blob: db1898012c89e27c5cf0142343be593efc3a8649 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed to The Android Open Source Project.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException;
import android.text.Html;
import android.text.SpannedString;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Renders data into very simple string-substitution HTML templates for conversation view.
* Templates should be UTF-8 encoded HTML with '%s' placeholders to be substituted upon render.
* Plain-jane string substitution with '%s' is slightly faster than typed substitution.
public class HtmlConversationTemplates {
* Prefix applied to a message id for use as a div id
public static final String MESSAGE_PREFIX = "m";
public static final int MESSAGE_PREFIX_LENGTH = MESSAGE_PREFIX.length();
// TODO: refine. too expensive to iterate over cursor and pre-calculate total. so either
// estimate it, or defer assembly until the end when size is known (deferring increases
// working set size vs. estimation but is exact).
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_CHARS = 64 * 1024;
private static final String TAG = LogTag.getLogTag();
* Pattern for HTML img tags with a "src" attribute where the value is an absolutely-specified
* HTTP or HTTPS URL. In other words, these are images with valid URLs that we should munge to
* prevent WebView from firing bad onload handlers for them. Part of the workaround for
* b/5522414.
* Pattern documentation:
* There are 3 top-level parts of the pattern:
* 1. required preceding string
* 2. the literal string "src"
* 3. required trailing string
* The preceding string must be an img tag "<img " with intermediate spaces allowed. The
* trailing whitespace is required.
* Non-whitespace chars are allowed before "src", but if they are present, they must be followed
* by another whitespace char. The idea is to allow other attributes, and avoid matching on
* "src" in a later attribute value as much as possible.
* The following string must contain "=" and "http", with intermediate whitespace and single-
* and double-quote allowed in between. The idea is to avoid matching Gmail-hosted relative URLs
* for inline attachment images of the form "?view=KEYVALUES".
private static final Pattern sAbsoluteImgUrlPattern = Pattern.compile(
"(<\\s*img\\s+(?:[^>]*\\s+)?)src(\\s*=[\\s'\"]*http)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE
| Pattern.MULTILINE);
* The text replacement for {@link #sAbsoluteImgUrlPattern}. The "src" attribute is set to
* something inert and not left unset to minimize interactions with existing JS.
private static final String IMG_URL_REPLACEMENT = "$1src='data:' blocked-src$2";
private static boolean sLoadedTemplates;
private static String sSuperCollapsed;
private static String sMessage;
private static String sConversationUpper;
private static String sConversationLower;
private Context mContext;
private Formatter mFormatter;
private StringBuilder mBuilder;
private boolean mInProgress = false;
public HtmlConversationTemplates(Context context) {
mContext = context;
// The templates are small (~2KB total in ICS MR2), so it's okay to load them once and keep
// them in memory.
if (!sLoadedTemplates) {
sLoadedTemplates = true;
sSuperCollapsed = readTemplate(R.raw.template_super_collapsed);
sMessage = readTemplate(R.raw.template_message);
sConversationUpper = readTemplate(R.raw.template_conversation_upper);
sConversationLower = readTemplate(R.raw.template_conversation_lower);
public void appendSuperCollapsedHtml(int firstCollapsed, int blockHeight) {
if (!mInProgress) {
throw new IllegalStateException("must call startConversation first");
append(sSuperCollapsed, firstCollapsed, blockHeight);
static String replaceAbsoluteImgUrls(final String html) {
return sAbsoluteImgUrlPattern.matcher(html).replaceAll(IMG_URL_REPLACEMENT);
public void appendMessageHtml(Message message, boolean isExpanded,
boolean safeForImages, int headerHeight, int footerHeight) {
final String bodyDisplay = isExpanded ? "block" : "none";
final String expandedClass = isExpanded ? "expanded" : "";
final String showImagesClass = safeForImages ? "mail-show-images" : "";
String body = "";
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.bodyHtml)) {
body = message.bodyHtml;
} else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(message.bodyText)) {
body = Html.toHtml(new SpannedString(message.bodyText));
/* Work around a WebView bug (5522414) in setBlockNetworkImage that causes img onload event
* handlers to fire before an image is loaded.
* WebView will report bad dimensions when revealing inline images with absolute URLs, but
* we can prevent WebView from ever seeing those images by changing all img "src" attributes
* into "gm-src" before loading the HTML. Parsing the potentially dirty HTML input is
* prohibitively expensive with TagSoup, so use a little regular expression instead.
* To limit the scope of this workaround, only use it on messages that the server claims to
* have external resources, and even then, only use it on img tags where the src is absolute
* (i.e. url does not begin with "?"). The existing JavaScript implementation of this
* attribute swap will continue to handle inline image attachments (they have relative
* URLs) and any false negatives that the regex misses. This maintains overall security
* level by not relying solely on the regex.
if (!safeForImages && message.embedsExternalResources) {
body = replaceAbsoluteImgUrls(body);
public String getMessageDomId(Message msg) {
public void startConversation(int sideMargin, int conversationHeaderHeight) {
if (mInProgress) {
throw new IllegalStateException("must call startConversation first");
append(sConversationUpper, sideMargin, conversationHeaderHeight);
mInProgress = true;
public String endConversation(String docBaseUri, String conversationBaseUri, int viewWidth,
int viewportWidth) {
if (!mInProgress) {
throw new IllegalStateException("must call startConversation first");
append(sConversationLower, mContext.getString(R.string.hide_elided),
mContext.getString(R.string.show_elided), docBaseUri, conversationBaseUri,
viewWidth, viewportWidth);
mInProgress = false;
LogUtils.d(TAG, "rendered conversation of %d bytes, buffer capacity=%d",
mBuilder.length() << 1, mBuilder.capacity() << 1);
return emit();
public String emit() {
String out = mFormatter.toString();
// release the builder memory ASAP
mFormatter = null;
mBuilder = null;
return out;
public void reset() {
mBuilder = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE_CHARS);
mFormatter = new Formatter(mBuilder, null /* no localization */);
private String readTemplate(int id) throws NotFoundException {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
InputStreamReader in = null;
try {
try {
in = new InputStreamReader(
mContext.getResources().openRawResource(id), "UTF-8");
char[] buf = new char[4096];
int chars;
while (( > 0) {
out.append(buf, 0, chars);
return out.toString();
} finally {
if (in != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new NotFoundException("Unable to open template id=" + Integer.toHexString(id)
+ " exception=" + e.getMessage());
private void append(String template, Object... args) {
mFormatter.format(template, args);