blob: 03e92ec4e049614c34bafb2dda8f9abb9d165c85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.provider.BaseColumns;
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class Conversation implements Parcelable {
public static final int NO_POSITION = -1;
private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
* @see BaseColumns#_ID
public long id;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#URI
public Uri uri;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#SUBJECT
public String subject;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#DATE_RECEIVED_MS
public long dateMs;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#SNIPPET
public String snippet;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#HAS_ATTACHMENTS
public boolean hasAttachments;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#MESSAGE_LIST_URI
public Uri messageListUri;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#SENDER_INFO
public String senders;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#NUM_MESSAGES
private int numMessages;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#NUM_DRAFTS
private int numDrafts;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#SENDING_STATE
public int sendingState;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#PRIORITY
public int priority;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#READ
public boolean read;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#STARRED
public boolean starred;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#RAW_FOLDERS
private FolderList rawFolders;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#FLAGS
public int convFlags;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#PERSONAL_LEVEL
public int personalLevel;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#SPAM
public boolean spam;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#MUTED
public boolean muted;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#PHISHING
public boolean phishing;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#COLOR
public int color;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#ACCOUNT_URI
public Uri accountUri;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#CONVERSATION_INFO
public ConversationInfo conversationInfo;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#CONVERSATION_BASE_URI
public Uri conversationBaseUri;
* @see UIProvider.ConversationColumns#REMOTE
public boolean isRemote;
// Used within the UI to indicate the adapter position of this conversation
public transient int position;
// Used within the UI to indicate that a Conversation should be removed from
// the ConversationCursor when executing an update, e.g. the the
// Conversation is no longer in the ConversationList for the current folder,
// that is it's now in some other folder(s)
public transient boolean localDeleteOnUpdate;
private transient boolean viewed;
private ArrayList<Folder> cachedDisplayableFolders;
private static String sSendersDelimeter;
private static String sSubjectAndSnippet;
// Constituents of convFlags below
// Flag indicating that the item has been deleted, but will continue being
// shown in the list Delete/Archive of a mostly-dead item will NOT propagate
// the delete/archive, but WILL remove the item from the cursor
public static final int FLAG_MOSTLY_DEAD = 1 << 0;
/** An immutable, empty conversation list */
public static final Collection<Conversation> EMPTY = Collections.emptyList();
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeParcelable(uri, flags);
dest.writeInt(hasAttachments ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeParcelable(messageListUri, 0);
dest.writeInt(read ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeInt(starred ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeParcelable(rawFolders, 0);
dest.writeInt(spam ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeInt(phishing ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeInt(muted ? 1 : 0);
dest.writeParcelable(accountUri, 0);
dest.writeParcelable(conversationInfo, 0);
dest.writeParcelable(conversationBaseUri, 0);
dest.writeInt(isRemote ? 1 : 0);
private Conversation(Parcel in, ClassLoader loader) {
id = in.readLong();
uri = in.readParcelable(null);
subject = in.readString();
dateMs = in.readLong();
snippet = in.readString();
hasAttachments = (in.readInt() != 0);
messageListUri = in.readParcelable(null);
senders = emptyIfNull(in.readString());
numMessages = in.readInt();
numDrafts = in.readInt();
sendingState = in.readInt();
priority = in.readInt();
read = (in.readInt() != 0);
starred = (in.readInt() != 0);
rawFolders = in.readParcelable(loader);
convFlags = in.readInt();
personalLevel = in.readInt();
spam = in.readInt() != 0;
phishing = in.readInt() != 0;
muted = in.readInt() != 0;
color = in.readInt();
accountUri = in.readParcelable(null);
position = NO_POSITION;
localDeleteOnUpdate = false;
conversationInfo = in.readParcelable(loader);
conversationBaseUri = in.readParcelable(null);
isRemote = in.readInt() != 0;
public String toString() {
return "[conversation id=" + id + ", subject =" + subject + "]";
public static final ClassLoaderCreator<Conversation> CREATOR =
new ClassLoaderCreator<Conversation>() {
public Conversation createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
return new Conversation(source, null);
public Conversation createFromParcel(Parcel source, ClassLoader loader) {
return new Conversation(source, loader);
public Conversation[] newArray(int size) {
return new Conversation[size];
public static final Uri MOVE_CONVERSATIONS_URI = Uri.parse("content://moveconversations");
* The column that needs to be updated to change the folders for a conversation.
