blob: 8762fef74df5a4ffba76a71415d64aa005791f5f [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentProviderOperation;
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
* This class takes care of shrinking the workspace (by maximum of one row and one column), as a
* result of restoring from a larger device or device density change.
public class GridSizeMigrationTask {
public static boolean ENABLED = Utilities.isNycOrAbove();
private static final String TAG = "GridSizeMigrationTask";
private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
private static final String KEY_MIGRATION_SRC_WORKSPACE_SIZE = "migration_src_workspace_size";
private static final String KEY_MIGRATION_SRC_HOTSEAT_SIZE = "migration_src_hotseat_size";
// Set of entries indicating minimum size a widget can be resized to. This is used during
// restore in case the widget has not been installed yet.
private static final String KEY_MIGRATION_WIDGET_MINSIZE = "migration_widget_min_size";
// These are carefully selected weights for various item types (Math.random?), to allow for
// the least absurd migration experience.
private static final float WT_SHORTCUT = 1;
private static final float WT_APPLICATION = 0.8f;
private static final float WT_WIDGET_MIN = 2;
private static final float WT_WIDGET_FACTOR = 0.6f;
private static final float WT_FOLDER_FACTOR = 0.5f;
private final Context mContext;
private final InvariantDeviceProfile mIdp;
private final HashMap<String, Point> mWidgetMinSize = new HashMap<>();
private final ContentValues mTempValues = new ContentValues();
protected final ArrayList<Long> mEntryToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> mUpdateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
protected final ArrayList<DbEntry> mCarryOver = new ArrayList<>();
private final HashSet<String> mValidPackages;
private final int mSrcX, mSrcY;
private final int mTrgX, mTrgY;
private final boolean mShouldRemoveX, mShouldRemoveY;
private final int mSrcHotseatSize;
private final int mSrcAllAppsRank;
private final int mDestHotseatSize;
private final int mDestAllAppsRank;
protected GridSizeMigrationTask(Context context, InvariantDeviceProfile idp,
HashSet<String> validPackages, HashMap<String, Point> widgetMinSize,
Point sourceSize, Point targetSize) {
mContext = context;
mValidPackages = validPackages;
mIdp = idp;
mSrcX = sourceSize.x;
mSrcY = sourceSize.y;
mTrgX = targetSize.x;
mTrgY = targetSize.y;
mShouldRemoveX = mTrgX < mSrcX;
mShouldRemoveY = mTrgY < mSrcY;
// Non-used variables
mSrcHotseatSize = mSrcAllAppsRank = mDestHotseatSize = mDestAllAppsRank = -1;
protected GridSizeMigrationTask(Context context,
InvariantDeviceProfile idp, HashSet<String> validPackages,
int srcHotseatSize, int srcAllAppsRank,
int destHotseatSize, int destAllAppsRank) {
mContext = context;
mIdp = idp;
mValidPackages = validPackages;
mSrcHotseatSize = srcHotseatSize;
mSrcAllAppsRank = srcAllAppsRank;
mDestHotseatSize = destHotseatSize;
mDestAllAppsRank = destAllAppsRank;
// Non-used variables
mSrcX = mSrcY = mTrgX = mTrgY = -1;
mShouldRemoveX = mShouldRemoveY = false;
* Applied all the pending DB operations
* @return true if any DB operation was commited.
private boolean applyOperations() throws Exception {
// Update items
if (!mUpdateOperations.isEmpty()) {
mContext.getContentResolver().applyBatch(LauncherProvider.AUTHORITY, mUpdateOperations);
if (!mEntryToRemove.isEmpty()) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing items: " + TextUtils.join(", ", mEntryToRemove));
LauncherSettings.Favorites._ID, mEntryToRemove), null);
return !mUpdateOperations.isEmpty() || !mEntryToRemove.isEmpty();
* To migrate hotseat, we load all the entries in order (LTR or RTL) and arrange them
* in the order in the new hotseat while keeping an empty space for all-apps. If the number of
* entries is more than what can fit in the new hotseat, we drop the entries with least weight.
