blob: 761529cf3ba3a32a56be09300450522fc8dfbe7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.function.LongSupplier;
* Provides auto-scrolling upon request when user's interaction with the application
* introduces a natural intent to scroll. Used by {@link BandController} and
* {@link DragHoverListener} to allow auto scrolling when user either does band selection, or
* attempting to drag and drop files to somewhere off the current screen.
public final class ViewAutoScroller implements Runnable {
public static final int NOT_SET = -1;
* The number of milliseconds of scrolling at which scroll speed continues to increase.
* At first, the scroll starts slowly; then, the rate of scrolling increases until it
* reaches its maximum value at after this many milliseconds.
private static final long SCROLL_ACCELERATION_LIMIT_TIME_MS = 2000;
// Top and bottom inner buffer such that user's cursor does not have to be exactly off screen
// for auto scrolling to begin
private final int mTopBottomThreshold;
private final ScrollDistanceDelegate mCalcDelegate;
private final ScrollActionDelegate mUiDelegate;
private final LongSupplier mCurrentTime;
private long mScrollStartTime = NOT_SET;
public ViewAutoScroller(
int topBottomThreshold,
ScrollDistanceDelegate calcDelegate,
ScrollActionDelegate uiDelegate) {
this(topBottomThreshold, calcDelegate, uiDelegate, System::currentTimeMillis);
int topBottomThreshold,
ScrollDistanceDelegate calcDelegate,
ScrollActionDelegate uiDelegate,
LongSupplier clock) {
mTopBottomThreshold = topBottomThreshold;
mCalcDelegate = calcDelegate;
mUiDelegate = uiDelegate;
mCurrentTime = clock;
* Attempts to smooth-scroll the view at the given UI frame. Application should be
* responsible to do any clean up (such as unsubscribing scrollListeners) after the run has
* finished, and re-run this method on the next UI frame if applicable.
public void run() {
// Compute the number of pixels the pointer's y-coordinate is past the view.
// Negative values mean the pointer is at or before the top of the view, and
// positive values mean that the pointer is at or after the bottom of the view. Note
// that top/bottom threshold is added here so that the view still scrolls when the
// pointer are in these buffer pixels.
int pixelsPastView = 0;
if (mCalcDelegate.getCurrentPosition().y <= mTopBottomThreshold) {
pixelsPastView = mCalcDelegate.getCurrentPosition().y - mTopBottomThreshold;
} else if (mCalcDelegate.getCurrentPosition().y >= mCalcDelegate.getViewHeight()
- mTopBottomThreshold) {
pixelsPastView = mCalcDelegate.getCurrentPosition().y - mCalcDelegate.getViewHeight()
+ mTopBottomThreshold;
if (!mCalcDelegate.isActive() || pixelsPastView == 0) {
// If the operation that started the scrolling is no longer inactive, or if it is active
// but not at the edge of the view, no scrolling is necessary.
mScrollStartTime = NOT_SET;
if (mScrollStartTime == NOT_SET) {
// If the pointer was previously not at the edge of the view but now is, set the
// start time for the scroll.
mScrollStartTime = mCurrentTime.getAsLong();
// Compute the number of pixels to scroll, and scroll that many pixels.
final int numPixels = computeScrollDistance(
pixelsPastView, mCurrentTime.getAsLong() - mScrollStartTime);
// Remove callback to this, and then properly run at next frame again
* Computes the number of pixels to scroll based on how far the pointer is past the end
* of the view and how long it has been there. Roughly based on ItemTouchHelper's
* algorithm for computing the number of pixels to scroll when an item is dragged to the
* end of a view.
* @param pixelsPastView
* @param scrollDuration
* @return
public int computeScrollDistance(int pixelsPastView, long scrollDuration) {
final int maxScrollStep = mCalcDelegate.getViewHeight();
final int direction = (int) Math.signum(pixelsPastView);
final int absPastView = Math.abs(pixelsPastView);
// Calculate the ratio of how far out of the view the pointer currently resides to
// the entire height of the view.
final float outOfBoundsRatio = Math.min(
1.0f, (float) absPastView / mCalcDelegate.getViewHeight());
// Interpolate this ratio and use it to compute the maximum scroll that should be
// possible for this step.
final float cappedScrollStep =
direction * maxScrollStep * smoothOutOfBoundsRatio(outOfBoundsRatio);
// Likewise, calculate the ratio of the time spent in the scroll to the limit.
final float timeRatio = Math.min(
1.0f, (float) scrollDuration / SCROLL_ACCELERATION_LIMIT_TIME_MS);
// Interpolate this ratio and use it to compute the final number of pixels to
// scroll.
final int numPixels = (int) (cappedScrollStep * smoothTimeRatio(timeRatio));
// If the final number of pixels to scroll ends up being 0, the view should still
// scroll at least one pixel.
return numPixels != 0 ? numPixels : direction;
* Interpolates the given out of bounds ratio on a curve which starts at (0,0) and ends
* at (1,1) and quickly approaches 1 near the start of that interval. This ensures that
* drags that are at the edge or barely past the edge of the view still cause sufficient
* scrolling. The equation y=(x-1)^5+1 is used, but this could also be tweaked if
* needed.
* @param ratio A ratio which is in the range [0, 1].
* @return A "smoothed" value, also in the range [0, 1].
private float smoothOutOfBoundsRatio(float ratio) {
return (float) Math.pow(ratio - 1.0f, 5) + 1.0f;
* Interpolates the given time ratio on a curve which starts at (0,0) and ends at (1,1)
* and stays close to 0 for most input values except those very close to 1. This ensures
* that scrolls start out very slowly but speed up drastically after the scroll has been
* in progress close to SCROLL_ACCELERATION_LIMIT_TIME_MS. The equation y=x^5 is used,
* but this could also be tweaked if needed.
* @param ratio A ratio which is in the range [0, 1].
* @return A "smoothed" value, also in the range [0, 1].
private float smoothTimeRatio(float ratio) {
return (float) Math.pow(ratio, 5);
* Used by {@link run} to properly calculate the proper amount of pixels to scroll given time
* passed since scroll started, and to properly scroll / proper listener clean up if necessary.
interface ScrollDistanceDelegate {
public Point getCurrentPosition();
public int getViewHeight();
public boolean isActive();
* Used by {@link run} to do UI tasks, such as scrolling and rerunning at next UI cycle.
interface ScrollActionDelegate {
public void scrollBy(int dy);
public void runAtNextFrame(Runnable r);
public void removeCallback(Runnable r);