blob: 0575602f171fa8227fc43947e4b4f2ac419d9116 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["packages_apps_Launcher3_license"],
min_launcher3_sdk_version = "26"
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
license {
name: "packages_apps_Launcher3_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
android_library {
name: "launcher-aosp-tapl",
libs: [
static_libs: [
srcs: [
resource_dirs: [ ],
manifest: "tests/tapl/AndroidManifest.xml",
platform_apis: true,
java_library_static {
name: "launcher_log_protos_lite",
srcs: [
sdk_version: "current",
proto: {
type: "lite",
static_libs: ["libprotobuf-java-lite"],
java_library_static {
name: "launcher_quickstep_log_protos_lite",
srcs: [
sdk_version: "current",
proto: {
type: "lite",
static_libs: [
java_library {
name: "LauncherPluginLib",
static_libs: ["PluginCoreLib"],
srcs: ["src_plugins/**/*.java"],
sdk_version: "current",
min_sdk_version: min_launcher3_sdk_version,
// Library with all the dependencies for building Launcher3
android_library {
name: "Launcher3ResLib",
srcs: [ ],
resource_dirs: ["res"],
static_libs: [
manifest: "AndroidManifest-common.xml",
sdk_version: "current",
min_sdk_version: min_launcher3_sdk_version,
lint: {
baseline_filename: "lint-baseline-res-lib.xml",
// Build rule for Launcher3 dependencies lib.
android_library {
name: "Launcher3CommonDepsLib",
srcs: ["src_build_config/**/*.java"],
static_libs: ["Launcher3ResLib"],
sdk_version: "current",
min_sdk_version: min_launcher3_sdk_version,
manifest: "AndroidManifest-common.xml",
lint: {
baseline_filename: "lint-baseline-common-deps-lib.xml",
// Build rule for Launcher3 app.
android_app {
name: "Launcher3",
static_libs: [
srcs: [
resource_dirs: [
optimize: {
proguard_flags_files: ["proguard.flags"],
// Proguard is disable for testing. Derivarive prjects to keep proguard enabled
enabled: false,
sdk_version: "current",
min_sdk_version: min_launcher3_sdk_version,
target_sdk_version: "current",
privileged: true,
system_ext_specific: true,
overrides: [
required: [""],
jacoco: {
include_filter: ["**"],
additional_manifests: [
lint: {
baseline_filename: "lint-baseline-launcher3.xml",
// Library with all the dependencies for building quickstep
android_library {
name: "QuickstepResLib",
srcs: [ ],
resource_dirs: [
libs: [
static_libs: [
manifest: "quickstep/AndroidManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "current",
// Source code used for test helpers
filegroup {
name: "launcher-src-ext-tests",
srcs: [
// Common source files used to build launcher
filegroup {
name: "launcher-src-no-build-config",
srcs: [
// Proguard files for Launcher3
filegroup {
name: "launcher-proguard-rules",
srcs: ["proguard.flags"],
// Library with all the dependencies for building Launcher Go
android_library {
name: "LauncherGoResLib",
srcs: [
resource_dirs: [
// Note the ordering here is important when it comes to resource
// overriding. We want the most specific resource overrides defined
// in QuickstepResLib to take precendece, so it should be the final
// dependency. See b/205278434 for how this can go wrong.
static_libs: [
plugins: ["androidx.room_room-compiler-plugin"],
manifest: "quickstep/AndroidManifest-launcher.xml",
additional_manifests: [
min_sdk_version: "current",
lint: {
baseline_filename: "lint-baseline-go-res-lib.xml",
// Build rule for Quickstep library
android_library {
name: "Launcher3QuickStepLib",
srcs: [
resource_dirs: [],
libs: [
// Note the ordering here is important when it comes to resource
// overriding. We want the most specific resource overrides defined
// in QuickstepResLib to take precendece, so it should be the final
// dependency. See b/208647810 for how this can go wrong.
static_libs: [
manifest: "quickstep/AndroidManifest.xml",
platform_apis: true,
min_sdk_version: "current",
lint: {
baseline_filename: "lint-baseline-launcher3.xml",