* For weight calculation {@see #WT_SHORTCUT}, {@see #WT_APPLICATION}
* & {@see #WT_FOLDER_FACTOR}.
* @return true if any DB change was made
protected boolean migrateHotseat() throws Exception {
ArrayList<DbEntry> items = loadHotseatEntries();
int requiredCount = mDestHotseatSize - 1;
while (items.size() > requiredCount) {
// Pick the center item by default.
DbEntry toRemove = items.get(items.size() / 2);
// Find the item with least weight.
for (DbEntry entry : items) {
if (entry.weight < toRemove.weight) {
toRemove = entry;
// Update screen IDS
int newScreenId = 0;
for (DbEntry entry : items) {
if (entry.screenId != newScreenId) {
entry.screenId = newScreenId;
// These values does not affect the item position, but we should set them
// to something other than -1.
entry.cellX = newScreenId;
entry.cellY = 0;
if (newScreenId == mDestAllAppsRank) {
return applyOperations();
* @return true if any DB change was made
protected boolean migrateWorkspace() throws Exception {
ArrayList<Long> allScreens = LauncherModel.loadWorkspaceScreensDb(mContext);
if (allScreens.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Unable to get workspace screens");
for (long screenId : allScreens) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Migrating " + screenId);
if (!mCarryOver.isEmpty()) {
LongArrayMap<DbEntry> itemMap = new LongArrayMap<>();
for (DbEntry e : mCarryOver) {
itemMap.put(, e);
do {
// Some items are still remaining. Try adding a few new screens.
// At every iteration, make sure that at least one item is removed from
// {@link #mCarryOver}, to prevent an infinite loop. If no item could be removed,
// break the loop and abort migration by throwing an exception.
OptimalPlacementSolution placement = new OptimalPlacementSolution(
new GridOccupancy(mTrgX, mTrgY), deepCopy(mCarryOver), 0, true);
if (placement.finalPlacedItems.size() > 0) {
long newScreenId =
for (DbEntry item : placement.finalPlacedItems) {
if (!mCarryOver.remove(itemMap.get( {
throw new Exception("Unable to find matching items");
item.screenId = newScreenId;
} else {
throw new Exception("None of the items can be placed on an empty screen");
} while (!mCarryOver.isEmpty());
// Update screens
final Uri uri = LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.CONTENT_URI;
int count = allScreens.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ContentValues v = new ContentValues();
long screenId = allScreens.get(i);
v.put(LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens._ID, screenId);
v.put(LauncherSettings.WorkspaceScreens.SCREEN_RANK, i);
return applyOperations();
* Migrate a particular screen id.
* Strategy:
* 1) For all possible combinations of row and column, pick the one which causes the least
* data loss: {@link #tryRemove(int, int, int, ArrayList, float[])}
* 2) Maintain a list of all lost items before this screen, and add any new item lost from
* this screen to that list as well.
* 3) If all those items from the above list can be placed on this screen, place them
* (otherwise they are placed on a new screen).
protected void migrateScreen(long screenId) {
// If we are migrating the first screen, do not touch the first row.
int startY = (FeatureFlags.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN && screenId == Workspace.FIRST_SCREEN_ID)
? 1 : 0;
ArrayList<DbEntry> items = loadWorkspaceEntries(screenId);
int removedCol = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int removedRow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// removeWt represents the cost function for loss of items during migration, and moveWt
// represents the cost function for repositioning the items. moveWt is only considered if
// removeWt is same for two different configurations.
// Start with Float.MAX_VALUE (assuming full data) and pick the configuration with least
// cost.
float removeWt = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float moveWt = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float[] outLoss = new float[2];
ArrayList<DbEntry> finalItems = null;
// Try removing all possible combinations
for (int x = 0; x < mSrcX; x++) {
for (int y = startY; y < mSrcY; y++) {
// Use a deep copy when trying out a particular combination as it can change
// the underlying object.
ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsOnScreen = tryRemove(x, y, startY, deepCopy(items), outLoss);
if ((outLoss[0] < removeWt) || ((outLoss[0] == removeWt) && (outLoss[1] < moveWt))) {
removeWt = outLoss[0];
moveWt = outLoss[1];
removedCol = mShouldRemoveX ? x : removedCol;
removedRow = mShouldRemoveY ? y : removedRow;
finalItems = itemsOnScreen;
// No need to loop over all rows, if a row removal is not needed.
if (!mShouldRemoveY) {
if (!mShouldRemoveX) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Removing row %d, column %d on screen %d",
removedRow, removedCol, screenId));
LongArrayMap<DbEntry> itemMap = new LongArrayMap<>();
for (DbEntry e : deepCopy(items)) {
itemMap.put(, e);
for (DbEntry item : finalItems) {
DbEntry org = itemMap.get(;
// Check if update is required
if (!item.columnsSame(org)) {
// The remaining items in {@link #itemMap} are those which didn't get placed.
for (DbEntry item : itemMap) {
if (!mCarryOver.isEmpty() && removeWt == 0) {
// No new items were removed in this step. Try placing all the items on this screen.
GridOccupancy occupied = new GridOccupancy(mTrgX, mTrgY);
occupied.markCells(0, 0, mTrgX, startY, true);
for (DbEntry item : finalItems) {
occupied.markCells(item, true);
OptimalPlacementSolution placement = new OptimalPlacementSolution(occupied,
deepCopy(mCarryOver), startY, true);
if (placement.lowestWeightLoss == 0) {
// All items got placed
for (DbEntry item : placement.finalPlacedItems) {
item.screenId = screenId;
* Updates an item in the DB.
protected void update(DbEntry item) {
* Tries the remove the provided row and column.
* @param items all the items on the screen under operation
* @param outLoss array of size 2. The first entry is filled with weight loss, and the second
* with the overall item movement.
private ArrayList<DbEntry> tryRemove(int col, int row, int startY,
ArrayList<DbEntry> items, float[] outLoss) {
GridOccupancy occupied = new GridOccupancy(mTrgX, mTrgY);
occupied.markCells(0, 0, mTrgX, startY, true);
col = mShouldRemoveX ? col : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
row = mShouldRemoveY ? row : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
ArrayList<DbEntry> finalItems = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<DbEntry> removedItems = new ArrayList<>();
for (DbEntry item : items) {
if ((item.cellX <= col && (item.spanX + item.cellX) > col)
|| (item.cellY <= row && (item.spanY + item.cellY) > row)) {
if (item.cellX >= col) item.cellX --;
if (item.cellY >= row) item.cellY --;
} else {
if (item.cellX > col) item.cellX --;
if (item.cellY > row) item.cellY --;
occupied.markCells(item, true);
OptimalPlacementSolution placement =
new OptimalPlacementSolution(occupied, removedItems, startY);
outLoss[0] = placement.lowestWeightLoss;
outLoss[1] = placement.lowestMoveCost;
return finalItems;
private class OptimalPlacementSolution {
private final ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsToPlace;
private final GridOccupancy occupied;
// If set to true, item movement are not considered in move cost, leading to a more
// linear placement.
private final boolean ignoreMove;
// The first row in the grid from where the placement should start.
private final int startY;
float lowestWeightLoss = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float lowestMoveCost = Float.MAX_VALUE;
ArrayList<DbEntry> finalPlacedItems;
public OptimalPlacementSolution(
GridOccupancy occupied, ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsToPlace, int startY) {
this(occupied, itemsToPlace, startY, false);
public OptimalPlacementSolution(GridOccupancy occupied, ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsToPlace,
int startY, boolean ignoreMove) {
this.occupied = occupied;
this.itemsToPlace = itemsToPlace;
this.ignoreMove = ignoreMove;
this.startY = startY;
// Sort the items such that larger widgets appear first followed by 1x1 items
public void find() {
find(0, 0, 0, new ArrayList<DbEntry>());
* Recursively finds a placement for the provided items.
