contacts.PINNED, PinnedPositions.DEMOTED);
mContext.getContentResolver().update(contactUri, values, null, null);
* Given a list of contacts that each have pinned positions, rearrange the list (destructive)
* such that all pinned contacts are in their defined pinned positions, and unpinned contacts
* take the spaces between those pinned contacts. Demoted contacts should not appear in the
* resulting list.
* This method also updates the pinned positions of pinned contacts so that they are all
* unique positive integers within range from 0 to toArrange.size() - 1. This is because
* when the contact entries are read from the database, it is possible for them to have
* overlapping pin positions due to sync or modifications by third party apps.
/* package */ void arrangeContactsByPinnedPosition(ArrayList<ContactEntry> toArrange) {
final PriorityQueue<ContactEntry> pinnedQueue =
new PriorityQueue<ContactEntry>(PIN_LIMIT, mContactEntryComparator);
final List<ContactEntry> unpinnedContacts = new LinkedList<ContactEntry>();
final int length = toArrange.size();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final ContactEntry contact = toArrange.get(i);
// Decide whether the contact is hidden(demoted), pinned, or unpinned
if (contact.pinned > PIN_LIMIT || contact.pinned == PinnedPositions.UNPINNED) {
} else if (contact.pinned > PinnedPositions.DEMOTED) {
// Demoted or contacts with negative pinned positions are ignored.
// Pinned contacts go into a priority queue where they are ranked by pinned
// position. This is required because the contacts provider does not return
// contacts ordered by pinned position.
final int maxToPin = Math.min(PIN_LIMIT, pinnedQueue.size() + unpinnedContacts.size());
for (int i = 1; i < maxToPin + 1; i++) {
if (!pinnedQueue.isEmpty() && pinnedQueue.peek().pinned <= i) {
final ContactEntry toPin = pinnedQueue.poll();
toPin.pinned = i;
} else if (!unpinnedContacts.isEmpty()) {
// If there are still contacts in pinnedContacts at this point, it means that the pinned
// positions of these pinned contacts exceed the actual number of contacts in the list.
// For example, the user had 10 frequents, starred and pinned one of them at the last spot,
// and then cleared frequents. Contacts in this situation should become unpinned.
while (!pinnedQueue.isEmpty()) {
final ContactEntry entry = pinnedQueue.poll();
entry.pinned = PinnedPositions.UNPINNED;
// Any remaining unpinned contacts that weren't in the gaps between the pinned contacts
// now just get appended to the end of the list.
* Given an existing list of contact entries and a single entry that is to be pinned at a
* particular position, return a list of {@link ContentProviderOperation}s that contains new
* pinned positions for all contacts that are forced to be pinned at new positions, trying as
* much as possible to keep pinned contacts at their original location.
* At this point in time the pinned position of each contact in the list has already been
* updated by {@link #arrangeContactsByPinnedPosition}, so we can assume that all pinned
* positions(within {@link #PIN_LIMIT} are unique positive integers.
/* package */ ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> getReflowedPinningOperations(
ArrayList<ContactEntry> list, int oldPos, int newPinPos) {
final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> positions = Lists.newArrayList();
final int lowerBound = Math.min(oldPos, newPinPos);
final int upperBound = Math.max(oldPos, newPinPos);
for (int i = lowerBound; i <= upperBound; i++) {
final ContactEntry entry = list.get(i);
// Pinned positions in the database start from 1 instead of being zero-indexed like
// arrays, so offset by 1.
final int databasePinnedPosition = i + 1;
if (entry.pinned == databasePinnedPosition) continue;
final Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, String.valueOf(;
final ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(Contacts.PINNED, databasePinnedPosition);
return positions;
protected static class ViewTypes {
public static final int TILE = 0;
public static final int COUNT = 1;
public void onDragStarted(int x, int y, PhoneFavoriteSquareTileView view) {
final int itemIndex = mContactEntries.indexOf(view.getContactEntry());
public void onDragHovered(int x, int y, PhoneFavoriteSquareTileView view) {
if (view == null) {
// The user is hovering over a view that is not a contact tile, no need to do
// anything here.
final int itemIndex = mContactEntries.indexOf(view.getContactEntry());
if (mInDragging &&
mDragEnteredEntryIndex != itemIndex &&
isIndexInBound(itemIndex) &&
itemIndex < PIN_LIMIT &&
itemIndex >= 0) {
public void onDragFinished(int x, int y) {
// A contact has been dragged to the RemoveView in order to be unstarred, so simply wait
// for the new contact cursor which will cause the UI to be refreshed without the unstarred
// contact.
if (!mAwaitingRemove) {
public void onDroppedOnRemove() {
if (mDraggedEntry != null) {
mAwaitingRemove = true;