public static final String UPDATE_FOLDER_COLUMN = ConversationColumns.RAW_FOLDERS;
public Conversation(Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor != null) {
id = cursor.getLong(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_ID_COLUMN);
uri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_URI_COLUMN));
subject = cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_SUBJECT_COLUMN);
// Don't allow null subject
if (subject == null) {
subject = "";
hasAttachments = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_HAS_ATTACHMENTS_COLUMN) != 0;
String messageList = cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_MESSAGE_LIST_URI_COLUMN);
messageListUri = !TextUtils.isEmpty(messageList) ? Uri.parse(messageList) : null;
sendingState = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_SENDING_STATE_COLUMN);
priority = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_PRIORITY_COLUMN);
read = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_READ_COLUMN) != 0;
starred = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_STARRED_COLUMN) != 0;
rawFolders = FolderList.fromBlob(
convFlags = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_FLAGS_COLUMN);
personalLevel = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_PERSONAL_LEVEL_COLUMN);
spam = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_IS_SPAM_COLUMN) != 0;
phishing = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_IS_PHISHING_COLUMN) != 0;
muted = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_MUTED_COLUMN) != 0;
color = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_COLOR_COLUMN);
String account = cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_ACCOUNT_URI_COLUMN);
accountUri = !TextUtils.isEmpty(account) ? Uri.parse(account) : null;
position = NO_POSITION;
localDeleteOnUpdate = false;
conversationInfo = ConversationInfo.fromBlob(
final String conversationBase =
conversationBaseUri = !TextUtils.isEmpty(conversationBase) ?
Uri.parse(conversationBase) : null;
if (conversationInfo == null) {
snippet = cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_SNIPPET_COLUMN);
senders = emptyIfNull(cursor.getString(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_SENDER_INFO_COLUMN));
numMessages = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_NUM_MESSAGES_COLUMN);
numDrafts = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_NUM_DRAFTS_COLUMN);
isRemote = cursor.getInt(UIProvider.CONVERSATION_REMOTE_COLUMN) != 0;
public Conversation() {
public static Conversation create(long id, Uri uri, String subject, long dateMs,
String snippet, boolean hasAttachment, Uri messageListUri, String senders,
int numMessages, int numDrafts, int sendingState, int priority, boolean read,
boolean starred, FolderList rawFolders, int convFlags, int personalLevel, boolean spam,
boolean phishing, boolean muted, Uri accountUri, ConversationInfo conversationInfo,
Uri conversationBase, boolean isRemote) {
final Conversation conversation = new Conversation(); = id;
conversation.uri = uri;
conversation.subject = subject;
conversation.dateMs = dateMs;
conversation.snippet = snippet;
conversation.hasAttachments = hasAttachment;
conversation.messageListUri = messageListUri;
conversation.senders = emptyIfNull(senders);
conversation.numMessages = numMessages;
conversation.numDrafts = numDrafts;
conversation.sendingState = sendingState;
conversation.priority = priority; = read;
conversation.starred = starred;
conversation.rawFolders = rawFolders;
conversation.convFlags = convFlags;
conversation.personalLevel = personalLevel;
conversation.spam = spam;
conversation.phishing = phishing;
conversation.muted = muted;
conversation.color = 0;
conversation.accountUri = accountUri;
conversation.conversationInfo = conversationInfo;
conversation.conversationBaseUri = conversationBase;
conversation.isRemote = isRemote;
return conversation;
* Get the <strong>immutable</strong> list of {@link Folder}s for this conversation. To modify
* this list, make a new {@link FolderList} and use {@link #setRawFolders(FolderList)}.
