blob: e058342de75ba792f81e06ea10cf932cf49c7bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Defines a set of flags used to control various launcher behaviors.
* <p>All the flags should be defined here with appropriate default values.
public final class FeatureFlags {
private static final List<DebugFlag> sDebugFlags = new ArrayList<>();
public static final String FLAGS_PREF_NAME = "featureFlags";
private FeatureFlags() { }
public static boolean showFlagTogglerUi(Context context) {
return Utilities.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE && Utilities.isDevelopersOptionsEnabled(context);
* True when the build has come from Android Studio and is being used for local debugging.
public static final boolean IS_STUDIO_BUILD = BuildConfig.DEBUG;
* Enable moving the QSB on the 0th screen of the workspace. This is not a configuration feature
* and should be modified at a project level.
public static final boolean QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = true;
* Feature flag to handle define config changes dynamically instead of killing the process.
* To add a new flag that can be toggled through the flags UI:
* Declare a new ToggleableFlag below. Give it a unique key (e.g. "QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN"),
* and set a default value for the flag. This will be the default value on Debug builds.
// When enabled the promise icon is visible in all apps while installation an app.
public static final BooleanFlag PROMISE_APPS_IN_ALL_APPS = getDebugFlag(
"PROMISE_APPS_IN_ALL_APPS", false, "Add promise icon in all-apps");
// When enabled a promise icon is added to the home screen when install session is active.
public static final BooleanFlag PROMISE_APPS_NEW_INSTALLS = getDebugFlag(
"Adds a promise icon to the home screen for new install sessions.");
public static final BooleanFlag QUICKSTEP_SPRINGS = getDebugFlag(
"QUICKSTEP_SPRINGS", true, "Enable springs for quickstep animations");
public static final BooleanFlag UNSTABLE_SPRINGS = getDebugFlag(
"UNSTABLE_SPRINGS", false, "Enable unstable springs for quickstep animations");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_LOCAL_COLOR_POPUPS = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_LOCAL_COLOR_POPUPS", false, "Enable local color extraction for popups.");
public static final BooleanFlag KEYGUARD_ANIMATION = getDebugFlag(
"KEYGUARD_ANIMATION", false, "Enable animation for keyguard going away on wallpaper");
public static final BooleanFlag ADAPTIVE_ICON_WINDOW_ANIM = getDebugFlag(
"ADAPTIVE_ICON_WINDOW_ANIM", true, "Use adaptive icons for window animations.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_LIVE_TILE = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_LIVE_TILE", true, "Enable live tile in Quickstep overview");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_WIDGET_APP_START = getDebugFlag(
"Enable Quickstep animation when launching activities from an app widget");
// Keep as DeviceFlag to allow remote disable in emergency.
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SUGGESTED_ACTIONS_OVERVIEW = new DeviceFlag(
"ENABLE_SUGGESTED_ACTIONS_OVERVIEW", false, "Show chip hints on the overview screen");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_DEVICE_SEARCH = new DeviceFlag(
"ENABLE_DEVICE_SEARCH", true, "Allows on device search in all apps");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_DEVICE_SEARCH_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING = new DeviceFlag(
"Allows on device search in all apps logging");
public static final BooleanFlag IME_STICKY_SNACKBAR_EDU = getDebugFlag(
"IME_STICKY_SNACKBAR_EDU", true, "Show sticky IME edu in AllApps");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_PEOPLE_TILE_PREVIEW = getDebugFlag(
"Experimental: Shows conversation shortcuts on home screen as search results");
public static final BooleanFlag FOLDER_NAME_SUGGEST = new DeviceFlag(
"Suggests folder names instead of blank text.");
public static final BooleanFlag FOLDER_NAME_MAJORITY_RANKING = getDebugFlag(
