blob: 8bb845aa63e7fac100713b2709f053fd0da175b5 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
* One dimensional scroll gesture detector for all apps container pull up interaction.
* Client (e.g., AllAppsTransitionController) of this class can register a listener.
* <p/>
* Features that this gesture detector can support.
public class VerticalPullDetector {
private static final boolean DBG = false;
private static final String TAG = "VerticalPullDetector";
private float mTouchSlop;
private int mScrollConditions;
public static final int DIRECTION_UP = 1 << 0;
public static final int DIRECTION_DOWN = 1 << 1;
* The minimum release velocity in pixels per millisecond that triggers fling..
private static final float RELEASE_VELOCITY_PX_MS = 1.0f;
* The time constant used to calculate dampening in the low-pass filter of scroll velocity.
* Cutoff frequency is set at 10 Hz.
public static final float SCROLL_VELOCITY_DAMPENING_RC = 1000f / (2f * (float) Math.PI * 10);
/* Scroll state, this is set to true during dragging and animation. */
private ScrollState mState = ScrollState.IDLE;
enum ScrollState {
DRAGGING, // onDragStart, onDrag
SETTLING // onDragEnd
//------------------- ScrollState transition diagram -----------------------------------
// IDLE -> (mDisplacement > mTouchSlop) -> DRAGGING
// SETTLING -> (View settled) -> IDLE
private void setState(ScrollState newState) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, "setState:" + mState + "->" + newState);
// onDragStart and onDragEnd is reported ONLY on state transition
if (newState == ScrollState.DRAGGING) {
if (mState == ScrollState.IDLE) {
reportDragStart(false /* recatch */);
} else if (mState == ScrollState.SETTLING) {
reportDragStart(true /* recatch */);
if (newState == ScrollState.SETTLING) {
mState = newState;
public boolean isDraggingOrSettling() {
return mState == ScrollState.DRAGGING || mState == ScrollState.SETTLING;
* There's no touch and there's no animation.
public boolean isIdleState() {
return mState == ScrollState.IDLE;
public boolean isSettlingState() {
return mState == ScrollState.SETTLING;
private float mDownX;
private float mDownY;
private float mDownMillis;
private float mLastY;
private float mLastMillis;
private float mVelocity;
private float mLastDisplacement;
private float mDisplacementY;
private float mDisplacementX;
private float mSubtractDisplacement;
private boolean mIgnoreSlopWhenSettling;
/* Client of this gesture detector can register a callback. */
Listener mListener;
public void setListener(Listener l) {
mListener = l;
interface Listener {
void onDragStart(boolean start);
boolean onDrag(float displacement, float velocity);
void onDragEnd(float velocity, boolean fling);
public VerticalPullDetector(Context context) {
mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop();
public void setDetectableScrollConditions(int scrollDirectionFlags, boolean ignoreSlop) {
mScrollConditions = scrollDirectionFlags;
mIgnoreSlopWhenSettling = ignoreSlop;
private boolean shouldScrollStart() {
// reject cases where the slop condition is not met.
if (Math.abs(mDisplacementY) < mTouchSlop) {
return false;
// reject cases where the angle condition is not met.
float deltaY = Math.abs(mDisplacementY);
float deltaX = Math.max(Math.abs(mDisplacementX), 1);
if (deltaX > deltaY) {
return false;
// Check if the client is interested in scroll in current direction.
if (((mScrollConditions & DIRECTION_DOWN) > 0 && mDisplacementY > 0) ||
((mScrollConditions & DIRECTION_UP) > 0 && mDisplacementY < 0)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
switch (ev.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
mDownMillis = ev.getDownTime();
mDownX = ev.getX();
mDownY = ev.getY();
mLastDisplacement = 0;
mDisplacementY = 0;
mVelocity = 0;
if (mState == ScrollState.SETTLING && mIgnoreSlopWhenSettling) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
mDisplacementX = ev.getX() - mDownX;
mDisplacementY = ev.getY() - mDownY;
mVelocity = computeVelocity(ev, mVelocity);
// handle state and listener calls.
if (mState != ScrollState.DRAGGING && shouldScrollStart()) {
if (mState == ScrollState.DRAGGING) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
// These are synthetic events and there is no need to update internal values.
if (mState == ScrollState.DRAGGING) {
//TODO: add multi finger tracking by tracking active pointer.
// Do house keeping.
mLastDisplacement = mDisplacementY;
mLastY = ev.getY();
mLastMillis = ev.getEventTime();
return true;
public void finishedScrolling() {
private boolean reportDragStart(boolean recatch) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, "onDragStart recatch:" + recatch);
return true;
private void initializeDragging() {
if (mState == ScrollState.SETTLING && mIgnoreSlopWhenSettling) {
mSubtractDisplacement = 0;
if (mDisplacementY > 0) {
mSubtractDisplacement = mTouchSlop;
} else {
mSubtractDisplacement = -mTouchSlop;
private boolean reportDragging() {
float delta = mDisplacementY - mLastDisplacement;
if (delta != 0) {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("onDrag disp=%.1f, velocity=%.1f",
mDisplacementY, mVelocity));
return mListener.onDrag(mDisplacementY - mSubtractDisplacement, mVelocity);
return true;
private void reportDragEnd() {
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("onScrolEnd disp=%.1f, velocity=%.1f",
mDisplacementY, mVelocity));
mListener.onDragEnd(mVelocity, Math.abs(mVelocity) > RELEASE_VELOCITY_PX_MS);
* Computes the damped velocity using the two motion events and the previous velocity.
private float computeVelocity(MotionEvent to, float previousVelocity) {
float delta = computeDelta(to);
float deltaTimeMillis = to.getEventTime() - mLastMillis;
float velocity = (deltaTimeMillis > 0) ? (delta / deltaTimeMillis) : 0;
if (Math.abs(previousVelocity) < 0.001f) {
return velocity;
float alpha = computeDampeningFactor(deltaTimeMillis);
return interpolate(previousVelocity, velocity, alpha);
private float computeDelta(MotionEvent to) {
return to.getY() - mLastY;
* Returns a time-dependent dampening factor using delta time.
private static float computeDampeningFactor(float deltaTime) {
return deltaTime / (SCROLL_VELOCITY_DAMPENING_RC + deltaTime);
* Returns the linear interpolation between two values
private static float interpolate(float from, float to, float alpha) {
return (1.0f - alpha) * from + alpha * to;