blob: 99ee1ec58e9999e518428df75235f745fb688544 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- AllApps/Customize/AppsCustomize -->
<!-- Fade/zoom in/out duration & scale in the Customize transition.
Note: This should be less than the workspaceShrinkTime as they happen together. -->
<integer name="config_customizeZoomInTime">800</integer>
<integer name="config_customizeZoomOutTime">600</integer>
<integer name="config_customizeZoomScaleFactor">7</integer>
<integer name="config_customizeFadeInTime">800</integer>
<!-- The slope, in percent, of the drag movement needed to drag an item out of
Customize (y / x * 100%) -->
<integer name="config_customizationDrawerDragSlopeThreshold">150</integer>
<!-- Duration in milliseconds of the animations between all apps, customize, & home.
NOTE: If these are changed, the toolbar animation times below should also be. -->
<integer name="config_customizeWorkspaceShrinkTime">800</integer>
<!-- Workspace -->
<!-- When dragging items on the workspace, how much bigger (in pixels) the dragged view
should be, as compared to the original view. If 0, it will not be scaled at all.
Should be an even number, for pixel alignment. -->
<integer name="config_dragViewExtraPixels">0</integer>
<!-- When items are dropped on the mini screens in customize mode, we have a bounce animation
of the bright green hover outline, and then fade out the outline at the end. These are
the values used in that animation -->
<integer name="config_screenOnDropScalePercent">120</integer>
<integer name="config_screenOnDropScaleUpDuration">200</integer>
<integer name="config_screenOnDropScaleDownDuration">200</integer>
<integer name="config_screenOnDropAlphaFadeDelay">350</integer>
<integer name="config_screenOnDropAlphaFadeDuration">50</integer>