"Suggests folder names based on majority based ranking.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_PREDICTION_DISMISS = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_PREDICTION_DISMISS", true, "Allow option to dimiss apps from predicted list");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_QUICK_CAPTURE_GESTURE = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_QUICK_CAPTURE_GESTURE", true, "Swipe from right to left to quick capture");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_QUICK_CAPTURE_WINDOW = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_QUICK_CAPTURE_WINDOW", false, "Use window to host quick capture");
public static final BooleanFlag FORCE_LOCAL_OVERSCROLL_PLUGIN = getDebugFlag(
"Use a launcher-provided OverscrollPlugin if available");
public static final BooleanFlag ASSISTANT_GIVES_LAUNCHER_FOCUS = getDebugFlag(
"Allow Launcher to handle nav bar gestures while Assistant is running over it");
public static final BooleanFlag HOTSEAT_MIGRATE_TO_FOLDER = getDebugFlag(
"HOTSEAT_MIGRATE_TO_FOLDER", false, "Should move hotseat items into a folder");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_DEEP_SHORTCUT_ICON_CACHE = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_DEEP_SHORTCUT_ICON_CACHE", true, "R/W deep shortcut in IconCache");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_THEMED_ICONS = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_THEMED_ICONS", true, "Enable themed icons on workspace");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_BULK_WORKSPACE_ICON_LOADING = getDebugFlag(
"Enable loading workspace icons in bulk.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_BULK_ALL_APPS_ICON_LOADING = getDebugFlag(
"Enable loading all apps icons in bulk.");
// Keep as DeviceFlag for remote disable in emergency.
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_OVERVIEW_SELECTIONS = new DeviceFlag(
"ENABLE_OVERVIEW_SELECTIONS", true, "Show Select Mode button in Overview Actions");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_WIDGETS_PICKER_AIAI_SEARCH = new DeviceFlag(
"ENABLE_WIDGETS_PICKER_AIAI_SEARCH", false, "Enable AiAi search in the widgets picker");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_OVERVIEW_SHARE = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_OVERVIEW_SHARE", false, "Show Share button in Overview Actions");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_OVERVIEW_SHARING_TO_PEOPLE = getDebugFlag(
"Show indicators for content on Overview to share with top people. ");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_OVERVIEW_CONTENT_PUSH = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_OVERVIEW_CONTENT_PUSH", false, "Show Content Push button in Overview Actions");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_DATABASE_RESTORE = getDebugFlag(
"Enable database restore when new restore session is created");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SMARTSPACE_UNIVERSAL = getDebugFlag(
"Replace Smartspace with a version rendered by System UI.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SMARTSPACE_ENHANCED = getDebugFlag(
"Replace Smartspace with the enhanced version. "
+ "Ignored if ENABLE_SMARTSPACE_UNIVERSAL is enabled.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SMARTSPACE_FEEDBACK = getDebugFlag(
"Adds a menu option to send feedback for Enhanced Smartspace.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SMARTSPACE_DISMISS = getDebugFlag(
"Adds a menu option to dismiss the current Enhanced Smartspace card.");
"Always use hardware optimization for folder animations.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_ALL_APPS_EDU = getDebugFlag(
"Shows user a tutorial on how to get to All Apps after X amount of attempts.");
public static final BooleanFlag SEPARATE_RECENTS_ACTIVITY = getDebugFlag(
"Uses a separate recents activity instead of using the integrated recents+Launcher UI");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_MINIMAL_DEVICE = getDebugFlag(
"Allow user to toggle minimal device mode in launcher.");
public static final BooleanFlag EXPANDED_SMARTSPACE = new DeviceFlag(
"EXPANDED_SMARTSPACE", false, "Expands smartspace height to two rows. "
+ "Any apps occupying the first row will be removed from workspace.");
// TODO: b/172467144 Remove ENABLE_LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY_THEME_CROSSFADE feature flag.
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_LAUNCHER_ACTIVITY_THEME_CROSSFADE = new DeviceFlag(
+ "crossfade animation when the system these changes.");
// TODO: b/174174514 Remove ENABLE_APP_PREDICTIONS_WHILE_VISIBLE feature flag.