* @param index the position in {@link #itemsToPlace} to start looking at.
* @param weightLoss total weight loss upto this point
* @param moveCost total move cost upto this point
* @param itemsPlaced all the items already placed upto this point
public void find(int index, float weightLoss, float moveCost,
ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsPlaced) {
if ((weightLoss >= lowestWeightLoss) ||
((weightLoss == lowestWeightLoss) && (moveCost >= lowestMoveCost))) {
// Abort, as we already have a better solution.
} else if (index >= itemsToPlace.size()) {
// End loop.
lowestWeightLoss = weightLoss;
lowestMoveCost = moveCost;
// Keep a deep copy of current configuration as it can change during recursion.
finalPlacedItems = deepCopy(itemsPlaced);
DbEntry me = itemsToPlace.get(index);
int myX = me.cellX;
int myY = me.cellY;
// List of items to pass over if this item was placed.
ArrayList<DbEntry> itemsIncludingMe = new ArrayList<>(itemsPlaced.size() + 1);
if (me.spanX > 1 || me.spanY > 1) {
// If the current item is a widget (and it greater than 1x1), try to place it at
// all possible positions. This is because a widget placed at one position can
// affect the placement of a different widget.
int myW = me.spanX;
int myH = me.spanY;
for (int y = startY; y < mTrgY; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mTrgX; x++) {
float newMoveCost = moveCost;
if (x != myX) {
me.cellX = x;
newMoveCost ++;
if (y != myY) {
me.cellY = y;
newMoveCost ++;
if (ignoreMove) {
newMoveCost = moveCost;
if (occupied.isRegionVacant(x, y, myW, myH)) {
// place at this position and continue search.
occupied.markCells(me, true);
find(index + 1, weightLoss, newMoveCost, itemsIncludingMe);
occupied.markCells(me, false);
// Try resizing horizontally
if (myW > me.minSpanX && occupied.isRegionVacant(x, y, myW - 1, myH)) {
me.spanX --;
occupied.markCells(me, true);
// 1 extra move cost
find(index + 1, weightLoss, newMoveCost + 1, itemsIncludingMe);
occupied.markCells(me, false);
me.spanX ++;
// Try resizing vertically
if (myH > me.minSpanY && occupied.isRegionVacant(x, y, myW, myH - 1)) {
me.spanY --;
occupied.markCells(me, true);
// 1 extra move cost
find(index + 1, weightLoss, newMoveCost + 1, itemsIncludingMe);
occupied.markCells(me, false);
me.spanY ++;
// Try resizing horizontally & vertically
if (myH > me.minSpanY && myW > me.minSpanX &&
occupied.isRegionVacant(x, y, myW - 1, myH - 1)) {
me.spanX --;
me.spanY --;
occupied.markCells(me, true);
// 2 extra move cost
find(index + 1, weightLoss, newMoveCost + 2, itemsIncludingMe);
occupied.markCells(me, false);
me.spanX ++;
me.spanY ++;
me.cellX = myX;
me.cellY = myY;
// Finally also try a solution when this item is not included. Trying it in the end
// causes it to get skipped in most cases due to higher weight loss, and prevents
// unnecessary deep copies of various configurations.
find(index + 1, weightLoss + me.weight, moveCost, itemsPlaced);
} else {
// Since this is a 1x1 item and all the following items are also 1x1, just place
// it at 'the most appropriate position' and hope for the best.