* @return <strong>Immutable</strong> list of {@link Folder}s.
public List<Folder> getRawFolders() {
return rawFolders.folders;
public void setRawFolders(FolderList folders) {
rawFolders = folders;
private void clearCachedFolders() {
cachedDisplayableFolders = null;
public ArrayList<Folder> getRawFoldersForDisplay(Folder ignoreFolder) {
if (cachedDisplayableFolders == null) {
cachedDisplayableFolders = new ArrayList<Folder>();
for (Folder folder : rawFolders.folders) {
// skip the ignoreFolder
if (ignoreFolder != null && ignoreFolder.equals(folder)) {
return cachedDisplayableFolders;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Conversation) {
Conversation conv = (Conversation) o;
return conv.uri.equals(uri);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return uri.hashCode();
* Get if this conversation is marked as high priority.
public boolean isImportant() {
return priority == UIProvider.ConversationPriority.IMPORTANT;
* Get if this conversation is mostly dead
public boolean isMostlyDead() {
return (convFlags & FLAG_MOSTLY_DEAD) != 0;
* Returns true if the URI of the conversation specified as the needle was
* found in the collection of conversations specified as the haystack. False
* otherwise. This method is safe to call with null arguments.
* @param haystack
* @param needle
* @return true if the needle was found in the haystack, false otherwise.
public final static boolean contains(Collection<Conversation> haystack, Conversation needle) {
// If the haystack is empty, it cannot contain anything.
if (haystack == null || haystack.size() <= 0) {
return false;
// The null folder exists everywhere.
if (needle == null) {
return true;
final long toFind =;
for (final Conversation c : haystack) {
if (toFind == {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a collection of a single conversation. This method always returns
* a valid collection even if the input conversation is null.
* @param in a conversation, possibly null.
* @return a collection of the conversation.
public static Collection<Conversation> listOf(Conversation in) {
final Collection<Conversation> target = (in == null) ? EMPTY : ImmutableList.of(in);
return target;
* Get the snippet for this conversation. Masks that it may come from
* conversation info or the original deprecated snippet string.
public String getSnippet() {
return conversationInfo != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(conversationInfo.firstSnippet) ?
conversationInfo.firstSnippet : snippet;
public String getSenders(Context context) {
if (conversationInfo != null) {
ArrayList<String> senders = new ArrayList<String>();
for (MessageInfo m : this.conversationInfo.messageInfos) {
return TextUtils.join(getSendersDelimeter(context), senders);
} else {
return senders;
private String getSendersDelimeter(Context context) {
if (sSendersDelimeter == null) {
sSendersDelimeter = context.getResources().getString(R.string.senders_split_token);
return sSendersDelimeter;
* Get the number of messages for this conversation.
public int getNumMessages() {
return conversationInfo != null ? conversationInfo.messageCount : numMessages;
* Get the number of drafts for this conversation.
public int numDrafts() {
return conversationInfo != null ? conversationInfo.draftCount : numDrafts;
public boolean isViewed() {
return viewed;
public void markViewed() {
viewed = true;
* Create a human-readable string of all the conversations
* @param collection Any collection of conversations
* @return string with a human readable representation of the conversations.
public static String toString(Collection<Conversation> collection) {
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(collection.size() + " conversations:");
int count = 0;
for (final Conversation c : collection) {
// Indent the conversations to make them easy to read in debug
// output.
out.append(" " + count + ": " + c.toString() + "\n");
return out.toString();
* Returns an empty string if the specified string is null
private static String emptyIfNull(String in) {
return in != null ? in : EMPTY_STRING;
* Get the properly formatted subject and snippet string for display a
* conversation.
* @param context
* @param filteredSubject
* @param snippet
* @param maxChars Supply max characters the returned string can have, or -1
* if there is no limit
public static SpannableStringBuilder getSubjectAndSnippetForDisplay(Context context,
String filteredSubject, String snippet, int avail, TextPaint paint) {
if (sSubjectAndSnippet == null) {
sSubjectAndSnippet = context.getString(R.string.subject_and_snippet);
String subjectText = (!TextUtils.isEmpty(snippet)) ?
String.format(sSubjectAndSnippet, filteredSubject, snippet)
: filteredSubject;
SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder();
if (avail != -1) {
CharSequence ellipsizedText = TextUtils.ellipsize(subjectText, paint, avail,
builder.append(ellipsizedText, 0, ellipsizedText.length() - 1);
} else {
return builder;