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_APP_PREDICTIONS_WHILE_VISIBLE = new DeviceFlag(
+ "predictions to be updated while they are visible to the user.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_TASKBAR = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_TASKBAR", true, "Allows a system Taskbar to be shown on larger devices.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_TASKBAR_EDU = getDebugFlag("ENABLE_TASKBAR_EDU", true,
"Enables showing taskbar education the first time an app is opened.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_OVERVIEW_GRID = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_OVERVIEW_GRID", true, "Uses grid overview layout. "
+ "Only applicable on large screen devices.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_TWO_PANEL_HOME = getDebugFlag(
"Uses two panel on home screen. Only applicable on large screen devices.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_TWO_PANEL_HOME_IN_PORTRAIT = getDebugFlag(
"Uses two panel on home screen in portrait if ENABLE_TWO_PANEL_HOME is enabled.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SCRIM_FOR_APP_LAUNCH = getDebugFlag(
"Enables scrim during app launch animation.");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_SPLIT_SELECT = getDebugFlag(
"ENABLE_SPLIT_SELECT", true, "Uses new split screen selection overview UI");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_ENFORCED_ROUNDED_CORNERS = new DeviceFlag(
"ENABLE_ENFORCED_ROUNDED_CORNERS", true, "Enforce rounded corners on all App Widgets");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_LOCAL_RECOMMENDED_WIDGETS_FILTER = new DeviceFlag(
"Enables a local filter for recommended widgets.");
public static final BooleanFlag NOTIFY_CRASHES = getDebugFlag("NOTIFY_CRASHES", false,
"Sends a notification whenever launcher encounters an uncaught exception.");
public static final BooleanFlag PROTOTYPE_APP_CLOSE = getDebugFlag(
"PROTOTYPE_APP_CLOSE", false, "Enables new app close");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_WALLPAPER_SCRIM = getDebugFlag(
"Enables scrim over wallpaper for text protection.");
public static final BooleanFlag WIDGETS_IN_LAUNCHER_PREVIEW = getDebugFlag(
"Enables widgets in Launcher preview for the Wallpaper app.");
public static final BooleanFlag QUICK_WALLPAPER_PICKER = getDebugFlag(
"Shows quick wallpaper picker in long-press menu");
public static final BooleanFlag ENABLE_BACK_SWIPE_HOME_ANIMATION = getDebugFlag(
"Enables home animation to icon when user swipes back.");
public static void initialize(Context context) {
synchronized (sDebugFlags) {
for (DebugFlag flag : sDebugFlags) {
sDebugFlags.sort((f1, f2) -> f1.key.compareToIgnoreCase(f2.key));
static List<DebugFlag> getDebugFlags() {
synchronized (sDebugFlags) {
return new ArrayList<>(sDebugFlags);
public static void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
synchronized (sDebugFlags) {
for (DebugFlag flag : sDebugFlags) {
if (flag instanceof DeviceFlag) {
pw.println(" " + flag.toString());
synchronized (sDebugFlags) {
for (DebugFlag flag : sDebugFlags) {
if (!(flag instanceof DeviceFlag)) {
pw.println(" " + flag.toString());
public static class BooleanFlag {
public final String key;
public final boolean defaultValue;
public BooleanFlag(String key, boolean defaultValue) {
this.key = key;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public boolean get() {
return defaultValue;
public String toString() {
return appendProps(new StringBuilder()).toString();
protected StringBuilder appendProps(StringBuilder src) {
return src.append(key).append(", defaultValue=").append(defaultValue);
public static class DebugFlag extends BooleanFlag {
public final String description;
protected boolean mCurrentValue;
public DebugFlag(String key, boolean defaultValue, String description) {
super(key, defaultValue);
this.description = description;
mCurrentValue = this.defaultValue;
synchronized (sDebugFlags) {
public boolean get() {
return mCurrentValue;
public void initialize(Context context) {
mCurrentValue = context.getSharedPreferences(FLAGS_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
.getBoolean(key, defaultValue);
protected StringBuilder appendProps(StringBuilder src) {
return super.appendProps(src).append(", mCurrentValue=").append(mCurrentValue);
private static BooleanFlag getDebugFlag(String key, boolean defaultValue, String description) {
return Utilities.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE
? new DebugFlag(key, defaultValue, description)
: new BooleanFlag(key, defaultValue);