// The most appropriate position: one with lease straight line distance
int newDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int newX = Integer.MAX_VALUE, newY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int y = startY; y < mTrgY; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < mTrgX; x++) {
if (!occupied.cells[x][y]) {
int dist = ignoreMove ? 0 :
((me.cellX - x) * (me.cellX - x) + (me.cellY - y) * (me.cellY - y));
if (dist < newDistance) {
newX = x;
newY = y;
newDistance = dist;
if (newX < mTrgX && newY < mTrgY) {
float newMoveCost = moveCost;
if (newX != myX) {
me.cellX = newX;
newMoveCost ++;
if (newY != myY) {
me.cellY = newY;
newMoveCost ++;
if (ignoreMove) {
newMoveCost = moveCost;
occupied.markCells(me, true);
find(index + 1, weightLoss, newMoveCost, itemsIncludingMe);
occupied.markCells(me, false);
me.cellX = myX;
me.cellY = myY;
// Try to find a solution without this item, only if
// 1) there was at least one space, i.e., we were able to place this item
// 2) if the next item has the same weight (all items are already sorted), as
// if it has lower weight, that solution will automatically get discarded.
// 3) ignoreMove false otherwise, move cost is ignored and the weight will
// anyway be same.
if (index + 1 < itemsToPlace.size()
&& itemsToPlace.get(index + 1).weight >= me.weight && !ignoreMove) {
find(index + 1, weightLoss + me.weight, moveCost, itemsPlaced);
} else {
// No more space. Jump to the end.
for (int i = index + 1; i < itemsToPlace.size(); i++) {
weightLoss += itemsToPlace.get(i).weight;
find(itemsToPlace.size(), weightLoss + me.weight, moveCost, itemsPlaced);
private ArrayList<DbEntry> loadHotseatEntries() {
Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI,
new String[]{
Favorites._ID, // 0
Favorites.ITEM_TYPE, // 1
Favorites.INTENT, // 2
Favorites.SCREEN}, // 3
Favorites.CONTAINER + " = " + Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT, null, null, null);
final int indexId = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites._ID);
final int indexItemType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.ITEM_TYPE);
final int indexIntent = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.INTENT);
final int indexScreen = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.SCREEN);
ArrayList<DbEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
while (c.moveToNext()) {
DbEntry entry = new DbEntry(); = c.getLong(indexId);
entry.itemType = c.getInt(indexItemType);
entry.screenId = c.getLong(indexScreen);
if (entry.screenId >= mSrcHotseatSize) {
try {
// calculate weight
switch (entry.itemType) {
case Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
entry.weight = entry.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT
case Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: {
int total = getFolderItemsCount(;
if (total == 0) {
throw new Exception("Folder is empty");
entry.weight = WT_FOLDER_FACTOR * total;
throw new Exception("Invalid item type");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing item " +, e);
return entries;
* Loads entries for a particular screen id.
protected ArrayList<DbEntry> loadWorkspaceEntries(long screen) {
Cursor c = queryWorkspace(
new String[]{
Favorites._ID, // 0
Favorites.ITEM_TYPE, // 1
Favorites.CELLX, // 2
Favorites.CELLY, // 3
Favorites.SPANX, // 4
Favorites.SPANY, // 5
Favorites.INTENT, // 6
Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID}, // 8
Favorites.CONTAINER + " = " + Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP
+ " AND " + Favorites.SCREEN + " = " + screen);
final int indexId = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites._ID);
final int indexItemType = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.ITEM_TYPE);
final int indexCellX = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.CELLX);
final int indexCellY = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.CELLY);
final int indexSpanX = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.SPANX);
final int indexSpanY = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.SPANY);
final int indexIntent = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.INTENT);
final int indexAppWidgetProvider = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.APPWIDGET_PROVIDER);
final int indexAppWidgetId = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Favorites.APPWIDGET_ID);
ArrayList<DbEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
while (c.moveToNext()) {
DbEntry entry = new DbEntry(); = c.getLong(indexId);
entry.itemType = c.getInt(indexItemType);
entry.cellX = c.getInt(indexCellX);
entry.cellY = c.getInt(indexCellY);
entry.spanX = c.getInt(indexSpanX);
entry.spanY = c.getInt(indexSpanY);
entry.screenId = screen;
try {
// calculate weight
switch (entry.itemType) {
case Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
entry.weight = entry.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT
case Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET: {
String provider = c.getString(indexAppWidgetProvider);
ComponentName cn = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(provider);
entry.weight = Math.max(WT_WIDGET_MIN, WT_WIDGET_FACTOR
* entry.spanX * entry.spanY);
int widgetId = c.getInt(indexAppWidgetId);
LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo pInfo = AppWidgetManagerCompat.getInstance(
Point spans = pInfo == null ?
