blob: dc60c8fff2492562da6b8e2140aeee4af8b34115 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.Keep;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* Defines a set of flags used to control various launcher behaviors.
* <p>All the flags should be defined here with appropriate default values.
* <p>This class is kept package-private to prevent direct access.
abstract class BaseFlags {
private static final Object sLock = new Object();
private static final List<TogglableFlag> sFlags = new ArrayList<>();
static final String FLAGS_PREF_NAME = "featureFlags";
BaseFlags() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Don't instantiate BaseFlags");
public static boolean showFlagTogglerUi() {
return Utilities.IS_DEBUG_DEVICE;
public static final boolean IS_DOGFOOD_BUILD = false;
public static final String AUTHORITY = "".intern();
// When enabled the promise icon is visible in all apps while installation an app.
public static final boolean LAUNCHER3_PROMISE_APPS_IN_ALL_APPS = false;
public static final TogglableFlag QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN = new TogglableFlag("QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN",
"Enable moving the QSB on the 0th screen of the workspace");
public static final TogglableFlag EXAMPLE_FLAG = new TogglableFlag("EXAMPLE_FLAG", true,
"An example flag that doesn't do anything. Useful for testing");
//Feature flag to enable pulling down navigation shade from workspace.
public static final boolean PULL_DOWN_STATUS_BAR = true;
// When true, custom widgets are loaded using CustomWidgetParser.
public static final boolean ENABLE_CUSTOM_WIDGETS = false;
// Features to control Launcher3Go behavior
public static final boolean GO_DISABLE_WIDGETS = false;
// When enabled shows a work profile tab in all apps
public static final boolean ALL_APPS_TABS_ENABLED = true;
// When true, overview shows screenshots in the orientation they were taken rather than
// trying to make them fit the orientation the device is in.
public static final boolean OVERVIEW_USE_SCREENSHOT_ORIENTATION = true;
public static void initialize(Context context) {
// Avoid the disk read for builds without the flags UI.
if (showFlagTogglerUi()) {
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =
context.getSharedPreferences(FLAGS_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
synchronized (sLock) {
for (TogglableFlag flag : sFlags) {
flag.currentValue = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(flag.key, flag.defaultValue);
} else {
synchronized (sLock) {
for (TogglableFlag flag : sFlags) {
flag.currentValue = flag.defaultValue;
static List<TogglableFlag> getTogglableFlags() {
// By Java Language Spec 12.4.2
//, the
// TogglableFlag instances on BaseFlags will be created before those on the FeatureFlags
// subclass. This code handles flags that are redeclared in FeatureFlags, ensuring the
// FeatureFlags one takes priority.
SortedMap<String, TogglableFlag> flagsByKey = new TreeMap<>();
synchronized (sLock) {
for (TogglableFlag flag : sFlags) {
flagsByKey.put(flag.key, flag);
return new ArrayList<>(flagsByKey.values());
public static final class TogglableFlag {
private final String key;
private final boolean defaultValue;
private final String description;
private boolean currentValue;
String key,
boolean defaultValue,
String description) {
this.key = checkNotNull(key);
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.description = checkNotNull(description);
synchronized (sLock) {
String getKey() {
return key;
boolean getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
/** Returns the value of the flag at process start, including any overrides present. */
public boolean get() {
return currentValue;
String getDescription() {
return description;
public String toString() {
return "TogglableFlag{"
+ "key=" + key + ", "
+ "defaultValue=" + defaultValue + ", "
+ "description=" + description
+ "}";
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof TogglableFlag) {
TogglableFlag that = (TogglableFlag) o;
return (this.key.equals(that.getKey()))
&& (this.defaultValue == that.getDefaultValue())
&& (this.description.equals(that.getDescription()));
return false;
public int hashCode() {
int h$ = 1;
h$ *= 1000003;
h$ ^= key.hashCode();
h$ *= 1000003;
h$ ^= defaultValue ? 1231 : 1237;
h$ *= 1000003;
h$ ^= description.hashCode();
return h$;