mWidgetMinSize.get(provider) : pInfo.getMinSpans(mIdp, mContext);
if (spans != null) {
entry.minSpanX = spans.x > 0 ? spans.x : entry.spanX;
entry.minSpanY = spans.y > 0 ? spans.y : entry.spanY;
} else {
// Assume that the widget be resized down to 2x2
entry.minSpanX = entry.minSpanY = 2;
if (entry.minSpanX > mTrgX || entry.minSpanY > mTrgY) {
throw new Exception("Widget can't be resized down to fit the grid");
case Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: {
int total = getFolderItemsCount(;
if (total == 0) {
throw new Exception("Folder is empty");
entry.weight = WT_FOLDER_FACTOR * total;
throw new Exception("Invalid item type");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing item " +, e);
return entries;
* @return the number of valid items in the folder.
private int getFolderItemsCount(long folderId) {
Cursor c = queryWorkspace(
new String[]{Favorites._ID, Favorites.INTENT},
Favorites.CONTAINER + " = " + folderId);
int total = 0;
while (c.moveToNext()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return total;
protected Cursor queryWorkspace(String[] columns, String where) {
return mContext.getContentResolver().query(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI,
columns, where, null, null, null);
* Verifies if the intent should be restored.
private void verifyIntent(String intentStr) throws Exception {
Intent intent = Intent.parseUri(intentStr, 0);
if (intent.getComponent() != null) {
} else if (intent.getPackage() != null) {
// Only verify package if the component was null.
* Verifies if the package should be restored
private void verifyPackage(String packageName) throws Exception {
if (!mValidPackages.contains(packageName)) {
throw new Exception("Package not available");
protected static class DbEntry extends ItemInfo implements Comparable<DbEntry> {
public float weight;
public DbEntry() { }
public DbEntry copy() {
DbEntry entry = new DbEntry();
entry.weight = weight;
entry.minSpanX = minSpanX;
entry.minSpanY = minSpanY;
return entry;
* Comparator such that larger widgets come first, followed by all 1x1 items
* based on their weights.
public int compareTo(DbEntry another) {
if (itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) {
if (another.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) {
return another.spanY * another.spanX - spanX * spanY;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (another.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) {
return 1;
} else {
// Place higher weight before lower weight.
return, weight);
public boolean columnsSame(DbEntry org) {
return org.cellX == cellX && org.cellY == cellY && org.spanX == spanX &&
org.spanY == spanY && org.screenId == screenId;
public void addToContentValues(ContentValues values) {
values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SCREEN, screenId);
values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLX, cellX);
values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.CELLY, cellY);
values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANX, spanX);
values.put(LauncherSettings.Favorites.SPANY, spanY);
private static ArrayList<DbEntry> deepCopy(ArrayList<DbEntry> src) {
ArrayList<DbEntry> dup = new ArrayList<DbEntry>(src.size());
for (DbEntry e : src) {
return dup;
private static Point parsePoint(String point) {
String[] split = point.split(",");
return new Point(Integer.parseInt(split[0]), Integer.parseInt(split[1]));
private static String getPointString(int x, int y) {
return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%d,%d", x, y);
public static void markForMigration(
Context context, HashSet<String> widgets, BackupProtos.DeviceProfieData srcProfile) {
getPointString((int) srcProfile.desktopCols, (int) srcProfile.desktopRows))
getPointString((int) srcProfile.hotseatCount, srcProfile.allappsRank))
* Migrates the workspace and hotseat in case their sizes changed.
* @return false if the migration failed.
public static boolean migrateGridIfNeeded(Context context) {
SharedPreferences prefs = Utilities.getPrefs(context);
InvariantDeviceProfile idp = LauncherAppState.getInstance().getInvariantDeviceProfile();
String gridSizeString = getPointString(idp.numColumns, idp.numRows);
String hotseatSizeString = getPointString(idp.numHotseatIcons, idp.hotseatAllAppsRank);
if (gridSizeString.equals(prefs.getString(KEY_MIGRATION_SRC_WORKSPACE_SIZE, "")) &&
hotseatSizeString.equals(prefs.getString(KEY_MIGRATION_SRC_HOTSEAT_SIZE, ""))) {
// Skip if workspace and hotseat sizes have not changed.
return true;
long migrationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
boolean dbChanged = false;
HashSet validPackages = getValidPackages(context);
// Hotseat
Point srcHotseatSize = parsePoint(prefs.getString(
if (srcHotseatSize.x != idp.numHotseatIcons ||
srcHotseatSize.y != idp.hotseatAllAppsRank) {
// Migrate hotseat.
dbChanged = new GridSizeMigrationTask(context,
srcHotseatSize.x, srcHotseatSize.y,
idp.numHotseatIcons, idp.hotseatAllAppsRank).migrateHotseat();
// Grid size
Point targetSize = new Point(idp.numColumns, idp.numRows);
Point sourceSize = parsePoint(prefs.getString(
if (!targetSize.equals(sourceSize)) {
// The following list defines all possible grid sizes (and intermediate steps
// during migration). Note that at each step, dx <= 1 && dy <= 1. Any grid size
// which is not in this list is not migrated.
// Note that the InvariantDeviceProfile defines (rows, cols) but the Points
// specified here are defined as (cols, rows).
ArrayList<Point> gridSizeSteps = new ArrayList<>();
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(3, 2));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(3, 3));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(4, 3));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(4, 4));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(5, 5));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(6, 5));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(6, 6));
gridSizeSteps.add(new Point(7, 7));
int sourceSizeIndex = gridSizeSteps.indexOf(sourceSize);
int targetSizeIndex = gridSizeSteps.indexOf(targetSize);
if (sourceSizeIndex <= -1 || targetSizeIndex <= -1) {
throw new Exception("Unable to migrate grid size from " + sourceSize
+ " to " + targetSize);
// Min widget sizes
HashMap<String, Point> widgetMinSize = new HashMap<>();
for (String s : Utilities.getPrefs(context).getStringSet(KEY_MIGRATION_WIDGET_MINSIZE,
Collections.<String>emptySet())) {
String[] parts = s.split("#");
widgetMinSize.put(parts[0], parsePoint(parts[1]));
// Migrate the workspace grid, step by step.
while (targetSizeIndex < sourceSizeIndex ) {
// We only need to migrate the grid if source size is greater
// than the target size.
Point stepTargetSize = gridSizeSteps.get(sourceSizeIndex - 1);
Point stepSourceSize = gridSizeSteps.get(sourceSizeIndex);
if (new GridSizeMigrationTask(context,
validPackages, widgetMinSize,
stepSourceSize, stepTargetSize).migrateWorkspace()) {
dbChanged = true;
if (dbChanged) {
// Make sure we haven't removed everything.
final Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(
LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);
boolean hasData = c.moveToNext();
if (!hasData) {
throw new Exception("Removed every thing during grid resize");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error during grid migration", e);
return false;
} finally {
Log.v(TAG, "Workspace migration completed in "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - migrationStartTime));
// Save current configuration, so that the migration does not run again.
.putString(KEY_MIGRATION_SRC_HOTSEAT_SIZE, hotseatSizeString)
protected static HashSet<String> getValidPackages(Context context) {
// Initialize list of valid packages. This contain all the packages which are already on
// the device and packages which are being installed. Any item which doesn't belong to
// this set is removed.
// Since the loader removes such items anyway, removing these items here doesn't cause
// any extra data loss and gives us more free space on the grid for better migration.
HashSet validPackages = new HashSet<>();
for (PackageInfo info : context.getPackageManager()
.getInstalledPackages(PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES)) {
return validPackages;